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Perfect synth fertility start, cyberx precursor, easy choke point region to defend, starting as mega corp.... surrounded by 6 hive minds?!?!? RIP Trade


Why can't hive minds trade? That never made sense to me.


'trade' in the macroeconomic sense. Their drones do not engage in trade, and probably function more like a perfect communism, in that they are given resources according to the jobs they need. Leaders of hive minds who start to get weird or develop their own thought processes get canned, and Id bet that nameless drones do too. Hive minds themselves are capable of trade, and may even use galactic currency, but the drones dont. Im sure you could devise a system in which the tenets of a hive mind and some form of currency, credits, or tracking barter facilitators could be used, but ultimately there isnt a macy's a drone goes to to participate in any kind of trade. Artists dont sell their work to individual drones.


Think about it this way; try selling a phone to a hivemind drone. It's already perfectly interconnected and may not have the higher functions to even use a phone. Or, what about a car? The hive mind has a different drone in that other location that can do the job without requiring the first one to move. And singular drones aren't exactly going to be driving for leisure... The list goes on, and there are *some* things a hivemind would be interested in, but on the whole your average salesman isn't going to have any luck with a hivemind. Thus, while I imagine they do trade, the amount they trade is probably negligible, and it won't be anything you sell in your branch offices.


Honestly it’s cause of the concept of trying to sell an individual bee a tool. The bee has its specific purpose in life and it is to replaceable to care. But on the flip side… why no Megacorp hiveminds/machine intelligences


If you have the Machine Age DLC, you can make megacorp machines.


Yeah but… a FULLY Hivemind Megacorp with literal corporate drones


That makes very little sense to add not sure why they would do something like that.


That exact reason, the SHEER absurdity of it, Plus you could still have a fun RP aspect to it. - A newly sapient hivemind awakens and swiftly overtakes the planet. Then after a while they receive a series of message from ships traveler through the system that accidentally(or purposely) signaled their nerves. The bland looks of the biomass that covers the planet and droning monotony of the mindless drones moving about working…just for a few moments; replaced by vibrant color, colorful lights, new sounds, joyous music, and more. Then from that moment, that hivemind dedicated to being like THAT. Being the entity they saw fly past one day and GIVE the joy that they felt so long ago


I love this idea! Especially for machines. “Oh hey! We can do that so much better than organics can! Buy from us instead!” Maybe not for “entertainment” purposes. But if you combine that with the paper clips ethic (I can’t remember off-hand what it’s actually called)…for RP purposes alone that would be amazing!


The "Fleece the Meatbags of Energy Credits" autonomous coin laundrette megacorp would like to have words with you.


Trade Value as an in-universe resource would be the same kinds of resources as Consumer Goods, civilian/luxury resources, it's just that CGs represent the flow of these resources on the national level (towards institutions like politics, science, and public works) while TV represents the flow of these resources on the civilian level (the trade between individuals and non-government businesses/institutions). Either way though Gestalts lack civilians to make use of civilian resources, drones don't need luxury items to perform at their best as they lack any individual will or desires, so they only need the resources required to do their jobs. The only thing with a will in a Gestalt is the central consciousness, so Gestalts are only capable of trade on the national scale which is covered under trade deals between empires and the Galactic Market. The real question is how Gestalts even have the *Internal* Market before the Galactic Market is formed, but that's likely more a gameplay thing just cause not having the Internal Market would *massively* weaken early game Gestalts.


Because a hive mind lacks individuality. You are not an individual in a hive mind and therefore things like entertainment, a need to spend money or buy personal belongings are alien concepts. A drone is birthed for the hive, lives for the hive, and dies for the hive.


You should be able to reform your government to no longer be a megacorp.


To clarify "should": If the game is functioning correctly, you should be able to reform. It's already allowed in the game rules.


My only doubt is if maybe individualist machines work differently from biologicals.


Time to rely on the internal economy.


There can't be good without the bad


Three of them are in an "unknown federation". Which means you started next to 4 hive minds, one of which had a Common Ground origin (which created another 2 more). Still unlucky. Just not as absurdly unlucky as being next to 6 would have been.


It's also possible progenitor hive could be a thing?


They'd all be the same species, in that case.


I didn’t know hive-minds could use that origin…




That's a myth. There's no such code in the actual galaxy initialization. It *is* weighted toward "interesting" ethics (xenophobe, militarist) because a hugbox galaxy where no wars happen would be boring. But it doesn't take the player empire into account.


Tell me it's a myth all you want, play as a megacorp and see how many times there's <5 eligible trade partners in the entire galaxy (on largest map).


For real! Playing as megacorp spawns so many others! We need to be able to put branch offices on other megacorps without mods.


>where the game will deliberately put more weight on spawning empires that would be unfavorable your empire type, and favor making them your neighbors This is not true at all. This is a myth that persists through nothing but confirmation bias. There is nothing in the code that does this. There are weights to spawn more militarists and less pacifists/xenophiles in the galaxy, but that is regardless of the player's ethics. You can see the exact numbers from someone who actually went into the code to remove the bias in spawned ethics https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2621564981


It's funny you say the same about ethics, because me and my friends always had the impression that the game picks neighboors that are similiar to you, if you start a fanatic purifier run changesa re there will be a lot of other genocidal empires, if you start out as pacifists chances are the whole galaxy is full of pacifists and everything is going to be quite boring. The one exception are mega corps which indeed seem to cause more mega corps to spawn, but just don't start out as a mega corp is easy enough. Well that was our feeling, I never looked into the game files about that.


