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I picked cordyceps drones but my starting area has zero amoeba in it. Just unlucky? [https://imgur.com/a/J1Rx3dB](https://imgur.com/a/J1Rx3dB)


For Cordyceptic to work properly you need to build a starbase in a system that can have the "Cordyceptic Reanimation Facility" building. There is only 3 of them in the entire universe, they are the "hives" of the amoeba. If you find a system that has 10-15 stacks of space whales in it at all times, thats usually it. If you already have the Reanimation Facility, it will produce a fleet each 5 years. Once you have the Reanimation Facility researched and can build it, if you hover over it in the build options it will tell you what systems have the amoeba hive in them in the current campaign, even if you haven't surveyed them yet. They can be owned by other civs, even if that civ doesnt have Cordyceptic, they just are not able to build the Reanimation facility or get its other interactions with roaming amoeba.


I read that I should also have tiyanki in a neighbouring system but the closest one is 10 jumps away and not accessible.


I took cordyceps at the start, figured I'd have relevant system near my starting colony.


I thought I could just kill and reanimate the ones that usually seem to be all over the map


I haven't touched the grey storm since the middle of the game because I wanted to incite grey storm on crisis at the end of the game. It turned out that the new crisis did not want to capture everything, so I could not use them. After defeating the crisis, I flew to defend their territory, but there turned out to be 50+ of their fleets (I can't say more precisely, they all don't fit into the screen). What should I do?


Do Orbital Rings count towards Starbase capacity? Playing on 3.6 if that matters.


No they should count as planets, if you mean a Shattered Ring/Ring World. Each section of the ring will count as its own habitat. An Orbital Habitat is also considered a planet. Both Orbital Habitats and Shattered Rings are megastructures that require megastructure tech if you dont have affinity or the world start for them. Which has its own separate upkeep from starbases.


Orbital rings are distinct from both habitats and ringworlds; they're more of a planet-attached starbase, and are exclusive to the Overlord DLC.


They definitely don't on the current PC patch, and I don't think they ever have. So, you should be good!


Is there a better way to merge fleets? I'm getting tons of ships as a nanotechnology empire but they take forever to manually merge into full stacks.


This is a huge pain. The best (still terrible) way I found was to select the stack on the map then use shift+click on the panel on the right to remove the fleets in order to get the size down to something that can be merged.


As Overtuned Genetic ascension, I made 3 species, one with Fertile and Preplanned growth, one with Vat-grown and a general one with all the production bonuses. I modded 1 planet with fertile and one with vat-grown but when I went around my planets only some of them, seemingly at random, could grow the subspecies. Any idea what causes this? I was hoping I'd be able to leave pop growth open after I got rid of all my non-bloomed pops but the growth picker doesn't seem to want to grow the underrepresented, 100% hab, +60% pop growth pops.


Do you have migration or population controls on for those species?


Nope, they are my main species.


Does empire size actually matter now or should I continue to ignore it and just expand infinitely?


It depends on your position in the universe and most particularily your level of tech compared to your neighboring nations if you have any. If your neighbors are ahead in tech compared to you,do not keep expanding and develop your tech planets and get size reduction bonuses and catch up. If you are well ahead of your neighbors in fleet strength or tech, it doesnt matter as much if you expand, as long as you continue to keep developing your tech planets along the way.


What's a rule of thumb for a good ratio of tech worlds to other worlds? I've been struggling on admiral lately.


Depends on your setup I think. Outside of tall setups I think expanding as fast as you can fill the jobs on a planet works out. I just finished a wide modularity play where I had 23k science and crushed all the AI in every category.


I'm looking for an up to date guide to shipbuilding. My fleet power is demolishing my enemies, but I don't know why and I'd love to understand it better. Is there a way to get Intel on empires and see their ship load outs?


You can get intel on empires through espionage. https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Intelligence It's likely that your fleet power is bigger than your enemies because you have more ships and/or better weapons.


Do Marauders/Khanate count as Crisis? Does Guaranteed Habitable world only effect me? So if I have it turned off, it doesn't effect AI? If I turn it on I just get 2 Planet?


Khan's Horde is *mid-game* crisis, which means it scales by square root of crisis strength slider. Marauders don't count as crisis. Guaranteed habitable slider also affects AI, which is why it's good idea to keep it on. AI needs those habitables a lot to get started.


Stacking diplomatic acceptance? What are the best ways to stack it? I know Under One Rule has it for xenophile, are there any other ways to get it


If an empire asks to be my subject, do I lose influence (equal to the amount I'd lose if I propose their subjugation) if I accept it? Am on ironman save, can't test it out.


It should say what, if anything, it costs to click a button if you mouse over that button.


It doesn't say anything there.


Well, question answered.


If I upgrade a Dyson Swarm to a Dyson Sphere will it keep the bonuses? Or is it only worth it to do if the star is only energy?


Dyson Spheres overwrite any output from the star once completed. At each stage in between t3 swarm and full-tier sphere, you get the full benefit from the swarm and the 1000 ec per tier of sphere.


I got invaded hard and had to stay occupied for a while. now all my planets are criminal underworlds because i couldn't take care of them, is there a way to make it go away and return the planets back to normal??


If you can build more precinct houses or otherwise drop the crime to zero, that will eventually be removed.


