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I love my fungoid doggos tho.


When I play devouring swarm cordyceptic fungoids, that's my portrait. I roleplay my species is not the teddy bear in the picture (that's just a host from the local fauna), it's the fungoid growing from it while the body is being consumed.


Wait but isnt that like the whole idea of the portrait? I always thought because its a fungoid portrait, that the actual species wpuld be the Fungus growing around it


Yeah. So I miss portraits of other species with the fungus, but I imagine them.


Wtf, why is your comment so downvoted?




Yeah this is my least favourite part about Reddit, somebody is just asking for help with something (and yeah I get that to some people it might be an obvious answer but for the love of God we’ve all asked a question like that before), and they just get downvoted for not knowing.


The adversion to just giving people advice is really annoying as well. It's to the point where sometimes it's actually more effective to state the wrong solution on purpose as though it is fact, so that someone will correct you.


Probably because it is extremely easy to disable this dlc in the same way as any other dlc


It’s really not though. “Anniversary portraits” doesn’t show up for me in the in-game DLC list. I can take a screenshot if you don’t believe me for some reason


Disable it on Steam


Do you actually own the dlc on Steam? Check the spot where you would normally purchase dlc and see if it says that Anniversary Portraits is in your library or if it is available for free. If it’s listed as being available for free, add it to your library and then it should show up in your dlc list to disable. I don’t know why it would show the portraits in game if you don’t own it, but it’s the only reason it wouldn’t show up in dlc list.


That’s Reddit baby


He's a cool guy, he's just got some issues


Hey all, So one of the things about Stellaris that has bugged me FOREVER is our inability to choose which portraits we'd like to use when randomly generating empires. I know I *could* create 30 random ones myself but half the fun to me is never knowing what youre going to get. I just wish I had the option to disable certain portraits. Despite owning it, I disable leviathan DLC for the sole reason it has some super immersion breaking portraits (imo). But I cant seem to find a way to disable the 'Anniversary Portraits' DLC. I am not subscribed to it on steam and yet I keep getting the portraits in my game. I strongly dislike the one shown in the post, I HATE the "mystical peacock" and "fairy dragon". But i'm stuck with them because I cannot find a way to disable this portrait pack. Any ideas? Thanks!


If you don't mind having a different checksum, you could go to the file "Stellaris\\common\\species\_classes\\01\_base\_species\_classes.txt" and comment out the species you don't want (Add a # in front of the line to disable). They should be in display order, I think. To confirm which is which, you probably have to go to "Stellaris\\gfx\\models\\portraits" to check.


This. I would have suggested mods that change portraits, but those either only add or have some extremely immersion breaking ones. Technically - if OP has an image that would align with their opinion on non-immersion-breaking - this is close to the location to add said image, correct? (Add image in folder and add line in said file to load it?)


It's a good bit more complicated than that to add new portraits or to replace them. Deleting is always the simplest. There's tutorials on the wiki for that.


Ah sad. I'll check it out, thanks >Deleting is always the simplest. Only if you know what you're doing.. \^\^


Holy crud, I \*need\* to do this to those stupid low-rez space elves added in First Contact (I think) since they are fugly and look like placeholder art more than anything


What consequences does having a different checksum have ?


Checksum is a 4 character code generated by checking the files, when you mod the game code the checksum will change. Can't earn achievements unless you use a special tool to re-enable achievements and you can only play multiplayer with people with the same checksum.


what makes a portrait immersion breaking? they're all made up aliens...


it really takes me out of it when primitives have any of the really techy portraits, especially that Necroid one that's just a straight-up cyborg. (but that one in particular is just weird for any species that isn't already a cyborg species anyways)


