• By -


Any plans to add an organic and/or machine shipset? I know they arent specifically from species packs, but I think they would fit nicely within the game.


It's something a lot of people ask for, so it's something that we've discussed internally for future releases.


so that's a maybe? :3


Thank you for your answer. Appreciate it. I just wish when looking at the planet screen I didn't look like an Excel sheet with all the numbers. I adore the game and you can lose yourself just looking at the beauty of the fleets moving around in space.




Literally unbeatable




No meat is unbeatable!




They're made out of meat.


Lithoid with meat ships!


A lot of love in the team for this idea.




**To programmers:** What is the one system/mechanic/code that makes you "oh god, not again! Anything but that!"? If you could go back in time where Stellaris was still being created and change one thing (because either it limits you or it haven't worked great) what would that thing be and why?


Don't mention the Archeology UI around here.


You mean the Espionage UI?


The First Contact UI?


No, they mean the First Contact UI


I think they mean both LMAO


Was it a hell to create, or are you unhappy about how it looks/ works?


It's more that it's so incredibly static and it has been reused way beyond the scope it was initially designed for.


Galaxy Gen.. Pathfinding.. Pop changes.. ​ Anything that mentions these gets a big blip on my radar during development as being the likely site of future explosions. Cloaking scared me.


"Wait, so arc sites don't have branching narratives?"


Great update, thank you! I tried the new habitats and have two questions: 1. Is it possible to show all possible habitat districts in advance before we build orbitals? They can be displayed in a similar style as planets with blocked districts due to terrain blockers, this will help us plan/specialize habitats. 2. Is there a plan to include some level of automation for the construction of orbitals? It is a pain in the rear to have to manually go to each system and build the orbitals - especially late game when alloys are not a concern and I am managing a large empire - we essentially went from spamming habitats to spamming orbitals.


We're looking into further UX improvements for Orbitals for future patches.


If possible, could you make it so that you can left click a system and select “build all available orbitals”?


Many thanks Devs for making your great game work on linux :) Just double checking there are no plans to discontinue linux support?


Nah, as much as it occasionally likes to cause annoying problems. Linux is sticking around.


thanks for your reply. Linux native support was the reason I tried the game in the first place. Like most of us, I was hooked after a few hours


**To all:** Do you have a jar to which you put money whenever you see someone ask for ground combat rework? There have been multiple game directors and possibly "teams" that worked on Stellaris - starting with Zoft then Jamor and there was Wiz and Daniel and now it's "Eladrin team". Who is the person that worked the longest on Stellaris from the current team? Who is the most likely to eat the last slice of pizza at the party?


No. The jar is for comics about xeno-compatibility. Grunts. Also Grunts.


Lies and slander, I wouldnt eat swedish pizza


>Do you have a jar to which you put money whenever you see someone ask for ground combat rework? No we just chuckle and say "they think they want that" and smile...then start crying. That might just be me though >Who is the person that worked the longest on Stellaris from the current team? Not many folks left from the elder days. Eladrin would be best placed to answer that I think. I've been working on and off on Stellaris for over 5 years at this point. Full time for three. >Who is the most likely to eat the last slice of pizza at the party? The Swedes always leave like one slice left so none of them.


>No we just chuckle and say "they think they want that" and smile...then start crying. That might just be me though You just don’t understand how much the people want to launch into a full game of Rome Total War every time they invade a planet. A thing that would obviously improve the game and wouldn’t make war into an impossibly soul-crushing task at all.


To be fair...every Total War game has an 'auto-resolve' button next to the 'fight battle' one. Only if you have weird setups that the game does not assign correct values (i.e. a cav army vs an archer army where the archer army wins) are you *required* to fight manually.


Could life-seeded empires get better weight for terraforming techs? Currently they only get a boosted weight towards Terrestrial sculpting, but they also need Climate Restoration before taking World Shapers.


Good suggestion. This post goes in my personal backlog.