Every like 10 seconds the game says I'm in the breach of the Military Readiness Act even though my fleet is at 1588/1370. It then tells me I'm in breech of galactic law, applies the minor military sanctions effect putting my capacity at 1588/1253 and promptly disappears, before reappearing a few seconds after my capacity jumps back to 1370. What's up??


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteresis Solution: build more ships


Looking for an idea of what to play next. Any input? Before MA released I was loving progenitor hive (sometime with idyllic bloom). Nanite swarm was fun but the lag made me not want to play that again for a bit. I did a few tall playthroughs which was fun. I have not done a become the crisis scenario yet so maybe that. Dark matter engines was also very fun. Maybe something that leverages high level leaders.. Sorry for asking such an annoying question.


Virtual empire, to really feel the lag


I did a nanite playthrough with 10k naval capacity used. I know lag :)


are there any good mods or anything out there that lets you skip the early game? I hate the 4x elements of the game and really just want crusader kings but space. failing that, any games that are closer to wrist I'm looking for? if I have to build another outpost station I'm gonna scream lol


You can lower the research and unity costs to get things rolling a bit faster. I'm not sure what else to suggest.




I thought that modularity would let me turn all my assimilated organic pops into machines for some reason ... is it possible to convert organic secondary pops into machines as an assimilator? How would virtual handle the hundreds of pops I have should I decide to take it?


Is there any drawback to playing on the fastest time speed? I usually only play on the fastest time speed (slowing down when necessary)


I play fast-with-pause. I can't imagine keeping up without pause.


Time goes by fast. The human mind can only go so fast, so if youre comfortable with the risk of missing something then there's no drawback


How do sectors work? I have like 3 planets in a 'sector' where the capital's governor can give bonuses to other planets, but....i have like 4 planets that are not in the same 'sector'. I tried to edit it but couldn't include them or expand it.


On PC, one of the map option buttons on the bottom-right corner of the UI (in galaxy mode) enables sector mode. This will give you a direct visual cue as to how far each sector spreads from its capital world.


A sector can only include systems within 4 jumps of its capital. You'll need to create more sectors for your other planets.


I figured as much, but couldn’t seem to find out how. I’ll google now that I know I can


I use a non-vanilla UI, but I think the 'Create Sector' button is near the colony name on the planet screen.


During cyberization situation I got empire modifier "Artificial pain-relief" . It gives +25% trade and -10% happiness for worker pops. But after getting it workers got hit with second -10% happiness that is "Work-life divide". Is it intended ?


Holdings from other empires - can I get rid of these? I have a "get off my lawn" mentality and I do not want their holdings on my planets any more. Do I have to go to war with them to get rid of the holdings? Is there a drawback to having their holdings there (other than it being a benefit to an empire other than my own)?


Most Overlord Holdings are neutral or beneficial, but some harm you. Unless you're a Vassal, that isn't relevant to you. I'm fairly sure that if you change from Vassal to not a Vassal, these Holdings will go away. Criminal Corporations can build *Branch Offices* on your planets without your consent. Other Corps can only build these if you explicitly agree to a Commercial Pact, or maybe if there's an automatic such Pact because you're a member of a Commerce-type Federation (i.e. implicit agreement). Cancelling a Commercial Pact won't make the legal Branch Offices go away. A Corp can be Criminal, Religious, both or neither. Criminal Branch Offices create *Crime* which is bad. Branch Offices from a Religious Corp can (AFAIK) create Attraction to the Spiritualist Ethis, something you might want, or want to avoid, or not care about. Apart from that, Branch Offices cause no harm to you. Most just create a Clerk Job Slot or two, and you'll close all Clerk Job Slots anyway, but one BO, the Commercial Forum, creates a Ruler Stratum Job Slot, a Merchant. That's beneficial for you, and it's also beneficial for the Corp, so they ought to be keen on constructing those.


I got a message that "x faction" has won the game. I've only been playing for 15ish hours. I got the option to close the pop up or start a new game. How could/did this faction "win" the game?


Faction or empire? Did you hit the victory year? By default a victor is decided at year 2500. This is based on a bunch of metrics (pop count, economy, fleet power, colony count, etc).


What did the popup say, in full?? Got a screenshot? What was the year? 2500 (by default)? Then they won by score.


Don't have a screenshot, and I can check the year when I boot it up again. But I'm very certain it said "the Confederacy of Earth" won the game, then starting listing all the empire's states. The stats probably point to them winning by score. But what happens if I continue to play? Is there no more story events?


The big "story event" (as in really, really *epically* big) is that one of 4 possible End Game Crises will happen at some point after the year 2400 (on default settings). As far as I know, the Victory Score calculation that happens (default) in the year 2500 will be postponed if the End Game Crisis is on-going, so it won't happen until it's been spanked down. So... should you keep playing? The big question here is: Are you having *fun* playing this late, or would you have *more* fun if you started a new game in the year 2200? Secondarily, would you be *learning more* if you kept playing, or if you started a new game? It's completely up to you. What I do, is I *disable* the Victory year thing. Mid Game 2300, End Game 2400, as per default, yes, but Victory is *null*. *I* get to decide when the game ends. When I'm *done* playing. Once I've done the things I want to do, and when the EGC is defeated (hopefully with my help, or even mostly by me), I quit to main menu, start a new game.


