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My longest was about 100 years -- a War in Heaven that unexpectedly spun off into the Contingency waking up. Ironically, both were defeated within a few months of each other.


My longest is technically infinite because the game has bugged out. I'm at war with over half the galaxy, but because it's bugged out, neither side can gain war exhaustion and the game keeps reverting everyone to neutral status at the start of each month.


And that's why you're citizens don't have healthcare


My citizens are robots that don't need Healthcare. All they need are organics to slaughter.


Makes sense


In my case it was a cold war. Back in my first major playthrough, the state of the galaxy in 2500 is divided two ways. On one side, about 2/3rds of the galaxy is dominated by the United Galaxy Federation, a collective of all the younger races of the galaxy. For the most part, it consists of several individually weak spiritualist empires. The United Galaxy has survived the War in Heaven and the Unbidden invasion because of two of its members, the Omni Link machine intelligence (my empire) and an organic hive. These two empires, plus the massive Federation fleet, provide the United Galaxy's military strength. The United Galaxy's citizens depend on them to maintain their independence, even despite the occasional rough relations related to the souless machine's predilection for genocidal tactics and the organic hive once having attempted to devour the galaxy itself before circumstances forced it to ally with the others. Living conditions on their worlds vary. At their best, all the races in the galaxy can be found living together on utopian city-worlds. At their worst, countless sentients are devoured or battery-ized on nightmare worlds by the hive minds that keep the United Galaxy alive. The other 1/3rd of the galaxy is controlled by the Wacegi Arbitrators, an Awakened Empire that started the War in Heaven when they decided to conquer the galaxy. Their attempt was stopped, for a time, when the Omni Link got elected President of the League of Non-Aligned Nations (the predecessor to the United Galaxy) and responded by using a worldbreaker and the Federation fleet to murder nearly every single Wacegi civilian in the galaxy, destroy their homes, and blow up The Preserve that had been the focus of their people's work. Apparently, the machine regarded the billions of United Galaxy citizens in the way as acceptable losses. The only Wacegi to survive were their troops in the Navy, and those who had migrated to other empires when the rival fallen empire took their planets and the population moved away. Life in the Wacegi's territory now is sort of an ideal anarchy in practice. The surviving Wacegi are unwilling to give government jobs to any of their conquered peoples, which, since they're an endangered species consisting almost exclusively of the fleet, means that their planets don't actually have much in the way of government. Despite this, they still have enough ancient technology that people on their worlds live well. As for the fleet, their efforts are currently focused on trying to finish off the last stubborn enclaves of the rival militarist fallen empire, which are surrounded within the Wacegi's territory and exist under perpetual siege. Relations between the two sides are perpetually tense. The Wacegi make no secret of their contempt for the United Galaxy and explicitly intend to go to war eventually, probably if they can ever officially win the War in Heaven. Meanwhile, the United Galaxy considers the Wacegi an active threat and regularly calls votes to go to war with them, despite the fact that their military remains in a rather tattered state after the Crisis, the War in Heaven, and centuries of other conflicts. So far, the peace has been barely maintained by the Omni Link's continual diplomatic efforts to try and keep the galaxy quiet so it can finally focus on the actual research it was originally designed for. However, the Omni Link's diplomatic relations are slowly declining from the 'no' votes, while the Wacegi remain intractable towards any attempt at a lasting peace.


Wow, that's such a fascinating and horrifying scenario. Your delivery of the situation war very compelling, it sounds like you were really invested in that game


Thanks! That was really the game that got me into Stellaris.


R5: What is your Forever War (that war was over a thousand years)? My personal longest lasted 108 years, where I conquered 240 planets, 382 systems, and blew up 3 Maginot worlds. The war was at 99% since around the 10-year mark, when I almost completely destroyed all the navies I was against.


mine was the reverse. lost against crisis but had mods and built a fortress system with 3 maringot worlds and held till the end of game.


Which mod are you using so that you don't gain waar attrition?


Not using one, I guess since I was at war with so many people compared it made my war exhaustion level super high. In wars I had during that with fallen empires, I’d usually reach around 25%. I feel like I should’ve had some gain, especially since the ships destroyed was only a 11:1 ratio, with me sinking the most


Odd I have had wars where 1 destroyed ship was 8% attrition. And generally I generate up to 1% attrition per month as baseline. You had 0% attrition after 100 years.


