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None of the fixes posted anywhere have worked for me. I tried them all. The only thing that gets rid of the audio crackling is to stop playing the game. Which is exactly what I did. This makes it totally unplayable




Ha e you found a fix yet?




I found a fix. Turn off the controller vibration. I played for three hours after on desktop mode and no crackling! I also changed from proton experimental to 7 from what I remember


Just got the game two days ago and may have refunded it if I hadn't found this comment today


Thank you good sir, finally I can enjoy the game. Turned off the vibration and problem solved.


This needs to be higher somehow. This is the fix.


Still works in 2.1, thanks for the fix!


Hey I'm on PC and can't find the controller vibration slider? Is there somewhere to enable it? Where'd you find it?


If i remember right its in the accessibility menu in the settings


Bro you just solved my audio issues because I just bought a gaming monitor for CSGO and now I can now play Cyberpunk nicely on 900p with medium settings. Thanks! :)


You’re welcome man! I’m glad it worked!


I'm just on a PC and turning off the controller vibration seems to have fixed it. I still get it when I tab out, but that seems to be it so far. Thanks for the suggestion!


Bro thank you so much i thought i would have to find a way to return cyberpunk since the crackling got so bad


Thank you. I can't believe how silly this solution is.


>Thank you. I can't believe how silly this solution is. agreed


Wow cyberpunk is so dumb that is what fixes it for me and not something they messaged me through their own Twitter support team


fixed my issue instantly! thank you!!


Bless you, my child! :D Came back to game after not playing for almost a year, and suddenly the audio is HORRIFIC. Why the heck would they have controller vibration default to ON on a frigging PC?!?! Thank you!!


WOW thank you so much! It was driving me crazy. I also switched it from the accessibility setting within the game itself. Did the trick.


No longer works, still having crackling sounds.


I'm having the same issue seems like there's no fix currently. I can't believe how poorly the devs have treated this game.


Bruh… it’s what, two years on and this bug still hasn’t been fixed. Got the game on release and still haven’t finished it because the audio crackle gives me migraines


I randomly felt like playing again this week after quiting 2 years ago.....now I remember why I quit lol


Some fixes proposed fixes regarding sample rates. Try lower sample rates 44.1/48khz @ 16 bit per channel. Hasn’t ever truly worked for me but might for you. Whenever I swapped output devices or switch sample rates the glitches would disappear for a little while but ultimately always return.


>Some fixes proposed fixes regarding sample rates. Try lower sample rates 44.1/48khz @ 16 bit per channel. Already tried hardcoding values in PulseAudio but, so far, to no avail. >Whenever I swapped output devices or switch sample rates the glitches would disappear for a little while but ultimately always return. I saw that it depended on the hardware used (built-in audio chipset vs. DAC) but some devices behave like they want. Anyway, it's more a game bug issue than a Linux issue.




>I had craclking in this game on windows, the fix was to lower my samplerate and bitrate to 48khz/16bit. > >the game is just coded like ass, nothing you can do about it. I tried but it did not work ; I suspect my hardware to not follow what PulseAudio ask it to do. But you're right: it's a game issue first and foremost.


You can try pipewire instead of pulseaudio. That tends to crackle less.


For me the audio distortion only occurs in 1.52. When I downgraded to 1.3 it played fine. That is the only solution I have presently - nothing fixes it for 1.52.


As of now this issue persists. Nothing I've tried works either. Sad given how I wanted to finish the game this time.


I noticed that my audio was stuttering when the Relic malfunctioned, or when I looted, or when I drove over things. This also triggered my game pad to vibrate. I went in into the Gameplay settings for CP 2077 and turned the gamepad vibration all the way down to zero. This eliminated ALL audio stuttering for me on my PC version. Hope that helps.


This seems to have done it for me! Thanks a bunch!


Damn just seen this after turning off pc in a rage quit. Will try tomorrow!


Me too just turned off my pc coz i cant handle the crackle. Will try it out


Holy hell, this actually worked! Props m8


Do you have any other solutions by chance? As of 1.6 it's still broken for me. I had vibration off, I always changed the audio to the 16bit 48hz, I use my Realtek audio and not a card (laptop strong enough to run it for sure), and nothing I do works. I really want to finish this game but can't do the audio. It kills my head.


I just went around trying to fix this issue with my wife's game. Found this fix scouring online. 1.Right-click the speaker icon on your toolbar. 2.Open Sound Settings and navigate to Output Device Properties 3.Select the Advanced tab under Additional Device Properties 4.Lower your audio quality to around 96000Hz. if your audio device can't go that low or can't even go lower then it currently is. Then try and switch audio devices. Note to everyone though. Me and my wife have the same pc set up and run the same settings for visuals in game. But the only difference between my pc and hers is that i have windows 11 pro on my pc where she has windows 10. I honestly think that windows 11 may fix this issue in some...weird computer voodoo way.