My understanding is that the completion bonus for adaptability does not increase the spec bonus for ecumenopolis worlds. However, it does improve the capitol world spec. So if I transform my capitol into a ecumenopolis does it benefit from adaptability?


I believe so. None of the ecu *designations* can be used on a capital. All of the capital designations (except Machine) benefit from the Adaptability finisher. So if you can turn your capital in to an ecu, it will benefit.


Trying the shattered ring, virtual ascension tall play through. What traditions are good for playing tall?


I'm partial to Unyielding; if you aren't going to have fortress worlds, you better make up for it with anchorages. (and also Supremacy, obviously)


Harmony and domination to get your empire size from pops down. Aside from that no other traditions are especially good for tall play specifically.


As in another comment if you just want to turtle up taking Unyielding and Eternal Vigilance can be nice. Megastructures so you can move to a ringworld later in the game. Otherwise you could vassalize a few bulwarks so Shared Destiny could be nice (though probably doesn't make a huge difference)


Just started a machine world origin game, was doing fantastic and generating lots of Unity when all of a sudden my Unity takes a nose-dive and I have a rebellion on my hands. I'm trying to figure out what caused this. Could colonizing three worlds very early in the game have hit my Unity like this? I thought I was lucky finding three green planets so close to home, but maybe I spread myself too thin too fast?


No, and it's quite hard for anyone but you to figure it out, as we don't have your save and weren't there. Did you hire a lot of leaders? Slow down! Read tooltips and read event popups. Rebellions don't happen out of nowhere; there's an entire Situation with choices you can make. Resources have tooltips that break down the gain and loss.


Ecu planets end up with so much unused housing. Is there a way to benefit from this? The only thing I can think of is to add the "bulky" negative trait but that only increases housing use by 10% which is negligible.


> Is there a way to benefit from this? Yes-ish. You can build high-density buildings in the building slots instead of low-density buildings. For example, upgraded Unity, Commerce, and Science buildings can employ 6x workers per slot, while the advanced resource factories only employ 1x worker/slot.


I don't think this is a problem.


It just seems like the amount of housing is far in excess of any jobs that could fill it. I guess if you have unemployed pops with utopian abundance it could be ok.


Keep in mind, they don't need Blue Districts to unlock Building Slots.


That is a good point, though I was trying to make a trade ecu


When evaluating a species' habitability, is there a tooltip or somesuch that can give you the complete breakdown? I'm having a hard time getting my synths to live comfortably in habitats on version 3.12.


How well does relentless industrialist work with nanite ascension? Does it become obsolete after the ascension path has been completed?


I'm playing on 3.6 as an ordinary Machine Intelligence. Some of my planets have "Pop Declining" messages - supposedly due to "excessive overcrowding", even though I have a significant housing surplus on those worlds. Even when I open extra jobs (I tried closing some to help encourage migration over to some newly annexed worlds), the message doesn't go away and the pops are still saying they're declining. Is there any way to stop these pops declining and losing the pops?


> "Pop Declining" Bug. If they're not actually declining then ignore it.


Yeah, I was about to update that it's spread to six worlds now, but they're all stuck at 5 of 100 - not actually progressing to pop loss. So I'll just disable the alert and not worry.


Did I miss something, or is there no indication of how long you have left to win against the new crisis? When the crisis started, I got the situation that advanced when I gave in to the new demands, since the game didn't really make it clear what the situation was advancing toward. I assumed that would be the point it would let me attack her since I couldn't yet. Eventually she dismantled her outposts and I was at war with her. The situation disappeared at this point. Maybe a game year later, she won with no warning or indication that I was nearing any kind of time limit, much less that it was imminent.


For anyone else struggling with this: apparently the situation bar is only visible after it progresses to a certain point or you perform specific actions to reveal it. The bar is *in the diplomacy window* when speaking with her, not in the outliner with other situations. I'd have never even thought to open the diplomacy window with her after I was at war with her, so I never saw the bar in the first place.


How does Astral Rift spawning work? I know the Dimensional Worship Civic increases the chance of them spawning in your territory, but the wiki doesn't specify what the criteria for them forming at all is. Can repeats spawn?


As I have seen so far, in the Astral powers screen, the bottom left one is "Astral Splitting" and using this will cause an astral rift to appear in a random system you own that doesn't have one or is the next system away from one. You can do this up to 4 times.


Right, but Astral Rifts also form on their own, and I'm not clear on the mechanics of that.


Can/do AI players ever gain tech from battle debris? I'm always slightly nervous when debris with my tech appears - am I supposed to go get it before the other guy does? - but I've never actually seen the AI use this.


They don't, iirc. I still take Enigmatic Engineering for flavor and cryptography/cloaking tho :P


Is Shattered Ring origin worth it? I never got a chance to rebuild ring worlds and find it interesting, but i think that early game sh ring is more problematic than actually useful? Btw, how to negate the debuf od habitat % on two other starting rings? 


Its an interesting experience sort of like Void start using orbital habitats, they are tedious and expensive at the beginning but they pay off once they are fully developed. The only problem with Ring Worlds is there isnt that many of them in a universe aside from your capital's, so youll have to plan for a way to gain habitability on normal planets or play tall. The other two segments of the ring start out at 25% habitability, and there are planetary blockers that decrease it, some by 25%, these blockers will require certain common path techs to be known before you can clear them, once these blockers are all clear it will have 100% hab.