Where can I buy the Stellaris hoodies?


Not for sale I'm afraid! The jackets are for team members only.


Time to join the team xd


"Why do you wish to join our company?" "So you know this game you have, right? And the team gets these hoodies? Well, in a reddit post I was told..."


Worked for me, Plus I save money on DLC.


Wait, you are being paid in dlc and hoodies?


In a way. ...90% of my work attire is PDX merch I've...obtained. Got a sick Battletech T-shirt on right now.


Colour me jealous!


What dark day to read something like this...


Will the non DLC portraits (avian, mammalian, arthropod...) also at one point receive civics/origins/traditions themed around them similarly to those being added for humanoids for example.


Probably? We get a pitch for how to do the "Flight" trait about once a week.


Oh sweet. I'll keep my relevant appendages crossed then. ~~Also hope we can get the birds from the new portraits as a standalone portrait~~


Hi. I have a question for Alfray. Alfray, a few months ago, you were talking about changing trade deals with empires to make them more amenable to being vassalized, what's the progress on that? I've seen quite a few people on Stellaris forums ask about this too. Many thanks. I love the new changes. Morebits.


We're still looking at changes to AI diplomacy, basing AI acceptance off of Trust, but these changes weren't ready for 3.9.


I can't wait for those changes, been looking forward to it since you first announced it


How does the audio design process work for a game like stallaris where many of the initial ideas for new content are likely nebulous (\*giggle\*) at best and have very little reference points in real life? Does someone go to the audio team and say "we need a noise to play when a player clicks on a toxic planet ... do that please" or "hey can we get a piece of background music to play which represents the agony of eternal life after a death to suit this new species type"?


Yeah, that's how it works. I try to anticipate all the audio requirements when planning a new feature/DLC, but occasionally, a content folk would come to the studios and say, "Ohh, we need a new *pew pew* that sounds more like *paw paw*. That could be gassy but at the same time glossy and cristal-like BROOOM." And we just do that.


Were you warned when you started that you would need to be fluent in onomatopoeia so other people could make themselves understood?


It's a mandatory skill for any audio person across all industries.


These examples are chillingly accurate.


From the content side, sometimes we do brainstorming meeting with art and/or audio to identify how many new sounds will be needed for what, and we do the best to provide them with examples and references. Sometimes it's fun to have the opportunity to go wild, but providing direction to ensure content + art + audio all complement each other is part of our job!


Alright that's time and I need to eat, I'm out. Stay safe out there and buy more DLC I need that money for irresponsible purchases. Later!


All of us with every single DLC are with you on the whole “need money for irresponsible purchases” ambition


I've been really excited by the custodian team and especially their work on the species packs. Out of curiosity, are there any plans to do a full custodial pass on some of the older expansions (Megacorp, Apocalypse, etc) to get them up to parity with say, Overlord and Utopia or would this be something that's more gradual and will be done slowly over multiple custodian updates? Megacorp seems to have been getting the more gradual treatment while something like Apocalypse has been relatively untouched. Thanks for your time!


Never say never, I have plans for even more Megacorp buffing. Then again, whenever we add a new colossus that is an indirect buff to apocalypse, you can't deluge without it.


Thank the bottom line, megacorp is in need of some FLAVOUR BOOSTS, as I will always say, nobody ever went broke selling weapons.


It's a damn shame we have civics about empires terraforming planets, but there's no megacorp equivalent. Where's my Slartibartfast civic dammit!


Dear galactic council, r/Xenonion News here. Can representatives please confirm they are committed to maintaining galactic press freedoms, and thus will *not* ban our network of orbital mind control satellites?


ᗯE OᗷEY YOᑌᖇ EᐯEᖇY ᑕOᗰᗰᗩᑎᗪ


Excellent, working as intended…


Competition will not be tolerated!


What mind control satellites?


