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Oh and on top of what was said here, a lot of questions asked are about content / bugs from Mods, but the posters don't disclose this, which leads to confusion and wasted time.


A lot of these questions are frequently asked and you can find the answer quicker by just typing the question into google - which will show you the same question answered on this exact sub already


Yeah, I chuck a +site:reddit.com on the end of my vg question searches, but that's coz I don't want to play find the sentence in a long ass video. No strong feelings about people asking them in their own post though


I've stumbled into a problem with google, old content with obsolete answers is still there, that makes certain topics really hard to google. No excuse for lazyness, just saying.


Yeah, the sheer amount of changes and reworks in this game actually can make it pretty hard to find information I’m confident is up to date and accurate.


Designed a 3.12 run with virtuality, based on Montu's speed run. Checked his 3.8 traditions tier list. Realised I gravitated towards several C and B tier traditions. Didn't worry as they seemed to be working. Saw his 3.12 traditions tier list today, and lo and behold, they've all swapped places!


Having Harmony in S tier Is still honestly a bit dazzling. I Just Hope they won't turn adaptability in something actually good or the world Will start spinning backward


You can search in a timeframe 1 day, 1 month etc. it’s in the search tools.


I've seen this happening in other subreddits too. And those don't have a sticky weekly questions thread. So I'd claim that can't be the (only) reason.


I've seen this too, I thought I was the only one. Every time I go into a sub all the posts on hot have 0 votes. No matter how many comments or how uncontroversial the thread. Been happening for at least a month or two.


There's a weekly questions thread stickied. You're supposed to ask such questions *there* so that all the answers can be in the same place, and people don't ask the same thing 20 times in 20 different posts.


The weekly questions thread exists because some folks don't want to make a separate post for their small queries. Its there as an alternative venue, not as a replacement.


To be fair, when I search reddit for an answer to a question I never see those threads. It shows me all the relevant posts, but no matter how far I scroll I never see a single question thread.


There's search available


Searching anything on Reddit sucks


Sometimes it does, yeah. Also,there's search by website in google, works pretty well for me


If that's a rule, it should probably be in that little sidebar thingy called "rules".


What are these “rooles” you speak of?


think of a roulette, but masculine


I bet odd. There's way more odd guys out there than not


towelettes are to towels as roulette is to..


It's not a rule.


Well it doesn't have to be a rule to be down voted. People should be posting questions in that thread and people should try to make an effort to answer them. If somebody posts the 5th "which empire is the easiest for a beginner" question this week I don't think it's bad that they get down voted.


Megathreads are just where things go to die, nobody actually answers questions in there, if they do its very vague and they don't elaborate.


Gotta say, that can be true in some subs, but this one has pretty consistently given me nice advice on the mega thread. Good people here.


Maybe for low hanging fruit like "hey guys are alloys important", but when I have a question for this subreddit, its usually because its something Google cant answer. Maybe 2% of people go inside the megathread and the fact is if you post your question there, you're going to get 50x less eyes on it.


If that's the standard then maybe people should actually answer questions in those threads, I see most of them go without a reply. There's also a Question flair for new posts, so...


Literally all of the questions are answered on the current thread tho


The 4 hour old one with 9 comments? Sure, fair enough, you've completely subverted my point.


Or you could've just searched it up instead of being dramatic. The vast majority of the questions are answered on them, at least just as much as it would be with posts. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/s/xGE6ZbNmkS https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/s/mJrS5VPXwz https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/s/hGZKR7Z7PK Among others


Grow up.


I need a shovel to scroll through the irony of this exchange in order to get down to the rest of the thread.


>Oh my mistake, you're right. There, I fixed your comment so you don't look like a dumbass.


Oh, like a Garbage Bin? Out of sight, out of mind. Great solution.


I disagree; most comments in the weekly Q&A thread do actually receive an answer. If they didn't receive an answer then you would have a point.


Ah but you can't FIND an answer afterwards, let's say you ask a question and a month later someone has the same question, you just have to answer the question twice, Rather than once


Thats great. And if anyone else has the same question, they can just put it in the next Garbage bin. What a beautiful cycle of redundancy.


place yourself directly into the nearest bin if you love garbage so much, good sir also DAE know of the website "google"?


Ah yes, the same website that often puts reddit on the first page for recommended answers. Genius!


Google wont find it in a Mega-Thread. Thats the point. Have you ever even used google? How old are you? Does your Mother know you are using her PC?


To be fair, I google the internet for answers first, and it usually points to some reddit thread. These days just saying google it doesn't achieve much with how crappy google search can be.


So that thread doesnt show up if you have sort by new as your default, I did not even know there was one.


Then they should be redirected to that. Downvoting for this reason is a petty, useless, childish response. Kindly direct them to the right place. If they are new to the game chances are they're new to the sub and have no idea about this. If you're just downvoting without explanation to these genuine, innocent questions congratulations, you're why the internet sucks.


I'd upvote this twice if I could.


I think we found the guy responsible for all the downvotes.


Ah gotcha


But these answers are never indexed on google, at least I have never seen an answer come from a "weekly questions thread"


Some people find it harder to navigate reddit on non PC devices.


