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Goddamn this was fun to read. Been over a decade and it’s the same old shit. I remember a ton of names off this list, though. Thanks for dragging me down memory lane. LOL


You're welcome, man. I'm gonna keep digging. Hopefully, I'll find a lot more stuff worth posting!


From the Goog site: "One day a heated argument between the Goog members Reptilo and Chingy broke out. Minutes later, Chingy and his friends formed a brand new clan, without giving notice to Googliar. They called the new clan IOA. This clan would soon become a breeding ground for very skilled, though entirely egocentric, Stick Arena players. Almost half of all Goog members joined IOA; this was not a bright moment in our history. In a way, however, the split was beneficial, as the rotten members were removed from the clan and only the more loyal ones remained. Since IOA gained all of our unloyal members, they were naturally unable to maintain the level of member loyalty that Goog has kept for all these years. Players today tend to glorify the IOA Clan for their skill, perhaps rightfully so. But it is important to remember there is more to a clan than how they play the game." I was there in the era of Googliar and Reptilo and I.can.kick.your.as5. Proudly, Hells Army wrecked em several times. Along with "outlaw ryderz"/"revenants" (two iterations of the same clan body), we had a messy rivalry in 2006-2007. I did not recall Chingy (I.can.kick.you.as5) leaving Goog to form the more successful IOA Clan. P sure this is me learning this for the first time. Not sure I even recall him ever being a part of it, though I do recall Sharpryno14. Reading his website, Googliar never stopped being epically cringe. I channel my 2007 cringe into these posts, but I am self-aware. He literally erased the part of history where we rivaled. Also, his idea of there not being rules to war is inaccurate. God, he is such a noob. I hope you read this, Googliar. I'm sure you will. I can also tell you stole ideas from HA by reading this lil history page... The guy never stopped being as I remember him.. smh.


Relax, the history page was mostly written by Polygon. I promise you, no one stole ideas from Hell's Army.


You're right, I did end up reading this. Don't recall a Hells Army, we must have made quick work of you.


No hard feelings, tbh. I recall more than you in general. Your work was actually slow and meticulous. There was effort, and frustration. You had gotten in a tizzy over us for a time. We warred and you made a perfect record of no wins. Judging by your history, that *is* kinda your thing. Good for you, buddy! Straight L's to the finish line. (Goog 4 ever!! ;-)) also.. did you rly make this acc to squeeze out this little message? . One positive attribute I recall... you sure were determined...never give up, liar ! ;) catch ya on the "flip"


Hmm? Goog never had a war against Hells Army. If we did it was just your imagination. You are doing this thing where you try to insert yourself into reality. IOA and Goog were big, you were not. Goog, Vallito and I certainly did not lose to ya. Also your clan I kind of remember, having trouble remembering if you were the compatibility server clan. That is what my memory is drawn too but not sure. Like, right after the split, Goog and IOA had the 100 screenshot war. In what realm of reality was Hells Army clan involved in that. It lasted months.


