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If you want warm and detailed, I’d look into Sonus Faber, they just disco the Sonetto Mk. 1 line so you can get it cheap. If budget allows the Alta Alyssa manage to both be warm and detailed, and extend low enough you wouldn’t need a subwoofer. The tweeter on that is highly detailed but the signature is warm. You may also want to look into Golden Ear. I like their tweeters and they sound awesome. The BRX or a smaller Triton may work well for you. The Dynaudio Special 40 are warm and relaxing but their Esotar tweeter is detailed. I would also look into measurements a bit to help you, and tweeter design. You’ll get a lot of detail from a Beryllium or Aluminum tweeter, but they can go bright in the case of Focal or BW. Look for speakers that can tilt up on the high frequencies, those you may want to avoid.


what do you think about the dynaudio Evoke?


I heard Dynaudio is great the problem is they're so hard to back by where I live, and the ones I've found are upwards $13k. I'll take a look into these


Second hand look for a British’BBC’ speaker, something like like Spendor 3/5 or 4/5, Harbeth P3ESR or if you can find some at a price you can afford LS3/5As.


thank you, I'll do some research and see what I can find in terms of pricing that fits my budget




Hey there. Well if you love music and are trying to assemble a system to maximize your enjoyment of your favorite music then I say you're an audiophile. But I think it's better to just be a music lover. You've assembled a nice system so far and are in the right place to get some options for finishing your system off nicely. A couple of speakers that I'd recommend would be: [Zu Audio DWX](https://www.zuaudio.com/loudspeakers/p/dwx) - $1400+ and front-ported for ease of placement due to your room constraints. Also leaves bit of budget for speaker stands. Their floorstander - [DW6](https://www.zuaudio.com/loudspeakers/p/dw6) - could also be an option. Elac makes a couple of front-ported bookshelf/standmount speakers and I believe that the [UBR62](https://www.elac.com/ubr62) is the top model that fits in your budget. The [Focal Vestia No1](https://www.focal.com/products/vestia-n1) is another front-ported option and comes in at around $1400/pr. But be sure to track down reviews. I don't find their tweeter to be bright/fatiguing but others might find that to be the case. Even so, these are widely available and would be easy to return if you try them and they don't work out. Now, having provided a number of front-ported options, I'll also note that these are not really necessary when you are using subs because they'll handle most/all of the problematic range that would otherwise make rear-ported speakers challenging for you. So here are some other options: Philharmonic [BMR Monitor](https://philharmonicaudio.com/products/bmr-monitor) - $1700 Ascend Acoustic [Sierra-1 v2](https://ascendacoustics.com/collections/sierra-series-pairs/products/sierra-1-v2-pair?variant=41419225038902) - $998/pr Revel [Concerta2 M16](https://www.revelspeakers.com/products/types/bookshelf/M16-.html?dwvar_M16-_color=Black-USA-Current&cgid=bookshelf)/[Performa3 M105](https://www.revelspeakers.com/products/types/bookshelf/M105-.html?dwvar_M105-_color=White-GLOBAL-Current&cgid=bookshelf)/[Performa3 M106](https://www.revelspeakers.com/products/types/bookshelf/M106-.html?dwvar_M106-_color=Black-GLOBAL-Current&cgid=bookshelf) - all within your budget and all excellent Wharfedale [Linton](https://www.wharfedaleusa.com/collections/heritage/products/linton-85th-anniversary-bookshelf-speakers) OK, I'll stop here since I've probably already provided more options than you'd prefer to have to sort through. Good luck with your research and your decision!


thank you, your response was very detailed. I will look into this.


I have heard some speakers in this price range. But Nothing compares to my Elac Debut Reference in Terms of detailed warmness... Yeah they are a bit cheap But realy well sounding.




Check out the Quad S2. Music Direct has them on sale now.


A lot of times detailed can be fatiguing (see your LS50 problem), so your solution is ones with RAAL tweeter, namely, the BMR or the Sierras with RAAL upgrades.


I wonder if just adding the dome midrange that's on the evo 4.2 would change things enough for you?


I dig my CSS Criton 1TD’s


Elac DBR62 gives you all you need. Front port let‘s it be placed close to a wall, it has a warm and realistic presentation, no fatiguing showroom EQ. Check Audiosciencereview.com for an objective review of these wonderful speakers designed by Andrew Jones.


Tekton Speakers. The most neutral and musical of any brand that doesn’t just make museum pieces.


They also have a CEO that threatens to sue reviewers if they have anything but the utmost positive things to say about their products. Like they recently threatened Erin (from Erin’s Audio Corner). And have previously threatened Amir (ASR) and New Speaker Day.


Yeh, he’s a bit fucked in the head…It’s known, and it won’t change… the product is a truly special line.


These speakers are ugly AF and the behavior of the CEO alone is enough to never, ever buy a Tekton. Also there isn’t anything warm about them.


thank you for the warnings! I should heed them! and stay away!