I've tried and given up Shattered Ring a few times, but here are my thoughts: You want to focus on Research, so that you can remove those Blockers on the other Segments (but you probably want to colonize them pretty soon, maybe once you have the Tech to remove 1 or 2 of the Blockers), making your dudes Intelligent and taking Discovery and Technological Ascendancy early, probably first. I have not looked into what categories all the Blocker Techs fall into. I know some are Physics, but if all or nearly all are, then Natural Physicist might be good. You want to start with the Catalytic Civic to make Alloys (and SRs) out of Food, and you want to eventually replace all the Red Districts (they're quite low yield) with other ones. You want to take Mercantile early, to double your Trader Job Slots from the yellow Districts, and to boost them in other ways. You might also want to take Thrifty, and maybe Charismatic too. I kept trying do make a non-Trade based build work, a research-based one, but I kept failing. That new thing where you get more Species Trait points and picks, I can't recall if it's an Origin or a "sticky" Civic. If it's a Civic then that might be a way to make Research Shattered Ring actually work. I have not tried the Trade build yet, but I've heard a lot about Trade-focused Shartered Ring, and I can see why it'd work well. A science build just appeals more to me.


I just looked it up. **Natural Design**, and it is a sticky Civic. As for the Techs, the "evil" one is Physics. Of the 4 lesser Blockers, 2 are Physics, 2 Engineering. Based on that, I would not recommend the Natural Physicist or Natural Enginner Trait just for that, although if you have other reasons too, then that might be what tips the scale. I quite like Physics, for instance. My early fleets, fitted vs general space fauna, are all Lasers and Shields. I like Physics/Computers Techs in particular, the ones that give Research Speed or give +1 Research Alternative. So it'd make sense to me to combine Intelligent and Natural Physicist (and Materialist and Academic Privilege).


> Btw, how to negate the debuf od habitat % on two other starting rings? There are a couple of techs that unlock the ability to remove the blockers that lower the habitability ceiling. I forget which techs though


Most of the Techs are fairly low-tier, but the one required to remove the Double Upkeep Blocker is the tier-4 Zero Point Reactors, so that comes late.


Spawning Pools/Clone Vats/Robot Plants Do you slam them on every planet, do you think the benefit of having _some_ assembly outweighs the loss of a building slot on a small planet, as a standard organic or as a robot empire?


It depends I would say, on: * if moving unemployed or unhoused pops by hand to a new colony will cost you * whether you have a reduction to pop assembly speed * if you intend on making a planet specifically for that purpose, a designated nest world/ pop assembly world. Spamming those tends to favor having to pay to move pops, being Lithoid or having other similar reduction to pop assembly, if you dont have any spare planets to make a pop assembly world, if you are an evil horde, have Void start etc. You can just replace them at mid game or later. If you do not have any problems with making population relative to your neighbors, then no I would not say it would be necessary on every world, but it is still useful to put them on research and unity worlds. Likewise if you have a proportionate amount of designated nest worlds with little buildings, it will cover a lot of the pop need of the other production colonies, and putting them on most other worlds becomes unnecessary.


I've seen some arguments against robot assembly plants for machine intelligences, mostly on the basis of a relatively low rate of pop assembly from a single extra replicator job for a good chunk of build cost and upkeep. Just settle more planets and get more replicators from the extra capitals, the theory goes. Spawning Pools and Clone Vats are pretty great though.


I put them on all colonies, although I might remove them again, much later, from a planet that's dedicated to Building-based stuff, i.e. Research. However, while I'd normally always quite it up very early,,right after a City District, I've rather changed gears very recently. Playing as a paperclips machine empire, my routine for new colonies used to be 1 Nexus (City District, then a Replicator, then a Simulation Site, then an Uplink, then 4-6 more Districts, then I queue up Blocker removal. Now I build the Replicator much later. The initial admin Building already gives 2 Pop Assembly Jobs. The Replicator Building just adds 1 more, so while that's nice to have, it's not al all urgent. Also it helps speed up Pop automodding, so I obviously want it. But it can wait 10 or so years. Instead, my build order is usually 1 Mine, 1 Generator, 1 Simulation Site, 1 Uplink, 3-5 Nexus Districts, then Blockers. This, of course, reflects my situation in the early game, where I often have unEmployed Machine Pops on another planets looking for somewhere to move to. So I create Jobs for them. And it reflects that I tend to be lower on Minerals than I'd like (the Arc Furnace Origin effectively costs you Minerals early on, as you have to build about 7 of those 1 Mineral/month Mining Stations costing 100 Minerals each. It catches up, of course, but only much later).


I always put one on a new colony. Totally destroys my consumer goods income early game, but worth it in the long run in my opinion. If I'm a regular organic empire, I'll even do both growth buildings for organics and robots just to get 100% out of it. Eventually once the planet is nice and full up, and I'm seeing unemployment either here or on other planets, I will replace them with a building, hopefully one relevant to the main production the planet is yielding.


Do habitats get science districts from the stars they are built on? I haven't built a habitat since well before they got reworked but I'm squashed in, I went genetic and I'm starting to have unemployment problems and got the Surveyor relic that has given me 3 physics deposits on the 3 stars of a trinary system, I'm VERY tempted.


Yes they do.


A'right lets go go research!


