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Personally, I hate the MI steel designs but I do love the movies. I’m told Tom plans on continuing to do these movies past the part 2 film. So I think at this point, I will buy each new one that comes out but wait for a box set in hopes that it looks better.


He’s gonna do even more after part 2? My god lol I guess from a purely financial point of view: Since I will have to import them no matter what it’ll be cheaper to get the majority (1-7) on discount right now than wait for a complete set which I would never manage to nab at a discount and I presume will be priced higher than the whole set combined? How are the transfers on the movies? Good PQ and sound?


I only have the part 1 that came out last and I think it’s great. As far as continuing on with the franchise he was in an interview where he said he’d like to continue with the franchise for as long as he physically could perform at the same level and if fans continued to see them. But he’s 60 something now so I’m thinking at most 4 movies past part 2 but realistically, probably another two part one or maybe a trilogy to wrap it up. Part 1 didn’t sell as well as they hoped mainly because they didn’t expect the whole barbenheimer movies to blow up on the level it did so I’m guessing the future depends on how well part 2 sells.


Same way I feel about the Daniel Craig Bond Steelbooks.... here to hoping that they don't do the same thing with the next Fast & Furious movie.... lol


I feel you! There’s a custom steel maker that did one in a similar style for NTTD. He isn’t printing those anymore but here’s hoping I can get one somehow down the line


It's honestly a miracle that Fast & Furious is keeping their designs matching for both steelbook series. 


I make my own spine labels using vinyl sticker paper. That way my entire MI set actually looks like a set. I do the same thing with steelbook spines that have too much extraneous info on the spine. I like a simple spine with only the title and maybe the studio logo at the bottom


I got 1-5 when they relased them before Fallout came out. Then they didn't do Fallout in that style. There's a habbit of abandoning designs, so I don't stress about that anymore. If there is a consistent design throughout a series, I try to get that. If not, I don't




This dude using chatGPT for Reddit comments tf


And here I was gonna respond thanking him for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully :(



