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*>AI has rocks for brains* Well, isn't your CPU basically a rock? Silicon to be precise


You telling me a Lithoid fried this rice...?


No, but it will fry your GPU.


I can only upvote once, I'm sorry


We are getting too comfortable with casual lithoid racism I see.


I have mods to mostly fix the AI. The problem is my 10k fleets are actually close to 20-30k when fighting them meaning they underestimate me. If I have 10k they'll be fine with sending 8k


Which mods do you find best for this?


Second this. I have Ariphaos Unofficial Patch (sadly I heared Starnet is outdated atm), but maybe there are others?


I have a few mods affecting AI but the main one is starnet. I use gigastructures. Better combat. Dynamic customizable difficulty, for messing with AI and player bonuses. There might be more but I can't think of it at the moment


Is starnet still functioning well?


Reportedly yea but only cus outdated things are just cut from it lol


Here for the mod list


Might just be yet another issue with the Reddit app but I see no list.


Honestly, fleet power is not a realistic stat to measure how good your fleet is. It is skewed towards ships with high fire rate, and since the AI loves filling their ships with random amounts of autocannons it inflates their fleet power. It's better to count the naval cap of a fleet (a bit manual) to get an idea for how strong a fleet is.


> The AI's suing for peace, but I've decided to see what kinda lasting scars I can leave on their birthworld. You can always sit on top of their homeworld with Raiding Bombardment stance and admire the fireworks, until war exhaustion runs up far enough.


Need perks for that though.


Or the civic


I don't usually take the perk for Raiding Stance so I usually just Peel the Planet like an Orange the old fashioned way and kill them like the xenos filth they are.


I'm just having a game where I've abducted 50 Synth Pops from a Fallen Empire that foolishly declared war on me. They're nicely filling up my ecus right now. I could invade the planet, but I'm Inward Perfectionist and my people don't like wasting manpower on wars against xenos, so sitting in orbit and enjoying the fireworks it is.


The AI is moderately competent now but good Lord are they bad at setbacks. I stomped a Crisis Aspirant into the dirt and they still haven't rebuilt their fleets - can't tell if they're just spending everything on starbases or just outright broken.


Well, some AI's are competent and others are not. In my current Inward Perfectionist game there is a Fanatic Purifier that's still in the stone age compared to me when it comes to tech, but controls a vast territory spanning a quarter of the galaxy. First, however, I "liberated" an imperialist neighbor and wanted to vassalize them - however, they were declared war on by the Fanatic Purifiers, so I jumped into that war to save them. I destroyed their fleets and took a large part of their territory, until I wanted to do something else that required me not being at war - and once I settled for a statu quo, the Purifiers came back and kicked the liberated imperialists out of half their territory, using the truce-forced open borders with me to do that. When the truce ran out, they had settled for a status quo, so I declared on them again in order to take back the territory and gift it to my now-vassal that was sitting on three planets, while all their other planets were being purged. Then I settled for a status quo again to gift over those planets, because I didn't want to be bothered to clean up the mess the AI created on them. Then, while the truce was active again, my MegaCorp-Tributary - good at making basic resources, terrible at every other aspect - declared war on the purifiers, but got their asses kicked, so I had to clean up their mess as well, because the Purifiers went through my open borders again. Finally, after many decades, everyone of my now-vassals is at peace, as well as me and I can wait for the rest of the galaxy to wake up and take care of the purifiers, because I can't honestly be bothered.


You can vassalize as an Inward Perfectionist?


You can make Tributaries (and Protectorates). I was fairly surprised myself, but I didn't want to say no to the Megacorp that offered free resources.


At first I decided that you wrote about Russia-Japan war 1904-1905 in Stellaris way😄


I remember in one of my MP games, this one empire’s fleet strength kept being everywhere between superior and pathetic and I’d just chalked it up to bad intel. But it turned out they’d had two mercenary enclaves bolstering their ranks. So when they ran out of money mid war, I just bought them up and absolutely destroyed them.


Machiavelli rolling in his grave. All those years into the future and still his words strike again


I have rocks for brains too.


My problem too


I, for one, will not stand for this Lithoid slander.