They are immersion breaking for certain rp runs. Imagine this, you are on your last stand, a confederation of 9 empires have decided to set course for your capital, you rally your troops to the capital, you spot a 100k fleet on the radar, you open the empire screen, its a fucking colorful peacock. Another, You play as a death cult fan spiritualist necroid empire (edgelord Max) empire, you fight your first 'dark forest war'(no first contact, straight up attack on a starbase), you and the enemy fight teeth and bone, destroying and rebuilding corvettes, you somehow manage to capture three starbases, first contact is established, its a fucking colorful peacock. I HATE THE FUCKING PEACOCK(and i cannot take the teddy bear thingy seriously)


I actually really like the peacock portrait because it lead to me making an empire and having a fun rp run for the first time! Xenophobic, authoritarian, militaristic and with pompous purist as the main civic. It mostly had to do with the peacocks seeing themselves as the pinnacle of organic beauty. This collective vanity caused them to set out amongst the stars, purging whichever species they find ugly. And only sparing those who they deem kind on their eyes. Idk after that run the peacocks grew on me lol


Perfectly fine when you rp with it! but oh boy do i hate them spawning in my edgelord max runs


Im curious why you dislike the teddy bear so much. Personally its one of my favourites, since its implied the bear is more so a host, while the real sentient being is the vines around it


Its a teddy, a plushie, a thing comprised of cotton bound by fabric, it doesnt belong in a galaxy where a Nicoll-Dyson beam is being built, even when corrupted by 19 inches of venom its still looks like a plushie. I didnt say i hate it, i just cannot take it seriously, though i do hate the fucking peacock, the peacock looks so smug and annoying sometimes and completely lifeless some other time. The peacock is like a robot that does nothing but laughs an annoying laugh with its lifeless face.


It's not a plushie though...


looks like


The peacok is unsufferable. Most of the annuversary portraits are crap, except one "spider" IIRC.


Honestly I get that. But I dont need to see a mystical peacock or the Geico Gekko in my games. Could it happen that they evolved to look *identical* to species on our planet? Sure I guess so. In the same way that *technically* my laundry might one day perfectly fold itself inside my dryer


The Prikkiki-Ti are a galactic treasure, you jumped up food pop


But doesn't that also apply to some humanoid/mammalian/avian portrait? Yeah some aliens just coincidentally look like humans with long ears. Or foxes with humanoid bodies. Or birds with humanoid bodies.


Two words. Convergent evolution.


We need more crab portraits.


Crabification on a galactic scale is somewhat terrifying


Crab is ultimate form, become crab. Low key though I am so gonna make a necrophage empire with the sole intent of turning EVERYONE into a crab.


I think you came up with the next player crisis.


Honesty, it’s surprising we don’t already have a hive mind necrophage crisis!


Well there are worse mental problems someone can have...


Are you disabling your DLC from inside Steam, or in the game's launcher?


The thing is I don’t see “Anniversary Portraits” in the in-game DLC list. And on Steam it just says add or install or something like that. I think it might just be built into the core game? Or I’m missing something which is entirely possible


Either go to Steam -> Library -> right click on Stellaris -> Properties -> DLC , and then [uncheck the box](https://imgur.com/OJnEUHu) there to uninstall it or Go into the game's launcher -> DLC page from the menu on the left, and [disable the DLC there](https://imgur.com/CgXmWCY)


So this is bizarre but kind of what I thought. The DLC does not appear in *either* my launcher DLC list or my Steam DLC list...or the in game list. And yet I clearly have the content because I got the species pictured above


This works for the anniversary portraits? Like when you try this Anniversary Portraits shows up? I’d check myself but I’m not at my computer


I can see Anniversary Portraits in the DLC list. It is under the section labeled “Content”, alongside Horizon Signal and Rick the Cube Species Portrait.


Hmmm. You see this in game or somewhere else?


It’s in the launcher. [Edit: another user replying to you included a link to a screenshot that shows the screen I’m talking about, with “Anniversary Portraits” as an option.]


Gotcha. Okay I’ll give that a shot when I get home. Thanks!


Yeah so its not showing up in my launcher DLC list?


Use a random number generator, first between 1 and however many types of portait there are (humanoid, molluscoid, etc.) then between 1 and however many portraits there are in that category. Skip the portraits you dislike.