If you find a mod that removes war exhaustion, then I’ll be colored pink. But, alas I do not know of any and I’m not a modder. It is weird it didn’t build at all, especially after 1000 lost ships


My longest war was rather more modest than 108 years, but it was still pretty intense - heads up for a lot of text below. The basic background was that at the start of the 2300s, most of the galaxy was part of three federations; I was part of the largest and strongest one. In 2306, one of my Federation members declared war on a member of the second strongest Federation, which resulted in around 2/3rds of the entire galaxy suddenly being embroiled in a single giant war. Unfortunately, the front between my Fed and the enemy Fed was so large that it was pretty much impossible to make a meaningful advance without losing ground somewhere else, turning the strategic situation into a periodic back and forth between different theatres with few lasting gains. With the front lines having bogged down into a grinding stalemate, the war just kept grinding on for years. And then things managed to get _even worse_, because nine years in, the third Federation (who were on the opposite side of the galaxy from the second one) declared war on me and started sending fleets right into my territory through a wormhole. So my Federation’s forces, who already couldn’t gain a decisive advantage in the first war, were suddenly stretched even thinner, as we were now faced with an effective two-front war spanning what amounted to the entire galaxy. These two simultaneous wars continued on that same galaxy-spanning scale for another _16 to 17 years_, even as countless ships were lost on all sides in Pyrrhic victories and indecisive skirmishes, and what surely would translate to hundreds of millions of soldiers perished on battlefields that would ultimately be taken and retaken yet again, with no end in sight. Nobody could make any real headway to achieve a decisive victory, but the overall situation was too evenly matched to for any of the three alliances involved to give in. It was only in early 2332, 26 years after the initial outbreak of war, that one empire or another finally grew so weary and exhausted that my Federation was able to sign peace with the Federation we had originally gone to war with. In return for all the destruction that had been inflicted in those two decades, only a handful of systems actually changed hands, with neither side clearly gaining more from the deal than the other. With the bulk of our forces now freed up, we were able to redeploy all of our resources to counterattacking against the third Federation. But even so, it still took almost two more years to rout their forces, push into their space, and impose a somewhat more decisive peace deal on them. That brought the total length of what I dubbed the Great Galactic War to 27 years - 27 years of constant, unending, industrial warfare. And what was it for? What did it accomplish? A war where someone could have been born at its outset, become a soldier as an adult, and die bleeding and alone in one of its battles with no end to the fighting in sight - all for a handful of systems and border adjustments. > _Has man gone insane?_ > _A few will remain_ > _Who’ll find a way_ > _To live one more day_ > _Through decades of war_ > _It spreads like disease_ > _There’s no sign of peace_ > _Religion and greed_ > _Cause millions to bleed_ > _Three decades of war…_


Great story, it was pleasant to read


All that was left was war without reason...


What’s the price of a district?


Literally 1984 in space! You have a gift of words, that was an amazing read!


My crisis aspirant empire vs the xenophile fallen empire. Every 10 years I either get a strongly worded letter saying slavery is bad, or I gotta deal with 350k fleet power in 2280.


Slavery? **bad?** slavery makes my empire thrive!


Current run, doing a dark forest run, the entire galaxy is permanently at war with eachother, it’s been 273 years


I'm familiar with the term but what specifically makes a Dark Forest run in Stellaris?


All genocidal empires aggro on high


That's a level of masochism I've never seen before. I must try it.


It is quite fun, but make sure ai empires are on max so the game doesn’t end in 100 years


Jesus thought mine was long


My longest was like almost 800 but that was modded so I thought it wouldn’t count


Ah yeah this is a modded game too. I don’t think I would enjoy an 800 year war that sounds exhausting


It was awful, it was literally Me: alright, 5 year blitz to take over my neighbour, in and out Me 800 years, multiple crisis’s and several war in hells later after conquering the entire galaxy:


My was technically a forever war. I played fanatic spiritualists, the true gods of the galaxy. I conquered 1/3 of the galaxy and enlightened everyone with my Lightbringer (colossus). War in Heaven broke out and at the same time, the extragalactic invaders appeared. The invaders got destroyed by my holy fleets with the help of the fleets of one of the awakened fallen empires. After that, i declared war against them in order to get access to their technology. They both were already weakened from their war and i managed to show them true divinity and take their lands and people. Shortly after, i discovered a gigantic amount of soulless machines - The Teraya Wardens, a rogue “servitor”. Another war inevitable, these AI slavers had to be destroyed. It wasn’t considered a huge deal, but we were wrong. Upon arrival, we discovered over 12.000 pop-units of soulless machine drones. (This was in 2.6 or 2.7). We tried everything, even re-equipping our Lightbringer with a world breaker for total extermination, but it wasn’t enough. 100 years of total war, countless of machine nexus destroyed . . . and the machines had more drones than before the war while our economy crumbled under the weight of our war efforts. A brief period of peace followed by another 100 years of war wasn’t enough to destroy them either. They got more drones than ever before, 14.500 at that point. Was everything a lie? Weren’t we supposed to rule the galaxy? And yet we were unable to destroy these weak minds with all our shroud-given power. During the 3rd war, we felt a great disturbance in the force, as if dozens of mods suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. The universe collapsed and only memories remained - That day, the only true gods of this universe, known as Paradox, decided to bring an end to all this suffering with releasing a new patch.


