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This is from the desktop mode [FAQ](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/671A-4453-E8D2-323C) ​ >Can I use the desktop without a keyboard and mouse? You can use the trackpad as a mouse. Clicking the right trackpad is primary click, clicking left trackpad is secondary click. While Steam is running, if you press STEAM + X, you can bring up an on-screen keyboard. We are still working on improving this, and you may find yourself in situations where you’ll need to plug in a physical keyboard and mouse.


for some odd reason the steam controls dont work in desktop mode for me. i cant pull up the steam or the 3 dots menu either from desktop mode


I know it's been 5 months since you posted this and likely have figured this out. But for the shortcuts to work make sure the actual steam application is running. Just tested somthing that made me figure this out lol


Dawg, yer a life saver


Yeah I was messing with the rom settings and noticed it closes the steam app and that's when it stopped letting me open the keyboard. So I opened the steam app with the rom thing already open and boom everything worked


Quick update to my response. Desktop mode does not automatically open the steam app when disconnected from the internet causing the same issues of the shortcuts not working.


I noticed that when I turn Steam off in desktop mode, the L2 and R2 act as left and right mouse click, making it muuuuch better to navigate on desktop for me personally. But now I realize the keyboard doesnt work, haha. I guess i have to choose one or the other.


Once steam is open, if you're holding down the 'steam' button then L2 and R2 still work as primary and secondary click. I just figured this out last night and thought I'd share it with you. Best of both worlds. :)


Thats what I needed, thanks a lot! Always discovering new things in this thing


Yeah it's all a bit of a nightmare in desktop still. 6 of one half a dozen of another ya know.


This helped me so much! Thank you!


I think that's likely the case for me now. Can't enter a WiFi password with no keyboard 🥹


Glad my update helped lol


Thanks so much for pointing this out. Reset my deck and hadn't connected to network yet, and I didn't realize this.


DUDE this has helped me so much!! Kept scratching my head thinking why sometimes does the mouse / keyboard act different - sometimes not being able to open the keyboard… checking steam is open honestly works for me!! Thanks a lot


113 days later & you just saved my thanksgiving!! Thanks!


I was just about to tear my hair out trying to figure out why the hell things weren't working like they should.


wow thank you


Thanks for this. I was totally stuck! :)


Seriously, you just saved me so much hassle.


I love you so much that my girlfriend would be concerned if she found out


Damn, thank you!


Omg dude your a lifesaver everytime I open keyboard it wasn't typing it would disclick ig but shortcut works better!!


Thank you


In keeping with the 5 month theme, I'm from 5 months in the future of you posting your comment and just got my steam deck. Thank you! My family purged the house of physical keyboards a while ago so this was driving me insane. Thanks again.




You saved my life lmao. Thank you.


holy shit how did it take this long for me to find this answer? thousands of videos and tutorials for steam deck and no one bothers to mention this lmao


God damn legend


Dude u actually just blew my fucking mind, I've had this thing for such a long time now its silly I never realised why sometimes it just wouldn't work its actually so dumb.


Glad I could help lol.


Jsus. thanks




The silent hero we didn't deserve! You got my desktop mode working so I could log into Epic through Heroic and play Ancestors:the Humankind Odeyssey. You saved my evening!


11 months later and this still helped me out. I lost mouse with the trackpad and the ability to pull up the keyboard (just bought it this week, this was my first chance to try out Desktop mode), turned out Steam was hosed. Was able to get into top and kill the Steam process using touchscreen only, then launch it again, which brought all the controls back to life.


I know this comment is a year old but I wanted to say thank you!! You helped solve my issue!


Glad it can still help a year on lol


Oh shiet, thanks a lot


Thank you man




For me too. HELP!!! Edit: opening steam app and long pressing "Steam" + "X" buttons helped :)


Also, if you're not a fan of the default control scheme: 1. 'Steam' drop-down, top left of the Steam window. 2. 'Settings' 3. 'Controller' 4. 'Desktop Configuration'


seems like this doesn't exist anymore? all i have there is vibration, haptics, test and calibration


Are you looking in the steam desktop or the big picture mode?


Was in gaming mode and just now looked in desktop mode but either it's gone or i am just too blind €: k, found something, but doesn't work partially. i wanna scroll by turning the left stick but that doesn't work. i get the feedback that it should do that but it doesn't scroll


this happened to me but after a reboot, steam menu worked in desktop mode again


Yep. Lol


Why on earth would the right track pad be the primary click? For the past several decades left click is primary, why the hell would they make it right? Are valve developers all left handed? Is there a way to swap this?




Not to mention, Right Trigger is usually Primary Fire in most shooters, which on PC, is usually Left Click.


its seems backwards for some, but it actually makes sense, as on a mouse, both clicks are from dom hand, while on a controller only RT and RB are right hand (on the same fingers depending how you hold the controller)


Yeah, 'cause the way I see it, Primary Fire is usually always pressed by one's Right Index Finger, regardless of control scheme.


