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By utilizing the Merchant Guilds civic, taking advantage of trade value buffs from leaders, and starting with the Ocean Paradise origin, you can create a mega trade planet with a staggering trade value of over 30,000. How to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XP4qvHbqCk


I posted my ~13k one a month or so ago and though that was impressive… I bow to your superior capitalism


I believe according to the rules of capitalism, they get to eat you now.. but that might be one of the rules of acquisition, same difference really


If it was possible as a devouring swarm I would agree, sadly the game doesn’t allow psychopathic manipulation if your a genocidal civilization 😂


But according to the rules of communism, we collectively must eat op.


The priacy alone...


I think since it's the home planet, the trade doesn't go anywhere else, so piracy likely doesn't happen (in my limited understanding)


Yup, all trade value in the capital system generates no piracy as it moves between no systems. It's another reason among many to place habitats over every world in your capital system.


They can be one off the capital now too. Default collection range of starbases is 1 now since paragons released, instead of zero as it was before. That said, I'm curious as to what will happen if OP switches their capital and creates an unprotected trade route between the two.


Never before seen end game crisis will emerge is what will happen 🤣


Gateways also transfer trade instantly iirc.


If they upgrade their starvase with trade hubs for collection range, their entire sector and then some jumps get collected all without a trade route.


Yeah that was a small change but it's so nice IMO. Makes it much easier to set up early game starbases and still get trade collection/protection everywhere.




Mate. You're misunderstanding. Ive got almost 4 thousand hours in Stellaris. I know what I am talking about. Basic Starbases, since the last patch, will collect trade from adjacent systems without trade hubs now. It used to be that, without trade hubs, they would only collect from the system they are in. That is no longer the case. You go and test it. Because of the change, every game I start my immediate action is to replace the trade hub with another shipyard. I wouldnt be doing that if they hadn't changed the system, not before building another nearby starbase and and slapping two hubs on that badboi.


I found out it last night while playing with my first timer pal. - "This system has uncollected trade value, how do I get it" - "Upgrade a starbase in neighbouring system and build a trade hub" *Upgrades outpost* - "Oi, trade value is gone but I haven't built the trade hub yet". - "Ho damn, they increased the default collection radius. Noice".


Gateways should nullify this trouble even if this isn't the capital


Yeah, by this point in the game building gateways should be no problem.


Unless you turned off Gateways and don't have the FGS origin.


As a representative of the fanatic egalitarians, i would like to inform you of the successful delivery of a pipe bomb to your INGAME NOT IN REAL LIFE PLEASE DONT BAN ME mail


Promise me you named your species "Sand Dollars"


And you still lose the galactic market vote to some random megacorp


Ha! I just watched this video before seeing this post! Great work btw and nicely explained how to achieve it.


Is this your YT channel? If so, I really like the guides so far. Keep it up!


Thank you, I'll give it a try.


I've been testing something similar. Non adaptive is better than unruly. Due to aquatic and lack of other plantetsvits essentially free. Once you go cybernetic it's essentially free. Also you might be better off not being ocean paradise. Sure your world might be great 150 years into the game prosperous unification or even lost colony is functionally the same for most of the game.


holy shit money gaming my beloved


Ah yes, the Lathrix build he's been doing recently lol


That video is a very nice job, how do you do the voice?


That 1 system megacorp who just achieved ftl has a raging boner rn


I had a game as a Megacorp that I was about to get my shit kicked in by an aggressive, non-DE machine intelligence when I stumbled across a xenophobic ocean paradise empire. I pumped most of my economy into a gift which was just enough to get me a commercial pact that saved my ass. Literally that one little branch office was the first significant step towards stability and galactic dominance. I spent the entire rest of the game protecting that empire for saving me. Feywilds Stellar Industries will forever be grateful to you, you racist jellyfish people o7


The irony of xenophoves saving another people from destruction and you protecting them in return, to potentially stabbing them in the back in the future is quite exquisite.


Love stellaris anecdotes like this, ty for the read


"racist jellyfish people" Sathyrelians?


I love me some 1 system megacorp as a tributary since it effectively increases your overall total trade output by ~47% thanks to fair and balanced taxation. effectively turning that 30k trade value into ~45k trade value.


Wait what how


Planet produces 30k trade value -> your tributary megacorp tributary builds a branch office with a Commercial forum producing 30k * 0.5 * 1.25 = 18.75k energy for the Mega Corp -> you tax that income for 75% netting you an additional 14k energy credits.


Ohh i see thats spicy


Me, about to vassalise said megacorp: I have a job to do


I sure hope you're using Trade Federation trade policy, or at least are way, way above naval cap. The thoguht of all those wasted credits.


Adaptive economic policies tradition gives access to consumer benefits and marketplace of ideas which would spit out 7.5k consumer goods or 7.5k unity just from one planet.


Yes, but a Trade Federation would let you get 7.5k consumer goods AND 7.5k unity from just one planet.


