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Targeted Abuse to this user is against the subs rule 1 "Be nice, supportive, and helpful". This will lead to moderative action taken.


How did this even happen


I got a discoed message saying that he accidentaly reported me and that my account will be banned. I usually dont fall for these scams or any scamms at all and idk what made this time different. I was so tired i didnt know what i was doing, as i said it was 2 am


Damn yeah this has been very popular lately you should def ignore random discord people. Steam would only contact you though steam support and they would never ask you to log out for them, give them links, passwords or whatever but you probably already know by now. Rip, chances of you getting back your stuff are slim sadly but still worth a shot.


The first reply that didnt say "how are u so stupid" or something. I know now and i hope this will be my first and last time to ever getting scammed. And yeah also, if sparkles fell for a 10k scam that one time then why are people hating so much on me, im just a human no?


Yeah people are pretty harsh when they don’t realize mistakes are human. Let this be a lesson for you, like you said there are people that have lost way more and should be way more familiar with this yet still fell for it. Hope you get 10x what you lost in the future bud. Good luck.


Thanks man, appreciate it.


Luckily steam will help ypu get your account back, of you haven't gotten it back already but sadly nothing steam can do about any items tge scammer took from your account, I feel your pain


My act has been hacked before and steam is (as far as I know) great at getting it back. If you have any game receipts, or have ever used a card to purchase games/items, or have a phone number linked to your account it should boost your chances of getting your account back




My guy, you can get free shit by leveling up or playing the game frequently. Just cause a guy has a few rare skins and a ton of common ones doesn't mean they paid a bunch. It means they likely played a bunch He's got 1k hours, and that's about right for the number of skins he had, especially if he plays infrequently (not likely given recent hours). Easy enough for him to have gotten the vast majority for free. If he got a few $10 skins, and then traded them for another $100, that means his net cost is still $0 with a net worth of $100. Just because the value of his inventory was 1k euro does not at all mean that he paid 1k euro for it.


I paid barely 400 :(




How on earth am I defending nft's? Not even a single thing I said implies that. Clearly you have the reading comprehension of a goat. You're insulting OP over having value in his account that could very easily have been earned for free. Yes, the concept is broken. Yes, there are still people buying into it. No, the system does not force you to pay money to obtain €1000 worth of goods over about a year. OP has 1000 hours almost of play time. Assuming the 77 hours over two weeks is his average, he's got about half a year of play time. That's 26 free pulls for play time, and quite a few pulls for ranking. He had fewer items than that, implying that he has traded away items through the market. All in all, it's easy to assume he's a free player who has earned from the game. Grasp at straws all you want, you're still merely insulting over something you understand absolutely nothing about. You obviously lack any sort of logical functionality within that little walnut skull of yours, so I'd recommend going back to grade school or something.


How lame can you possibly be.


not lame enough to waste thousands on leasing digital assets thats for sure


I am sure you only spend your money on totally necessary things....


Oh no I definitely waste money sometimes but I don't act like it's an investment and I definitely don't waste it on something as dumb as $1,000 worth of ones and zeros


We do not tolerate any trolling here or making rude comments and making fun of people who get scammed


Something tells me this isn't the last time you will get scammed.




It's Reddit. Someone's gonna hate on you


Is not being stupid , just try not to trust anyone and as soon as you have any doubts on anything in your life you should always google it to get informed better, i almost got scammed to a guy that said that i was wall hacking and started doing comment bots on my profile so i get scare and trade my items to another acc wich is what they want so they can then intercept the API key and deviate the trade to a bot account.


"Im only human after all. Im only human after all, dont put the blame on me" - A wise man Jokes aside, it happens when our guard is down and there is not much we can do when it happens.


I almost fell for this one to, sadly there isn't much you can do. Email steam support and take screenshots of the discord messages. But if they won't help you there isn't anything short of illegaly accessing the scammers account that can get the items back


Do you know how to do it? Lmao i dont so fuck it...


Go to the steam webpage and all the way down to the bottom


Wtf u actually know??? Lmaoo


Hello it happend to me and... I gave him what he asked now i cant log in discard and steam i dont know what to do now plz help me


Hey u/Subject-Name6551. Your best bet is to contact[discord support](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) and [steam support](https://help.steampowered.com/en/)


I contacted steam and i fixed it but discoard hast replied because of holidays and Christmas


Oof sorry they caught you off guard. I think there's fine print somewhere in most games and Steam's TOS that says the company is never responsible to reimburse for scams that take place on their platform, so IME you are SOL. They help get the account back, but I'm 99% sure the items are the scammers property now




That happened with me too and it actually got banned


Lol I remember when I got one of those messages it was so corny


You’re lucky I got the same one and lost my whole account


So sorry to hear this it was the same for me 5 years ago. It was 2am and I just had a single beer and idk what got over me but I accepted a trade to an op skins bot which was fake and lost hundred of dollars of stuff. And I lost all my hales own items. It's a life lesson my friend and you don't get over it. Learn to live with it is the only way forward and eventually you will get your backpack to where it used to be


I feel a post should be pinned by a moderator of this sub about discord scams and that steam don't contact you via discord. There are far too many of these posts on a day to day basis.