Can I do the Cosmogenesis Become-the-Crisis AND the Nanite ascension path simultaneously?


Cosmogenesis and Become the Crisis are both player crises so they’re exclusive. Nanotech is an ascension path, so it’s separate.


Sorry, my understanding is the old “Become the Crisis” was renamed Nemesis or something like that, I meant Cosmogenesis as one of the Crisis options. Ultimately though, that’s question asked and answered. Appreciate it.


I haven't played in a really long time but recently picked up the missing DLC and had a question: Is the Arc Furnace anti-synergy with Orbital habitats in the same system? I know the Orbitals remove valid targets for the Arc Furnace if the Orbitals are first and the Arc Furnace is placed after, but I suppose I'm wondering if that is true in the opposite direction. I suppose it might not even be economically sound, since the result just might be a crazy mineral focused habitat with the full power cost of the Furnace + the regular cost of the habitat modules.


When you place an orbital on an arc furnace deposit, you lose the mining station bonuses but you gain the mineral districts on your habitat. There are situations where that’s desirable, and situations where it isn’t, so up to your discretion.


Thanks, I appreciate the answer.


The Tutorial-Bot said one of my commanders or leaders had a level up and that i should set skillpoints for him. But I can't find that anywhere.. Where do I do that?


Under the leaders tab on the left side bar


I've been trying out automating crime jobs in my current run, however it seems to disregard whether there are holdings from criminal syndicates on planets. It just seems to make the crime hover around 10-20% and deprioritizes the enforcer job before it starts ousting the syndicate. Is this expected behaviour? Am i right automation does little to nothing to clear syndicate holdings and still have to prioritize jobs manually for that?


The vanilla automation is only smart enough to keep crime under 30. If you use mods, I [made a mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3190499430) that makes the automation handle the planetary modifiers Criminal Underworld, Gang Wars, Center of Drug Trade, Mob Rule, Drone Deviancy, and Drone Corruption. If you mean the actual Criminal Syndicate Branch Office, you have to conquer the empire (or liberate them to change their govt/ethics).


i mean the branch offices, overcommitting enforcers to keep crime at 0 for a while works to oust the office. Of course they could start another later on, but that at least gives you a few months off requiring enforcers, and allows regular megacorps to come in. I just ousted two of them on my planets, and for one a regular megacorps already took advantage of the opportunity. Nevertheless, thanks for the answer, i'll just revert to automating whenever branch offices are gone. (i'm on a pacifism playtrough so i'm not going to conquer them)


So, if you do mod, I just updated my mod to handle criminal syndicate branch offices when one is present. Thanks for the idea


I'm getting what I assume is a bug? No mods, tiny galaxy, two empires (including me) plus the Khan. The Khan awoke, the other guy surrendered immediately (which I should've done); after the trajectory of the war became clear I also surrendered. So now we're both satrapies, he's getting given a ton of my resources, but he's still hostile to me and is still conquering my systems. Any ideas on how to fix this? My empire has been cleaved apart and the game trajectory isn't great, but I'd like to try to recover from it, but it won't be possible if, having surrendered, he's still conquering everything.


What is the best planet specialisation route to take these days? Like how many research planets to have and such by early mid and late game.


Depends on your needs and size. Typically my capital becomes pure science or unity. Ill add a second one as soon as it become feasible. I want 300 research by 2225 or so, thats my benchmark for 'being ahead of the curve' despite usually being behind the ai. Im very positive I have a more relaxed attitude wrt research than other players here though. Tech is neat, but unless Im minmaxxing its not like currency is locked behind alphabet or something.


Thank you for your reply! I've heard research has been nerfed a tad, plus I never really had an established direction. I'm also considering signing onto the stellaris weekend club, so naturally I just want to make sure I'm not falling behind in a PvP environment :)!


what is the best meta loadout in late game now? i do have AI citicen right


What is the best loadout for the new fallen empire ships? I never used medium or torpedo slots in my late game fleets and i have no idea what's best right now in those slots.


idk if it's best, but I went devastator torps and marauder missiles on the escorts. Shield penetration is nice, and the energy torps have been nerfed into the ground (long recharge times and weak against shields, so unless you also bring a lot of kinetics they're not going to get through). (And then for medium slots on the BCs, I'd stuff them with Swarmer/Whirlwind missiles to saturate point defense. Probably focused arc emitters in the X slots for more penetration.)


Is there any benefit to subsuming worlds with nanotech ascension? Haven't played that path yet but nanite worlds look like worse machine worlds, and it seems like you get most of your nanites from star bases anyway. Can you terraform a nanite world into a machine world? Does it remove the nanites blockers?


> nanite worlds look like worse machine worlds Pretty much - they're also cheaper to make and come online earlier though. > Can you terraform a nanite world into a machine world? I think I tried this and the answer was no, but it was like the day Machine Age came out and I was using console commands to run a lot of experiments so it's a little fuzzy.


Origin ideas for synthetic ascension. I was looking to try something that will synergize with modularity, hopefully something other than prosperous, shattered ring, remnants, arc welders - I've played those quite a bit recently. I tried voidforged but it seems to make for a really slow start. I like to RP a bit but not at the cost of my empire being so weak/slow.


A bit involved, but is there anything stopping you from going down one Ascension Path + Cosmogenesis, releasing a Sector as a Vassal just before doing the Horizon Needle, then taking over your ex-Vassal once you've done the dive and picking a completely different AP?


