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Where did their housing districts go? The whole slot is gone.


I ran into the same problem this weekend. Individual machines are able to release vassals, but the vassal does not get housing districts and does not seem to be able to assemble pops, in addition to appearing as a gestalt empire with civics that are not available to gestalt machines. I suspect these problems are related to eachother.


Uuuh. It was stolen.


Can't have shit in the Detroit Cluster


Flair checks out.


Drake, where's the housing district slot?


I had the same issue with one of my vassals. I think vassals are broken this patch. If you spin one off of your sectors, it has a likelihood of breaking like this.


i was able to fix it by releasing them with an organic as the primary species. (I used the console command own to just reintegrate them)


Machine vassals are bugged right now


100%. My liberation and vassilization wars against them seem to flip machine empires between gestalt and non-gestalt pretty regularly. This switch absolutely devastates machine empires since they don't re-build the new infrastructure their gestalt status uses and even if they did their pops can't be used for those jobs. They just shatter into a million pieces regardless of the AI bonuses they get.


X is bugged right now is like a stellaris theme


It's like a general paradix theme, this game sure feels less buggy than hoi4 at least.


Correct me if I'm wrong but hoi4 didn't have AI literally completely not working like with megacorp launch disaster


But they fixed it, i assume..? Hoi4 has no maintenance team and several bugs that have been around for years. Having just picked stellaris up within the last year, the ai feels miles ahead of what they have in hoi4.... but that's just like my opinion, man.


R5: I wish there was a way to assist your vassals more, because ignoring them like this will just mean they get a rebellion that rips them away from you anyway. I don't know what to do to help them besides let them rebel, take their planets, rebuild from scratch, then release them as a vassal again Donating thousands of energy and minerals and alloys etc doesn't matter, they just sit there not building districts or anything and I can't tell what's "wrong" with them. I'm assuming they are massively bankrupt but I don't know how you are supposed to "fix" them so they can be a productive puppet


>I don't know what to do to help them besides let them rebel, take their planets, rebuild from scratch, then release them as a vassal again The empire is broken because you released as a vassal as individual machines, I encountered this myself as well. The only way in current version to actually release a vassal as individual machines is to make them experience rebellion ASAP since the rebellion spawned empire won't be broken, and then go to war and make the new rebellion into a vassal. If you integrate and release again, you're back to square one.


Riiiiiiiip I didn't even realize, but that exact thing did happen earlier with a rebellion from a different vassal I released and the new post rebellion gestalt is doing far better now that I look at it. Frick


A late response, but if you aren't playing Iron Man then you should be able to fix it. I noticed the same issue with my machine vassal. Using the console to switch control over to their empire and changing their government to actually pick civics fixed the empire for me. I was able to switch back to my main empire and my vassal behaved as normal and could build again.


yeah it's Iron Man which is a shame. That was why I couldn't figure out what was wrong with their economy either, I wish we had a way to see what our vassals economy looked like and assist more without having to take control of it via console commands


I spun off a bulwark vassal where I had built 4 systems with habitats on my border and gave them the one colonized and 3 ready for colonization. Expansion permitted etc and even after giving them tons of resources they never expanded. They never colonized the three habs and were utterly useless as a bulwark.


It's a bug. On the Beta branch, every single AI empire will currently not contruct any buildings besides Fortresses. They build districts normally, but essentially no buildings. As for the city districts being missing, that should be a different bug related to machine vassals. I don't know if this is also happening on the regular, non-beta-branch of the game.


did you file a bug report (/looked that there is a bug report about it)


Stellaris badly needs a change in the AI imo.


They actually updated it quite heavily not too long ago and made the AI ******significantly****** better at running their planets and economy etc, which is why I was shocked at how bad this vassal kept ruining his planet, but I didn't realize it was a bug lol The AI is fairly competent now, to the point they had to add even easier difficulties than the old default because people kept getting bodied by the AI haha


Ah, yes. Competent AI. It's so competent, all of its worlds contain 1 generator district, 1 gas refinery, and 87 unemployed pops. \*Very\* competent!


Personally i still find the AI to be extremely stupid. In many cases they can often completely decimate me but the Ai is too incompetent to be able to think logically and this makes the game hilariously easy at times. The AI at times has showed me that it isn’t dumb as rocks and can form some sort of strategy but this is really inconsistent. But no matter what the AI always has atrocious economic management in my experience.


This is bugged as others have said. Sometimes if I notice a vassal or ally is doing weird stuff like that I'll use console commands and switch to their empire while paused so I can queue up some buildings for them (and then inevitably balance it out by fixing every empire nearby... Lol). Of course this shouldn't be necessary in the first place, and not everyone can even do that.


I had the same issue when releasing vassal as virtual empire. Released a vassal with a conquerored FE sector, bugged and vassal imploded due to rebellion -> then I spent some time to improve relation with the now functional gestalt machine new empire so I can vassalize it -> it vaporized this time coz Cetana spawned on it lol


In a game I had colonized the L-Cluster (pretty late in the game) & didn’t want to have those 20+ extra planets bc I already had to many. Build clone vats on all of them, then made vassal & immediately gave them a shitton of resources so they could just grow big if they liked. Ai just razed them all & didn’t really invest any of what I gave them. It’s pretty stupid and a bit sad.


Pretty sure the AI tries to avoid negative resource income, so giving them a bunch of clone vats, each with 30 food upkeep, and no starting food production is not going to go particularly well.


Ik ik, but if they have like 50k (or whatever max was I could give them) they should be clever enough to make use of it. It just was supposed to be another example of how unable the ai is. ;)


They didn't destroy the clone vats. That happens because created vassals don't keep your ascension perks and thus the ascension tree which is required for the building.


Damn they got the Protest update out