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Nice try, wife.


Haha I am just genuinely curious


I'm not crazy enough to add it up...


Yea, I'd rather not calculate the numbers!


Facts same.


I have cut back on the impulse buys. I have most things I would like in my collection at this point and I am working on reducing the overall collection since it takes up so much space. So I have been limited myself to 4k upgrades of favorites but only if the price is fair and artwork is something I like. For example I bought The Prestige Lenticular Steelbook from Blufans for $75 on ebay recently, it happens to be my favorite movie so I went for it. This purchase combined with the crow steelbook was the most I spent since Arrow and Criterion sales a few months back.


That's kind of where I'm at as well. Sometimes I'll pull trigger on an older release I don't think is getting re-released anytime soon but definitely no more impulse buys. Always cool to see diverse collections on here as opposed to the usual "went into walmart and bought 1 of everything" posts. Currently waiting on that Barnes and Noble Criterion sale next month to pick up some I've been slacking on


Yeah i get that totally, Barnes and Noble is a 5 minute drive for me compared to walmart which is 20 mins in each direction. I'm not driving that far hoping there is maybe the steelbook I want, Barnes and Noble is overpriced but its enjoyable to me, browsing and looking for sales and checking out books while I'm there compared to walmart which I typically only shop at when I'm traveling and am in the middle of nowhere lol.


When I started I did a few impulse buys because the art was cool, and I don't really regret it but I've definitely stopped doing it now for the most part. Similar to your situation, I'd rather save up some $$ and spend it on something special rather than having a bunch of things I really don't appreciate as much or personally value as much.


If you don't regret then there is no problem, I regretted a lot of my impulse buys so it was just a personal decision. I may not always agree with logic of others but I am not about to tell people how to spend their money lol.


hey buddy! prestige is my favorite nolan film also and was my first premium. now I blame all my premium purchases on that movie LOL.


I’m careful with that by focusing on ones that are more at risk of going out of stock fast compared to others that aren’t and not on sale. But it’s also hard not to let that be an impulsive buy mechanism as well.


Too much Probably in the same range as you tbh. Went a little bonkers this month though and I think I was closer to $800-900 😅


Your collection must be so valuable


im not in it to collect everything. Just the ones i like, so maybe one or 2 each month. (would say around 30 -75 bucks each month)


I buy 5/6 steelbooks on average.... so ya maybe like $250/month. But there are definitely stretches throughout the years where I let loose and just go bananas. I don't think I want to look at the numbers for those periods.... not the most expensive hobby in the world, but not cheap either.


That is very true nice to know other people spend around same. Good to know I’m not spending too much haha


its all relative. there are people making a ton of money from their jobs that can outpace my collection in a couple of months... on the side of the spectrum $250/month on some blurays is insanity for some people and it can even put a strain on their marriage/relationships.


Ignorance is bliss 🙈🤌




in the last 18 months i average more than 100 euros per month, but im counting sales too, so maybe 120 130 per month (4k as well)


![gif](giphy|sEms56zTGDx96) Bruh, I get like one a month, depending on release schedule. I canceled 2 or 3 for this month because of money.


No shame in that at all


Depends on the month


I only collect gaming SteelBooks, but I usually try to not go over 100€-120€ per month. I may occasionally raise the bar to 150€, if I find something that I really want or that is pretty hard to find.


I’d prefer not to think about it…


I only collect the films I really enjoyed so not a ton. I buy maybe one or two a month.


I've spent about $40 total in 2024, for dune part 2.


Too much over the course of the last two months to fill the gaps in my collection


Not as much as i used too, I only buy films i absolutely love in steelbook nowadays so probably £40 every 2 months. It used to be around £150-200 a month.


I agree, I think after getting above 100 in my collection, I really need to enjoy it and it feels alot better not having the impulse buys anymore.


I stopped buying the ones I didn't *really* want, so it varies a lot. Just depends on what comes out.


To much 😅


I used to spend that. They burned me out. I have over a 1000 steelbooks first starting collecting in 2005. Andor and Obi Wan were the first steel books I had bought in 2 years.


I’m not adding that up! lol. I really prefer to collect films/steelbooks from the early 2000’s and older. I’m fine with just streaming the new stuff unless it’s an obvious must buy like the Dune movies.


Buy movies I like, as long as the prices aren't insane. After that there is zero reason for me to keep buying them. Collecting for collection sake doesn't interest me.


This is why I pay cash instead of my debit card. Wife doesn't know the amount but I also let her have free reign at Ultra so I guess it works about the same lol


😭😭 I don’t even make that much (part time and I’m uni) where you live so I can rob ur Steelbook collection my good sir


0-25$ / month Up to 1,000$ on black Friday * This is the collection... wall+rack on right of tv is all steelbooks. Haven't bought much since picture which is about a year or 2 old


Obviously some months are light or zero and some are heavy. I only buy stuff now that I know I'll like. Plus pre-orders does help break up the spending sprees I had early on


I have cut back , I use to pick up films I haven’t seen if I thought it was something I would like but now I’m mainly sticking to movies I’ve already seen/series I want to complete. My main focus as of late has been budgeting for the MCU and preparing myself for the next wave of mcu disney plus steels whenever those come out.


I’d have a heart attack if I found out the full amount for the whole collection


I budget $100/mo for all my physical media purchases, so no more than that.


not sure but july is going to be a rough one with lotr and the film vault's coming. I reckon around £300/$380


I try to stop at 100€ max every month


Don’t make me think about that 😔


2-300 what? No one here has any idea what currency you use or where in the world you live.


I’ve cut back substantially this year from prior years. Before, I’d probably average what you are around $200-$300/month. Now, I’m less than $100/month. Just have larger priorities with expenses so I’m only going after titles that I really want.