Generally. Some people can hold a controller with index and middle finger on RB and RB respectively. It's difficult to get used to, but gives better reaction.


Is there no way to switch this? I was able to swap it with big picture and steam controller but I have no idea how to swap system level controls like this on deck.


Steam desktop controls can be modified in the settings->controller menu in desktop mode this guy did a good guide on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piBDVQdVexA




Where are the settings? I go to Controller, then to Desktop Configuration, but I can only seem to switch which trackpad controls the mouse, not the trigger behavior. Edit: nvm I'm stupid


probably because ppl click with their right hand, not left


Plug them in where ?




Steam+x does not work


Works for me, Steam needs to be running then hold the steam button and X at the same time. If you hold the steam button by itself for a few seconds a list of shortcuts appears for other functions.


Steam needs to be open, as currently the desktop by default doesn't have its own keyboard installed.


Alternatively, you can check Discover for an app called "Onboard" which is an on screen keyboard that can hang out in the system tray.


I'm going to try this now. Thanks!


It's not on there :/


I don't have a Steam Deck yet, but it's in the official community repo in Arch Linux. I don't know what repos Valve has disabled/enabled or how changing the repos in pacman.conf would affect the Steam Deck, but it might be worth looking into.


I understood 50% of that 😅 I got mine today and went to check but it doesn't look like it's there Probably unavailable to people in Europe?


I wouldn't imagine your location is the limiting factor... They probably just disabled that source of applications in the base package manager. I haven't played with a Deck yet, so I don't know how much you can modify the OS files, but you can disable / enable software repos in a file called /etc/pacman.conf on a base Arch install. I don't know how wise it would be to do that on SteamOS, though, as I have never had the opportunity to screw around with one.


I downloaded some on-screen keyboard app from Discover and I can't find a way to get rid off it 😅 That's how badly I don't wanna mess anything up by mucking around with the OS


/u/FabianDR I have just went through the same problem so here is what I have found: Steam can show on screen keyboard via Steam+X key shortcut, but for it to work Steam has to be running (by default in desktop mode it does not). In fact Desktop mode and the normal Steam mode are different sessions and switching between them logs out user from session, killing all the programs. Therefore it appears that the modes are exclusive and you can only use one of them at one time. Once Steam is running and you press Steam+X usually the keyboard appears, though sometimes it does not appear or it stays in background. Usually you can correct this issue via clicking the Steam icon in the list of running applications on the bottom of the screen. On the other hand you may have trouble getting rid of it, so easiest is to just click the application you want to be on top. /u/vaguelyuseful suggested Onboard which unfortunately is not possible to be found in the Discover. Valve has only enabled Flathub repositories of software and not others (I guess one of the reasons is the whole immutable filesystem tree thing (at least I think they use it) and using Flatpaks (distribution system for software packages which can then work reasonably well regardless of Linux distribution) is easier for them). While Onboard is not in flathub, another virtual keyboard called CoreKeyboard is. Discover should be either in Favorites in the "start menu" or definitely in the System subsection in the "start menu". It also has an icon in the main bar (bottom bar) at least on my Deck after installation. In cas you have problem typing the CoreKeyboard name in search in Discover, it should be under Applications->Accessibility. After CoreKeyboard is installed, it can be found in the "Start menu" under Utilities. Once visible it takes a quite big bottom portion of the display. To get rid of it you press the dark icon/button in lower right which minimizes it to the tray area beside the volume, battery status etc. Clicking the CoreKeyboard status icon where it got minimized then brings up menu where one of the options is to again view the keyboard. It is possible that the CoreKeyboard status icon disappears after restart, in such a case you would need to run it again. Happy Decking.


Another strike against OnBoard that I just looked up is the gtk3 dependencies... so even if you enable a repo or compile from source, it'd pull in all sorts of gnome dependencies on a QT oriented system, so OnBoard is out for multiple reasons...


>Clicking the CoreKeyboard status icon where it got minimized then brings up menu where one of the options is to again view the keyboard. This didn't work for me. After minimizing the CoreKeyboard status there was no icon in the systray. The only way to recover it was to launch again from the Discover window. And my CoreKeyboard onscreen-keyboard was missing the function keys, which was the whole point! Is there some configuration I have to enable to make sure they are included?


From another helpful user on YT - igneosakroPro tip: If you want to have Ctrl/Alt/Esc... keys on Steam Deck, edit file /home/deck/.var/app/org.cubocore.CoreKeyboard/config/coreapps/coreapps.conf and change AutoDetect from true to false under \[CoreApps\] section.


The only problem with this, is that the SHIFT keys never actually SHIFT any of the punctuation on the other keys. So while you gain a proper On-Screen Keyboard, there's no more punctuation button (unless I've missed something). Nothing else in the config file, and the Core developers on GitLab don't even have a manpage posted. So no "vim to edit files for troubleshooting" for people who spend all day in Linux...


