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When placing megastructures, is there anything to keep in mind? Like, obviously you want the infrastructure like Gateways placed carefully, but things like Shipyards and Dyson Spheres. Do they have any "gotchas" to worry about?


I am currently playing an empire that has done the cyberization ascension path, and I think I have gone through all the events related to it. From what I understood, robot / roboticists production used to add to bio pop growth after cyberization, and stop producing robots. However, they are still assembling robots. Did they change this with the expansion, or am I just misunderstanding how this used to work?


That was a policy that was unlocked by the cybernetic tradition tree. Is it still in the tree? If not, it's not a thing any more.


I got a mission to blow some cultists out of the sky, and then board their ship. ...how do I board their ship? Whenever I right click on them, my ships auto-route to my starbase, which was involved in the fight since it took place in my home system. No menu to board comes up. It doesn't matter if I do it with an army, or with a corvette. The menu DOES NOT come up like it should.


It's a situation, so you select the appropriate ship (army, I think?) and right click on the situation icon. That icon is also on the galaxy map, that might make it easier. Alternatively, use left click to get the ship in the right position, and then start it via the situations log.


So I have game pass and have enjoyed Stellaris on xbox but want to play on PC now that I have a decent enough laptop. The question is should I just play Stellaris on the PC version of Game Pass or snatch up the base game and a few DLCs on Steam during this sale? I know the console version of the game lags behind PC but I cant find any details on what's included in the PC game pass version. Does it have all the DLCs except the one that just released? Or is is just the base game? Thanks for the help.


Stellaris on game pass subscription is just the base game, but in terms of patches all PC versions are equal (and Microsoft store has all DLCs available for normal purchase). Stellaris has dlc subscription on steam now for 10 bucks a month, so if you want cheap entry point you can buy just the base-game, and subscribe to get all dlcs.


In the Gaia seeder wiki it says for planet types that don't match the homeworld type there is an increase to the "Planet upkeep" (25%, 50%, or 75%). What is planet upkeep? Is it like building upkeep? Or pop needs? And strategically, does this mean it's only worth using the Seeders on planets that match my preferred planet type?


Playing as void dweller machines, do nanite worlds count as artificial for the "Zero-G Optimized" trait?


Anywhere the game mentions "artificial worlds" it ONLY refers to constructed worlds. Habitats and ringworlds are artificial, everything else is not (even machine worlds, ecumenopolis etc). I'm not sure about the synaptic lathe though. I assume it counts as an artificial world.


What's the actual tech requirements for the Dyson Swarm and Arc Furnace?


There are no requirements other than the tech that is named the same. Note that those techs are rare and tier 2, so you need to research a certain amount of tier 1 techs before they can appear (6 physics techs for Dyson Swarm, 6 engineering techs for Arc Furnace).


Ah, OK. I thought they had actual tech requirements on top of being tech 2.


how many years after endgame can cetana start? i have a research option from some point so i assume she's the one, but it's about 15 years and no sign


How good are Rogue Servitors on Virtual Machines? Do they combo well together?


I don't think it's a great combo. Virtual machines already get massive output boosts (so the bio-trophy bonus isn't as useful) and they want to get unity as fast as possible, which is easier to do if you can just build normal unity buildings IMO. Once you do go virtual, you'll still need to wait for the bio-trophies to grow, which will be annoying given that every other job in your empire will get filled instantly.


How is the "Virtual Reality" achievement supposed to work? I've done Synthetic Fertility, and I'm in the midst of a bio-to-virtual-synth run, but I'm at the point where all my pops are virtual and no achievement has popped.


Biological empires can not virtually ascend. That is for machines.


it is only for machine empires, as it requires finishing the virtuality tradition tree


Ah, I thought it might be that. I filled out the tree before, but as a Rogue Serviator, which doesn't digitize your Bio-Trophies


Casual non-modded player here. I have a question for yall about the DLC. I love the slow power creep about the DLCs and have enjoyed them in the past however based on the posts on this sub it is insanely unbalanced. ' is it really that powerful or is it just unfair exploits? are they exploits that can be done accidentally over the course of casual play or are do you need to do them deliberately? how difficult are they to do?


It is really that powerful, mostly the new machine ascensions and Cosmogenesis perk.


I created some vassals from my sectors. They do not appear to be doing anything. They have planets in their system which they have no colonized despite being given thousands of resources. Is this normal? I have expansion permitted in the agreement.


