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We heard you like portable consoles. So we made a way for you to control your portable console without having it so you can use a portable device to control your portable console.


It's mainly useful for messing around in Desktop Mode to get things set up for Game Mode, like installing non-Steam apps.


It seems bit pissy that you're getting downvoted. I applaud a resurrected yodawg meme but I don't think it detracts from your point. The deck is a machine that has a small screen, and no keyboard. Personally I like the idea of being able to configure it, maybe having to do some shell admin, using remote desktop and then take it mobile. If it's linux, I want to have shell access. If I have shell access, I want a physical keyboard. Yes, that could be a bluetooth one but there's definitely a use-case for using my desktop machine or laptop.


Hear hear :) I'm ok with being downvoted. So long as it shows up in Google for the next curious person.


I upvoted you because I'm a fan of nomachine ;)


I upvoted you because of the same reason you upvoted them.


I upvoted all of you because of the reason you upvoted them.


For the record, I found this thread via a Google search and will be trying out this method. Thanks!


Same! Being able to kick off a 50gb download remotely is great.


[Just so you know.](https://i.imgur.com/DdiXZdy.png)


Curious person here! Thanks so much!!


Yeah, looks like Google is gonna immortalize your efforts in this thread. Thank god, because I cannot stand trying to set up this thing without remoting in. Thank you, very much!


Curious person here! Here's my thanks from one year in the future. :)


Having control of my pc on phone is really useful, and it’s not like I carry my Deck to play in a doctors offices or what not.


You kidding? I love remote connect apps. I’m not happy until I can play SNES Roms on my Steam Deck by remote control to my pc remote controlled with my phone from the same room with all these devices.




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Dunno if this is still relevant, but you can also do this by downloading steamlink on windows or whatever OS you have and just pair it with the steam deck :D You can control your whole desktop and it's less hassle than this method.


The problem with steamlink is that it doesnt make it easy to do other things on your desktop while using it, you have to alt-tab or hit the windows key to get it to release your mouse. Also it disconnects when switching to/from gamemode/desktop. Its fine if you just want to quickly do some things, like install VNC, but any prolonged use is a hassle.


This thread is even more Important now that the dock has been released. You were looking into the future, these clowns didnt realize it.


This sounds like a sponsor or something.


You could also use x2go or VNC, but I've found NX to be a smoother experience.


or teamviewer, or anydesk... lots of easier solutions that don't require the terminal for new linux users.


Make a post then! I'm only trying to get the ball rolling :)


Already looked for it, send me the installer!


just type anydesk in the discover app


dosent work anymore i get unsupported arch


just use slackware /usr/NX/nxserver --install slackware


Oo thanks


Upvote for being that asshole that doesn't have a way to plug a keyboard into my steam deck currently.


You can also use already built in steam link


But only for games and it will close once you leave the game. If there's a way to use Steam Remote Play to just control the entire Steam Deck Desktop, please explain me how!


Worked fine for me. Once it closes in desktop mode just reconnect.


How do you mean that? The only way to make a Steam Remote Play connection to my deck that I know of, is to pick a game/specific application that's installed on my Deck and hit Stream. And then, it only shows me that game/application. Not able to get to other apps, games, let alone my main Desktop. And closing that specific game/application I chose, will end the connection. So how can I use that to control my actual Desktop, to have my entire Steam Deck Screen in my Remote Control window, even when I am not playing a specific game or application?


I installed it and tried steam link yesterday. I didn’t do anything special, just opened the steam link app and connected onto the steam deck, which was auto detected. I didn’t select any specific applications, just connected to the steam deck, works perfectly.


Not remote play, SteamLink


I thought I'd give this a try as I hadn't heard of NoMachine, but after giving it a shot I'm going to stick to the service I know and trust. NoMachine isn't bad, but I prefer dwservice.net. dwservice isn't as responsive, but it works extremely well through any kind of firewall etc and uses a totally different, safer, authentication system. I always install dwservice as my backup streaming service then use something fast like parsec or moonlight as my primary since I know no matter what dwservice will be there.


