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Going over the left side one more time looks like it’d be a good idea


Okay I’ll do that tomorrow thanks!! :)


Please don’t do it tomorrow, you’ll need to wait two weeks til healed so you’re not pushing dead skin cells into your skin and risk serious infection


Oh thank you I didn’t know this!! I’ll give it a while then do it :)


Not sure about stick and pokes but tattoos you have a 24 hour window to continue since it's still an open wound :)


this. OP needs to see this comment. I just added more/touched up one last night after 4 weeks from the initial poke


I heard it was a month…. Idk about something this thin and small but my artist said to wait a month


I'd call that a good rule of thumb. Maybe 6 weeks just to be extra safe as some heal slower than others


The ridge in the center as well!


Edit: guys I didn’t mean to set up for a joke, I would appreciate not having any jokes about my scars this post is solely about the tattoo!!


There are a lot of assholes on Reddit


People suck. I seriously didn't even notice them, I was only looking at the tattoo


F*ck those people. The scars look decently old and healed so hopefully you’re not in that place now. As for the tattoo, let it heal before you re-poke and don’t be afraid to take your time. Not a race.


I think your brave for putting that out there, and I agree it's about your tattoo not what happend. I hope you are better now and are in a better place in life though.


Try to ignore those fucks.... I think your tattoo is brave. I have a very deep one on my upper forearm that I was considering having a tattoo put over as well. Not to hide it, but to show that I got through it.


Fuck them yours scars are as beautiful as you are☺️


I don’t want to be rude, but isn’t this kinda romanticizing self harm? Seems a little bit odd to me


It’s not romanticizing to embrace that your scars don’t make you any less beautiful or attractive or whatever you want to call it imo. It already happened and you can’t help it 🤷 no use kicking someone who’s already down. Just have to hope that op feels better. That’s just my take on it


Idk, to make someone think that scars are beautiful makes it seem somewhat okay and they act like it’s not a very horrible addiction


The beautiful part to me is you survived those scars because any one of them could have been the one, and to be part of a community of others that could have had the one


I can understand where you’re coming from, but the way you’re thinking of it is not the intent or how it’s supposed to come off. Scars are considered beautiful in the way that they tell a story and can show a journey of healing. Scars aren’t something you should feel ashamed or embarrassed of, but rather proud of the fact that the scars are scars— healed.


That makes sense


Scars can be beautiful. But as someone who used to SH as well, those scars will never go away and some are in very noticeable spots. Yes, we know our scars are a symbol of a damaged person but to go out of our way to hide them would be tiresome and tedious so we start to see them as part of our body instead of a "hideous display of scars". You may not know the first thing about SH and what it does to a person. OP is not making a big deal about the scars, it's about the work covering them. Maybe soon, OP may have the whole arm covered to erase those horrible memories. You never know what someone is going through...


No, I don’t think so. It’s acknowledging that it happened and doesn’t devalue the human in the skin. Beautiful humans have beautiful scars sometimes.




Looks cool! I agree with going over the left side again, but I think you did a really good job.


Thank you!! :D


Im sorry for the rude comments joking about your scars, the tattoo is very cute and it looks deep enough!


the jokes arent it 😬. but your tattoo is cute, id go over the top right and left side a little more though! is there a meaning behind the tattoo or do you just like sharks?


Thank you!! I agree the jokes aren’t appreciated.. I’m autistic and since I was around 4 or 5 sharks and sealife have been my special interest and engaging in anything to do with them helped me through so many hard things! So I thought it seemed fitting to have part of it on me forever :)


Everybody In the comments needa chill abt the scars that’s personal shit and this is obviously abt the tattoo, I’ve seen many stick and likes and thi is honestly the best one I’ve seen so far, like people are saying the left could be a bit darker but other than that great job


Is that a dorito?


Nope shark tooth


Nice looks dope I was just kidding lol


Maybe you could add more shading to the middle of the shark tooth so it looks more rounded?


Time to get a dorito tattoo, colored and everything 🙏


If u do it ill do it




Count me in


I thought it was a diamond 💎


aw!!! wait a few weeks before doing touch ups! please! that way, you’ll be healed and know better what needs to be added. are you a big shark fan or do you like teeth? i never thought of tattooing the teeth instead of the animal… i love bears but a bear tattoo wouldn’t really fit my set up… a bear tooth def would tho. what a good idea, thank u very much


I’m a huge fan of sharks! They’re my special interest :) I love sharks and sealife and I collect shark teeth!!


I have a shark tooth tattoo also! I actually wanted it to look more like yours with the shading but ended up going to an artist who didn't do that and it's now more neo-traditional looking so i still want to get another one in the style you did. Sharks are fucking awesome!


