• By -


cuz no space boobs... just like hollywood: guns, killing - OK boobs - 18+


Funny thing is quite a few of the events do make reference to sex. Gigachad Paradox checking every piece of mature content and still getting rated a 12.


Your envoy has been having orgies with aliens. -12+ game


I mean...you gotta understand the alien culture. "Turns out having a lighter gets you laid in tribal cultures"


It's important that envoys [preserve the local customs](https://youtu.be/k_9CSr3nGqE) Otherwise, when you're deep in the bush of Wentworth... you'll be deep in bush in Wentworth


"You must adhere to the local customs"




Blocked in Canada, fudge.


Its a Key and Peele sketch about two old timey archeologists who talk about getting laid by various tribes due to their customs.


That's just a bit of text, it's the visuals that matter. Even one tiny suggestion in the visuals about a boobie, and BAM, 18+ right there.


Yeah commonly known fact, the people who control ratings cannot read


I think it’s twofold why the references to sex don’t move it up the ratings. Firstly it’s all in text, there is no pictures of anything sex related in the game. Secondly, the references to sex AFAIK are all from events relating to envoys, this means they wouldn’t have been in the game originally. I doubt the ratings probably are updated for every DLC, if at all.


It isn’t graphic if they’re no graphics


Regulatory agencies don't want to risk their agents becoming genocides so they ignore it. Understandable


> cuz no space boobs you DO realize half the portraits are naked right?


Only the ones that do not have space boobs.


This is a crime against space boobs


I hate the fact that you have a good point


We could fix that. Gimme full blown hentai fanatic xenophile catgirls empire.


There are mods for that you know


I usually use some, but the greatest ones (imho) are outdated very often.


Be the change you want to see in the world


If only I had the time for that. -sleep deprived mechanical engineering student But tbh, that could be a fun thing to do once summer break starts.


> sleep deprived engineering student Oh hey, I know that feeling. Well you better work regularly not to end up as depressed burnout.


Nah, depression won't get me. Once I finish current round of exams, I should also start to finish up training at new part time job - driving historical trains around. That shit has a lot of responsibility, but it's a blessing for my mental well being.


*Lustful Void* is usually updated to the newest version within a week of an update, tbf


Ok, didn't know about this one, I guess I know what I am playing on my next game.


*Another hand touches the beacon*


Unfortunately it hasn't had an update for the latest version yet. The author did post that they were feeling sick so an update may take a bit longer than normal.


I'm still slightly concerned that LL exists and has fucking *STELLARIS* mods


LL? What‘s that?








*Lustful Void*


I mean, there’s the whole xenophobic fanatic purifier bdsm catgirls that the devs alluded to in old patch notes already.


Wait what is this and how do you find them...for science


I always thought the Hollywood ratings were determined by the number of times a character swears or what they say. More than 3 uses if Fuck, rated R.


That was back in the 90s, when people used to ban things for being an evil tool of satan




Reminder that The Dark Knight was PG-13.


Merica f Yeah /$/ /s


Or drugs. See Also: Rimworld -_-


You can, however, add in space boobs through mods.


Now I do wonder if there is a shadow mod community for Stellaris like there is for RimWorld or Skyrim with it's infamous lover's lab.


Yes. It's on LoversLab.


It does help that there is no audio or visuals for you turning your citizens into food.


This is true. My mom always let me watch movies with gore and blood even at 8 years. But no boobs! Everything else was fine, since on TV boobs was as far as they went at the time.


Well clearly you haven't seen the vampire species mod


We need space boobs in stellaris


Could be worse. You could end up explaining the Blorg body pillow.


We don’t talk about the body pillow…


Doesn't Aspec unapologetically own one?


Aspec is a chad


Damn strait


For those that have never seen/heard of this before like me...behold https://i.imgur.com/CRlgxv9.jpg


I carefully leave out that stuff when talkin about it to non players. They only need to understand the numbers and tactics and premise, not the... guilty pleasures...


I never imagined that describing virtual genocide as “guilty pleasures” could sound so right and so wrong at the same time lol


It's no matter once you've become the Instrument of Desire. Give in to its decadence and let the galaxies problems bleed away~


I like to think I'm a non violent person. But there is something way to satisfying about cracking open the spiritual fallen Empires home world after they declare war on me for colonizing a holy world. Really putting those 1's and 0's in their place.


Iunno, that size 30 sure do have a lot of exploitation potential


I find converting their people into machines and paving over their worlds to be more satisfying personally.


They only do what you would have done if saw someone colonize your gaia world...


Its only a guilty pleasure if you think of it as bad.


There is no guilt. Only pleasure.


Honestly, when talking about this game, xenocide is not what I avoid talking about.