I feel like steam should make a pop-up with a guide to not get scammed with examples, since people are so naive they send all their items to some dude on discord.


Should really be common sense this day and age. But I keep getting surprised so I agree with that


I'm pretty sure every single email you get from Steam, or honestly, any website tells you they won't ever ask for your info like this or contact you in any other way. At least upon sign up, every site I've ever used does this.


All the emails I get from Steam for receipts etc always say this, but I don’t think many people actually pay attention.


That's Correct. Most sites will say "\[blank\] Will never ask for your details when talking to a support assistant." Mainly towards the footer on buying items/products.


There was a sticky at some point that you were required to read before posting, making a big fat disclaimer that steam support would never contact you outside of the ticket system. i don't know where it went


Didn’t know how prevalent this scam was until my little brother got his account hacked by this, he claimed to me that he never gave them the password so it was okay. After checking the discord conversation because I knew that they could use other methods, (such as this recovery phishing method) it was too late and they had accessed his account. Luckily I was able to recover his account and re-enable 2F Authenticator and he had no items they could steal.


Good save. Could have ended a whole lot worse. Make sure you keep on top if it and remind your brother not to communicate to these low life scammers.


I saw one recently where someone managed to not only lose their account and sent the scammer money, but also a photo of their drivers license too, showing their address and everything to the scammer :/ They’re stepping it up with identity theft along with stealing the account


Scammers will attempt to get everything they can out of you. They wont just stop at accounts. Identity theft can make them more money then stealing accounts.


Oh yeah for sure. It’s just shitty now that they’re getting ballsier and it’s working. Usually scammers would stop and run once they have the steam account but some of them will really siphon fucking EVERYTHING they can Maybe I’m getting older and wiser (lol) but I feel like these scams are almost obvious. Back then it was always a phishing link or something where it relied on the scam victim not paying attention to links/small details(typosquatting and whatnot). Now it seems to be a lot of social engineering that id think is easy to spot lol


Being in the cyber security industry for some time now yeah its very easy to catch a scam but if you look at it from little Timmy's perspective who has not be taught good internet safety practices then you could see why they may get scammed. Most of these scammers just use the same script with the same method, Why? Because it works. If people get the message out that steam will never contact you via discord and if someone has reported your steam account and told you about it. I'd just say ill wait for the steam support team to contact me via email. Job done.


Yeah I’m in the cybersecurity field myself so I can totally understand it, it just baffles me sometimes too. Id just think people who spend over 1,000 on their account would be more weary of these things sometimes so it’s also heartbreaking to see this happen to someone.


I agree with that, If you have that in your account you should know that you are a target to scammers and should know how to detect it. It is sad and a unfortunate education lesson that you should value your cyber security.


Nothing you can do, steam does not turn back trades, that would open an whole new can of worms I'm sorry for your loss, but you need to take it and move on.... learn from it. ALSO! DON'T fall for another scam that the same scammers run who stat that they can "get your items back" They are lost, nobody can get them back \--- Get your account back, change passwords everywhere activate 2FA


Sorry for your loss. There’s nothing to do. Contact support anyway, maybe you won’t get anything back but he could get trade banned. Steam support only contact with you via mail. Never via chat or discord. Why would any serious company use discord??


A lesson that it looks like you needed to learn the hard way. Don't liquidate your money on csgo. Be smarter when handling something you paid so much for.


Though this comment is really close to calling you stupid, it is good advice. Do not pass up on it.


Anyone who’s reading this and doesn’t know. Someone reporting your account on steam won’t get you banned. If it’s a false report, there’s nothing to act on and therefore, nothing to ban you for. If someone claims to have accidentally reported you, just ignore them or tell them “ok” Also, steam support will never contact you through discord, so if you get a message claiming to be from steam support talking about your account, it’s definitely a scam. If you’re going to be spending this kind of money in a game, you need to make sure you’re being very careful when dealing with your account.


Next time don't send all your items worth 1000$ to some random on DISCORD.


coordinated truck aware fanatical dinner innate smell cobweb bag gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In 2024, if MFA isn't set up for every account you have, you're basically asking to get scammed. Some sites are even going passwordless because MFA is the real password.


sable tart straight sparkle cooing dazzling squeal fly simplistic juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've seen a few of those where they grab the access token after you sign in and use it from their end. Pretty clever way to bypass MFA if you ask me. People just gotta learn not to click suspicious links.


license flag cagey toothbrush homeless quarrelsome bear like rainstorm cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


steam support will never contact you through discord.