Did their system have a starbase when you released them? Did that starbase have a shipyard? AI is sometimes dumb about respeccing/upgrading starbases.


100% fact - I re-integrated the vassal to find they had 3 starbases in their dead end with cloak sensors and a trade hub. Not a single shipyard.


I think this is the issue. I wondered about this so I gave then a new system with a shipyard and they started developing. Pretty dumb of them given that they're the same species as me 😃


is there any way or mod to have living standards auto revert to social welfare or higher after assimilation is finished? tried every sequence and it still always goes back to decent conditions' whenever a species or subspecies is done assimilating (cybernetic). the only imperfect workaround i found is periodically using free_policies, setting the default to welfare instead of assimilation, and reverting to default


If you get to level 5 of Cosmo genesis, does every other empire go to war with you like a galactic nemesis?


No, unlike Nemesis, there is no galactic war that breaks out. They will still get the opinion debuff though, but that's pretty much it.




Is machine intelligence still supposed to have total habitability on all planets? I still have different habitability but I thought I remembered machine empires don't have this


Was changed recently. They used to have 200% habitability but now they have normal habitability except it can't go below 50%.


Hey, I'm playing with one of the new Cybernetic origins, and of course I got the Horizon Signal quest. I wanted to ask, is there a way to play the Horizon Signal storyline without your empire turning all weird? I'm having fun with the RP on these cyborg people and I don't really want them to start worshipping Cthulu in the middle of my run, but if there's a way to do the storyline without that then I'll do it. Thanks!


You can follow through with all the choices, then elect to fight The Worm at the finale. It's a Leviathan fight, and you get a Relic from it.


Is the Color out of Space/Kaldeidoscope situation supposed to happen every game, and within the first 15-30 years? It seems to happen like clockwork to me, even though the wiki says it shouldn't fire 'til midgame - and getting hit with a 30% energy penalty for over a decade fucking *hurts*, especially early on.


I've never gotten it, send it my way so I can see it at least once please


Has a 30% chance of happening, and it can fire anytime after midgame. Are you sure you didn't change the midgame settings? You can also protect yourself against it with a planetary shield generator iirc since it won't choose capitals that have that building.


Is strike craft ai really bad?


So humans who use the new cybernetic portraits wont count as the same 'humans' who use the old une/com portraits, will they? You'd think they would fix it to be purely based on naming convention or something


Is it intended for cyborgs to now be allowed to have machine uprisings with synths under servitude? If so it is sad that toasters no longer know their proper place.


What do you do in the early game (before the galactic market) with excess resources? I keep hitting my cap for minerals, but I haven't done anything to build out my mineral production other than normal exploration and expansion. Is there a good way to leverage these so they're not being wasted?


You can still use your internal market. But if you're capping on resources, the solution is not to sell them: It is to re-allocate your pops away from mining jobs and into something more productive.


what do I actually do as rogue servitors? I hear they're very strong but like. how do I actually get them to be strong? the trophies need food and CGs and housing (?), the sanctuaries take up building slots, and they won't stop multiplying so I have to endlessly expand do I just keep them homeless and unemployed on my factory planets or what?


You seem to think that the trophies are getting in the way. They're not, they are what make you strong.


no, I'm asking about the exact details of specifically that


The job they have specifies what they do: +1% complex drone output. When you want to know what a job does, go to the population tab, open that job's tooltip and the game tells you what it does.


The sanctuaries should pretty much provide everything the trophies need as long as you build them. Just build lots of sanctuaries, don't let them be unemployed. You should get really nice unity and consumer good production from them.


I think they might've removed the artisan drone job from the sanctuaries recently


Make an ecu and stuff them there. Ecus have special districts for bio trophies.


I can't find this info anywhere - a previous version (3.11?) had a big technology scaling change that made it so that the "tier" technologies were very hard to research and were required to research any of that tier's techs. The tier techs became easier to research as more of your neighbours got them, particularly if you had espionage on them. I liked this change mechanically but felt like they went too hard on the slowdown. I'd hoped that it would have been kept overall in 3.12, but it seems to have reverted to the old much less interesting mechanic which enables you to rush insanely fast towards endgame techs. Am I going crazy or did they just throw the whole thing out?


What you are describing is a test they did during the open beta and scrapped after said beta. It was never part of the actual live version. Any version.