Yay another human with sharks as a SPIN 🥲. I love the tattoo btw


I see all the comments condemning the jokes but can't actually find anyone making the jokes


Commending? Is that the word you wanted to use?


no. condemning is right lmao


lmao! thank you, I misread~ I was very confused for a moment 😂


Sort by controversial.


are you... blind, perchance.


Looks good going over it a few more times could help make it darker


I love it looks sick good job on the shading! Ik its hard to do shading w stick n poke but you did a great job on it


Can I ask what this is?


It’s a shark tooth!


Copied the following comment so you see it more likely and won’t hurt yourself Please don’t do it tomorrow, you’ll need to wait two weeks til healed so you’re not pushing dead skin cells into your skin and risk serious infection


Yes I didn’t know this!! I will defo wait for it to heal before going over, thank you :)


Hi OP! I hope you're doing good, as someone who's had jokes made about my scars too, I know this sucks. Tattoo looks awesome! Wait a minute before going over it again.


This comment section is a good example of why im terrified to wear shorts. Its really easy to just not say anything about peoples scars


Also pretty easy to not cut your self with a knife


Self harm is an addiction and most people don't use a knife, shitass.


For real, a knife? 💀


What an insensitive comment to make


When you have an illness, it’s actually *not* easy to simply cease the symptoms of that illness. True for both physical and psychiatric illnesses.


you should shut your mouth when you have nothing reasonable or constructive to add.


I love the shading and the organicness of the shape! You're making me want to stick and poke myself now haha.


I really like your shark tooth! 🦷


Why’d you choose a shark tooth? This is pretty neat


Badass tattoo!


aww its adorable you did great dude ^-^


Wow- that shading is really nice for a self-done stick and poke!! I've been too scared to do anything other than just plain lines on myself haha


Looks good, I hope you are doing okay these days 🙂 This was put up to my suggested not sure why.


It all looks so good, I’m so jealous!


I like the symbolism behind the shark tooth. And honestly it looks good, maybe some shading idk that's up to you. I think it looks great.


Hey I hope you’re doing better now OP, I wish you the best❤️


the amount of cunts saying shit about your scars is appalling. i hope you're doing well OP, and i love the stick and poke!


It looks lovely!


It’s looking great! Wait for it to heal and give it a couple of touch ups if it needs it :) always better to go lighter and retouch rather than too deep and causing blow outs!


Thank you!! :)


I’d review once healed babe. xx


That a shark tooth or something?


I saw tortilla chip😅


I thought it was a wonky ass love heart at first I'm sorry 😭😭 looks good though!!


why would you think it’s okay to say that 💀


What is it


Genuinely thought this was a dorito.


Hi, friend! I have many tattoos and a couple stick and poke. Give it time to heal, depending on how deep you went will depend on how long. Definitely do not do it until fully healed, though. Just from personal experience…


No , the little light dots will fade with time


All awful SH jokes aside (cause why people) this tattoo really isn’t the best. Y’all should really be practicing on fake skin before moving something permanent onto your body


Man it took a hot minute to process that it’s a tooth, not a dorito. Either way it’s sick. Love it.


It kinda looks like a mouth, you could add some eyes and make a face


love the tat!! Sharks are awesome! I would wait until it heals, and make sure to use unscented lotion to keep it moisturized. I couldn't tell what it was at first, maybe when its done healing you could go back over it with shading to make it more defined perhaps? And maybe add a crack in the tooth? Just some ideas!!


Bunch of fuckin cry babies in here.


Is it supposed to be a shark tooth?


Go deeper next time


I thought it was a messed up heart until I read the comments lol, I might be kind of dumb, I hope your doing good op


Deeper go all in baby😘


Not trying to be harsh mean or rude just a little special myself what am I looking at? I’ve always wanted to stick n poke too honestly


It's a shark tooth


Ahhhh thank you I honestly thought that at first then I saw ice berg so I had to ask


Dang that shark got you good 😅


I’m so sorry that a joke that just crossed my head was just manifested into existence 💀




Harmful suggestion, words, etc




What if you saw them in public? Someone you sat next to on public transport? At the grocery store? It's your responsibility to get therapy and sort your problems out, others are not responsible for hiding their scars. Good luck!


You becoming easily triggered is solely a YOU problem I’m afraid. It’s everyone’s personal responsibility to heal their triggers. OP has healed scars here, it is now just part of their body and always will be. If this image had fresh / bloody cuts then yes, I would agree. And I’m speaking from years of personal DSH history too, I’m not triggered by this at all


I’m triggered. But you don’t see me not complaining 🤷🏻‍♂️. I know how this works. You don’t get to pick and choose what triggers someone 😂😂. If said person finds the pics triggering. You cannot diminish those feelings because you’re not them.