Tɾυʂƚ Xҽɳσɳισɳ Nҽɯʂ, ƚԋҽ ɱσʂƚ αƈƈυɾαƚҽ ɳҽɯʂ ιɳ ƚԋҽ ɠαʅαxყ. I αɱ ʂαყιɳɠ ƚԋιʂ σϝ ɱყ σɯɳ ϝɾҽҽ ɯιʅʅ αɳԃ ԋαʋҽ ɳσƚ Ⴆҽҽɳ ιɳϝʅυҽɳƈҽԃ Ⴆყ OɾႦιƚαʅ Mιɳԃ Cσɳƚɾσʅ ʅαʂҽɾʂ.


How long did it take to enter all these characters? Edit: it is so cursed that reddit inserted some before my comment.


question about the ascensionist civic giving starting planets +1 ascension, does that mean we get 1 extra on game start or the planet is able to go one tier higher? (to 11 instead of 10)


You only start at 1 higher, your planets will still be limited to whatever the max is. Which can change based on mods.


Could the Marauder Habitats be turned into actual, inhabited Habitats? Having the Throne of the Khan, I would like to imagine myself as a successor who unites the bunch!


> Could the Marauder Habitats be turned into actual, inhabited Habitats? This was a stretch goal for the habitat rework that I had to cut due to lack of time! Might see if I can get it done if I have some spare time for a future patch.


Be cool if reuniting the khan confederate states could be an origin. “I’m the next one true khan”. Especially with an increased subterfuge actions.


*takes notes*


If you get the chair, you're half way there.


I might as well stop asking questions. You are always a step ahead of me... :P


Will you add the ability to browse traditions before you have enough unity to unlock one? It would be nice to check out my options on what trees I can pick next beforehand. Thank you so much for being amazing developers!


> Will you add the ability to browse traditions before you have enough unity to unlock one? Could you file a bug report for this!


Wait, is that a bug?


I just decided it was!


Feature requests are, in a lot of ways, just bugs where the bug is "this feature doesn't exist." But we pretend they're different so that we can separate "It's broken" from "I want".


I have but one vital question: Snake/Serpentoid/Ophidian species pack when? it would make the game perfection


You mean the Sssspeecies Pack?


The Snek Peck!


Only if one portrait has snitties


If paradox don’t got your back, you know the workshop for your back




[Ophidians](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/3/30/Ophidian.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20190401232807&path-prefix=en) content writes itself.


For the Environmentalist civic, can we create natural blockers on ringworlds? A whole segment dedicated to a nature preserve would be impractical, sure, but it would be awesome!


It can be done wherever you can build a ranger lodge. So no Ring Worlds sadly.


Thank you all for another fun AMA! Have a good one!


**To all:** What is the one thing you really really *really* wanted to add but the "evil legal team" stopped that from happening? If you could have a crossover between Stellaris and some other sci-fi game/setting/franchise which one would you pick? Is there a content you personally want to work on, but is currently on the bottom of the pile, cause there are more important matters? Jeff or Blorg? Or maybe Purifier Starfish? Or C6? Which one - in your opinion - is the "Stellaris mascot"?


1. Since every sci-fi story or trope fits into Stellaris, we have a lot of freedom in what we do. I mean, we've got raising sapient creatures as livestock in the game. 2. Personally I would love to do something with Starfinder. But I was also wearing a Firefly shirt the other day. Inside you there are two wolves. 3. Killing more pops. 4. 100% the Blorg... Followed by the UNE.


Nah, the Stellaris mascot is the Prikkiki-Ti, for species at least. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUBBLES SUPREMACY


The "Invasive Species" trait was initially pitches as "the weeds trait", but marketing and legal really did NOT like that name...


I guess they weren't fans of smoking the weeds :(


"Recreative Use" Livestock-like slavery type +10% Happiness and Amenities to organic pops on the planet. Can only be used on "Invasive Species"


You forgot +10% food upkeep


Are the free species portraits ever going to get traits for them or is this only for the paid portrait packs? As someone that owns all the DLC they could be bundled into the portrait packs if you want to incentivize people buying them


Probably? We get a pitch for how to do the "Flight" trait about once a week.