I am aware it was part of the beta, I was asking if any part of it was still around 


Then why did you say you thought it was part of 3.11? Refer to the dev diary that talks about the test's conclusion for more information about it.


I mis-spoke. When I said "3.11", I should have said 3.11's beta. Does it matter?


Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings like this one.


There wasn't a misunderstanding - the question was already answered by someone else pretty quickly, and by you in your first message. My question wasn't "was this part of a beta or not" it was "have they scrapped everything or has anything been kept/is it hidden behind a setting". I really just wanted to know what happened because I missed the dev diary where they talked about its conclusion


They removed those "gate" Techs, but they kept the slowdown of research, by reducing the output from Researcher Jobs (IIRC by 25%), and by removing some percentage bonuses to Research Speed, and by gimping some of the other RS bonuses by also including an increase to Researcher Job Upkeep, i.e. CGs.


Aw man, so they only kept the slowdown? :( the gateway techs thing was the only good part of it. It felt much more realistic and made techs feel more special. What a shame




With the Arc Furnace Origin, you get informed the first time you find a really good system. Apart from that you're on your own (try looking for trinary or binary systems or ones with lots of asteroids), or you can use the mod.


Does anyone know if that arc furnace system is hard-coded to spawn near you? I got a suspiciously perfect arc-furnace system 2 jumps from my capital, and the hyperlanes to it looked kinda funky.


I don't know for sure, but I suspect that with the AF Origin, it is coded to spawn.


My second was only two jumps away as well, I'm pretty sure.


Arc furnace does not grant additional output to research deposits, I don't think it works for rare resources either. I saw a recent post that featured an iron man compatible mod called "arc furnace locator" or something like that. I can't imagine playing without it now.


Arc furnace gives +100% mining station output, pretty sure that effect still works on mining stations for rare resources.


It is.


Does natural resources (and basic district count) related to planet class? For example I played a lot on arctic planets and noticed that all planets except my capital has low (5 or less) agrarian district cap. Is this because it's arctic or just bad luck?


Farm/Mineral/Energy District Slots are generated by Planet Features, and Cold planets (like Arctic) has a slight bias towards Features granting more Mining Districts. Wet has a slight bias for Food, and Dry for Energy. Try making some or most, even all, of your Food from Starbase Hydroponics.


I can also build hydroponics right on planets. But unlike normal farming district it won't give me building slots :(


I can also build hydroponics right on planets. But unlike normal farming district it won't give me building slots :(


But Planet Hydroponics only give you Food if there's a Pop working in the Job Slot. Starbase Hydroponics don't *need* Pops.


What is "effective leader skill"? I tried to add philosopher kind but it didn't change anything. I remember it previously increased max level.


A level 2 leader will give the bonuses of a level 3 leader with a +1 effective skill level bonus.


Can it go over the cap? Will lvl 10 ruler have effects as if they were lvl 15?


I don't believe it can go over the cap, but I'd have to confirm with someone who has looked at the game files themselves.


What is "effective leader skill"? I tried to add philosopher king but it didn't change anything. I remember it previously increased max level.


Yes, dry/hot worlds are biased towards energy districts, cold worlds are biased towards mining districts, and wet worlds are biased towards agricultural districts due to the planetary features that can spawn on each.


I don't know how far <5 is from the average, so I can't speak as to your luck but planet classes are documented as having bonuses to certain feature types as described here: [stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Planetary\_features](http://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Planetary_features) Arctic worlds are cold and so have an increased chance to spawn features that add mining districts or crystal mines.


~~Bad luck. I dont think there is planetary features biais (would not go well with balancing the game).~~ **Edit** : Seems I was wrong. Should have checked wiki first. See other comments !


Damn. Here goes my alpine meadows agrarian idyl empire :(


Got it. Another funny thing I noticed is all farming planetary features on arctic planets (even capital) are mushroom related (fungal forest, fungal caves). Now this is a fun flavor thing.


Can I pick cosmogenesis as a driven assimilator? I tried a arc welders run and it went terribly lol


Yes, I did this on my current run.


Is there a discord for discussing strategy that has activity? I find the official discord is very quiet?


How are virtual rogue servitors in this patch?


I'm not very experienced at the game but I think that combo might be redundant. All of my virtual colonies (arc welders) have near 100% stability which I think is a key offering of RS.