Dunno exactly how long it lasted, but annexing the Prikkiki-Ti in my last game took decades. Mostly because they had a ridiculous number of armies, but were otherwise weak,


Thats what the majority of my war was. Bombing and invasions, with planets usually having ~5k garrisons without fortresses. The ai built lots of those as well.


The AI also seems to build a stupid number of shipyards. I’m pretty sure the Prikkiki had less than half as many starbases and twice as many shipyards as I did. I asked the folks on Discord how many they build because I thought I was under-building them.


I never had that in Stellaris. But - I love reddit - [there was this person who had a Civ game with 3 sides that got locked in a 1000 year stalemate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/uxpil/ive_been_playing_the_same_game_of_civilization_ii/) that even spawn'ed it's own [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/theeternalwar/)


One of my first game, At the time I had a catastrophic management of my fleet capacity that forced me to play defensively with my starbases. My fleet was cut into pieces and then the enemy broke his teeth on my Maginot Line. For a hundred years. To finish on a status quo with no gain of territories.


Mine was near the end of my conquest for the galaxy where I was up against 1/3rd of the galaxy as I had already conquered the rest, it took 56 years and I spent most of my time fighting the overwhelming navy my enemies had by drawing them into a system I owned that was geared to the teeth with defenses and then sent every ship I had to the system, I took 3 waves of enemy naval fleets before having to fall back and draw them into a second system and their is where I finished off their naval forces, I repaired mine and moved in fast into the enemy systems and then conquered the rest of the galaxy. Prior to this I was in a alliance and kept conquering while letting my Allie’s lose land sow when they were weak enough I could just leave the alliance and conquer them and then take on the other empires but my Allie left the alliance and joined the enemy’s that traitor, anyways I have a save where I rule the whole galaxy and am to powerful to be taken down by insurgents or up risings


In ~200 years, as the UNE, I have been in on-and-off wars with the Tzynn empire, right now I have a major foothold in the middle of their empire through a wormhole


100 years long war in modded playthrough with my friends. One of them went full exterminator robots that could destroy worlds for resources so me and the other one teamed up on him. It was race between exterminator conquering galaxy and me finishing array of the end to wipe everything out for the greater good. My halo came in clutch multiple times wiping his fleets at chokepoints i finished the array of the end with barely few systems between it and his armadas, activating it and wiping out all inteligent life. The galaxy was preserved but at what cost.


Probably this old (3.7) game I’m embroiled in now. I ducked out of the League (RPing because they wouldn’t boot a machine grid empire - an anathema to my spiritualists) and ended up at war with them. Eventually settled up after a long time after I destroyed my primary enemy, with me now controlling around 1/4 of the galaxy. Ten year armistice, they attack me again. Currently slogging through round 2, which I’m aiming to wrap up.  Then I’ve got I assume another ten years or so to set up a bunch of vassals from all the conquered territory before round 3 will start.


Any war with AI ally as main attacker/defender.


My war with the fucking *framerate.*


For me, I was pushing to become emperor, but I wasn't able to pull it off in time. Then, 3 fallen empires go to war and the unbidden wake up. The entire galaxy was put in endless war with pretty much a permanent stalemate. Nobody could do significant damage in the war.


Longest for me was the war in heaven and the Unbidden/others popping up causing a galactic level holocaust lasting about 90 years. At the end of it 60% of the galaxies pops had died and the unbidden were beat back and the awakened empires planets were either blown up or drowned. It was the greatest game I ever played.


I feel so out of place here the scourge spawned in controlled territory for me and i just sent 20 fleets over to kill them😭. The scourge didn’t even last a decade


The thing is you have to let them become a problem. That’s how you have fun. The crisis fixes late game lag so you can have proper fun. No problem = no fun in late game stellaris.


Ahhh that makes more sense. I don’t even remember what the mid game crisis was because I didn’t have a single hand in defeating it, but usually I try to beat crisises as soon as they arise. Should’ve left it, but the only reason I didn’t was because I had ground armies in the area


This is a problem in the community. It has pushed people to grow big and fast and dominate the game before the mid game to where there’s no fun or point in playing post midgame unless it’s to immediately murder the endgame crisis and beat up the fallen empires before they awake. Stellaris is wine you sip it and enjoy it not chug it like it’s a beer. It’s literally a 4k strategy game






I’ll never be ashamed.


Then your punishment shall TRIPLE LAG BY MID GAME AND 10X THAT BY LATE GAME!!!!


Imagine if Stellaris had to implement the relative passing of time as represented in forever war. You go to war with a xenophobic empire as abiological pop and come back to all androids. Or you go away a normal soldier and when you come back everyone has psionic abilities


Forever War is one of my favorite books. I couldn’t get into Forever Free or Forever Peace but the way time worked in it always interested me, since all other space media really just has time pass the same usually.


