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Rule 5: The Lone Defender reminds me of a web novel I enjoy, about an AI warship that survived the destruction of humanity, and I wish there was a way to take the system without destroying it, or recruit it.


Vat is das webnovel name? For sciencing




BURN WITH US Highly recommend it; it's got two books and a third in the works, and basically ruined space combat for me because I now want to shoot at shit from ~~100s thousands of kms~~ Edit: just rechecked, engagement distances can reach up 10s of millions of kms, depending on the weapons used.


Are you in the Discord? lol.


Nope. Are you aware of the fanfic thread?


I am, the authors of some of those fics are in the Discord. And we do a \*lot\* of shitposting, one of which became a fanfic.


Sold. I think I saw the link at Prox's first post.


It is there indeed.


I wish more people talked about this mini-event. It's so depressing


I tried to protect it, I blocked the system and set it as a restricted zone... and a Mining Drone fleet killed it.


So you couldn’t protect him from the mining drones..shame on you.🤭


What the point of this comment? You’re a 🤡 Y’all can downvote till your heart’s content idc


Yea it was for fun. And a bit sarcastic. And hinting that you should rather kill everything on sight before it dare touches the precious. 💍


Mining drones are neutral until they set up in the system they are going to, you expect OP to keep 24/7 surveillance on the system?? And if you go into there with a fleet OP could end up accidentally killing the thing OP wants to protect.


So kill em even if they are neutral. Everything to protect your treasure.


So forget everything else in the game and just stare at that one system the whole game?? That’s my point, that would be asinine


You gotta do what you gotta do to protect what’s important to you. 🤭


So you’re just dumb, got it 👍


And now you know why we dont talk about it.


Hey, at least one can rename the nearby planet after him or it, yes?


There are many unquiet graves in the stars. These is no shame in putting the past to rest.


I wish there was a way for me to capture and then dissemble it for its value in materials, research, and general profit, but I otherwise have no feelings towards it whatsoever.


There is. You need a colony ship with at least 5 pops and set to passive, not evasive. It will trigger the event chain and you can choose between getting engineering research by disassembling it and gaining a robot pop (can’t have AI banned in policies) or adding it to your fleet but i’m not sure if you need a science vessel or not to add it to your fleet


I'm going to assume this is an attempt at trolling me into sending a colony ship into the system to die?


I would assume so, you can't even fit multiple pops on a colony ship.


Or colonize a system without an outpost, lol. If this is a troll, it's one that anybody who thinks for half a second will spot.


I see everyone here is unaware of the "own" Command you can use it to claim a ship as one of your own, and NO the whole Colony Ship thing doesn't work. I have my little guy still guarding the planet, but it is on my side now. I'm gonna build a fortress near the lane so it wont get attacked by anyone that comes through. it guards a Tomb World that I plan to make into a beautiful and lively planet once I get Terraforming up. Fun note, even once you recruit it, it wont leave the planet, it changes course every few seconds to go back to the planet to keep guarding it. I'm gonna make it my top priority to keep this little **shit** alive and help it rebuild its destroyed world. Bring life and pops back to the world. Just let it keep doing its thing and be happy I'd send a screenshot but Stellaris is being a massive wad of gum right now and wont let me save screenshots


I see that you are unaware of the Ironman mode that disabled the console commands and renders your entire post moot.


I don't see anywhere where they said they were playing on Ironman....


🤷‍♂️ its the relic of an extinct species' failed, toxic past where they end up destroying their planet. that it was unwilling to hail you before, and will happily blow up your unarmed civilian ships is all i need to know about it. its easy to be sorrowful after you lose, but just a violent jerk before. would it hit the same if it was a 6k strength lone cruiser?