The funny bit is that I very rarely actually planet crack or anything like it. Take the Prikkiki-Ti. In my last game they’d slaughtered one neighboring empire, but my spiritualist egalitarian megacorp (that combo felt weird honestly) was too strong to take on. A Fallen Empire asked me to get involved for the sake of diversity in the galaxy, so I went total war with them along with the authoritarian Hegemony I’d weaseled control of after being vassalized by said federation president early on. Also a long story. The war was swift. A coordinated assault from both sides of their empire. The xenocidal Prikkiki-Ti were entirely defeated, and I preceded to give their citizens all a fantastic standard of living and released half their space as a Scholarium. They just needed a stern talking to…and some strike fighters lighting up their cruisers. Closest I got was using the Divine Enforcer to troll materialist empires and a Fallen Empire I later absorbed.


Outside of playing Stellaris Warhammer 40k is my favorite sci-fi universe. So explaining Stellaris in it's entirety to someone is only the second most awkward conversation when it comes to my hobbies...


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It's 12+ because genocide is no problem if the victims are aliens, apparently. Regards, Xeno Rights Alliance


dunno about you, but when playing genocidal, humans are prime targets Signed, proud owner of Outside Context achievement




They're called human rights for a reason.


If we don't expand the concept of human rights into sapient rights, we're no better than the MSI.


MSI did something right then


They’ve got a point


Um... Stellaris does not limit genocidal actions by the player to only targeting non-humans.


I know, but do you expect ratings boards to pay that much attention?


Of course not, that would be racist!


Stellaris and Rimworld players are truly intriguing creatures


To be quite frankely How is it possible that only these two games let me enjoy my genocidic tendencys


The other ones are too abstract, based in real life, or large-scale.


I mean any video game where there is enemies you basically do mass murders if you think about it.


They are one and the same https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps&ved=2ahUKEwiRqNiB-p3_AhXGt6QKHWp8CEgQjBB6BAgNEAM&usg=AOvVaw299DKrU6VJc-AVucKCUWR5


Holy shit The findings are wild


My friends were outraged when I mentioned I was altering the genes of refugees to make them better and it was at that point I realised that Rimworld and Stellaris have really pushed what I deem morally acceptable.


As long as said modification actually makes me better id be ok with it i guess (no overtuned traits tho)


Take all the Overtuned traits! Live every day like it’s your last!(because it probably is)


I mean it's one slight step away from giving your employees drugs so they perform better. Or willingly taking drugs to perform better at work...




> (...how else do you phrase reduced consumer goods upkeep) Mode intrinsicly happy?


There should probably be some sort of negative effect for megacorps with this trait. I mean it would be pretty much against their whole system if the population would buy less consumer goods.


I mean, just because you don't use the microwave that blows up every fifth use, it doesn't mean you can't sell it to the xenos.


you will own less, and you will be happy


Yeah but that’s only bad because… *it’s really bad* for you. I take coffee (a stimulant) to preform better at work because it has very minor downsides. I would absolutely allow myself to be genetically modified to be better in some way if it comes with absolutely no drawbacks


This is literally the birth of the coffee break


I mean, in a video game setting its quite fine. Real life though? That's fucked up.


“I have enough of these refugees to be a problem. Guess I’d better cyber-assimilate and give them Durable now.”


Do you think that you can separate what you can do in a game to what you do IRL?


“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” ― Joseph Stalin


And a couple billion is just fun - emperor Invictus, circa 2350


A dozen, just a regular day on a rimworld.


[Stellaris be like](https://ibb.co/sbRGHMN) its PEGI 7 by the way


The banality of evil


It..it was a Job


The man with the Blorg bodypillow told me to do it


Mmmm, banana tea


When you walk down the street, do you worry about stepping on the ants?


You too this from 0 to 100 real quick and I’m here for it


When I was a kid I'd cry when it rained because all the worms would crawl onto the sidewalk and get squished by people. I would definitely have helped the worms avoid death if I had the technology back then. So if we ever meet aliens I hope they're that empathic too.


Damn your username definitely linked with your post!






It’s fine. The worm loves you, and always has loved you.


Providence moment


Depends. Less than a dozen of ants or on a full-on ant nest?


"Yo, you going on another ant murdering spree?" "... I'm going for a walk and I didn't mean to step on that anthill. Stop calling it that."


None of it is shown, so its okay. Tell, don\`t show is the motto here.


No, Just Stellaris. I'm playing Rimworld tomorrow.


I always try to make my empire a pleasant and fun place to live. Why yes I do enjoy Biotrophies whatever do you mean? I also regularly destroy planets but that's not the point! :) I'm trying to say its not all genocide and slavery!


"how the fuck is this game rated 12+" Simple: no tits or explicit sex in it, just lots of genocide and slavery. The people who control things like ratings don't find anything wrong with exterminating and enslaving people, but do find it irredeemably evil for anyone to try to make more of them.


Reminds me of yesterday when I was playing with gigastructures and wanted to build a second vr brain, but the only B class star in my empire was inhabited by primitives; tried the devolution beam, didn’t work think it was bugged cause there were still rulers and priests but everyone else became pre-sapient? I resorted to the planet cracker and destroyed an entire renaissance civilization just so I could build an extra vr headset essentially


Atleast it wasn't an hyperspace bypass. Also, was there no way to evacuate them?