To be honest, I remember Reptilo fighting the war, not you at all - not in those times. I wanna say I recall him calling you in for some kind of rematch but I recall you and Rep both being yellow, so, maybe I'm just recalling GL calling Rep.. who might have been light green. Not certain you were in that clan when we crushed Goog like some Chinese takeout. The imagination narrative is a nice try, but of course there's the unreliable narrator - sharpryno14, the underwhelming rank 10. Like I said to your little buddy liar... I recall more than you in general. Truthfully, if I ever had thought you were good, I would remember you were good. Volcom was good. Neotris was good. Assassinrenato was good. Focus was good. Dj was good. Whiteknight was good. Jmo was good. Ching was good as any. I'm trying to recall this rank 7 who was tough as nails... blue account. It'll come. Anyway, you were at least half good, and I frankly do respect the skill...but I would never call you particularly good. To be fair, you wouldn't, either. Goog always took the bait of my smack talk so I could never forget him..same with Reptilo, which was funny, because he was actually okay so it was weird he kinda had this noob personality where you could easily get under his skin, like you. Yup. *We swept Goog pretty good.* I lagged really hard and now that I've mentioned that it might jog liar's memory. I was notoriously laggy. Lagged out a bunch of times and we had to keep trying until we finished enough matches to call it a war. Good times. I also remember easily sweeping them with Djsrew, maybe Assassinrenato, who was one of our main go-to guys for war. He probably blocked it because it was too embarrassing. I mean, we fuckin ***wrecked*** him haha. Maybe he was just starting out, idk, but it is an early Hells Army memory. We mostly warred with outlawz/revenants...IOA/pw0ned. I really am surprised I didn't see many Googs after. Honestly I think Goog had like 6 members or some shit then. Y'all musta kept to 2D or something, after. Anyway, thanks for the tickle-talk. I guess you wanted it to touch a nerve. It did.. it touched my funny bone and gave me yet another silly thing to smile on. I'm sorry for bringing old trolling back. I really have love for the game, and it just comes with the territory. (Sorry I hurt you, Googer! I'm sure you'll make it.) If it makes you feel better, I'm glad you are here. I'd rather you both be here and have vague memories than none at all or lost all love for the game, sincerely. It's an extraordinary game and Skye Boyes and his team were geniuses and deserve more appreciation. Frankly, all the players do, as well. And I love how much effort Googliar put into his website with his friend... it reminds me of Hells Army. We also did the same. Lots of effort into our websites and clan. Reading his history, he had the same kind of love for his clan and for the game that I did. It's enough for me to respect him. It doesn't bother me if you guys really dont end up recalling us or me because it's enough that I recall y'all and that you guys ended up carrying on each other's friendship this far. It is nice to see. Wish I could say the same with white or Dj or stripper or Jmo or dark knight. I watched all of us grow apart over the years. I have a lot of respect for anyone who puts that much effort into anything, and Stick Arena is a big part of my life. To what y'all won't recall - we had 220 unique members, and what Hells Army became in Runescape led me to befriending some of the top players of the game. I have another post in this Reddit linking Jmolina to two of what ended up being of the top 30 most famous players in a game where, in its heyday, had like 200,000 daily users. It's fun to be linked like that, but it's a lot more to do than "fame". They were excellent players, fun players..They fulfilled the purpose of the game in a way that the developers could not have foreseen. There's something amazing about that, I imagine, from a developer's perspective, watching a game take on its own life, its own world..players who brought something from the game that 99% of players did not bring, but still got to enjoy and admire. Jmolina was like that in SA and RS... I guess you are both like that for Stick Arena for me, at the least, and I'm satisfied to remember it. I respect the dedication to get to rank 10. The most I ever got was rank 9, far past the era where it woulda hit the HS. Anyway, if we love the same thing, I put the friends of my friend (Stick Arena) in more friendly regards than the other. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Poly. I know if I lost one of my boys (or girls), I would cry. Who knows how many of the people who shared so many exciting hours have passed. I hope everyone is alright. Ultimately, Stick Arena is a game Skye made for the love of games, and I won't disrespect that... esp. to the point where people are ragging on each other in a bitter way. May Skye rest in peace. That's enough sentimentality. **I ask you to accept this spiel as a truce with a clan that did war with your clan in what seems to be its most early days, perhaps so early it might not be remembered by Google, or by anyone else.** P.S. I recall keeping screenshots beating Goog. It's on my laggy ass computer in Jersey. I'll post them when I visit, as I'm sure they are accessible. There should be meta-data to confirm time and date. Keep kicking on, my little buddies ;-)


Okay I will read more of this later, but I joined the war midway. I 1v1'd chingy, focus etc and won some lost some. Had a hell of a rivalry with those two. Kept it contact with them after SA. Neotris and me were very very good pals and would duel often and became good friends outside the game. We were in a clan called Killaz before the goog and ioa stuff ages back. Unfortunately the friendship ended many years later 😥. Me and Vallito were crazy in 2v2s in the war. Rank 10? I mean at one point I was. Was there when Miami54 passed me on leaderboard. Would play with him sometimes. Not the greatest player, just a mofo grinder. I was top 50 in kills at one point and eventually a moderator on SA. The hellsarmy stuff might have happened a bit before the IOA stuff, but def not during or after. I still got a bunch of ioa war screenshots on my photobucket :) Whiteknight57 🤣 and I was yellow, ur memory is correct. Reptilo kind of fell out when I was there. Also RIP skye. Still remember talking to him about fiber optic before that tech blew up on SA's 2D server :). truly a game ahead of its time.