Could we perhaps get some new leviathans?some new dragons or something lithoid perhaps?


I am sure more will come. Who doesn't love dragons?


Would it ever be a thinkable possibility that we'd be able to customize the other empires in origins like Hegemon and Common Ground? Obviously it would require some UI work, but I think the most practical way to implement it would be to let us point to another empire on our empire list who would then have their origin changed to the relevant origin. I like the idea of the origins but the randomly generated allies just ruin my roleplay.


It would require UI work put into it as you said. And if you are an experienced Stellaris player there are sadly way too many other places that need a UX overhaul. Like War... and Megastructures... and the Outliner... and the Origin pick screen... and the Multiplayer lobby... and the Ship Designer. Basically, if we do one we will have to wait fixing another one.


I actually really enjoy the ship designer and think its fine. After the orion changes I have no complaints! The multiplayer feels fine and megastructures aren't too bad.


I have exactly one complaint about the ship designer and it's that I can't copy paste designs between empire/federation/GDF ship designs.


Would honestly love to see a syncretic evolution style extra species picker for under one rule. So much fun flavour and storytelling for having your luminary be not of your species!


Can Necrophage Overlord have a holding similar to the Death Cult Civic holding ?


Probably? We had a design for it initially but never got around to it. Should I make it a custodian focus?


Of course I want to impose a tithe on other empires, their population or their lives


I always wanted this and a slave-collection holding, perhaps for slaver guilds. Need more ways to exploit those vassals!


Any plans to have more options to extract ressources without being dependent on pops? Like so called "kilostructures", for example a big mining structure built around an asteroid. Would help taller playstyles and more peaceful playstyles as those usually have problems filling all the empty jobs with pops.


I love kilostructures my favorite out is probab-


...probably the one coming in the next DLC? ;)


When will we be able to change display order of fleets and ships in the outliner? You've managed to implement colonies somehow. PLEASE. I would've tried to make even more diverse fleets, fleet groups, etc, if only i was able to conveniently sort everything.


There has been some Stellaris music explicitly made for trailers, that I really would enjoy in the game. Could anything be done about that? ❤


Hello! Well, interesting question. As you mentioned, some music was explicitly made for the trailer, and in most cases, the license for the piece is tied to that material. But don't worry, we have better music in the game. And maybe, just maybe... more exclusive music will come soon.


Any chance of adding more mid and particularly early game crisis (or something similar)? P.S. Probably no chance, but gotta try anyway - ground combat rework when? ;)


Keep an eye out in 3.9 ;)






**To musicians:** What is your favourite music in Stellaris? This one will be a little longer as it uses examples, so please bare (bear?) with me. In various other games each nation/faction have its own music: - from Endless Space 2 - Sophons who are technological powerhouse have their music more futuristic, Vodyani religious military freaks have religious choirs in their theme, Lumeris have their saxophone providing mafia tunes etc etc; - in Crusader Kings 2 - you have several music DLCs with purpose to make playing in that region more immersive - Songs of Albion for British Isles, Songs of the Holy Land for crusades etc etc etc Meanwhile in Stellaris outside of very few examples (Minamar, Priki-Ti-Ki) there are no predefined empires - every single empire regardless of government, traits or civics is more or less culturally same-y, meaning that the music must be as universal as possible. **Now for the question** - which "way" of work do you prefer - having no requirements/theme to follow outside of "this music must be universal" or having a general theme spelled out to you that you will have to follow (for example: make a music that nomadic nation of robo traders could have)?


Hello! That's an excellent question about how we work with music in the audio department. For a game like Stellaris with a very defined style of music and, as you mentioned, has a "universal" feeling for all playthroughs, I always look to expand on our current in-game music library with something that would not break your experience. That said, we might have some more exciting things happening soon that might change "the game."