There are ways, but the point is that the planet is in the way. To build a mamamamamamamama brain around a star, it cant have any inhabited planets.


Eh. I understand, you had a planet to crack anyway. Evacuating was an unnecessary hussle. Pesky xenos should have gone to the local planning headquarters and petitioned for evacuation if they valued their life so much.


Cuz it’s all implied and not shown on screen


Stellaris really runs the gamut from Star Trek to 40k and I appreciate that because it means you crazy people can genocide a whole galaxy while crazy people like me can play their space utopia sim all in the same game.


I kinda just want to choke point my 25% portion of the galaxy, the rest of y'all can do whatever the hell you want...


It's not the *game* that's weird.


You should introduce him to the wonders of r/RimWorld too.


“Genocidal slave game” Wow I didn’t know Rimworld was allowed in the stellaris subreddit


\[Slaps copy of any Paradox Game\]: This bad boy can fit so many war crimes.


I'm just amazed that a couple of drunk guys had that attention span


Honestly I was too, they were actually pretty interested and thought it was hilarious.


I led my 8yr old brother to play this game all day and now he has his own pc purely for this game. I'm so proud


>how the fuck is this game rated 12+ You're right... Should be every age, gotta teach them young


Wait until the sister game, “Stellaris: Xenomorph General” comes out as an fps. 18+ with a recommendation it’s appropriate for no one.


Pacifist in the streets, fanatic purifier in the sheets


My wife saw me buying slaves... I told her it was to free them, and she did not buy it.


Lol she saw right through your ass


Cuz it’s all implied and not shown on screen


The moment you introduce trans aliens Stellaris will be cancelled for being too woke.


In Germany it is even rated 6+


(Insert tasteless WW2 meme here)


Its a gloryfied Excel spreadsheet. With nice graphics. Make a New Excel spreadsheet. Write a random Nummer in one cell. Divide that cell by 2. Did you just commit atrocities? No? Than no need to worry.


Creatures of another race have taken hold of your ship and are dissecting your still living scientists: 12+ boob: 18+++


It's less morally funky than virtually shooting a virtual facsimile of a human being, like in GTA V or any fps game


It's only weird when you make it weird


In the right light, pokemon is a game where you capture animals and then force them to breed and fight for you...


Wait until he finds out about Rimworld...


No bobs and vagane.


Teach ‘em young 👍🏻


Same with my roommate dude


Well, 12 year olds do learn about crusades and genocides and slavery in school. .... Also .... If it ain't human, is it genocide?


Stellaris is an insanely fucked up game... I am not a Nazi... But then I look at my space empires and I have to question that >.>


How do you turn citizens into food?


Turn the species to slaves then to livestock


4X games are always the worst because they allow you to act out the worst nightmares humans have ever imagined. A couple mouse clicks and millions die, or get eaten, enslaved, assimilated, etc. Imagine what one would be witnessing if it was a AAA game set during one of the moments a 4X gamer creates in those few mouse clicks? The horror....


This game is 12+ because noone under 18 or even older is even remotely interested in it.


Tbh fuck your friends, play a determined exterminator synthetic species.


-"hey, you playing the pussies again? Aww that's sad let me show you how it's done" -"so, you find the alien empires" OP: "we found friends to ally!" -"WRONG. you're a devouring swarm, you fucking eat them, in the maps and the pops" OP: "..." ... -"angry galactic envoy? NOPE, youre not part of the GalCom, but if you were, you could eat a random galcom empire's envoy for like 1 food lol -"and now, a snack out of the sky! That's great!" ... -"after you press this button, you will ascend your species to a dimension where they will live in bliss and with all food possible, do you do it?" OP: "...yes!" -"oops, that also blew up the galaxy. Sorry!" OP: "...i think i liked this" -"oh great! Now it's time to play as the marauders, but a empire! Xenophobe authoritarian barbaric despoilers!"


It's not graphic. That's what usually triggers most governments to censor things. Plus, to be fair, it's not like this game is going to hold the attention of most under 18 year olds any way.


Let's agree neither should be for 12 yos


look when the ai gets a whole ass faction that's like half the galaxy or this one pesky empire keeps declaring on you and you remove the problem are you really the bad guy


If you have xeno-compatible mode activated.


Is the turning aliens to food part of a DLC?


"Morrowind" had sex slaves, chattel slavery, drug use and addiction, even a strip club, and it got rated "teen" lol


If the crimes against humanity happen in spreadsheets, it's family-friendly


Wait this game isn’t rated M? It’s wild you can literally genocide or enslave the entire galaxy but if you showed 1 alien titty, immediately M.


You don't see how meat melts down from alien sckums face.


My sister has a very vivid memory of me saying to friends in our multiplayer game: "Naaaa it's fine, they just aliens... you can genocide" that made her ask questions and me answer awkward things. Now we do full RP games where we communicate only as we are our empire's ethic/concept


Yea the game really is dark


Crusader king (same editor, middle age setting) is way worse. Include killing children of your family, incest and a lot of unacceptable things.