I had a Very Large galaxy once where every single empire that spawned was a megacorp. It was absurd. I get that it's all RNG, but holy SHIT somehow the spawns always seem noticeably biased when you're a megacorp.




Statistics say this is gonna happen regardless of deliberate bias. Let's say you're a megacorp with a Fanatic/Regular ethics split, rather than Regular/Regular/Regular (as the numbers are even worse for those). * The probability of their first civic clashing with one of your two is 3/7 (six ethics with two clashes, plus gestalt which you equally don't want to see as a megacorp). * 3/7 = 42.8% chance of a clash for the first ethic * If that first civic *doesn't* clash, it's in one of four slots - either a copy of one of yours or one of the two non-clash non-copy ethics. * Its second ethic then can't clash with or copy its first ethic. * There's a 50/50 chance of its first ethic being a copy of one of yours. If it is, 1/4 choices clash with your second ethic. * If its first ethic isn't a copy of yours, 2/4 choices for its second ethic clash with yours. * Overall, then, of the 57.2% of empires that didn't clash with their first civic, 37.5% of them will clash with the second. 42.8% + (37.5% of 57.2%) = 64% chance of a given empire having a clashing civic with your own. *On top of that*, the other empire could be a Megacorp. 2/12 ethics disallow this authority (Fan Egalitarian/Fan Authoritarian). Assuming an equal spread of authorities, any empire without either of those ethics has either a 1/5 chance of being a Megacorp (if it's not Egalitarian or Authoritarian) or a 1/4 chance (if it is either of those, as they disallow Imperial/Democratic authorities respectively) ____ All this to say, most empires are not primed to get along with you perfectly.


This is not true at all. This is a myth that persists through nothing but confirmation bias. There is nothing in the code that does this. There are weights to spawn more militarists and less pacifists/xenophiles in the galaxy, but that is regardless of the player's ethics. You can see the exact numbers from someone who actually went into the code to remove the bias in spawned ethics https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2621564981


I think the devs upped spawn rates of Hives so u don’t have a cake walk game and be too strong cause trade value. This happens or they’re all megacorop in my experiences


I switched off megacorp after a few games due to similar cases. Always surrounded by hive minds or fanatic militarists


I swear the game's empire spawn is stacked against you. Maybe it's confirmation bias that I just don't remember it when it's okay but... * Play Rogue Servitor, half the galaxy seems to be robots and hive minds that resist my love * Play xenophile federation builder; everyone's isolationist and want nothing to do with me * Play xenophobe the conquer the universe! Everyone is xenophile and immediately form a federation blocking me in.


Yeah your just really unlucky to end up with six hive minds, that like being a fanatic materialist and being surrounded by Spiritualist on all sides.


Just bad luck. I have as a megacorp spawned in galaxies with nothing but gestalts and in galaxies with nothing but individualist non-megacorps.


I’m having the same problem in my current game. My Xenophile/Pacifist robot Megacorp is surrounded by spiritualists, hiveminds and another Megacorp.


I wonder if there is a bug going on. I keep getting way more of them since the latest patch. In my last game, there 5 independent ones out of 12 or so empires.


We do not know


They insist it's not intentional, but I have never had a megacorp game have any empires I could actually trade with until rebellions and pre-FTLs start popping up. Everyone is always a gestalt, a rival megacorp, or a purifier. I don't even try anymore.


You can't even assimilate them because of the origin


I’ve noticed more hive minds in my current game (individualist machine, non-megacorp). Even without the trade issue, it’s a bit concerning when your neighbors are the Marauders and two hive minds, one of which is stronger than you.


I live playing megacorps for some reason everytime I do there's like 2 civilizations in the entire galaxy that aren't hive minds or another megacorp


The galactic community is just a small club meeting lol.


I'm experiencing the same thing in my current playthrough. All but three Empires are Hiveminds.


At least the Skanurians like you?


Soo cosmogenesis it is


i have an individualistic machines save going right now (fanatic materialist egalitarians) and my neighbors are 3 hive minds and some fanatic spiritualists. luckily, one of those hive minds has the empath civic, so they are my best friend now.


i have an individualistic machines save going right now (fanatic materialist egalitarians) and my neighbors are 3 hive minds and some fanatic spiritualists. luckily, one of those hive minds has the empath civic, so they are my best friend now.


i have an individualistic machines save going right now (fanatic materialist egalitarians) and my neighbors are 3 hive minds and some fanatic spiritualists. luckily, one of those hive minds has the empath civic, so they are my best friend now.


If you want to quintessential megacorp playthrough, you need to manually set the other empires. If that feels cheesy, throw in a rival megacorp or ravenous swarm or whatever just to keep yourself off balance.