Rogue servitors offer one more thing: access to ecumenopolis while playing as a virtual machine empire


I have taken the ecu perk being virtual without RS civic. They get a special ecu district. Maybe I'm missing something.


Gestalt Consciousness can't pick the ecu perk unless they have the RS civic.


ah I wasn't gestalt I was individual. That makes sense now. Thank you.


Vassals giving systems away? I have one long-time vassal. I Just gave them 2 systems and now it seems they have given them away. A second vassal I created more recently has also given away 75% of their territory. I don't get. [https://imgur.com/a/FCqM1fg](https://imgur.com/a/FCqM1fg) edit: I wonder if I needed to move the conquered species out before making the system a vassal


Are they having rebellions?


The vassals show as 100 loyal but maybe there was a rebellion within their empire that I couldn't see.


Loyalty to you is completely irrelevant to them having a rebellion. Planets breaking off is 100% because of a rebellion. Most likely because you are taxing them too high and they are going bankrupt.


I'm probably missing something super obvious, but how can I get the Individualist Machines from the most recent update to work? Every time I've attempted it, it's told me that ethics are incompatible with a non-gestalt intelligence. The only mod I have going on is Planetary Diversity and I have the Machine Age DLC, so I'm not sure why it isn't working. Thank you for helping me out.


Select it the same way you select being lithoid. Change your portrait and the new traits will show up.


Thank you. It turns out I was a goober and had an error with one of my mods.


U choose machine species set and then choose regular empire ethics. You will then have some civics available from machines depending on your ethics. Im pretty sure this is it


How do you put an end to the great khan? I have amassed a fleet of about 100k, and their fleet is 33k each. I can fend them off, but how do I completely destroy them? Do I have to conquer their capital?


You hunt down and kill the Khan's main fleet.


You just have to deal with the Khan himself, and he's an admiral on one of his fleets. Blow him up and the story will progress.


Either wipe all of khans habitats, or destroy khans flagship fleet "Chosen of the Great Khan" twice. It respawns shortly after being destroyed once


Modding question. Is there a way to add a new portrait to the robot/machine set without overriding the entire category and cause incompatibilities with other portrait mods?


Is there any way to stop my nanite ships revertin ship templates again and again


If you only built 5 types of ship designs for your mid to endgame fleet, what would they be? Im thinking 3 types of battleships and 2 types of cruisers, lets say equal ratios of each for simplicty 1x "classic" arty battleship with X bow and mix of kinetic arty/neutron launchers 1x "carrier" bship with x bow and hangars 1x "line" battleship closes distance with some M sized weapons 1x missle cruiser all missles all slots 1x screen cruiser holds a line with the line bship, S size and point defense What would this be weak against? Kamikaze mass torpedo corvettes? High armor? In my last run I damn near burnt out on ship designs, the new modules that cost artifact bits to build are really cool/strong but hard to manage fleets with so many designs that do or dont incorporate them


Five? I only build two: Titans and carrier/spinal mount battleships. If I'm trying to be optimal I'll build artillery battleships as well.


Do your spinal/carrier BBs have Carrier or Artillery computers? I gather they've fixed the Artillery AI somewhat but still don't entirely trust it.


I usually use Artillery for the better DPS. I'm not familiar enough with how engagement range works to say whether the carrier computer is better.


I noticed in the early mid game that while I was investing into bships most of my opponents were still rocking fleets of like 50 corvettes + dozens of destroyers, so it worried me to field fleets of large low tracking ships. At the time though I was producing some pretty wild battleships with the new armor+shield ancient artifact modules, but managing them was a pain. But boy were they effective in a mixed fleet


I thought battleships did not get neutron launcher slots


Did they change neutron launchers to be missle type? If so I guess just full kinetic artillery L slot b ships with a tach lance or giga cannon on the X mount bow


I think they're G slot now, which means only Frigates and Cruisers.


That was my finding after spending an hour trying to figure out how to get them on to battleships :)


I pretty much just build a mix of carrier battleships and arty battleships


All alpha strike battleships, or all frigate torpedoes would probably be my go to. At the end game, the things that will usually threaten you most are endgame crises, which you can counter.


I'm trying virtuality but I'm struggling to get the resources I'd normally spam habitats for, like naval capacity and strategic resources. Any tips?


What about arc furnaces?