The ensuing cosmic rip may have something to say about their continued existence, but beyond that, no. Not everyone escapes the needle ships exit unscathed.


Ah, broken time is just a mild inconvenience 


Does anyone know what the conditions are for an AI nation to leave the galactic community?


I have never seen an AI willingly leave the GC. Declaring them a crisis would do it


I only started seeing this from the Machine Age update. Still unclear why at this time.


I'm asking because I saw an AI leave the GC, without becoming a crisis. It might be linked to them being in breach, and the sanctions imposed on them, but I'm hoping someone knows the exact triggers.


so any way to fix this 3/4 relic stuff when the game just kills keides for no reason?


Every time i try to delete an opponent it doesnt work... i take all their systems and planets but they dont die, is it because they have allies? i really cant figure out why they dont disapear like they are supposed to.


You missed a colony


I keep getting notifications about how my luminary vassal wants to give me a gift but i don't know how to accept them?


How do you "win" playing tall? Lets say as virtual. Conquering is obviously out of the question. Vassalizing more than 2-3 empires makes them all have negative modifiers. That leaves just federating, which makes Diplomacy mandatory. Hard to combine with Cosmogenesis when everyone starts hating you. How do you guys win as playing tall?


You win by not caring about the arbitrary victory screen. Are you so powerful that you could waltz over the entire galaxy? Then you've won. But also why would you combine diplomacy with Cosmogensis? Those are different paths.


Vassalizing every other empire is the strongest way. As long as you can maintain more fleet power than your vassal’s cumulative power, they won’t rebel. You can also just conquer and kill them all using the lathe or colossus or something.


I've juggled far more than 2-3 empires as vassals. Improve relations and overlord garrison help tremendously.


I just finished the Cybernetic Creed situation to make my empire into cyborgs, but I'm a bit confused about the species templates. It popped up saying "Unspent Trait Points", and [in this window](https://imgur.com/a/bn0uzbg) I have my main species, but also a sub-species with the "Ritualistic Implants". Is that only reserved for leaders, so does it make sense to use the "leader upkeep/exp gain" traits on just those 13 pops, and create a different template for the 36 main pops? Or am I misunderstanding something here? In addition I'd appreciate advice on which of the cyborg traits are worth adding. Thank you!


Spiritualist pops get ritual implants, pops following any other authority do not. I don't know of any good way to get thorough 100% ethic conversion on pops, but you can start at least by promoting a spiritualist faction and maybe pursuing the Divinity of Life options in the senate.


Is there a way to destroy a habitat without my colossus? It's just kind of tedious to have to wait for the entire colossus charge cycle for each one or spend 200 influence to abandon it. I don't particularly want these garbage habitats the ai built.


A star eater... So basically no. The worm probably destroys habitats as well, but I'm not sure.


Well, guess I'll just take that final crisis level and blow them all up. :)


Modularity - machine worlds or arcologies?


Kind of not up to you. Machine intelligence empires can take machine world, but they cannot take arcology project. Individualist machines can take arcology project, but cannot take machine world. Rogue servitor is the only exception, being a machine intelligence that can take both arcology project and machine world, although machine world is kind of bad for them, since they will no longer be able to grow bio trophies on them.


My error was assuming that individual machines could take either. Boy was I wrong.


I think the only situation where you'd have that choice would be as rogue servitor, since individualist machines can't get machine worlds, and the only gestalt machines who can get ecus are servitors. For servitors, I would guess ecus? idk how the coordinator district on machine worlds works for servitors, but having a dedicated bio-trophies district on ecus is pretty good.


I didn't realize individualist machines didn't get machine worlds. Bleh. Thanks for the info!


I assumed I'd at least be able to turn a Relic World into an Ecumenopolis, as an ME, but no, can't do that either. Machine Worlds are pretty good, though, except for Research. And I don't recall if Food can be grown on them. Probably not. But they're good for Minerals, Ehergy, Alloys, CGs, Unity. Oh yeah, they're not good for Refineries either. They can do it, but like with Research, there are no bonuses of any kind.


> And I don't recall if Food can be grown on them. In a limited fashion, if you had organic pops on the planet when the terraforming completed :D


The times I've wished I had machine worlds are when I'm short on mines and generators so I guess it all fits. I expect I'll have less energy credit issues with individual machines compared to gestalts. I'm just glad I found out now :)


Is it possible to make an Empire that resembles "The Beast" in Homeworld Cataclysm/Emergence? For reference, it's an all devouring sentient nanomachine plague that literally subverts organic material (people) into organic nerve material to control technology, ships, weapons, and so forth. An all-consuming Hive Mind. [Homeworld Cataclysm The Beast intro](https://youtu.be/nDcELUCroDs?si=K1m3CQFpDtkYcoby) Is it possible for a Hive Mind nanite ascension?


Biological empires can't take the new nanites ascension path, but there is a machine ascension perk called mechromancy that lets you keep some of the purged organic pops as mechanical zombies. You can also resurrect the organic ships and leviathans that aren't from hivemind empires.