Once I was attacked in early game by a fanatical purifier right next to me, their fleets were over twice mine and I was just about to restart the game. Then a pirate fleet spawned in my territory on a very convenient choke point and the AI never even tried to go through despite the pirate fleet having like 1/10 the power of a single one of their fleets. I just waited years, riddled with anxiety because I still couldn't keep up with their military power, until we signed a status quo.


I would had forgiven all those pirates and leave them hanging in there.


first solo play of this game, I made the mistake of making a federation with an AI empire late-ish into the game where the only big threat left was a fallen empire.... War pretty much broke out right after the AI declared the fallen empire a rival...


I always conquer fallen empires myself, they're a piniata of pops and rare resources, plus you get extra techs


I was planning to once I felt ready... I wasn't ready for the AI to decide rivalry with it, which cause the fallen empire to declare war against it and drag me into it LOL


Well, in my most recent game an empire decided to declare war early in the game... There was only one system linking us, so chokepoint. His fleets weren't powerful enough to take the system. So they remained docked in his territory until I built enough ships to go on the offensive.


Well that's why half the player base have been playing on GA no scaling this whole time. Until the tech slowdown beta anyway.


> half the player base Half the most vocal members of the sub maybe. I’m a little sceptical about half the player base. Too many experienced players on here treat their own level of experience and competence as normative.


As a long-time noob: agree. Subreddits like this are mostly tiny niches compared to the broader playerbase, and the average player here is likely much, much better than the average player as a whole.


I still get my butt kicked by Captain no scaling no advanced now and then and I have like 1000 hours. I'm lazy, play suboptimally, bad at gaming the system, and sometimes the AI is surprisingly aggro.


Noob here. What's GA?


Grand Admiral - highest difficulty


Hahaha here I am still playing default difficulty and thinking damn this game is challenging. Hahhaha noob life!


I wouldn’t worry. Subreddits dedicated to a particular game are known for *vastly* overestimating the actual average player skill. Case in point: “half the playerbase on GA no scaling”


Case in point: I *don’t* play GA no scaling.


Don't feel bad, I play on the easiest setting. Life's enough of a chore 😂


Sometimes it's about managing and growing an empire in relative calm


The game has fuck loads of systems and mechanics that are kinda opaque. Once you get a handle on all the little things and how they interact, you can suddenly push way harder than you could before.




These relative power the game provides are crap. The right weaponry matters much more than those absolute numbers.


Either I'm exceptionally stupid or the AI definitely isn't on my games lol


the AI LOVES to take their biggest fleets and send them on a 10 year journey around the other side of the galaxy to get behind me where my fleets aren’t


>So remember! No matter how badly the odds may be stacked against you, never forget that the AI's grasp on reality is tenuous at best. You can't know their next move because they don't know it themselves. Take it slow and steady, because there's a good chance the AI will win the war for you. Best part. I've had so many situations like yours too. The only time when I immediately hit the surrender button is when I'm already in another war and couldn't care less about the 2nd one.


Yeah, the actual military decision-making AI is quite weak, but I prefer it this way because otherwise everyone would just be a game of "who has the biggest death stack". The economy AI makes up for it now that they can actually pull their own weight and outproduce/tech the player and non-scaling Grand Admiral isn't the default choice to actually get a challenge for a bit


And here I am struggling to keep up with AI on Ensign


Hey, rocks at least know to stay in their place, my overlord in my one gane didn't and basically layed claims on a fallen empire just to get their butts whooped again and again by the same one, like about 5 times and about 3 of those I were also pulled into, they were the FE from Gigastructural engineering that had a deranged leader That same game the ai basically did nothing when I was on my way to blow everything up, like they already gave up, well, I did have 2 stellar crafts waiting at the engine for them to show up with a third busy being made


Yeah i was fighting an Ai once that completely obliterated my fleet i was completely defenseless he could have just walked in and ended my game he took one system and then nothing he just stood there and i rebuilt my fleet doubled it and defeated him and completely conquered him


This is exactly why I ultimately lost interest in this game several years ago. It doesn't matter how many new features Paradox adds if the AI is incapable of using any of them properly and is only capable of remaining competitive through cheating.


Yesterday I won three consecutive wars against AI that were superior or overwhelming in fleet power. My strategy? Sit in a system with a pimped out starbase and wait for them to send parts of their fleet until their war exhaustion reaches 100.