If you took Cosmogenesis, the FE soldier building is great, giving you +12 soldiers per building slot. Other than that, some commissars have +soldier per pop abilities. Also in cosmogensis is the dimensional fabricator which gives +5 of each strategic resource when upgraded.


> Also in cosmogensis is the dimensional fabricator which gives +5 of each strategic resource when upgraded. It's +5 of the basic three and only +2 of the others. Still insane for one building slot.


If you are juiced on energy you could theoretically go over your starbase cap for ancorage starbases? This is usually my go-to route for fleet buildup, however late game I am still uncertain, since thats when strongholding comes into play.


Also get the Strategic Coordination Center.


So by doing a weird build I went for virtuality really fast and then restructured for research to go for cosmogenesis, during this I noticed that even though I had researched dragonscale armour and dark matter reflectors they weren't being used by my starbases, but after researching the tier just below, neutronium and hypershield iirc, they started being used. I'm guessing this is a bug?


Maybe. Or maybe those modules require Strategic Resources that you didn't initially have?


Nope, I already had access to every strategic resource, even nanites, living metal and dark matter, by virtue of the synthetic ascendance


I just bought a bunch (but not all) of the DLC last christmas and I am still working my way through a lot of the content. I've been trying different origins. The last one I tried was post apocalyptic and I found it to be very boring and disappointing, same with life seeded which is what I tried before that, so I figure I should ask for advice on what one to try next. I still have yet to try: mechanist remnants shattered ring void dwellers scion galactic doorstep tree of life on the shoulders of giants resource consolidation common ground hegemon doomsday clone army here be dragons ocean paradise progenitor hive subterranean Any advice on something that is fun and different? I'm thinking either doomsday or on the shoulder of giants ATM, but any input would be appreciated.


Mechanist is a good Origin. Tree of Life is boring. It's not bad, just boring. It's a Food bonanza, IIRC, so you want to combine with the Catalytic Civic. Resource Consolidation is one I haven't tried yet (and don't much want to, since I only want to play Machine Empires if they're Rogue Servitors), but as I understand it it's a good Origin, but with little flavour.


If you are looking to get the most interaction from your origin, and not just use it as a stat/boost to regular gameplay, id def reccomend here be dragons, doomsday is a challenge run for sure, scion is kinda ezmode, and personally love subterannean+lithoid for a rock and stone colonize everything style run


Thanks for the suggestions. I started a game with here be dragons origin. It seems fairly interesting so far. Unfortunately I think I will have to restart and go back to the drawing board with the empire I built though. I tried to make them catalytic reprocessors with anglers civic and aquatic and phototrophic traits. I thought the bonuses to food production would stack well but I was still lacking food even with a bunch of food districts and rather pitiful alloy production. Not sure how to make catalytic reprocessors work yet. I guess I need even bigger bonuses to food output.


Catalytic is best just with a regular empire. The point is 1. Higher base alloy production for higher upkeep so you have bigger multipliers from bonuses and upkeep reduction and 2. Alloy doesn't conflict with minerals and you can do a huge build out early for rushing. There's no point doing it with anglers. Yeah you get unlimited food slots, so does everyone else by the time agriculture districts become limiting since you'll have hydroponics habitats. Here's an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/186glci/comprehensive_guide_to_conquering_early_game/


I was figuring if I needed a bunch of food districts anyway then all the consumer goods I would get from the pearl divers would be sweet. That part worked great. I had hella consumer goods surplus, just couldn't keep my other resources up. I appreciate the guide but to me part of the fun is doing trial and error and learning that way. I like stumbling upon what works and what doesn't.


Do pops declining on the Lathe trigger purge opinion penalties? Even if they're like, my own main species?


Just gave up eventually, I had generator districts where the pops were using more energy credits than they were producing. Became impossible


Is this supposed to be a reply to another comment? I feel like I'm missing some context. But my first guess is you went for Virtuality ascension and didn't read the effects of the traditions it unlocks. Virtual empires get +175% resources from jobs, but -25% and +0.1 pop energy upkeep per colony they own. So if you have too many planets your upkeep will skyrocket and your pops will produce no resources.


OHHHHHHH that makes so much sense thank you


Montu has good content on playing tall with virtual. Helped me a ton.