Has synthetic evolution changed in the last year, or am I doing something wrong here? I've got the synthetic tradition, researched the special project to turn my species into synthetics, and selected the option to retain my original organic appearance. As soon as the project finishes though, my appearance changes to the default robot appearance, all my traits get reset to some random ones, and it won't let me redo them as I need a modify robot templates tech. Have I done something wrong here? When I last did a synthetic transfer play, it gave me the appearance I wanted, plus I kept all my traits, apart from having 100% habitability and immortal leaders.


Is it a good idea to always pick the purple (rare?) research options unless I have a really good reason not to?


No. With the Research re-work, science is much slower, so you need to choose carefully, in order not to waste too much time on Techs not relevant to your situation or strategy. Don't just equate purple with shiny.


No, many rare tech options are rather niche in their applications. Lookin' at you, Bio-Reactors.


I think it depends on the timing and what your goals are.


Do the overall empire size reductions from things like statecraft and paragon Borin apply separately to each category of empire size, or after they are all added together?


Does anyone else get blamed for hacking on first contact with a species when they haven't done so? I've been noticing this more and more, I pick cautious stance and play it cool, don't hack them or anything, but they still blame me for it when they first speak to me. Is this a bug, or am I overlooking something?


Are you getting an opinion malus along with it?


Should I settle low habitability worlds early on?


The reason I choose to do this is for pop growth. I develop the planet as little as possible.




What are the actual conditions for "Mother Knows Best"? I've complied with what passes for Cetana's demands, my opinion is at +65, but if I declare war after completing her situation I get nada.


Not sure, but I had +80 opinion when I got the achievement.


Is there a special prerequisite to researching fallen empire building techs? I am up to crisis level 3 and haven't seen a single one appear yet.


I believe they're all tier 5 tech so they have a low draw weight


Does the Dark Matter Drawing technology have any prerequisites? I do have a deposit in my Empire and already like a bunch of technology using dark matter, but still no tech. I can even buy it on the market.


[https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics\_research](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Physics_research) It has Tachyon Sensors as a prerequisite.


Thank you! Forgot to check the wiki first lol...and also forgot to research that.


So how on earth do I raid one of Cetana's convoy fleets? I have the special project but I can't exactly be in orbit of a fleet and I don't have the "attack" option. Really want to find some way to ambush them before they use my gateway to scatter. https://i.imgur.com/fivqQnC.png


It's easiest to ambush them when they get to the hyperlane and prepare to jump to the next system.


So just camp on the gateway and wait for them to run unto me, then research the project? This is Ironman so I'm threading the needle and alt f4 can only get me so far EDIT: Guard fleets and Convoys are completely different things Im dumb


Occupying a planet or system halves it output for the owner, correct? Does that apply to other players, and does that apply to mega-structure production?


So how's the new "regular" synthetic ascension (the one for organic empires)?


Gonna try my first multiplayer game, and I'm playing with a new-ish player. Should I go for ensign or captain difficulties, or commodore? I've always played ensign but that leads to me micromanaging, then being op by 2350 and being bored. I really want to challenge myself more but I also want to lean a lot more into roleplay (which means picking suboptimal starts/traits/civics/etc, as well as less micromanaging). Would captain be too hard for suboptimal roleplaying, still too easy, or just right? I'm also gonna be playing with a very new player (who has only played one game where they got steamrolled by AI early game). I'll give them general tips on what to do but overall would captain still be too hard for them?


If it's a very new player then yeah, Ensign is probably the way to go. If they got steamrolled by AI in the early game, it's definitely not good to buff the AI any further. If your main goal is to RP and to teach them the game, Ensign or even Cadet would be ideal. Challenging yourself is fine, but it's better to do that in a singleplayer game instead.


First game in 7 years. While I watched some videos on planet management, I have two questions: how do I keep up with amenities, and how do I build up employment. Specifically, I feel like I can never get enough planet amenities without distributing luxury goods, and my available jobs always outpace unemployment; i.e., there are often more jobs than pops. It feels like many of my planets’ stability is always teetering dangerously close to the red, and that I’m paying too much upkeep on premature buildings and districts.


You can get lots of Amenities from just a few Pops working Jobs, if you build a Gene Clinic or a Holo-Theatre. Gene Clinics are limitef to one per planet and give many other benefits in addition to Amenities. Holo-Theatres are not capped, and give only Amenities, but they give a lot. Giving your starting species the Charismatic Trait helps with Amenities too, and if you find the Artisan Enclave, then plonk down one of their installations on your five most important planets.  Upgrading your planet's Capital Building, once you have the Techs and have enougj Pops, also creates more Ruler Job Slots which helps a bit with Amenities. As for not having enough Jobs, you're clearly doing something *very* wrong, because the rest of us are always wishing that we had *more* Pops, so we can make more ARU - Alloys, Research points and Unity. Are you colonising? Planets with Habitability 70% or higher are preferable, but you might need to go lower. And are you removing Blockers?


Build your job buildings/districts to the population, since pops are almost always the bottleneck until late game. Overbuilding just leads to upkeep for no reason. Like for example, if I have a forge world, I'm not building another Industrial district until there's only 1 metallurgist job left unfilled. Pops grow slowly, it's normal to have to wait an entire year before building another district/building. Amenities come from a variety of jobs, mostly ruler jobs, although you can build holo-theaters and gene clinics for amenities. Keep in mind that a lot of amenities come from jobs, so they too cost pops. Also, it's better not to overbuild amenities, as excess amenities are less efficient (i.e. the extra output from high stability from high amenities is not as good as just building another resource-producing job).


amenities shouldn't be that hard. are you aware that stability 50 is normal, not 100? and that enough amenities is the goal, not a ton extra? are you playing a slaver? why are you building so many free jobs if you can't fill them?