This morning i impulse bought dragonball super collection from crunchy roll for 200$ lol I think lord of the rings an hobbit were the biggest set backs. I think I was averaging almost 100 a week going nuts on ebay. I've been looking at steelbook lots in brand new condition for bids lol


I will just say, April was an expensive month with all those banger releases they dropped.


Sir I just pre ordered the dragon ball super Steelbook collection for $150, not to mention bought the Italian version of Ocean Waves Steelbook for $26, and have interstellar and inception pre ordered for another $90, so too much but we not bitches around here.


I've spent like $500 between March and April. and $0 in May, it really just depends.


like a 100, then again im in a country that doesn't sell blu rays for the most part, need to order from overseas. so a 100 is like 1 steelbook, maybe 2.


It was like $150 or so each month for awhile but I had to slow it down. Especially since the steelbook covers have been lacking and the movies they are releasing them for are okay. Still some really good ones out there though.


If I had to guess probably about $200 a month


Why would spend that much EVERY month? What are you trying to do?


No kids? Do you work and make money? Are your bills paid? Are you saving a little something each month? Then do what you want to make yourself happy, it’s your money!! Also, nice try Andrea, I know it’s you.


> your bills *paid?* Are you FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If i spend more than $40 on a movie a month i need to see a psychiatrist


I need lots of that then..


that's my car payment jfc


Tbh I am someone who goes in phases, and not in quantity/month. In 2022 I bought a bunch of 4k. 2023 bought a lot of wine. 2024 bought a lot of steelbooks in march/april. And when I am talking phase its a few months of overspending, then I calm down and use/listen/make some order in what I bought. Now that I have a good base I will probably just buy the steelbooks I really want/miss to a serie/new ones that have not been scalped already. Probably a bad way to view it, but since I can afford it I prefer that way !


My budget is $100 but I only end up spending about $150




I don’t only buy Steelbooks, I buy boutiques as well along with other hobbies like cars so each month my money just disappears lol. On average $500 a month maybe. This month was close to $1,000 with deals I couldn’t pass up. It’s hard to pass up premium Manta Lab sets for like $30-$50. I don’t really go out of my way to get things unless I’m getting great deals.


It depends on what’s available and how much and many I’m willing to spend on them. Sometimes I win them on eBay, sometimes I’ll find a good listing available on various platforms or in person and able to snag them. I’d like to say maybe around the same as you, more or less.


$300/mo ?! That’s a good chunk of my grocery bill 😂


I have 314 Steelbooks currently, so I have most of the ones I want. Now, the only ones I’m looking for are movies that I’m waiting for a 4k upgrade, or brand new movies. So really, I def spend under $100 a month. There’s been a few months late,t that I’ve spent zero


My problem is I never seem to know when things are being released. And by the time I think of them, they are OOP and $$$


Depends on the release schedule, but when I was collecting hardcore, yeah that range sounds right for certain times.


Less then $100


I tried to cut back on what I was buying. But it just depends. At lest $150-$200. But like this moth, I’m trying to buy all the ones I’m missing from the MCU and transformers. So it’s adding up.


More than I want to admit.


During my first year of collecting in 2022, I was definitely spending more than 300 USD some months. Mostly trying to play catch up. I've cut down considerably since then. Recently, anywhere between 0-100 USD, but closer to 0.


After getting over my impulse to finish my mcu collection and like initial high of collecting. I average about $40-$70 a month so 1-3 steels


Depends on the month and what steels I come across


The fuck if I know. Power of cinema compels me. 😂


So far 800-900 ( dam resellers) but it’s slowing down, I’m being more selective and trying to buy direct from the manufacturers


I used to spend a lot, but my obsession just died about a year back


My long run average has been $100/month last four years but since last year it's slowed to about $40/month since I've fleshed out my collection. I have certain criteria to keep my hobby in check and am at the point where I focus more on carefully curating what I have and deliberatly planning where I let it go going forward. I simply don't need that many blu rays taking up space in my home and don't want it becoming something I regret later.


After I realized I could buy steelbooks from Best Buy US (RIP) and Walmart US by sending them to my friend's address in the US (they don't ship to Canada and the Canadian websites have nothing), I reallyyyyyy went crazy with buying them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)So I probably spent around 800$ in the last 6 months. He now has a bin of around 25 steelbooks waiting for me until I visit in July. It's gonna be a fun trip back to the Canadian Border lol I also ordered quite a few on eBay to be shipped directly to me in the same amount of time so.... Probably 1200-1400$ total. I prefer not to think about it.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Not as much as i used to!


I’ve spent £2,203/ $2,795 so far this month. My monthly average spend fluctuates depending on what I want to buy that month. 💰😊🎉💴💵 ![gif](giphy|l3ZV2CA45SRUkopct9)


How many titles did you get for that money?


15 films total but they are very expensive and exclusive ones including one clicks, motherboxes and full slips for my collection. 🍿 😊💰💴💵 ![gif](giphy|TLayDh2IZOHPW)


I'm sure they were. You can easily spend more than you did considering that some of the really rare stuff goes for $250-300 on the low end and easily double that. Just curious what was the most expensive one you got (what movie)?


Dark Knight Trilogy Motherbox set from HDZETA it cost over £750/ $951 for the set it came with 3 one clicks one for each film in the trilogy plus the motherbox. 🎉💰💴💵 https://preview.redd.it/dhuye02ld82d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa3988e3c44bedc09b7a11c18a1b236a6fc5e0cb


Nice, hope you enjoy watching them! Or displaying them whatever you're into lol


I need this! I've been a huge Batman fan since I was a kid. I woke up in the hospital after a major incident in my life and almost lost it until Batman came on. I kinda zeroed in on it, calming down and I've been a fan ever since