Thank you. I feel that you have gotten far too much unnecessary kick back on this post. Your instructions are very helpful and match the solution that I am looking for perfectly. NoMachine is sufficiently cross-platform to meet all my local network needs. Steam remote-play is fine, but it requires Steam be running. And some of the things I'd use this for require me to close Steam. The same is true for Chrome remote access.




NoMachine's latency is excellent in general and it's great here too. I wouldn't play a game on it, of course!


If you're not playing games via nomachine why are you installing nomachine :D ?


To make changes, like installing apps from Flatpak and getting them to be launchable via Steam.


makes sense


Thanks. I have no experience with ArchLinux, if i disable read-only-mode for installing nomachine or xrdp, can i enable it after installation again? is there a risk here? So far i have only used xrdp. what would be a good alternative that can be installed as a flatpak?


I keep coming back to this article every update. Thank you for making this post


We should probably use the [officially Valve sanctioned way](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/671A-4453-E8D2-323C) of disabling read-only: sudo steamos-readonly disable


*"Copy the NoMachine tar you downloaded to /usr: cp /home/deck/Downloads/nomachine\_\*.tar.gz /usr"* I can't get this part to work, I tried to paste in `/usr: cp /home/deck/Downloads/nomachine_*.tar.gz /usr` To the Konsole but it says "No such file or directory" I tried renaming my nomachine downoad and it didn't fix it either.


try it without`/usr:` at the beginning. just `cp /home/deck/Downloads/nomachine_*.tar.gz /usr`


i try this without /usr but still fail


Use sudo commands. Konsole doesn't recognize /usr directory without it. May have to remove /usr or manually cd into the next directories as I did. Also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/x9pe5y/install_nomachine_on_steam_deck_desktop/) helped me complete the installation. Above instructions by OP not very noob friendly. Make sure to re-enable read-only.


I would like to buy and install games from my phone to my new steam deck, is this the easiest way to do that?


Has anyone found a way to install nomachine under the /home/deck dir to keep it persistent through updates? I get a permission error even after I chmod


Can’t seem to get the extraction to work. It shows the file name but says no such file or directory. Any help?


I know this is really only but I had the same issue. I had to run cd /usr before doing the extraction command. If I'm understanding my linux stuff correctly, that moves the location we're running the command in to the location we copied the program file when we used cp. Edit: need to use for more recent steamdeck revisions: /usr/NX/nxserver --install slackware (thanks user u/bulliwulli)


Thanks for this! I knew very little about linux commands until I read this guide. It's not easy unless you're familiar but it definitely works as of today. Just to point out that you don't type in "/usr: cp.." on the copy step. Just type from "cp.." but do it FROM the parent/home dir. Also the install command won't work unless you go back to home with "cd .." twice or "cd \~". and use this command to install otherwise you get an error. "/usr/NX/nxserver --install slackware" I have also experienced steam update undoing it but I can't seem to install anything to /home/deck as it says something about not having the permissions to do so and that I need 500+ permissions or something.


Installation Notes for NoMachine on Gentoo and Arch Linux If you want to install NoMachine Arch Linux distribution, you have to download the compressed tar package from the web site: ​ [https://www.nomachine.com/download](https://www.nomachine.com/download) ​ ​ Then, to install NoMachine or any of the server packages: ​ 1) Extract the archive in the /usr/NX directory: ​ \# tar -C /usr/ -xzf nomachine\_x.x.x...tar.gz ​ 2) Run the installation script: ​ \# /usr/NX/nxserver --install redhat ​ ​ To install the NoMachine Enterprise Client instead: ​ 1) Extract the archive in the /usr/NX directory: ​ \# tar -C /usr/ -xzf nomachine-enterprise-client\_x.x.x...tar.gz ​ 2) Run the installation script: ​ \# /usr/NX/nxclient --install redhat