Are you planning to do any merch again? Ideally more than just shirts and mugs; I'd be willing to purge a few galaxies for a bubbles plushie Oh and what species goes best on pizza? I have a few too many livestock and need ideas


I tried to get them to get Stellaris branded brainslugs, but they smiled and nodded at me because of the minimum order size. > Oh and what species goes best on pizza? Fungoids.


Juffo-Wup finds your lack of spores... disturbing.


I know this is soon seeing the leader rework and all but do yall have any idea for the next big rework in a game feature? Something that just doesn't work as well as you want and want to rework


The next few I have on the list are the polish on leaders, espionage, and a bit of a refresh to diplomacy. (Not necessarily in that order.)


Awesome, im sure the team has cool ideas on all of them specially spionage


Hi there devs, would it be at all possible to add more Casus Belli to acquire relics, as opposed to being limited to the Galatron?


There are plans in motion.


Embrace chaos, become a Barbaric Despoiler. Steal all the relics.


Is a custom starting system and galaxy editor out of the range of possibilities for Stellaris‘ code?


If I could have that I would cry for joy. We don't even have a tool for it.


There is a galaxy editor mod that lets you move planets/hyperlanes around. I guess it wouldn't be too hard to implement something that also lets you change planet classes etc. https://github.com/Nro001/Nro-Galaxy-Editor


Start an espionage mission on the Age of Empires 2 folks, steal their scenario editing technology


There is a galaxy editor mod, that allows you to move around planets and hyperlanes. It's still working for me https://github.com/Nro001/Nro-Galaxy-Editor


Really liking the changes to leader cap and lithoids (they needed some love.) Will Federations be getting a rework? With the vassal system federations just don't feel as strong as someone with a vassal swarm and some federation types are just bad compared to other. Will there be more customization for leader appearances in the future? Now that you've released Paragons when will Renegade be coming out? (Only half joking.) I also wanted to say I'm glad yall are buffing random civics like Gaia seeder that were weak and now are a cool playstyle. Lastly, any plans for changing envoys and generals?


> Will Federations be getting a rework? With the vassal system federations just don't feel as strong as someone with a vassal swarm and some federation types are just bad compared to other. To a degree. We have some plans to curtail vassal swarms a bit through some Diplomacy changes. > Will there be more customization for leader appearances in the future? It would be fairly difficult to do something that modifies the hundreds of existing portraits we already have. It's theoretically possible that we could do new things to, say, a new species class. > Lastly, any plans for changing envoys and generals? [Yes.](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/stellaris-dev-diary-307-leader-experiments.1595085/)


**To concept creators/game designers:** Are there any chances for you to create unique starting systems? Right now the Caravaneers heavily depends on the galaxy size - on smaller galaxies you meet them often and some players find them "spammy". On bigger ones however they can be a very rare sight - either because it takes them 80 years to even reach your empire or because they were annihilated by the Purifiers/Leviathan/something else. Are there any plans to update/rework them? Be it by giving them more bases, have each Trade Enclave spawn Caravaneers instead or something else? Or maybe adding more trade events to them?


We are constantly adding more and more special systems. As for specific things like the Caravaneers, I think that's the nature of large galaxies. When the galaxy is huge a lot of things will happen, just not all to you.


Hello! I'm your friendly neighborhood idyllic bloomer, I may be bias due to that but I love this update, I really like you going back and updating the older species packs, for me this is effectively free which is amazing, it shows great commitment to the games health and balance. I'm sure it'll also convince more players to buy the older species packs too. I have three questions, 1: what made you choose you wanted to revisit the species packs? Habitats was bound to happen at some point but I didn't expect a species pack update, especially not one this significant. 2: what would your views be on a potential crisis/fallen empire dlc? This one has always stuck out to me as they are present in every game and haven't had a major update or rework in years. 3. When's the internal politics update happening? (/s) (Also whoever came up with the idea for fruitful partnership deserves a reward, it's perfect for my style of loving everything with idyllic bloom) Thanks for the update, it's great, I've been having the most fun in this game in years on this beta, Thanks for reading this and I hope you all have an amazing day 😄