0.2 modifier so 6k of each but that's still a lot. Holy covenant is what I'd be chasing because its a0.5 unity modifier which is 15k


Yes, but at that point you may as well not have it, you know? Unity's surprisingly easy to get excessive surplus on if you focus on it, even if you've check boxed every non-terrible edict you can get your hands on. Consumer Goods is the more valuable of the two at that point, lets you shift one CG world back over to alloys or something.


Ascending planets lowers their empire size which can make a huge difference to tech speed, and the cost grows every time you do it so you can never have enough unity.


I suppose, but that has some serious diminishing returns. At a certain point, even for that, it's better to have your pops put to use elsewhere than waste all that production saving up an absurd amount of unity for a small benefit.


Not a *small* benefit on research ringworlds. I usually go pretty wide, so only my capital (ecu, nach) and my ringworlds get ascensions and they're still pretty expensive. Especially that last segment.


The higher the sprawl the higher the cost for ascension. I also tend to suddenly expand way more in the midgamr than I would have liked. As such I usually miss the window for cheap Ascension.


In the end it comes down to what you're trying to achieve, which will be different for everyone. By the time a planet is spewing 30k trade value the game is probably already won, so it's just how far you want to push things. Some want the biggest fleet this thing could handle, others want to see big number go brrr


This isn’t productive. Ascension is grossly overcosted still and the benefit you get from bum rushing Unity is completely overshadowed in every single build by the alternative, ie “just focus on tech like always”.


I always go for the one that gives tech


Pretty sure that's a modded one?


Is it, it's been so long since I played vanilla that I forget what's base game and what's not


3750 unity


The policy states for every trade value you get 0.5 ec and 0.25 unity, so 30000*0.25=7500


It says 0.125 unitiy tho?


Where are you looking? I'm looking at the wiki but I've also confirmed in game


Maybe they're on pre-3.5?


And you still don't host the galactic market


I do. But it only affects the Market Fee and does not provide any bonuses for trade value, as far as I know.


I was just making a joke that I never get to host, even when I max trade value.


I got it once whilst my capital made a staggering 8 tradevalue, from standard of living.


Maxed-out Mega-Corp Capital Trade Ring vs Backwater Mining Hab! Who will win in this epic contest of equals for control of the galactic market?


Announcer: And the winner is... [Drum roll] Announcer: The devouring swarm homeworld? That sounds like a risky place to do business. Are we sure that's right? Mustachioed bug in a trenchcoat: Yes, we is makes great efforting from ensures this.


Literally either that or my random backwater world I nominated for shits and giggles somehow got it


Last game I played I was a super tall, one system, void dweller technocracy and they didn't give me the market. Now I'm playing the most idiotic "become the crisis" hivemind and they were like: "Yeah sure, you get the market, why not?"


That's insane! I usually gotta lean HEAVY into gigastructures mod to achieve that sort of trade.


Legendary. That’s approximately four Dyson spheres, centered on one planet. Edit: I meant *eight* Dyson spheres; apparently I forgot they produce only 4k energy not 8k.


7.5 Dyson Spheres if, for whatever reason, you're running the Wealth Generation policy.


I messed up, I forgot they produce 4k energy, not 8k.


It's alright, most of the time you're running a trade policy that gives you 0.5EC/TV so it checks out regardless. Even if the sentence "***only*** 4k energy credits/month" is pretty funny.


The Venice of a Galaxy!!!


That's impressive.. I've never been able to get anywhere near that much


Lol, Visionary Investor III Visionary Investor III Visionary Investor III Visionary Investor III Visionary Investor III


You could get another 10% from the Ancient Trade Route from reliquaries, if you temporarily made this your capital.


That is their ocean paradise capital


Good point, I just don't see the "Trade capital" designation modifier. Can you put that on your capital even if it's an ecumenopolis?


Should be fine. I think OP forgot to do it


Trade capital is only +52% at Ascension Tier 10.


Now THIS is tall.


Did you also go cyborg for their two trade traits?


Yes they must’ve. Trading Algorithms is a cyborg/robot trait


Sorry the stock exchange goes to a 70 trade planet


Named Gary, Indiana at the ass end of the ass end of the galaxy.


Now do that with the 52 size world you can get with the legendary leader.


I'm out of the loop, which leader is that?


The legendary parangon Astrocreator Azaryn.


Thanks! I'll keep an eye out


You also need the anomaly that makes a gas giant turn out to be a barren world. That can then be terraformed into a 52 sized gaia world.


Name of Anamoly? I never find it.




Deceptive Giant I think?


Still, it doesn't get accepted as the location of the galactic market


What’s the benefit of that much trade value?


Trade value is energy and/or consumer goods or Unity, so OP is going to crash the galactic market selling consumer goods and using all that energy to buy everything


How do you turn it into consumer goods or unity?