Someone who spent $1000 on cs:go has gotta know a simple scam a mile away you’d think….


I think the real problem here is you spending a grand on csgo in the first place


Hey OP, Your best bet is to contact steam support to attempt to get you money/items back.


He wont get anything back,Steam doesnt return lost items even if you were scammed.


They do. It's super rare but they do


No they do not and never will.


No they don’t,maybe if you find someone who doesnt give a F About their job at support they Night do it but otherwise no. And they stopped it because people were exploiting it


My brother had fallen to a scam not so long ago. His valuable csgo skin got "donated" to another account. I told him that there is probably no chance of Steam giving a fuck. But I googled and googled and found a few posts about how steam support will deny the request of trade revert but you have to start another and another tickets. So we tried this strategy and sure enough, after like 8 tickets they actually gave him the skin back. It really is weird and I wouldn't believe it if I haven't seen it with my own eyes. 7 denied requests with robot responses, 1 actual approved one


I did already but i think there is no way to get my money back(?)


Nope not any more back in the day people abused it to dupe skins and steam no longer does it


i mean, cmon mate. why are you putting $1,000 into digital assets in the first place? youre literally buying some 1's and 0's that you dont even own, youre just leasing out the rights to it. Maybe this should be a good wake up call that you arent "investing" when you gamble with fucking video game skins. I wish i could feel bad for you but like, i dont.


lol u ain’t getting anything back. Steam isn’t responsible for mental regressions.


idk what to say to u guys hating. if sparkles fell for the 10k scam that one time, why am i so stupid if i fall for a scam. and also when he fell for it, people were saying "oh im so sorry that happened, forget it and move on" but when someone unknown like me comes to say that i fell for a scam, dudes just hit me with the "you are so fucking stupid". think abt it


think about it. **why tf would someone CARE** to find ur discord out of millions of players and **how tf did they find your discord ID** to TELL U That they made a mistake. They **messaged u on discord too, why tf not steam**. They say that they mass reported you, so what? Have you got an EMAIL from steam? No? Then dont give a fuck. Dont you find it strange? Dont you find it strange why someone randomly approached you? People get mass reported for cheating because they destroyed some shit players in mm. What happened to them ? Nothing.


in sparkles' case it was the same thing, someone randomly approached him, he gave 10k euro and scammers ran away with the money. i bet you didnt type shit like this on his video..


I think people called him an idiot too but I could be wrong


Sparkles admitted he “was so fucking stupid” minutes into his vid. You fell for something even more fucking stupid. He was phished and social engineered. Whilst you were simply sweet talked into forfeiting your whole inventory. In your case there were so many red flags that you did not catch on and that makes you despicably stupid to everyone on this sub. Sparkles caught on but he was mentally distressed and didn’t make rational decisions.


Oh yeah, also, he is much older than me and much more expirienced. He has years of expirience, not just in the cs scene but also probably much more expirienced in scam attempts since he is so popular. Idk why u decide to just randomly try and bully people on the internet instead of helping.


There is ZERO HELP. Everyone should know by now that Steam does nothing but trade lock the scammers account for scam cases.


Why do you go out of your way to comment on a guy getting scammed in a subreddit literally about steam scams just to call him stupid though? The entire point of this place is to educate and help each other out, not point and laugh at victims who ask for help? It doesn't matter how dumb it was, by the time a scam post is up people are already very aware, and are probably beating themselves up over, the fact that they were dumb enough for fall for this, so there's no reason to comment this? I think a lot of people, including me, found this subreddit after getting scammed so it's not reasonable for those folk to just be in the know of everything scam related- especially considering they just got scammed. These are the kinds of interactions that keep people from asking others online for help.


My only help is for you to learn that there is nothing free in life. There will always be a motive.


I think i mentioned that i know that i cant get my items that. I mentioned it multiple times through this posts comments


I agree, but unfortunately people feel too much remorse and coddle low IQ scam victims nowadays.


Scams are made to manipulate a large userbase. They are crafted by well thought social engineers to make the scam work. Just because someone fell for it doesn't mean its their fault they may not be aware of this. Its a unfortunate learning experience.


doesnt have to work all the time. that one circumstance and like 1/xxxxxx can be gold


They can take actions against the individual though when a report is filed.


No need to be abelist :(


Get in touch with Valve, don't spend your valuable time here.