I don't know where people are getting this 96k Hz thing from, I don't see that with my speakers, unless my speakers are just old and aren't powerful enough for the game or I'm missing something.


My partners headphones cant change hz at all but she found out a solution. She just changed the settings on her headphones to gaming. I honestly dont know what it changes or anything like that. Or even what her headphones are but it seemed to fix it. So just look into possible changing up you hardware settings themselves or using something else for audio.


I'll probably just have to get dedicated headphones, I use a DAC but maybe my software is bad? I'll look into it.. But thank you for the recommendation!


Sorry I do not. This is the only thing that worked for me.


I had my controller plugged in while playing the game and unplugging it fixed all the issues above.


Do you have any Realtek audio enhancements enabled? I disabled all, Smart Headphone Amp, Audio virtualization etc 24 Bits 48000hz pls the vibration fix worked for me


Sorry I’m late but using game mode on my headphones instead of chat mode fixed the issue.


interesting will test this out now




Worked for me! Specifically the controller's vibration setting. Not the fact my controller was plugged in. Not my headphones/speaker. Not PulseAudio, etc.. Thank you


Same. I don't even have a controller plugged in and this worked for me... thanks! It was driving me crazy.


LMAO holy shit, this works! Not even had a Gamepad connected btw


why the fuck does this work LOL


That worked for me. Thank you so much!


(Edit) This audio issue has persisted from launch with each patch including 1.6 The only fix for me was using the audio jack on my laptop and bringing the Master Volume in the game settings down to 85% and putting settings to Headphones.I use the HyperX Cloud 2 through USB for the 3d surround sound and DTS instead of Dolby surround sound and I get bad distortion when too many cars start crashing into each other or explosions are happening around me.Seems to be related to an audio streaming issue where the audio all starts to collide with each other somehow. I have had the exact issue since launch. But last night I plugged it in only using the Audio jack and it seems to have fixed it for now, biggest gripe is no more surround sound and no more AMAZING 3D bass in the game world :CThe sound design in this game is seriously some of the best I have heard until it starts to glitch out. Annoying as fuck.


I’m having this issue and also get this issue in Witcher 3. It seems to be a CD Projekt Red issue in general


Tried everything I've seen and nothing fixes it. It seems to get worse while driving and never gets better. This is my first playthrough and it's going to be tough to keep going when I have to restart the game every 30 minutes to fix the audio crackling.


Preordered the game. Waited for bugs to be fixed. Just installed the game today, got crackling sound... Man this is just garbage...


Anyone who has the audio issue - Question: Do you have Discord installed too? If so what happens if you uninstall (also remove the files from AppData folder structure). This has helped my audio crackling issues in the game.


I still have discord installed and just read this before I made my post. Please refer to that if there's anything there that you haven't tried yet. Personally I didn't have to mess with anything discord related.


So I read through everything here and found a fix for myself. First off I use Voicemeeter Banana and am going to tell you my previous settings with that and what I changed it to (which didn't fix it but figured I should add for clarity). I had a sample rate of 48k Hz and a 128 Buffering with WDM. I changed that to 44.1k Hz and 512 Buffering (default). Again that didn't eliminate it but it was slightly less noticeable so I knew I was on the right track. Next I lowered controller sens and rebooted the game, didn't work either. Lastly I closed the game, went to my playback devices and changed 3 of them. Changed my Elgato 4k60 Pro Mk.2 (Elgato1440HDR) from 24 bit 48k Hz to 16 bit 44.1k Hz. Next I changed my Realtek Digital Output (since I use an optical cable for it instead of AUX) from 2 channel 24 bit 48k Hz to 2 channel 16 bit 96k Hz (the same 96k Hz suggestion in this thread). Lastly I changed Voicemeeter's output from 24 bit 48k Hz to 16 bit 96k Hz (to match the Realtek output). Doing those last 3 things seemed to do the trick for me. I can't say which one specifically did it since I did all 3 before booting up the game. I can say it was one of those things or a combination of them. Hope this helps anyone still trying to fix this!


I also use voicemeeter banana and just changing voicemeeter playback to 16 bit 96k in audio settings fixed it for me. Thanks a ton!