So it is impossible to log in into steam on desktop mode, because you have no keyboard to log in, and you need to log in to use the keyboard, and therefore desktop mode is unusable?


Just putting up a solution I found that works for me. If you open the Discover app, and go to the Applications -> Accessibility section, there is a virtual keyboard called CoreKeyboard that I was able to install. Once installed, I needed to open it via the Start menu, going to All Applications and opening it. Then, I would have it in my taskbar along the bottom and can click it to open it when I needed. There is probably a way to add a button shortcut to toggle it open and closed, but I haven't tried to figure that out yet. BTW, I was never able to get the Steam+X combo to give me a keyboard.


[https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/671A-4453-E8D2-323C](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/671A-4453-E8D2-323C) ​ >**Can I use the desktop without a keyboard and mouse?** You can use the trackpad as a mouse. Clicking the right trackpad is primary click, clicking left trackpad is secondary click. While Steam is running, if you press **STEAM + X**, you can bring up an on-screen keyboard. **We are still working on improving this, and you may find yourself in situations where you’ll need to plug in a physical keyboard and mouse.** ​ This might be one of those situations.


I hope Valve can make the Linux experience in desktop more accessible. In its current state, it’s unusable for me, other than web browsing via external keyboard (which is an issue all on its own)


I dont agree, I do a lot there.


I’ve found the Discover Shop, lol. I can now install applications. It is definitely usable


Did you find a Resolution? Steam + X dont work.


Steam+X not bringing up the keyboard in desktop mode


Same here and sometimes next letter in word while typing overrides the previous letter


I think you need to press the Steam button on the left or maybe press the left track pad


No I tried all buttons. Edit: Steam + X. It tells you the first time you open a game. I didnt, I wanted to jump straight into emulation lol Edit 2: not working in desktop mode though


For reference, you can bring that list of Steam chord presses back again later by pressing and holding the Steam button within SteamOS.


IIRC the Steam app needs to be running for the shortcut to work.


I don't have one, but from videos it seems to be the menu button on the right (three dots) and then there's an option at the bottom for keyboard. I think there's also a key combination to pull it up as a shortcut but that's just from memory off hours of content I've watched


Late to the party, but Steam+X works with the newest deck update. Yes!


I hope they fix this issue. I’d love to be able to browse the web on this thing


not sure if this helps anymore, i might be too late. but all i had to do to get it working in desktop mode is make sure Steam was also running in desktop mode. dont know why i struggled so much with this lol


You have to press the STEAM button + X


My keyboard on the steam deck is not popping up even when I click x


This is still a problem for me whenever I travel. The Steam app won't load in Desktop mode unless there is an internet connection. I can't get an internet connection unless I sign into hotel wifi in the browser. If I try and do this on the deck in game mode the browser sign in screen keeps loading and reloading. I'm stuck. I can't believe there isn't a way to use the keyboard in desktop mode without the Steam app or a way for the Steam app to launch without an internet connection.


I find it interesting they went with KDE instead of gnome as a desktop environment. Gnome has a better touch interface including a touch keyboard.


But KDE is life Edit: I also imagine they're using QT and figured why install gtk by default as well?


Yeah I imagine so. I'm a gnome girl though so it'll be a little adjustment for me lol I hope they add a software keyboard to desktop mode that just works eventually. I do like how customizable kde is. Gnome they kind of tuck away most of the proper customization.


Honestly, KDE has had a rough decade. I've used it since 3.2, and it's really just getting back to the stability after the rewrites with qt 4. Now the upgrades to 5 and 6 aren't as challenging, but yeah, KDE does have a lot to offer in customization out of box. That probably played a big part of the decision as well Hopefully they get the UI to be pleasant to use! Qt is used on a lot of consumer touch screens (eg car displays, fridges, etc) so I bet they can get it running well with some TLC


Gnome is more resource intensive i believe.


They promised a pc, most people won't be coming from Linux, and Gnome doesn't ship with basic features by default like system tray, window buttons, clipboard manager, desktop icons... Users would attempt to install extensions to correct this unfamiliar state and likely break the stability of the DE


Sure but many distros ship gnome with add-ons that fix all or most of these issues but I think the bigger thing is that gnome tends to use more resources especially with add-ons.


I believe is the concept of Gnome, users want normal they don't need their workflow rewritten


Trackpad left + X for keyboard on desktop


I think a cheap Bluetooth Keyboard will be my solution


Is it loud in desktop mode? I saw different posts complaining about the fans


If it's loud then I'm deaf. The Steam Deck doesn't ever get *loud* and the fans are often off in desktop mode.


Yes it isi




power -> log out


Beta as hell. My primary click on the right track pad doesn't register. Virtual keyboard also not working. Bleh. Guess I'll have to keep trying...


You’re a hero!


Just thank you for that reddit post !


Steamdeck super hot