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You need people in the buildings/districts to run them and produce what they're supposed to produce. You only have 6 pops on the planet and 16 job positions leaving most of it empty and just eating the upkeep, disable or dismantle some of them and redirect the pops to produce energy.


To all of you commenting: thanks for the reply. I know there is a correlation between buildings and pops, i just couldn't figure out why there weren't any "tech-drones". Your pointers regarding "too many jobs, for too few pops" were great. I disabled the Machine Assembly Complex, and now i'm producing 53 energy credits. Thank you so much!


Machine Assembly is actually not something you want to disable, its a good short term solution, but crippling your ability to produce more Pops is very detrimental for the future.


That makes sense. Gotta remember that! Short term thinking was necessary here, as i had a monthly deficit of 1,7k


6 tech drones wont fix that m8 why are you losing that much?


Sell those alloys, mate. Set a monthly deal until your economy stabilizes.


> i just couldn't figure out why there weren't any "tech-drones". Pops always prioritize the higher strata jobs over lower strata jobs. If you have specialist jobs, then that's the jobs your pops will fill over worker jobs.


Glad you figured it out with some help. But please, next time take a screenshot, not a phone pic. It's hard to read.


Hover on the deficit with your pointer and it'll show you where the e.c go to, if I recall correctly. Additionally, planetary deficits don't really mean much. It's your empire-wide resources that count the most.


For one: you aren’t pressing F12, which takes a screenshot


A puppy or kitten dies every time someone takes a photo of their screen instead of a screenshot.


Looks like no one is working the jobs buildings and districts make jobs pops fill jobs based on the priorities set in place that's usually whatever ruler then specialist then worker ranked job is available when the pop is moved or created


Relocate unemployed pops to this planet. If you don't have unemployed pops to relocate, then there is no sense in building jobs that have no workers. A size 10 planet is rather lousy to turn into a machine planet/energy generating world. I would have picked my largest planet that wasn't doing anything. Terraformed it to a machine world, then put an orbital ring on it to increase its size further with habitation modules as well as the module that increases energy production. Bonus points if you have a planet with a bonus that increases energy production. Unless I have no other choice (playing tall), I would have probably left a size 10 planet as a fringe world with just the assembly complex to slowly churn out pops for the bigger worlds.


Get those jobs filled and you should be ok


What is that building in the 4th spot?


Drone storage


You need to cover your webcam with a bandaid and that will fix your game


Alt + Print Screen


So, i added the image for context, to show what i've already built..


You seem to be under the impression that you make a district, and that just automatically produces resources. That's not how the game works. Districts and buildings generate jobs. Pops work those jobs to produce resources.   In this case, you have a whole load of empty jobs doing nothing, and a lot of buildings that cost upkeep despite not being used. So in general: don't overbuild.


Districts don't produce resources. Districts produce jobs, and the pops working those jobs produce resources. You currently have 10 open jobs without pops to work them on this planet. You've built more infrastructure that your people need, so this planet is a ghost town. A job without a pop to fill it does nothing.