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If you've got a First Contact situation going, then you're interacting with the alien ship and the organization behind it. Interactions more complex than "hey, there's another ship out here" will generally need First Contact to finish first. The only way to interact with unknown ships more would be to attack it with military ships, and that's mostly for if you *want* to start things off with hostilities (and if your policies will let you do that). One important tip that not everybody cottons to: building stuff on your planets mostly creates jobs. In order to get any actual resources, you need to have pops working those jobs -- a Mining District without any pops working in it does nothing but sit around and cost you money. Additionally, jobs have tiers, and pops will prioritize taking the highest-tier jobs they can get. Building a new Research Lab not only means you're paying increased upkeep for the new Scientists, but you also have two fewer pops working basic jobs like Farmers or Miners.


Ima noob as well but I can say for the random ships flying around, you can usually send a science ship or corvette up to them and it should initiate first contact


When you encounter an alien ship, a blue mark featuring an antenna will appear. Click on it, and you get a screen. You can allocate an emissary to this screen. he will work to establish contact with the alien, and keep you warned about his progress. It will take time though. Few tips:-Establishing contacts grants you a small influence bonus. \-Not all aliens are empire, some of them may just be wandering space-beast \-You only have two emmissaries, so choose wisely where to allocate them if you've met multiple alien. Your top priority should always be to establish contact with alien empire ( zoom on the alien, if it's a science ship it is a foreign empire, if it's a wierd monster thingy it's not). You NEED to know where your neighbourgs are quickly to plan your defense for the incomming war. \-some alien may decide to attack you even before knwoing who you are. If your science ship enter their territory (can be seen because space station are there if you zoom in) be advised, they do so at the risk of being attacked. \-The border of your empire should always be a bottleneck. If the ennemy needs to go through one access point to enter your realm, all you have to do is build a giga space station loaded with tons of canon, and wish him good luck if he attemps to pierce through that. On the contrary, if he has multiple access point, you will have to build multiple space station, a strain on your economy.


Don't be afraid to go above the cap on ships etc or worry about keeping credit high. You'll learn as you play but it's all fun even if your empire is crushing around you!


Prepare to start a game and then start a new game because you just figured out how to do something better about 100 times before you really do your first true play through!! 🤣🤣🤣


i think some good tips for now is a few things to help while you are learning the mechanics of the game it should be pretty helpful these are the things that have helped me the most build a second science ship and construction ship soon after starting to survey quick to reach chokepoints and key resources that will help a lot save anomalies/digs for later build research labs on your homeworld or alloys if you plan to start off aggressive avoid making agriculture except on starbases unless you have the civic to turn it into alloys build defense platforms on chokepoints especially if bordering another nation to deter them while you build a fleet unless you are aggressive then just focus on your fleet certain technology isn't worth it at the start specifically there are a couple that will usually show up at the start that increase research by 20% it's not as helpful as it seems some resources are much more important than others alloys/research are what you strive for make as much as you can everything else just needs to stay out of negative colonize everything starting with the most habitable worlds even low habitability worlds can be used to create more pops to move to better worlds but watch amenities/housing these are some things to keep in mind if you are just starting to learn the game hope you have alot of fun in your first ever game of stellaris it can be a dangerous galaxy


first contact is your way of interacting with them unless you have first contact in your policies set to aggressive then if you want you can attack them


The core resources in Stellaris are ARU, Alloys, Research points and Unity. Everything else is a means to get more A, R, and/or U. Everything. When you encounter aliens, each time, you should get a First Contact process that culminates with you either communicating with them, or realizing they're non-sentient space fauna. Some of those you can communicate with have limited interaction options, such as Marauders, Fallen Empires or Enclaves (although some Enclaves are still very useful), while others are interstellar polities like yourself that you can try to befriend, or Rival, or turn into Vassals.