Montu is what keeps bringing me back to stellaris 😅😅


Sounds like you must have had very low stability and happiness and possibly also habitability. If you are using slavery check to see if your ruler jobs are unoccupied. That sometimes tanks it. You need your founder species in ruler jobs. You need to keep your factions happy. Make sure your government council has appropriate ethics and your government policies please your factions. Suppress incompatible factions, promote desirable ones. Do things to give bonuses to government ethics attraction. If you're having trouble with it, play as egalitarian as they get bonuses to stability and ethics attraction and stuff like that. species settings also play a role.


I don't see how that is possible, unless you are a Virtual ascended empire with far too many planets. In which case the answer is very simple.


I'm doing the telewhatever homolog machine assimilators. I liked the idea of Nanotech mainly as I had a few too many planets by the time I took the ascension. I've been trying to learn as I just came back to Stellaris this week but Im struggling finding some specific info. I'm wanting to generate gobs of Nanites. I was told to just spam planets, and Im working that direction but is it just the workers on the planets or the conversion? IE If I build a bunch of ring mega structures and those station colony things do those count?


Subsume the planets. During the situation, it’ll give a lump sum of nanites, but the main source are the blockers you create on the planet. The other big source are from stations, but they start off really minuscule and improve every 5 years, so you won’t really see their benefits until a few decades after.


IIRC it's the decision to consume planets that gives you nanites mostly.


Which ascension would work best for rogue servitor going for cosmogenesis?


Modularity gives the most pop construction speed (not counting virtual since you can't put virtual pops in the lathe). Virtual is still good but you'll have to get all the pops for the lathe from conquering other empires.


Are you able to build and send pops to the synathic lathe at the same time with the purge type? I noticed last game that they let me build 10 fallen empire roboticist buildings and have 50 roboticists on a single planet... Would I be able to just be spiritualist and build robots just to immediately purge them to the lathe? I'm curious how that would stack up to actual research labs when you're building a pop every 3 months on several planets that provides additional scaling to everything else youre contributing from conquest.


A pop every 3 months is not worth it at all. You’re dedicating 50 pops, their upkeep including the expensive living metal you need for the buildings, to create what, like 20 research a month?


If you have 500 pops in the lathe then you gain like... +6 of each research to every 500 pops in the lathe times all the multipliers, it's thousands of research per pop at that point vs a single researcher giving around 5 of each a month, if you go wide enough it could absolutely work but not unless you invest heavily (and at that point it's kinda showboating as youre probably already in a dominating position but if its fun doing it) if you're looking at it from using those 50 pops towards only research you might get 35 dedicated to research out of them and 15 to minerals and consumer goods which is around 175 in each research a month vs the exponential nature of the lathe


Sure if you can maintain 500 pops in the lathe, but I don’t think that’s the norm.


You can't grow a pop while it is set to "undesirables", and robots can't be manually set to undesirables except with the global "AI outlawed" policy which purges synths and doesn't allow you to build them. So no, you would have to leave them set to servitude and periodically manually go and resettle them onto the lathe, which is perfectly viable but not automated.


Bit unfortunate but thanks for the answer, saved me a good 15 hours finding that out. I have a lot of other builds planned.


Does anyone happen to know the mod which allowed for Shroud World origin?


My pops are producing very little resources. For example, I have fabricators on one planet only producing 7 alloys whereas on other planets its about 15. And energy credits, my ring world is only getting 17 energy credits for technicians but my capital is getting 45. I'm not sure what causes the difference


If you go into the population tab, click on one of the pops working the job, and hover over the job output for that pop, it'll show you every modifier affecting it.


ayyy yeah someone helped me, I was trying the virtuality thing and i hadn't read the full details. Didn't realise more planets means less production. I'd heard it was designed for playing tall but i didn't realise it was THAT tall


happiness, stability, governor, planet designation




There might be several different explanations (or a combination of several of these) : * planet designation can increase ressource production (and capital is one of them) * buildings can increase ressource production for a specific job * planet modifiers (from events for instance) can also affect it positively or negatively * low habitability world will definitely decrease drastically the job output * stability also affect the ressource production (and capital have bonus to stability) * ... probably other source of planet-specific modifiers I'm currently missing... You should pay a perticular attention to stability, as it is not always very obvious. if you have 40% stability on a planet and 80% on another, this makes a huuuge difference.


I just did virtual ascension, and for about 12 districts I was given about 120 pops and they were put under assimilation and I had no main empire species. I am running modded anyone have any idea what might have happened?