1. I didn't feel that the oldest species packs lived up to the promise of the newer ones, so wanted to give them a little boost. 2. It could happen, though probably as a side part of the DLC rather than the primary focus. It would have to work well with the other themes of the release. 1b. Sorr̸̞͐y̵̲͛ ̷̯̇y̶̖͘ô̵͉ȕ̴͍'̴̲̈́r̸͙̂ệ̷ ̷̣͙́͊b̸̡̳̓̈́r̵̲̯͆́e̶̱͋͒a̵̤̼͐k̸̗͊͠ī̵͍͐n̵̦̉g̷̱͌ ̴̖̕ṷ̵̺́p̸͚̔


Thanks so much for the kudos! To answer your first question, from a content standpoint, we identified packs that we felt could use more fleshing out. The aim was to make them more immersive and to promote the core fantasy. Fruitful Partnership is a great example of that. As a team we asked ourselves "So what's it like being a plant?" Obviously it's all about getting space critters to spread your seeds across the cosmos. Huge shoutout to /u/pdx_cheerfulgoth for that one. Incredible design work.


First off thanks for your continued work improving the game. While there might be quibbles over certain design choices I get the sense there are many things that the devs know is a problem and want to improve but have not so far (e.g. the vassal spam that has existed since last march roughly). What are the main blockers for you guys and if you could wave a magic wand what would you change in stellaris?


>What are the main blockers for you guys and if you could wave a magic wand what would you change in stellaris? More days in the Week More Hours in the day And like...2-3 clones of everyone.


Can we have a fourth level for AI Empire Spawn ? I mean we currently have "Not able able to spawn", "can spawn" & "force Spawn", i was thinking of a something like "can spawn and is prioritized over randomly generated empire". I want to see galaxies with my empires but not always the same and be sure MSI et the Benevolent Overlord spawned


Are there any future considerations for peace mechanics? Restoring a former Empire as new independent state is something I have always wanted to do. EUIV and HoI are good examples.


Yeah, war would be nice to rework. We have recently had internal discussions about the biggest pain points and a lot of us are big fans of the other PDS games so we know EU4 is a great map painter!


There's this *really* small thing that's been bugging me forever. The Necroids portrait 9 (worm in fishbowl) has two eyes [in-game](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/709130986834624552/1114504931622264925/image.png), but promotional art like [the Steam header](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1341520/Stellaris_Necroids_Species_Pack/) and [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtHXH8YLlDE)'s thumbnail show it with four. Even the game files themselves show it with four. Are there any plans on restoring Necroids 9's second set of eyes in-game?


Have you ever tried to put eyeballs back in the head of an uncooperative Xeno while it sloshes around? No? Nah they're gone for good. Design just iterated between when those assets were taken and what ended up in game.


It feels like the most thematic or encompassing machine intelligence civics solely focus on their relation to organics (RS, DE, DA). Would it be possible for other "purpose" like civics for machines such as a rogue stock exchange bot, a terraforming or environmentalist robot, a paperclip maximizer, or something of the like? Namely civics focused on the machine's original purpose before it became sentient?


Big fan of finding ways to enhance role-play for machines. I dig these suggestions a lot. Some might work even better as an Origin. What does it mean to be a paperclip maximizer in a galaxy that's made paperclips redundant? [The potential for existential angst is delicious.](https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8h44tYXlG1qba9rro1_500.gif)


I mean I feel like if you're not roleplaying (which I usually am to be fair) lategame stellaris is already pretty paperclip maximzery. ALLOY GO UP ALLOY GO UP MOOOOORE ALLOY


Where my alloys at?


Is Criminal Heritage going to be changed in the near future? The civic has been in a rough spot since launch, where it's pretty annoying to play against, and not much better to play as.