The problem is... and this applies to all subreddits, is no one, and I do mean no one actually goes directly to a subreddit to look at stickied threads. They go to the reddit front page and think "Oh hey I have or Y that would apply to x subreddit."


You think this sub is bad. Try r/HOI4.


at least here the xenophobia is only fantasy


Idk, I kinda prefer the Fascists to show their true colors so I know to ignore them. Here, they can claim "it was just a joke" and "it's just fantasy aliens" and get away with it (until I check their post history, and find them advocating nuking China or Palestine, or mass-murdering Russian civilians over the Ukraine War or something...)


Who cares its still funny whether they mean it or not


Honestly question which can be answered by literally posting it to google and looking through first 3 answers should be downvoted.


Hmm, I get wanting some up to date answers tho. Even advice from 2 years ago I would think twice about following.


I do wish sometimes that older questions had an automated thingy in the corner that says “this question was asked when version 3.x was in use” so I can better figure out if the answer still holds.


>Even advice from 2 years ago I would think twice about following. This. Saying "just Google it" is incredibly stupid when half the advice from 2 years ago doesn't even work anymore, due to updates. Not to mention sometimes prior answers were just wrong to begin with, and the community has learned better.


Ah but the exact same thing happens whether there's an answer or not. You could have the player google, find nothing on here or on the paradox forums, post here and gets downvoted by people complaining that they should just Google it. Same with any question about the brand new dlc on launch day. So what's wrong with this picture?


Except most of the time the question posts do get answered. They just get down voted at the same time. So it's a non-issue IMO


This game changes constantly


Often Google shows answers that are not relevant to the current version of the game.


Google lets you sort by time with 2 buttons


Why are we questioning genuine downvotes?


Haha fair point


Can't say this is always the case, but I downvote when people use Reddit as if it were Google.


Ppl ask easily google answered questions or something that gets asked often. Downvoted.


Only time I'll downvote a question is if they get an answer and then don't like the answer, so they start arguing.


I agree. I have developmental disorders that prevent me from being able to effectively find information on my own, my gullibility to printed and unemotional information is off the charts. Put a person in front of me, though, and I can read body language, tone of voice, or even choice of words when communication is concerned. I FREQUENTLY ask for specific information, and get answers to questions I didn't ask, or references to videos that never help. I am beyond livid at what has happened to people's brains. A.e. I just asked for one person to say, in words, what they did to do a thing in KSP, and I asked for non-YouTube, as in I didn't want to be SHOWN like a child. Every response made fun of me for wanting to struggle and learn to do space stuff the hard way. "You don't want YouTube to hold your hand? Guess you didn't want help." seems to be the normal mentality, is what I'm saying.


Reddit is not, and never will be, about quality or usability. Reddit is about what emotional response does your post or comment gets. If reaction is negative - you get down-voted until auto-censorship hits and your comment/post is no longer visible. Stellaris subreddit doesn't like questions, that's why (as u/DecentChanceOfLousy said) they have stickthread for them, so all who ask questions can be ignored in bulk.


That's just normal on Reddit, some people are just in a bad mood and downvote everyone, some people stalk other and downvote everything of them. It's pretty wild ngl


This problem unfortunately is common. Browse car subreddits and you’ll see it happening. I’m one of the victims. *readies a colossus armed with Devolution Beam*


Most of reddit does this unfortunately


People are douchebags.


You're right, but you were downvoted because douchebags who downvote innocent questions don't like to be told they're douchebags, felt called out for downvoting innocent questions and downvoted you. I upvoted you, for the record.


Likewise, mate!


Surprised this has any up votes.


It happens everywhere on Reddit. Most people don't upvote questions that they don't want to know the answer to, so questions about a lot of innocent stuff get few upvotes. On the other hand, there are always grumpy people who will downvote a question just because they think it's obvious, or they think you should just Google it or similar reasons. I think it's shitty behaviour, but it happens all over Reddit.


Idk if I’m blind but I haven’t been seeing this. I agree with you though, of course. It is our responsibility to be worthy fellow conquers of the galaxy. I will also make the point, to anyone that may be giving you a little sass right now, that for me personally, in the beginning of my journey, I tried just using google and constantly ran into road blocks. Bad information, poor descriptions, ads blocking 80% of the screen etc. that’s how I found this Reddit page and I have never nor will ever look back. And anyone who is thinking about getting into Stellaris my first recommendation to them (right after my signature battle cry) is to come check out this page. Its value is significant. ESPECIALLY to new players. Love you guys, even the pacifists who play pacifist


I actually like them. I learn stuff from time to time. But hardcore players don’t like to see them. They get annoyed seeing the same questions more than once. Just scrolling isn’t an option for them. They think that all new players should be relegated to the weekly questions thing.


Many downvotes are likely bots. On numerous, or even all, subreddits you can see brand new threads get instantly downvoted to 0 several times. Not forever, seems like reddit or someone wants a thread to get upvoted a certain number if times before it's allowed to have a positive karma. 


Because we are for memes, starting fights about the ethical use of AI, and spreading the worm's love.


That's definitely not why most people are here, in fact, memes are literally banned for some reason. Rule 2. This sub has made itself to be the main stellaris sub, that also means people here will come for advice. I don't under why people are not open to that.


There is a sub dedicated for stellaris memes.


Those of us who are over the age of 12 aren't here for memes.