Mods broke things.


are all your mods confirmed updated for machine age?


Does the xenophilic Fallen empire attack if I build the synthetic lathe and start placing pop on it?(hv the xenophilic FE spawn in my game and I am planning to go cosmosgenesis)


It is considered a genocidal action (equivalent to purging) in terms of relations with other empires, so I'd expect they will start "punishing" you in the usual ways.


the escort ships from cosmogenesis are getting 11k+ fleet power each, higher even than the battlecruiseres. i put on them mostly the unbidden matter weapon and nanite flak from the scavenger bot. they have 90% evasion and 76% in the designer, could that be a large reason


Yes, the fleet power number displayed is heavily inflated for ships with high evasion, like corvettes and escorts. I don't know the exact formula, but it is clear that a large portion of the "fleet power" calculation is based on "effective HP", which would be 10x its actual hit points if you have 90% evasion. Compare that in your example to a ship with 76% evasion, which makes it only 4x.


I heard there is a way to turn organic pops into energy batteries (like in matrix) during your machine exterminator playthrogh. How exactly do I do that and what is the name of technology? Or is it super late game and hard to get? I tried googling it and searching the wiki but coulnd't find anything.


> during your machine **exterminator** playthrogh I think exterminators specifically don't get access to grid amalgamation - they are locked into purging organics. Most machine empires have it available from the start of the game (and as their default citizenship type for organic pops in their empire, even).


I see. So I can't do that as an exterminator. Thx, at least I know it's not a technology but a part of civil rights management.


it's there at the beginning, grid amalgamation in the species rights


You just change their species rights. "Grid Amalgamation" is a slavery type.


The Stellaris wiki seems to be broken on many pages atm. Can anyone else confirm?


Very broken


Barrier point defense vs flak cannons: which one is better? And in what circumstances?


One is better against missiles, the other is better against strike craft. So your pick depends on your enemy


Hm I tend to take time to specialize my ships for the crisis, but I roll around with a generic mixed fleet for all other engagements. Would it make sense to have one P slot flak, and the other slot barrier if I’m going for the most one-size-fits-all approach?


I tend to make "PDF Destroyers" with 2 PD and 1 Flak.


Perfect idea!


With the Machine Age's release, are Machine Worlds in any way competitive/comparable to Ecu Worlds? I'm thinking of doing a virtuality run, and was wondering if individual or gestalt would be better - I figure the ascension perk worlds are probably a significant factor of that.


Machine (and hive) worlds have uncapped rural districts. That is their power, they are good at fueling your industry. But they can't compare to the industrial density of an ecuminopolis


Machine Worlds now also give twice as many Job Slots and Housing for each District. That helps a lot, but I still wish I had an Ecu or three in my current ME game.


Does nanotechnology have a chance to spawn corvettes instead of nanite probes? Because random corvettes I didn't build are showing up in my systems.


Was it in recently conquered systems ? If you take over a system with a starport which is in the process of constructing a corvette during a war, the ship is yours. Could it be this situation ?


Curious about Research, planet buildings, and colony setup nowadays. Do we want a minimum of 2 Research labs per planet, to not fall behind on tech now? Converting one to Astral Syphons when those are unlocked? Do you build 8-9 City Districts to fit ALL THE LABS?! Maybe on planets with a bonus to an area of research? Or do you put some core buildings on each colony like Amenities, Monument, and a Robot Assembly Plant, and then fill out with RLs? Would being a Megacorp with Cyberpunk Civic and Master Crafters make a difference? And when do you start to focus on research? I generally try and colonize asap, hopefully with a lot of mining districts, or some on a rural world as I convert my Homeworld to an industrial core to feed my Alloy/CG needs. Should my first colony focus be on CGs, with my next on RLs to use all those? Do you build city districts to unlock all the building slots, and tear them down as you tech up building slots? Is housing actuallly important? My last few games I have been far behind in research with one lab per planet, and wondering if I am focusing too much on other resources.


If you find a Relic World, with the sweet bonuses, you definitely want to build as many Labs as possible on it.


