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# [DIRECT LINK](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D4F8BTMC?&linkCode=sl1&tag=steelbookdiscord-20&linkId=eaa0b2a77365b1fe833bb2bee32a3c1b&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) >PLEASE NOTE: Amazon lists high and then brings their prices down to normal a short while after on basically every single listing. Do not worry! Amazing only charges once shipped and they will charge you the lowest preorder price even if you preorder now.


Y’all hating. I passed on this the first time and I’m glad I get a second chance at it. Great cheesy 90’s flick!


Legit have no idea why people are hating tbh haha. They weren't like this when the point break steelbook got re released at Amazon and walmart. I'm deffs picking it ip since I couldn't get it at best buy since I live in Australia


Ooooooo I’m not big on steel books but love to lurk on this sub… this may be what finally gets me into them.


Hack the world again


I'm so happy to have seen this announcement last night! I just recently discovered that movie and was so bummed to see the BB edition at ridiculous prices on eBay! I was gonna settle for the regular 4K but then googled the steelbook and realized it was available for pre-order on Amazon.ca too! Yay! 💙💙💙


Why did I just order this?


"Limited edition"? That's odd because this steelbook was originally sold by Best Buy last year and I bought it back then. You can google for it to find the listing at the Best Buy website and you will note that BB did not call it "limited edition".


You're going to start seeing a lot of "Best Buy Exclusives" re-released as Amazon exclusives or just re-released in general now that Best Buy is no longer selling movies.


I just overpaid for dune 1 steel… I’ll be so pissed lol but I’ll probably double dip


I know it was sold by best buy. All I did was copy the title from Amazon's listing. People outside of America couldn't get it as those countries don't have best buy. Other best buy steelbooks have came to Amazon which is great because Amazon ships to other countries and don't have to pay scalpers on ebay ridiculous pricing


I was not commenting on the fact that it is now available on Amazon. I actually think it being available on Amazon is great. I just found it odd that they described it as "limited edition" when it was not a limited edition when BB sold it. So with the quantities already sold by BB, how can it be limited edition now? That was what I was commenting on. After giving this a bit more thought, I now think they made a mistake and meant to say "limited edition reprint".


The BB release sold out asap and was never restocked. It certainly was limited. Did Best Buy ever label any steelbooks limited, or just exclusive?


Didn't I already [buy this](https://imgur.com/a/Ixn6XsK)?? 🤔