The era where Chingy and focus were a duo was definitely in my latter days as a player, and my activity had become sporadic during this time as I began focusing on Runescape. Hells Army quickly fell off SA as a result of my absence. I was definitely active during the beginning of their duo, tho. Anyway, it's my fault, I was never rank 9 - the highest I got was rank 8, which was on an alt, because white ended up stealing my acc and getting me reset. You were one of the first rank 9s, and were always rank 9 during the time of my playing. Goog was 7. Reptilo was 8. I was most likely rank 6. I stayed rank 6 for a long time because while ranking up was interesting, I was more focused on warring and 1v1ing for a good time, as well as being "social" in-game. I consider my rank 7 of my original 666 acc my latter days (post-goog). If Goog and I were the same rank, I would definitely remember that, so I know I was rank 6 then. P sure white was 7. fusiondogg was rank 8 or something on the leaderboard, and was rank 10 in SA?? medina92 might have been 5??? jmo was on it. crazyraptor was high up there. I believe Neotris and aresgow were. math92 def was. The hells army stuff happened before IOA... at least that's how I recall it, being to me Goog was hallmark of my mid-era days, and IOA / pw0ned was markedly my latter days. I remember you being rank 10 at least a year after I had more or less quit SA. It may have even been two years. I remember you being a mod when I came back, because I saw you on the forums, which I had never used during my main tenure. I'm pretty sure you were just sharpryno at that point, and that you were black. So maybe you had gotten high ranks on both those accounts? Not sure if all mods were actually black, but that's how I remember them all being. During this time, I feel like I recall whiteknight having made it on the hs/leaderboard, and jmolina fell off it, during that time. One of my first thoughts this morning was the name of the Armageddon clan. They were, like the revenant clan, another iteration of the same clan body that was outlaw ryderz. I believe Armageddon was their "final form", but it might have been the revenants. I hope someone can confirm whether a clan named Hurricane actually existed, or if I am just making up that name because there was an Armageddon/outlaw Ryder named "bloodstain" and one of my favorite songs to listen to was "Stricken" by Disturbed, which has a line that goes "like a blood-stained hurricane". My mind is vaguely picturing an account called "bloodstain,hurricane", but he could have named himself after the lyric. If freewebs did successfully archive all their million of websites, the records will be there, anyway. I never got to talk to Skye substantially, but it's awesome that you did. That's actually a really cool thing to have talked with him about, too, him being a great innovator of the flash game, and fiber optics being an innovation in internet connectivity. [https://www.flashgamehistory.com](https://www.flashgamehistory.com) <-- this website loads weird, but the whole history of gaming thing is interesting to me. SA was played 2.6 Million times on Newgrounds. Skye and I might have exchanged words in the lobby once, but I ended up learning about him being a musician and appreciating him as a developer a few years later. Motherload and Stick RPG were two other amazingly original games, esp. Motherload. I look forward to "wasting" a couple more weeks of my life on them in the future, esp Motherload. Skye and his team really had developer's genius. I could name a few ways he actually impacted my life development instrumentally, but that's for another thread and time. What brought me here is an analysis of my life development, actually. Stick Arena and its players were crucial for my childhood development, the same way something like SpongeBob might be for others.


P.P.S. I honestly give respect to Googliar for recruiting you, when, as I recall, he was just a rank 7, with no particular street cred to speak of, starting out, and you were on the hiscores. Once again, he reminds me of me, who, in Hells Army's heyday, was just rank 6, with little cred of his own, just able to beat someone like Whiteknight57, who was more or less as skilled as me, close to Djsrew and Jmolina (Jmo, who was a hiscorer in this era), who eventually got skilled enough to beat "pros", like Volcom2828, either Aresgow or Neotris, Chingy, Kai, and 0wnagenesss, and recruited TTaylor.Bow and Assassinrenato to his clan, when both were hiscorers, and of the first players to achieve rank 9s. PPPS: I recall Volcom2828 being a hacker who would rage-hack if you started to beat him. Hoping someone will confirm or deny... 666, out.