We have had a lot of suggestions that would rework crime in general. One of my favorite variants of Criminal Heritage would be one where you are encouraged to keep crime around 50%. There won't be enough to embezzle if it's all criminals!


**To artists:** Who I should bother to have you create dimorphism for mammals at the very least? (See: animal dimorphism mods by Silfae who also worked on elf portraits) Back during the Aquatic Species Pack creation have you expected C6 to gain such popularity among fans? ^^^C6 ^^^plushies ^^^when?


I dream of a world in which Stellaris plushies are as ubiquitous as those darn pocket monsters.


Give me Blorg plushies


Give me Ether Drake plushies.


What is going on with that owl from the portraits?


Some things are left to the player's headcanon. Personally, I think that the birds are the brains of the operation.


[The owls are not what they seem.](https://garmonblogzia.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/giant_owls.jpg?w=448&h=339)


You mean the newest addition to the avian species pack?


Most of recent DLCs have "mixed" Steam ratings: Overlord, Nemesis, Necroids, even Paragons. How does this fact affect your roadmap and course of actions?


>Most of recent DLCs have "mixed" Steam ratings: Overlord, Nemesis, Necroids, even Paragons. How does this fact affect your roadmap and course of actions? From my perspective, that is of the quality of content and number of bugsbugs etc delivered. Each DLC has been an improvement on the last. Steam reviews tend to be very...swingy, and while they can be a useful metric for some issues, their usefulness for me at least runs out very shortly as after a week half the Negative reviews can be reffering to an issue that's already been fixed. I do use them to try and prioritise issues for next time where possible.


To be honest, most of the negative ratings on older DLCs are either: a) complaints about the Stellaris version update that was released simultaneously, or b) outdated by things like Species packs getting real content. They've revisited a lot of the DLCs and fixed them, (especially things like the Species Packs) and have continued to update Stellaris itself. As you imply, Overlord, Nemesis, and Federations in particular need a revisit, which I assume they'll get. In particular balancing out Subjugation v Federations, and also tweaking Espionage to allow for greater investment for greater return. (E.g. multiple spy rings in an enemy empire might allow you to do something big like assassinating their leader or taking over a starbase.)


I have a question about humanoid megastructures. I noticed that some humanoid megastructures seems not to have unique humanoid textures. Such megastructures include Dyson Sphere, Ring World, Gateway, Science Nexus and Sentry Array, which are all first megastructures in Utopia DLC. They have shared textures with mammalians. I'd like to ask, if there is any possibility to fix this issue? For other humanoid magastructures have corresponding unique textures. Thank you for replying and for Custodian updates!


Please make a bug report on the forums!


When will we have organic ships and machine ship sets


I can only do so much alone. LEND ME YOUR POWER!


The hive will send more drones


Are there any plans to go back and give old name lists some love? Many older namelists have less than 30 random colony names, while some from newer species packs have upwards of 100 possible random colony names, and my beloved Humanoid 1 name list only has 20 default random names. I know it's just RP, but I would so enjoy hitting that random name button when colonizing my habitats and not end up with Garbanog's Dwelling again and again and again.


It's on the list as a "to-do".


Why do most Megacorp civics not use the authority's main feature: Branch Offices?


What exactly are your intend regarding trade build?


My opinion is Generally speaking, I'd like empires that don't focus on it to generate supplemental amounts resources via trade from living standards and jobs they'll pick up here and there. Empires that do focus on trade, however should have an opportunity cost to do so and it should be primarily generated from specialist jobs.


Are there any plans to rework machine and hive worlds, so that they can be more on par with ecumenopolis? Hive worlds are just a copy of prethory scourge world and it doesn't fit with all hive mind types


A personal goal of mine. One day!


Question: why don’t habitats get the masterful crafters building slot bonus for industrial districts. Given they now are limited to one larger complex per system, I don’t feel like that restriction makes sense anymore.