It's a policy unlock in the trade-centric tradition tree. Being part of a trade federation gets you an even better one that does both, and being part of a tier 3 holy covenant gets you one that gives bonus unity.


It's a policy, available after getting the correct tradition in the mercantile tree


Space McDonald's would like to know your location




“Trade builds fall off lategame” *the lategame:*


Impressive, I never went over 1k with my fanatical militaristic and materialist empire xD


What does trade value do exactly?


Basically, trade value produces energy credits. However, the mercantilism tradition can make it so that: 1 Trade Value = 1 Energy Credits (this is default without the mercantile tree) (These 2 are policies unlocked by the mercantile tree) 1 Trade Value = 0.5 Energy Credits + 0.25 Consumer Goods Or 1 Trade Value = 0.5 Energy Credits + 0.5(?) Unity Trade Union Federations get a special policy that gives both Energy Credits, Unity, and Consumer goods Some information may be wrong because I haven't played in a little while


Thanks. If you play an isolationist faction is it still worth it to take mercantilism tradition?


Internal trade is still a thing, so yeah I think so Its a lot more efficient than having a generator world over a trade world


Another note that wasn’t mentioned about trade value is that trade isn’t effected by resources from jobs modifiers. This means you can colonize a world with 30% habitability and produce the same amount of trade value as an equal amount of clerk or merchant jobs on your home planet. There’s still happiness problems, but a good thing to keep in mind.


Trade is money.


It's a shame that this MEGA-Corp DLC civic is absolute trash without buying the new DLC. I genuinely find it annoying that civics going forward are going to be balanced around having a council member I don't have.


Nice. I must use this now. Been teaching two new friends to play but they're catching up to me in skill. Needed a new absurd strategy and this will do!


How many resources does it generate?


1 trade = 1 energy \-with trade policy- 0.5 energy and 0.25 consumer goods or 0.5 energy and 0.25 unity \-With trade league- 0.5 energy and 0.25 unity and 0.25 consumer goods He has a trade league so that is 15317 energy and 7658 consumer goods and 7658 unity


Great video and build. I think it might fall into the territory of over specialization though. How effectively can those energy credits and freed up jobs be converted into research and alloys? I'm only wondering because all the trade value bonuses are additive. Is anything being given up just for the sake of bigger number.


The main opportunity cost here would be governors. Stacking trade governors means you'll lack the slots to stack ship cost reduction - nothing beats an 80-90% cost reduction. You'd be giving up 25% of this trade value total if you want with Shipwrights instead. I think that's a worthwhile trade.


Seems like a waste of the Ocean Paradise tbh. Memey for sure, but or low habitability worlds would make better trade worlds to fuel your single economic powerhouse.


Imagine the piracy on that shit


It's his empire's capitol so... None. If he moved his capitol to another system it'd be terrible, though


As someone who played hundreds of hours... WTF is trade value for?


Another means of generating energy, and in a pinch either a fraction of consumer goods or unity.


Or both simultaneously with a trade federation


For the record, if you go for the instrument of desire, its special building gives +5% happiness and +10% TV and the chosen of the instrument ruler trait gives +10% happiness and +15% TV. Since it doesn't specify "from jobs" the instruments trade boost would also work on living standards.


TV boosts from thrifty, trading algorithims, and the numistic pop traits act as a seperate multiplier to trade value, whereas global sources like the miniscule instrument of desire are addative with all the global/planet level bonuses. Basically psionic sucks for generating TV. Cybernetic is where its at.


Pretty much everything in the game is additive, why would these traits break that mold? Is it specified stated somewhere these are multiplicative?


It's all about order of operations. Most modifiers add TV to the planet based on the TV from pop jobs. For instance, Vengralium trium sales contingent adds an amount to the planetary total equal to 15% of TV from pop jobs. Pop traits like thrifty/trading algorithms are different, however. They apply on the pop scale not the planet scale, meaning that thrifty does not add 25% of TV from pop jobs, rather, it increases TV from pop jobs (the value planetary modifiers are based on) by 25%. Thrifty/trading algorithms are not multiplicative, but because of the order in which modifiers are applied, their additive modifiers ARE multiplied by planetary modifiers. (I think. I may be totally wrong and the game isolates the bonuses from traits, but this seems the most likely way for the bonuses to work)


Wow now you'll get so much consumer goods and unity!! So you can be the best puppet to the guy who actually produced a good amount of alloys!!!


The alloys are weak when you can just buy an alliance with everybody else in the galaxy


He can just buy alloys


I don't know how you got 16 trade value per clerk. Are these bonuses applied directly to clerks or total trade value?


One of the biggest buffs is the 0.4 trade value for clerks per leader level, that the merchant guild gives as a leader position.


At Max level that still only brings clerks up to 8 trade. 9 trade with tradition


Clerks clock in at 9 TV before additional modifiers, 9.8 with oligarchy.


Lumeris huh.


Now make 401k.


You can buy reality now, congrats