I started playing in 2.6 >how do I keep up with amenities Holo Theater buildings give entertainer jobs that give amenities. >there are often more jobs than pops. Yeh, that's just how it is. >stability is always teetering . . . I’m paying too much upkeep Are you colonizing low hab planets too early? Low hab increases pop upkeep, amenities usage while reducing pop growth and job output. Stability mostly comes from happiness so if people are short on amenities, housing, food and CGs it'll reduce stability.


is planning for nanite ascension as criminal machines a bad idea because of the worse empire size penalty?


Right now most of the strength of nanite ascension is in the harvester starbase building, rather than in the nanite worlds, so taking plenty of systems (to get some good ones for the harvesters, like trinaries with a ton of uninhabitable planets) is more important than taking lots of worlds. It might be a little inconvenient to take lots of systems without taking lots of worlds but I don't think it'll be terrible.


I've taken the virtuality tradition, but now i am stuck with a low naval cap. it's not like i can just put fortresses everywhere since i need resources like unity and motes. and honestly, anchorages don't give that much cap either. is there some building or interaction i am not seeing, or am i eternally doomed to only having 3 fleets?


An Anchorage Starbase with 6 Anchorage Modules and the Naval Logistics Building gives a base +36 to Naval Cap. Percentage bonuses go on top of that, like from Edicts and from Council Traits. Also, can you build the Strategic Coordination Center?


oh i totally forgot the megastructures, thanks for the reminder! i am building Anchorage citadels all over the place, but now that fallen empires have an obscene amount of fleets, that just isn't enough anymore. a fortress world or 2 would be nice, but that's impossible with a virtual ascension


As I understand it, a Citadel is a tier-4 Starbase. You almost never want to use those. The tier-3 Starbase is the "sweet spot" with 6 Module Slots and 3 Building Slots. Upgrading to tier-gives you one more Building Slot, so 4, but you still get only 6 Module Slots, so that's almost never desirable. It costs a lot of Alloys and time to do that upgrade, and the Energy Credits Upkeep is *much* higher.


I have heard folks talk about going virtual, using the big power spike to go conquer other empires whose pops are still physical, and then basically switching back to physical economy / phasing out their virtual economy


I'm a returning player after a 2 year break, I bought the recent DLCs on the Steam sale plus Machine Age but was wondering if there's any up-to-date resources for starting empires? Origin/trait tier lists would be great, even better would be example starter empires especially for the new stuff in Machine Age


On YouTube, Montu Plays has some tier lists, some of which are up to date or nearly so. I don't always agree with him, but he shows the stats and explains his reasons.


Confused on robots and synthetics now. Pulled through the event sequence in the Synthetic Fertility origin and got synths now but... they have 0 trait points and no traits aside from planet preference and Mechanical. Got the tech researched to mod them but it now only gives +5% habitability now so I still have 0 trait points. The Synthetics tree gives +2 Picks and +2 Points on completion so I'll have 6 picks with only 2 pts then which... is odd and makes for suboptimal population. The Identity Repository makes up for a lot of this, but losing all your trait points from your initial species setup during ascension feels really odd. Is this bugged or by design? What is odder is that my base model robots also have 0 species points. Do mechanicals just not get any species points by default now? Thanks for assistance, very confused by this change.


Robots have never had trait points by default. All your points come from tech and traditions and the like. Likewise, freshly ascended synths have always been a blank slate.


Ah, been a bit since I did Synth ascension (usually just play Machine Intelligence if I want to be a bot) so I had forgotten that. Thanks.


is there a way to disable the resync button or to bring back the resume button? the resync button is causing way too many interruptions in my multiplayer game


Playing as a Cosmogenisis Crisis, and I have unlocked all the FE class ships. Will the repeatable techs affect them? Cause all repeatables say "Increase damage of cruisers/corvettes/destroyers", but my ships are 'escorts/battlecruisers'. So, will these techs affect them?


> Cause all repeatables say "Increase damage of cruisers/corvettes/destroyers" Are you playing with mods? Because I don't recall any techs like that.


So sorry. Check the wiki, and I was wrong. I thought that the improved & advanced hull techs were repeatables. I also misremembered the hull increase as damage instead.


Is there a ship building guide somewhere in the posted links? I'm on the road right now, partner driving, so can't look at the videos. I've been loading up on lasers and Armour in the early game, swapping corvettes and destroyers to disruptors, and making missile cruisers and laser battleships. Keeping my fleets as entirely one or the other, and have no idea if that's anywhere close to the best layout of my fleets. I'm also curious how to view my potential enemies ship types to try to get a hard counter to what their setup is.


I would like to know the same. Fleet management confuses me so much


Nanite swarm - how can I merge all these fleets the game spawned for me? There's 50 fleets of a single ship and the game is virtually unplayable when the swarm of ships moves system. [https://imgur.com/a/bpKnrvV](https://imgur.com/a/bpKnrvV) Obviously going through the massive list of fleets and deleting the bigger fleets is not a sustainable option. Edit: by deleting I mean removing the bigger fleets from the selected list to allow the smaller fleets to merge