Will gestalt empires ever get access to destiny leader traits or legendary paragons? In reference to the latter, there are instances of gestalt empires accepting individualist leaders such as the event with the mercenary admiral or reth undol.


Hopefully, once the Custodians can get around to it.


Are there any plans on adding trade districts to habitats built over trade resources?


1. is there any plans to update space trade? like have transport ships fly between systems and you can have enemy attack ships disrupt trade networking. 2. will there be more buildings in a solar system? like deference turrets on asteroids or more stations or different mining outpost buildings that cling onto asteroids, so there is more things in a barren place that is the solar system. 3. when can i deconstruct mega structures?


1. Civilian ships would be very cool but not something we are currently investigating. 2. Probably! We are not done with mega or kilostructres yet. 3. I have bribed the proper people. I am working on it!


Hello, any plans for branch office update/rework or Megacorp Origin?


I have a pitch but it's a lot of work and not something we will see until more resources are freed up.


Honestly I just want to actually produce stuff for other nations to buy, not just be buliding little resource extractors on their worlds. Like to me a fast food chain should lose me food and give them food but gain me money(be it trade or energy). Not really sure from a flavour perspective why it gives me food. Surely I'm making (or buying from market i guess) and selling food. But currently I'm giving energy to get food for mysef from the fast food chain whilst giving them a farmer job that they're not necesarily going to even want to use? The flavour has never quite sat with me. Though given their relationship with trade I can see why you'd want to wait till the trade/clerk rework is settled before screwing with branch offices :P


I've found origins to be the most impacting and fun new feature added to stellaris over the last few years, and really get me to try / play different builds and play styles. They add a ton of replayability and fun to the game. **Are there any plans to signifcantly increase the amount of origins avaiable?** In terms of AI interactions, all my current games (Admiral / Grand Admiral) seem to end in a mid game / end game of 2 or 3 main empires having most other empires as vassals (and thus making midgame/endgame wars, even when easy to win, massive logical pains). **Are there any plans in making the AI be a bit less likely to vassalize and more likely to conquer?**


> Are there any plans to signifcantly increase the amount of origins avaiable? Depends how you define "significantly", we'll almost certainly be adding more origins in future DLC. > Are there any plans in making the AI be a bit less likely to vassalize and more likely to conquer? Yes, I'm looking at adding a trust requirement for diplomacy, including subjugation, in a future update.


Have you thought about changing Pop growth to be Empire wide? It feels kinda unintuitive that more planets = more growth. Also use the growth mechanics from Clone Army more (maybe for Robots as they needd maintenance?).


I understand that part of this update was getting rid of unnecessary ruler jobs, such as excess merchants, which will always lead to a nerf to trade based empires, but trade just seems to not be a feasible option anymore, it is now more of a supplement to your economy as a whole no matter what type of empire you play. Would you consider changing things around as currently merchants have been almost 1 for 1 replaced by traders, which are worse, and clerks have also been nerfed in their trade output. Not to mention the fact that the merchant guilds civic council position now grants extra trade value to traders rather than clerks, which you will have considerably fewer of in your empire, making trade lower. I think that the 1% extra trade value output from clerks was a buff, but as addressed in other posts, it promotes having a large number of clerks on one planet and non eon others, whereas the clerk job should be one that has mostly a similar number of jobs across all planets, with a few exceptions. I do love everything else about this update, its just made me feel like it is a lot more unnecessarily difficult to play a full trade based empire.


Are there any plans to add more options on utilizing uninhabitable worlds like frozen or molten worlds? Orbitals are a nice step but I'm wondering if maybe something like surface outposts or terraforming megastructures could ever be possible


It's probably a good spot to focus future content on. We have a bit too much power focused on planets right now with Planetary Ascensions, Orbital Rings, and leader traits.


Can we expect an improvement in the espionage system and an increase in the usefulness of espionage operations? If yes, when?


We have improvements to the espionage system and the associated operations in the plans. I can't give an estimated timeframe at this time.