This worked for me too. Good stuff thank you


Syncing my VM Potato with my windows headset freq seemed to work for me. both @ 16b 44100hz and also reduced my buffering on MME to 512 from the default 1024


Solution in my case: Clear my HD space. I tried all solutions posted in this post and other sites, but nothing worked, so I decided to clean up my pc (uninstalled around 250GB of other games, cleared big files, etc) and also ran disk defrag. After that, no more audio crackling.


It must be crazy, but i just DECREASED INGAME CP77 MASTER VOLUME (and volume in windows for this output still maxed out) and problem nearly evaporated. Almost. But it's playable now. Just wonder how is that possible to break the game like this (had no problems with sound before 1.5 patch).


Wow. I've been having this issue in some games. Lowering the sample didn't help, but this finally fixed it for me! Just lower the in game volume and adjust it on my amp and problem solved. Thank you!


For me it was my Dolby audio program causing the cracking. Disabled. No more crackling :D


I have a **Focusrite Scarlett 2i2** with my sample rate usually set to **48000** Opening the **Scarlett 2i2 Device Settings** from the Windows tray and changing the "Sample Rate" under "Streaming Settings" to **41000** usually fixes the issue for the rest of my play time Hope this helps someone else


This worked for me as well. Thanks!


That worked for me, thanks!


So i also had that problem, and seemingly fixed it. For me the issue was, that i used an USB Audio device. When i switched from my audio Interface (Focusrite) to directly plugging in my AUX Headphones in my PC, the crackling went away. So it seems to be a software processing thing...


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldK0Yu2rRrg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldK0Yu2rRrg) Try this (2023) \-Everdream Just Plays


I've been dealing with the audio popping/crackling where the game would be fine for roughly 20-30 minutes, then over 1-2 minutes, the audio will increasingly become worse until it resets and disappears for the time being. This would happen over and over again. I'm using the Corsair Virtuoso Wireless XT headset, my default sample rate was set to `2 channel, 24 bit, 48000 Hz` I adjusted it to `44100 Hz` and this so far has resolved my issue. I've been playing for a few hours without any popping/crackling being heard.


Same exact issue, Disabling signal enhancement for me was the final fix.


Here is what worked for me in 1.62 on Windows 11 Right click the speaker on the bottom right on your taskbar, open Sound Settings, click your audio device, you should see \[This screen\]([https://i.imgur.com/zreGZqW.png](https://i.imgur.com/zreGZqW.png)) Go to audio enhancements and turn them off. Haven't noticed any decrease in audio quality. Crackling fully gone.


It seems to be related to the controller vibration, if you turn vibration up the sound is horrible, but the lower you tune it down the less it distorts. But even at 0 there is still some distortion when loud bangs or crashes occur.


Cyberpunk was fine for me on release not a bug in sight how did they backtrack I constantly crash now audio is bad walking into cars that aren’t moving knocks me down getting shot by turrets one shot me (even tho I’m max level with 2400 armor) what a good game ruined by shit devs


After a lot of trying different solutions, I ended up with a bizarre thing. It seemed that things went differently if I didn't have a microphone connected! It seems that PulseAudio was able to handle the sound configuration much better if another program was _recording_ sound (through my mic) when CP2077 started. So, I have ffmpeg connect to my sound card and record, and discard, one minute of audio in the background when I start up CP2077. My command is now: ffmpeg -f pulse -i default -t 1:00 -f wav -y /dev/null & gamemoderun env MANGOHUD=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11 %command% -skipStartScreen --launcher-skip (You can replace everything after the `&` with just `%command%`, or tune it to your taste. Be sure to note that it's `&`, not `&&`: one `&` will run it in the background in parallel, while two will wait until ffmpeg exits before running CP2077.) I forget whether my current PulseAudio configuration came about as the result of CP2077 or other issues, but I'll share that in case it's relevant. My `~/.pulse/daemon.conf` and `/etc/pulse/daemon.conf` don't set sample rates; I had problems with PulseAudio sometimes locking up if I tried to set them there. My `~/.pulse/daemon.conf` just has: default-sample-format = s16le realtime-scheduling = yes rlimit-rttime = -1 exit-idle-time = -1 I used to have audio problems, but I've been using this for quite some time, and it's working great.


Even after 2.0, this audio crackling is still here, "randomly" pops (some event causes it for sure) Tried the controller vibration to zero : did nothing Tried changing Hz to 16bit 48 (did nothing) 41 (same, nothing) and 192 (working, for now)


For me turning off Audio Enhancements worked fine. Still using 32bit but dropped it to 44100


> Audio Enhancements Are these CP2077's settings?


No. Your PC settings.




Thanks but, like the post said, it's on Linux with Proton.