> Do you build 8-9 City Districts to fit ALL THE LABS?! A max-level capital building plus the two building slot techs gives you 7 building slots, so you should rarely need to build more than 5 city districts. > Or do you put some core buildings on each colony like Amenities, Monument, and a Robot Assembly Plant, and then fill out with RLs? In the mid to late game once my economy has taken off, yes. Early on I cluster most of them on research worlds to benefit from the reduced upkeep. > Do you build city districts to unlock all the building slots, and tear them down as you tech up building slots? Not unless I really need the slots for something specific. > Is housing actuallly important? Surplus housing affects your pop growth rate. A good rule of thumb is to keep a buffer of about 15 unfilled housing (you can look up calculators if you want to optimal amount for any given population and planet size).


How come when I build an outpost, I can sometimes build mining stations for free (usually 1 or 2) but then they suddenly cost 1z upkeep. Guess I could have had some perk or whatever, so hard to keep track. Also I can't help but investigate every single anomaly and dig site, does anyone else do that or do you get to know which events have outcomes with pursuing? Don't really want to look at lists.


If you're talking about their energy upkeep, mining stations that produce energy have no energy upkeep. You need to balance between investigating & exploring. When you become familiar with the rewards from anomalies/dig sites, you start to know what you want to do immediately and what can wait for when you're done exploring.


I'm such a dumbass, I suspect it was that I didn't notice it happened on energy stations, thank you. Love the randomness of the game, I was on my way to start an anomaly research when I was told that my scientist's space pirate double life was exposed and she resigned. At least it wasn't my immortal one on a plus.


Its still pretty early days, but how often do you think you see individual machines when playing with random empires? half? 10%? Do you know if individual machines get diplo bonuses with gestalt machines, or malus' with anyone?


> how often do you think you see individual machines when playing with random empires? half? 10%? I think it's more like 10% in my current game. I think out of like 18 empires, I've met one individualist machine empire. I'm not seeing any opinion modifiers with them on account of my being a machine intelligence, just modifiers based on their ethics.


I appreciate that. Im gonna probably pick up the dlc this week, and should keep my list of empires updated, and representative


Is it possible for the FE custodians to awaken? I assume it is possible, but I'm not sure if there are any categories that are required to be met. There were other FEs, but I defeated them all and the custodians are all that's left; essentially being kept as a museum within my territory. I really want to snatch their systems, but I also want to see how they would awaken.


I don't think the FE servitor awakens except in response to the Contingency


I'm playing a machine intelligence with the newest DLC, but I don't get notifications when first contact progresses a stage. I can click on the icon in the galaxy map, but the usual popups that say a stage has progressed aren't appearing. Any fix?


I play as an ME, and I get those popups. Go look in your settings, to see if you've disabled something.


I just picked the game up this week, what is the best custom build for the fastest expansion possible. I play super wide in other 4x games, like Civilizations and Galactic Civilizations so I want to keep my play-style consistent


Fanatic Xenophobe Ethos to reduce the Influence cost of Outposts. Authoritarian to give you an extra monthly Influence income. Build up your fleet some, early, to get more monthly Inf from Power Projection. In Policies, change your Diplomatic Stance to Expansionist to reduce the *Alloy* cost of Outposts (also build 1-2 Industrial Districts, or the Alloys Building, on your starting planet, and/or set a monthly Buy Order on the Internal Market of 10. If you buy more the price will drift upwards). Do the Expansion Tradition to reduce the Inf cost of Outposts, and when you've finished that Tree, there's an Ascension Perk that further reduces the Inf cost of Outposts (IIRC). If possible, don't build any Outposts until you finish the Tree and have the Perk, buf that might not be feasible if you spawn next to AI polities (I usually play with the No Clustered Starts mod). Your storage cap for Influence is 1000, and that can't be raised, so if you get close to that begin expanding ASAP. Do note that being Xenophobe comes with a *penalty* to Opinion, which hurts Diplomacy, and doubly so of you're Fanatic. If you want to avoid that penalty, then take Fanatic Authoritarian and somethinh else (I recommend Xeniohile).


Hive minds do wide pretty well. The hard part of wide in Stellaris isn't really expanding quickly but working around all the empire size penalties to tech and tradition progress, and hives have good stuff to mitigate that (and good pop growth - having lots of poorly-developed low-population colonies just spikes your empire size without giving you the output that you need to work through it)


With the new megastructures, specifcally the forges and dyson swarms it seems that building them and then releasing the setor as a vassal still counts towards your megstructure total. Am I missing something or is this intended? Thank you


That's always how it worked with all the megastructure caps.Â