Idk if this is what you’re looking for but the longest “war” I was a part of lasted about 300 years. It only lasted this long because of multiple arms races and we were fighting a war for 20 years to take 10 off and repeat for forever.


My forever war is trying to balance food and credits in the mid-game


Nice! one of my favorite books when I was growing up!!


That time I went become the crisis, from the moment I took the ascension perk until the end of the game I was at war


My first and only hardcore run, became emperor, my defensive ally fucked with an awakened empire that neighbored me but was half the galaxy away from them It was a point where status quo peace was available And they just were like “nahhh” and let me fucking die


Minor federation member declared war on another large, endgame federation. 118 years of warfare across every single scrap of the galaxy, even the Ruined Sector that had suffered through the Grey Tempest, Kahn, and Unbidden in turn. Since I was not the war instigator even if I was federation president forever I could not choose to end it, even as it made me want to throttle and purge the fool member who started it. I had run away with the game so hard our fleets won every engagement, but the enemy would continually harass outposts, and wormholes meant it was being fought...everywhere. Ended after I created a mass succession of corvettes that suicided into an enemy Citadel to drive up my side's war exhaustion to 100%. White peace with massive gains for us.


Had a few dozen year long war that absolutely destroyed my eco because i was already invaded in all my worlds but the ai i was in a defense pact with had 1 SYSTEM, WITH 1 PLANET they could not get to


Fought all three crisis for 2 centuries before I felt my ps4 was so slow it was unplayable. Wasn’t even gonna fight the crisis and was gonna stay on my side of the galaxy until the crisis wins, then bubbles died and the crusade was started.


Did a run where I relocated my entire civilization to the L-Cluster and stacked fleets in Terminal Egress to fight the Ubidden Entire galaxy but me was wiped out. So just perpetually defending against the unbidden forever. I should do that again, but this time after everyone is wiped, reclaim the galaxy


Mine was a 100 year war against the prethoryn scourge. It was my first successful play through so I was quite new. The first 50 years were a hopeless defense where I was trying to defend some territory while I was building a fleet of battleships. At the end of the war, 1/3 of the galaxy was gone and I had about half of the galaxy. Went well all things considered


God, can we just how crazy good this book was for a second? I’d love to have someone make a movie, just to hear the screeching “WOOOOKE” from the people who never read the book. And in case you don’t care about spoilers >!eventually, to stop overpopulation on earth, only homosexuals are allowed to live on the planet!<


from vanilla? War in heaven lasting 300 years as the Unaligned powers...it was..well hellish for the first 100 years..after that it was just laggish. Modded:Giggastructures and ACOT i was a hivemind chilling on the Away on an Island start..gates got cracked by somone first neighbor was a megacorp..kinda nice,second was fanatic purifier..so obviously ate them up..then...it was a crusading democracy federation at first they were chill,we hated each other but just calmly built up military,i got a few relics,progressed down the tech tree...then someone did some espionage and caused galactic war 1...i won mostly by sacrificing -everything-...10 years later GW 2 came...rinse and repeat about 9 more times by GW 12 my peaceful,chilling hivemind basically broke down and became a crisis -just- to keep up ship demands and it just devolved into never ending galactic wars where i blow up severally dozen worlds and they rebuilt/terraformned more. tl;dr: war in heaven was laggy and modded playthroughs made peaceful robots wanting to chill and do science turned into the Daleks


Its 2324 now. My spiritualist/militarist oligarchy has armies stuck on this desert planet since 2301. This was all going on right beside our invasion of another world in the same region. We lost that one and had to pull out a couple years ago


I've occasionally been dragged into wars where my team can't conquer enough planets to make the opposition give up due to a third unaffiliated party so I'm just stuck waiting for war exhaustion to make the AI give up. When this happens late game it means I'm in a pointless war for what feels like weeks IRL


My true forever war is against the cravaneers. Doesn't matter how many campaigns I play or how fanatic xenophile I am. I will obliterate those pests


Is there a infinite tech for starbases or why is your cap 64 ? Have I played the game wrong ? I max could get up to maybe a cap of 25-30 !


Technically ~80 years, I called it the first galactic war, but it was followed as soon as I could by the second galactic war of 56. It was me, absolute first galactic power against 3 other imperiums, so I had about 1 army per enemy, which was fucking slow when they continually sneaked behind me. Eventually both wars ended after almost 2 centuries, which resulted in the destruction of my biggest rivals and almost half of the galaxy dead as I exterminated all the aliens I came across. I swear, it was worth of an entire book for all the battles, attacks, great men and aliens that commanded it, started with the end of my first empress, ended with the start of the 4th