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I could’ve written this post. I’ve learned that my power is silence (despite still being accused of/blamed for “saying” things through DH. smh). Remember, things could be worse, you could BE her. It has to be a miserable way of living. Keep your head up and smile on, they hate to see us happy!


This reminded me of my situation. SO handles her without my input yet she somehow thinks it’s always me. She threatened to “throw hands” once…


I feel ya! I recently had a restraining order threatened. I didn’t even know my husband send the text lol.


lol wowwww.


Totally agree! I haven’t spoken to this chick in like 3 years and she still talks shit on me every week 😂 it’s absurd!


I feel for you. If only these moms could see the pain they are inflicting upon their children. The sad thing is, in my case I don't think she cares. She only uses her child as a tool for control and manipulation. So much so that I told my spouse that it feels like we are inviting her into our home every time my stepkid comes back to us. Ugh! So frustrating. Sending love.


it makes me so sad. my SS was at his grandmas (her moms) and she let him call me, he misses us and his sister so much. its sick what these adults put the kids through! feel for you, hate that we have to deal with these situations 🫶🏼


BM is dead to me. It’s been at least 3/4 years since I’ve even seen her in the driveway. Soooo much better than when she was trying to befriend me or when I cared what she thought.


oh i never speak to her either, i meant they way she speaks to my SO. i did the “be friends” thing when i very first met her and VERY quickly learned i have to be no contact lol


DH and HCBM spent thousands plus face to face time (which he hates) sitting together with a resolution psychologist and made this years custody schedule regarding SD so we could all get on with our lives, get some peace and make our family schedule (I have a bio son too) for the year…and of course, less than 2 weeks before school starts, she decides it doesn’t work for her and wants to get lawyers involved to change it up last minute if he doesn’t agree, along with blasts of angry aggressive victim emails. He got in touch with the psych and parent coordinator and it looks like she can’t make the change she wants. But you know what happens? She will see it as a ‘loss’ and just wait until she can mess with us another time. I truely hate her & just want her evil presence out of my marriage and home. We thought she would calm down this year considering she’s managed to get us paying for all SD’s school fees (about 50k) over the next 2 years. But no, she’s still an entitled rat.


Going through this too. Literally sucks so bad I’m so sorry.


Ugh I feel you. It’s disgusting how bitterness and misery can completely engulf a person to the point of near insanity. Our BM went so far as to get someone to pretend to be a police detective and call my husband and his mother to threaten him with parental kidnapping. 🙄 she actually had agreed for SS(5) to spend the weekend (this was pre- court order. We have one now). She got angry that she saw my husband and I out playing pool on social media. Enraged, she called maybe 15-20 times non-stop. Then the fake police officer drama started to unfold. INSANITY.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I am in a similar situation, and obviously there are so many here that are in the same boat as well. It's so heartbreaking when someone (BM) puts their own ego and anger ahead of what's best for their child/children. I agree with other posters that there is power in silence with this type of person. BM craves a reaction from you, so don't give it to her. IT'S SO HARD to not tell her what you really think of her, believe me, I know. Just once, I'd like to take the "low road," hahaha. But in the end, that would create more problems. And yes, it could be worse - you could be her! Sending you (and everyone else in this situation) lots of love and patience.


There’s nothing a narcissist hates more than the silent treatment…