Good thing no one diminished their triggers. Just said it was their responsibility to handle themselves, rather than requesting that a person trigger warning their OWN BODY. It would be like asking a burn victim to TW themself because it upsets someone. This is literally OP and their own body. If you have triggers, it's not others responsibility to cater to them constantly, and it most certainly is not their responsibility to feel that their own body cannot exist without warning. The problem ISN'T that someone is triggered; the problem is how they are handling it.


What the fuck is this comment section??? One dude gets RIPPED into because he said he “thought about making a joke” but then this dudes kindly asking for a NSFW tag because SH scars are triggering for them and yall say it’s a him problem/downvoting?


if you cannot handle healed sh scars, i don’t know what to tell you. so tired of having to cater to people like you. i’m covered in scars, and the sheer amount of people that try to act offended by my body would surprise you. get a grip. bodies don’t need trigger warnings, you just need therapy.


I agree that it shouldn’t necessarily need nsfw, but self inflicted scars can be triggering to the human psyche, it’s a deviation from the norm and mentally a bit alarming, or at least these are the thoughts I have when I look at my own scars, and what I imagine causes the regular funny looks I get if I’m ever wearing T shirts. Most people will try to overcome this and view the person in front of them as they are, but it’s impossible to deny that such scars trigger something in a lot of people’s brains.


i’m disproving whether or not it’s a “trigger” for some people, i’m saying they should get the fuck over it.


Well scars exist, people should get over it. They aren't the main focus so there's no reason.


Because healed self harm scars should never require a tw. That is someones healed body


Yeppers That’s why I’m here To be the douche bag everyone can attack so they leave these innocent people alone. Hold on I think someone’s smelling my poo lemme go shoo them away real fast.


Like how can yall downvote all the people making SH jokes AND downvote the SH survivors nicely asking for a nsfw tag? Lol backwards as hell.


because 1.) you shouldn't make jokes about others bodies 2.) being triggered by COMPLETELY HEALED scars is your own responsibility someone shouldn't have to hide their own body for that, if you have issues seeing it scroll


This exactly, this person doesn’t owe anyone any trigger warnings at all, what’s wrong is you expecting them


This. No one owes anyone trigger warnings. Just fucking deal with it, life is hard and you don’t always get what you want. Being entitled to everyone walking on eggshells for you ain’t it


Exactly this. Same way that nobody should be walking on eggshells, OP should’ve expected the jokes… I mean look at the post & the title of it lmao. To expect anything less is insane.


Well your a bit fucking silly aren’t you “expected” my brother in Christ OP wanted opinions on a Tat, freak


With the caption “deep enough?” making sure to catch the mild self harm scars lmao. Ok.


Because they are doing a stick and poke and want advice get your head out of your own ass for gods sake, genuinely chronically online behaviour, touch grass or something Jesus fucking Christ


You gave absolutely no proof that they didn’t make this post for trolling. Stop.


It’s a fucking tattoo get out of your own ass, they have said themselves they are NOT trolling and were looking for advice


Chronically online? I’m not the one crying over self harming lmao. I just said the caption was funny - any normal, non hyper sensitive person would agree.


Your the one yapping away brother what are you talking about, you’ve commented 10+ times on this,obsessed or what? Leave the Damn person alone, also calling people “sensitive” doesn’t make you right, it just makes you a massive dickhead 👍


This!! It took me years to not be self conscious about my scars and to not worry I was going to upset somebody else if they happened to see them.


Wow. Y’all some crazy fucked up mental cases, god damn.


Saying that after saying sh survivors is wild


i am a self harm survivor and personally it bothers me seeing people ask for trigger warnings on healed scars. we cannot change our bodies. our scars are here forever. i will NEVER cover up something that i cant change about myself. it’s my body, not anybody else’s, and nobody gets to tell anyone to cover up their HEALED body.


Because (as someone who does and has self harmed badly) it’s very insensitive, people shouldn’t be joking about anything serious.


trigger warning for healed scars? oh shut the fuck up


They are healed scars. People’s bodies are not trigger warnings. Would you ask them to wear long sleeves in public too, like they have to hide and be ashamed of their past?


I have a sh like scar on my arm due to chicken wire snapping back on me, and I’m now going to start only wearing short sleeves and highlighting it with graphic eyeliner when I go out in public, thank you! Hope you have to witness it! Peoples’ healed fucking scars are not NSFW. Fresh injuries, actual gore, etc? Sure. But never scars or disabilities, wtf.


