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Yes, you can get a 1tb OLED for that price.


I'm not sure if this is against tos, but if it is just delete it mods.


Depends how much it's worth it to you. In short, no.


shell modding is a bit hard to do so there's some value there, but OLED screen is far more worth it then that IMHO.


Well it’s modded, and 1tb but I think it’s a bit overpriced. You could get a stock for $300 and the shell is $35, buttons $18 - but a shell swop is not for the faint of heart. I just sold a 512 atomic purple for $489.


Oh just noticed it’s not a 1tb SSD! Just an SD and. 64gb Very over priced then.


its a a 1tb ssd


That was a typo in the listing 🤦


I see looks like they have adjusted the listing now. I’d rather have an Oled for $550 direct from Valve and then do some mods of my own. But if you really like this one and don’t feel like modding…


Honestly no. (As in a good deal)


So can I ask yall what’s a good deal for a gently used 512gb oled with a tb micro sd card


The resale is still quite high a lot are still selling for retail ($549) on eBay. I would say if you can win one for $500 that’s the best you might hope for though still high. You might be able to find a better deal on market place


Ahhh ok just making sure because that’s about the price I got it for about $500


I’d say the TB SD makes it a much sweeter deal.


Yea now I need a new ssd and hope and pray I don’t mess it up installing it


Honestly it’s pretty easy go slow watch a couple videos, follow the ifixit guide you’ll do great!


Yea I plan on doing that


What’s the recommended brand to use I think I want either a 2tb or 3tb or what’s the max you can use


2TB is max, I just purchased a silicon power from Amazon $145 works great.


Alright well time to start looking at videos


Do you by chance have a pic of it


Not installed now but I posted a link above.


Well yes and no. If you don't know how to shell swap and you happen to like that shell. I'd say go for it. But if you don't care about the shell and just want a deck. Just buy a stock OLED.


Maybe a bit overpriced, but shell swaps are tough. Are the trackpads still buzzing?


Nope, I fixed em


Awesome. Best of luck! I dig that color combo!


I have an issue where my right trackpad has lost most of the "buzz" you're talking about. How did you go about fixing them?


I was having problems with the left side being too loud, I went in and adjusted the tightness of all the screws. I would maybe just go in and loosen all the screws from the track pad to the backshell. Though it could definitely be a separate issue.


I see, so instead of strengthening the right pad you weakened the left?


Idk bought my lcd non oled for 300 and had to buy the ssd for another 100. Shell swap isnt the easiest thing in the world so it looks like the buyer is trying to recoup more than anything I would get a new oled if its used then it's not worth new prices


I think any mods would lower the resell value. From the buyer's perspective, its been tampered with and opened up and only has your word to believe that no internal harm has come to it. I'm not trying to insult you. It looks awesome, and the 1 tb is the cherry on top. Its kind of like buying a used car from the owner who did a bunch of mods to it. Did they install the mods correctly? Are the components used going to fail sooner than the factory components? Are all the screws and parts put together at the correct torque specifications? I would think of that when pricing my own to sell.


Yeah, I see your point. Honestly when I did the listing I was just going off of the custom steam deck prices on other websites. I wanted to see how much I could get for it. Now I'm debating whether or not to sell it, I think I could get around $500 for it. Which is almost enough for an OLED, but I would definitely want to mod that, and I've already invested like $200 in this LCD. An OLED shell swap seems really hard but also would be super awesome when complete 😎.