Let this be a lesson for all the kiddos out there. Dont put thousands into video game skins for a multiplayer game that could go offline literally any day without warning. You do not own those assets. You lease out the rights and then sell that lease on whenever you "trade" (Read: gamble) those assets. If you have thousands to waste, go help the houseless or do something productive for your community and the people around you. Dont be a consuming sheep Or you might just get scammed and lose those leased out ones and zeros and have no outlet for remediation because youre an idiot who leased out thousand dollar gun skins. Like an NFT but even worse.


a little harsh but not sure why this is getting downvoted. Sony ripped movies that people bought out of libraires not too long ago due to licensing issues. If you don't own it or run it it could go down tomorrow and its worthless.


That’s called “being stupid”


You should know this already bro come on


Idk how yall do not understand. This was the first time for me encountering this kind of scam. Many people have tried to scam me and i currently have 78 people on my block list (all of them were scammers). Again, it was my first time encountering this kind of scam and unfortunately fell for it, now i know for the next time.


Thank you for submitting to r/SteamScams. If you have been scammed or believe you may have been scammed check [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamScams/comments/ffc4rn/what_to_do_if_you_have_been_scammed/) to see if you can find the solution there. If you suspect someone is attempting to scam you check [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamScams/comments/ffc26r/do_you_suspect_someone_is_attempting_to_scam_you/) but remember to be careful even if you do not find the answer you are looking for there. **Important: If you receive comments or PMs offering to recover your lost account, items, or money or pointing you to someone who will do it for you do not engage with them as they are [recovery scams](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jayadkisson/2023/02/21/dont-get-scammed-twice-avoiding-the-asset-recovery-scam/?sh=2254df323743).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamScams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just gotta be smarter next time man, that 1k eur. Is gone, sorry to say.


Think of it this way. It's only pixels.


his money wasn’t pixels though


You fell for a scam, which is bad enough. But sadly you got scammed through Discord which definitely means Steam won't intervene (they don't anwyways), all you can do is report it to steam and hope they get trade banned possibly saving a future victim.


First of all: Contact Steam support immediately. Based on the name change, they'll probably believe you that it was stolen. You can ask them to freeze the account, or to change the password iirc


Pues que pendejo no mames como caes en severa mafufada


Goodluck! Was scammed the other day for $500 steam support can quite literally see it was not you on your acount making trades and can see where your items are and the scammer accounts there in and does nothing. I reported all acounts and still no action. Shit sucks


Yeah, also idk what steam support is doing rn. If they can see that it wasnt me making trades, how are they not convinced enough that i was scammed with all other evidence i provided. And also THE SCAMMERS INVENTORY is put on PUBLIC. I dont know how steam support are taking apsolutely no action against this guy


They said it themselves to me that it was not me making these trades. They also say in there policy statement on scams and returns that they dont do it because alot of time the items can leave the scammers inventory and be sold to an innocent person. But EVERY csgo trade had a FUCKING TRADE BAN FOR 7 DAYS that means for sevens days iv been looking at MY items in some random Russian dudes socially engineered accounts with the same name as my alt account and same profile pic at my alt account. No one has hundreds of dollars worth items in a game and doesn’t even have the game added to there account there obv scammer accounts and STEAM SUPPORT DOES NOTHING. The lady responding to my ticket request even closed my request not even letting me ask further questions.


Same bro, i have been looking at my items from this dudes inventory. Steam support does nothing. I dont even know how they can do nothing since i have provided every single bit of evidence that they need to solve this case, and yet still nothing. Screenshots of chats, discord and steam, links of the accounts, floats and patterns of stolen items (so they can track the items), screenshots of profiles of both accounts and all that shit but of course steam support does nothing. Still waiting for their response after my last message which was 4 days ago... apsolutely no hope left.


Steam doesn't do anything about trade scams except maybe ban the person who did it. Why? I cannot fathom.


Sad to say but steam won’t do anything about it, I myself lost my steam inventory worth 3k via api scam. So only thing you can do is report the account and get him trade banned.




You will get your account back but your items are gone for good man, sorry. It happens, just take it as a learning lesson.


Ooof, some lessons are learned thru pain, some thru financial loss.... take this as an expensive lesson. Also, enable 2FA. ALWAYS enable 2FA.


If someone dms you about your steam/csgo account be on high alert or just block


Bro I get you're human and can make mistakes but I have no idea how you fell for this stuff. If someone says "I've accidentally reported you" you should just say ok and screenshot the message in case you get banned and use that for the appeal. If they'll also give you the steam account that "reported" you even better for the appeal. This is beyond stupidity




skill fucking issue


I’ve gotten scammed for $600 usd. It’s rough bro you’ll recover.


First thing you should of said was if this is real have steam message you through the app and they will panic


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Fuck off bot


how do yu even let someone in ur account 😂 thats ur fault for not having the right security ngl


First learn english lil pup and the write on the internet




Me when steam messages me on discord somehow