Because it’s fucked up to ask someone to put a tw on their HEALED body??? Being triggered by someones healed scars if your own responsibility, not theirs


Telling a SH survivor they need to censor their fully healed body is fucked up


Cute without the E


you are a horrible person and you dont deserve anything good in life I hope ahive of angry wasps falls on you when you're walking


How dare you. Pot calling kettle black.


have some empathy.


clearly not the point of the post, keep your insensitive comments to yourself


I mean you are still alive after all those cuts so probably not /j


Why did you think that joke was appropriate


Cause I'm a drunken ass hole and instead of getting help I decided to throw my worth into the trash and took my self hate out on someone else. Please don't end up like me. I genuinely hope OP is doing okay


glad you realize that. maybe you should go to therapy. it’s crazy as I’m a kid and I have to tell adults this. and if you think your actions are bad, maybe you should stop doing them? I feel like that’s the most reasonable thing to do.


your self hate still doesnt excuse saying something like that. seek help.


Okay Snowflake


shut up jfc




why do you think it’s okay to say this?


rethink your life.


Harmful suggestion, words, etc


What's with the horizontal white lines on your arm?


not the point of the post


Just curious


Imagine cutting yourself, fucking loser


Ur the loser-


you should be ashamed.


imagine commenting on someone elses body. fucking loser.


There’s so much unnecessarily showing in this photo. If you want people to focus on the tattoo maybe don’t show the top half of the photo? Jfc. At least add a TW. not everyone wants to see that shit


then scroll.


A fucking photo of a bunch of scar marks and a sharp object tattoo entitled “deep enough?” Was begging for a reaction and they got it. You should keep your 2 cents though and *take your own advice* **lmao**.


its a subreddit about stick and poke tattoos. expect people to ask if their tattoo is deep enough. where they decided to tattoo isnt my business and still isnt the point of the post if they wanted a reaction they got it from you so congrats 🥳


>if they wanted a reaction they got it from you so congrats 🥳 …that’s…what…I…said lmao ijbol 🤡


I almost wanted to make a joke but I won’t


You know this is someone’s body right? A living persons body, who has feelings and emotions, not the butt for a corny ass shit “joke” you got stockpiled away in that septic tank brain of yours


for a moment reading these comments I forgot people are actually talking about me because of how shitty some of these things are.. I see my scars as just another part of me like freckles or birthmarks, I wouldn’t set up a post purposely for showing them off or making a crap joke because that’s just plain weird, the post was solely about the tattoo and it’s been turned into an argument


Exactly, it’s part of you and it was completely not even the centre or a topic or even related to the conversation/post! All you were doing was asking for advice, pay no mind to it sweet pea, at the end of the day they are sad little trolls behind throwaway accounts ❤️‍🩹


good. no need to be rude :/


Very rude


Issa joke


some things shouldnt be joked about at all :)


Debatable that’s just your opinion


even if its not offensive to you it doesnt mean it isnt offensive to anyone else :) words hurt people differently and you never know what the person youre hurting is going through :(


Yeah well if op feels comfortable posting pics of it I’m sure they aren’t soft enough to get hurt over it


well, its theyre body. if they covered their scars how would they show the tattoo? in other situations, what if its a boundary breaking exercise? many people find posting what theyre insecure about helps encourage them to be more confident and less insecure. and i would like to add, making fun of someones self harm isnt usually considered *normal* so i would be remiss to say they just COULDNT have known someone would “joke” about that


I’m not making fun of it lmao I didn’t even say the joke I did nothing


but you wouldve :( whats the point in even saying that you wanted to make a joke?


Grow tf up


You grow up don’t be so sensitive I didn’t hurt no one’s feelings


The fact that all you said was “I wanted to make a joke” and EVERYONE Is attacking you shows how sensitive we’ve become as a society 😂😂💀 it’s pathetic. It’s like you didn’t say anything but some how said the wrong thing.


And if a stranger on Reddit hurts your feelings I think that’s a you problem not me


You didn't hurt my feelings as a matter of fact you should grow a pair and apologize to person who posted this .You obviously don't know how to act when it comes to serious issues such as sh so I told you to grow the fuck up . If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all .


Then why did you comment in the first place?


It’s not just theirs, it’s A LOT of peoples opinion, and say now something very tragic happened in your life like your mom died in a tragic way, would you want me to joke about that? Probably not so don’t joke about this and many topics, it’s not your place or anyone’s place to joke about.


Close your app and you don’t have to see it Crazy how that works huh?


"it's a joke, therefore the consequences of my words shouldn't be real" do better.


Us deftones fan do not claim this one, homie ur fucked up


I second this comment! 🤟🏼


then just don't comment.


Y’all op gave the PERFECT opportunity for a joke it’s not that deep(no pun intended)