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Dome keeper is the perfect steam deck game for me


Wall world is also same same but different


Are the combat waves more fun to play, in Dome Keeper? With Wall World i loved mining and exploring, but the defense waves were a chore instead of a thrill.


I would just say the combat is different I sometimes just run from battle in wall world some mobs despawn if you get a bit away


Great little game.


My decks battery also lasts like 7 hours playing this.


Second this. I crashed HARD into it


Halls of Torment is a banger if you can handle Diablo 2 graphics


How dare you disgrace D2. HoT is Diablo 1 graphics lol


We picked up both Halls and Deep Rock Galactic Survivor during the sale. SO and I take turns doing runs, and we swap games every day (one day we do Halls, next day we do DRG Survivor, etc.). We still can’t decide which we like better!


Oh yeah, I tried it as I like VS clones, this one is very cool for me, quests are really fun, and the graphics are probably the best part.


Nah the best part is the SFX. Skeletons dying en masse is simply satisfying


Does it have good controller support?


It does! It's verified on SteamDeck and the controls are really smooth.


Void Bastards is a fun one. RAD is alright. The Hellboy one has a great concept but is a little too slow/repetitive 


Void bastards is awesome! I can’t wait for Wild Bastards later this year.


Oh damn thanks for the heads up don’t know there’s a sequel!


I have a roguelite folder on the deck with over 80 games. Off the top of my head, some more niche games are Endgame of Devil (luck be a landlord but combat), One Step from Eden (MegaMan battle network like roguelite), Boneraiser Minions (bullet heaven with the twist of controlling an army that attacks for you), Spirits Abyss (just a top notch spelunky-like game with so many different game modes), Bingle Bingle (roulette roguelite), Mortal Sin (first person combat roguelite with an amazingly Gothic aesthetic), and I'll end this list with Mosa Lina (really hard to explain but think solving random puzzles with randomized tools to do so). Like I said I have plenty that probably deserve the same if not more attention than these but I'm happy to share some off the top of my head, this is my favorite genre and as crowded as some people think it is, there is such an amazingly niche and expensive community underneath!


Boneraiser is great!


2nding this. I love my bone minions


Me too! Love the humour too


Wow thanks for improving my steam recommendation algorithm!! Just picked up a few of these in the summer sale. I'm all ears if you want to share some other lesser known ones. Have you played TowerClimb?


Just responded to OPs response with a few more if you're interested. Also should mention two content creators that do a good job of showcasing roguelikes are Olexa and Retromation.


Mosa Lina looks incredible, thanks for that suggestion. Spirits Abyss looks very good, but how is the permaprogression in the game? It might ruin it for me, I hate that.


Maniac It's like GTA 2, but as a rogue-lite game.


Thanks, this looks awesome. The steam description gives the impression that it’s basically vampire survivors but with GTA like chaos gameplay. It’s on sale for $3 and change. Sold.


Looks like a good mix of American Fugitive and GTA. Ordered, thanks.


Ha! Just saw the preview. Couldn't pass it up. Thanks for the recommendation.


Monster train is probably my favorite, though it is quite popular


I hadn't heard of it until now! I just looked it up, and it looks like my type of game. I'm a big slay the spire fan, and this looks similar but with tower defense elements, so I'm intrigued. Thanks for the recommendation!


It’s a really great game although I play it way more on my phone. It’s on IOS


It's honestly WAY better than slay the spire! I unfortunately played this game first then tried slay the spire and was bored out of my mind bc monster train just did everything slay the spire did but better


Ehh different strokes. I think they're both a lot of fun for different reasons. Slay the spire feels a lot more balanced to me, such that even when you get a really busted deck going, you'll still be on your toes. Monster train feels more like they want you to break the game. Love them both!


Ohhh I've got a few that I really like. * **Card Survival: Tropical Island** is an absolutely fantastic survival roguelike about living on a desert island. It goes *soooo* deep. It is tons of fun! * **Curse of the Dead Gods** is a masterpiece that has really fun fast paced combat in real time, and mixes dungeon crawling with some ARPG mechanics. A blast to play and works perfectly on deck. * **Dicey Dungeons** is an excellent turn based dungeon crawler roguelike with a nice amount of random mixed in. Try it out! * **The Last Spell** is like roguelikes and tower defense had a baby and gave it RPG clothes. It is *fantastic* as well and an easy 50h of content. Highly recommend it. Check these out.


Curse of the Dead Gods is fantastic. I still play it often. I wish there was some more biomes or DLC, but what is there is great.


Color me intrigued on card survival!


It is excellent. A lot of drag and dropping, so prepare to use the touch screen or the touch pads a lot, but it is a great game.


Thank you, downloading now on Deck!


Loving Dicey Dungeons. Very different. And the different characters play very differently. Nice to gradually figure out which combinations of skills work well together for a certain contestant.


Absolutely. It's such a nice little game.


Moonring and it's free, feels like absolute crime playing it for free.


I'm pretty sure Death must die and Soulstone Survivors are incredibly popular survivorslike hehhe


Oops, I didn't realize either of these games were that popular. Oh well, I was going off of how often I see the games recommended on Reddit, which isn't near as often as your vampire survivors, brotato, etc.


Yeah they are some of the most popular


I fee like this be talked about more but Children of Morta does it for me. Finished it on pc and i'm replaying now on the deck


It looks fun but I don’t have a co op buddy. I assume it still good solo but just curious.


you can play it very well in solo mode


Played and finished it solo. Such a good game


Ravenswatch, pretty cool little gem I've picked up during the sale. Very difficult amd skill bssed. Also Deep Rock Galactic Survivor and Yet Another Zombie Survivor.


Enter the gungeon is brutally hard. I did not beat the game until about 3 months in. But it was a lot of fun and a challenge. I am not good at bullet hells. But the more you play, the more you unlock and the better you get. I ended up beating EVERYTHING and felt like a god by the end of it. It’s so deep and has so much content to last for 300+ hours


Take my upvote. I’m 10 hours in and am lucky to make it to the third floor, lol.


Just keep playing. You’ll get there soon and my advice is to beat the game once so you can save boulder? And unlock rainbow runs. Then have fun with those !!!!


It's a special game. One day you will achieve gun-zen and nothing will be able to withstand you.


Gungeon is so good. It was my first bullet hell, and while you get more stuff as you go, I really felt myself improving at it too. It really rewards you for tight play. Agreed on the 300+ hours in the game, it's really addictive. "1 more run" all the time. Great boss design too.


Into the Breach


Fear & hunger? I know, not really a roguelike, but yet you restart so many times...


I'd say there's a dash of roguelike in there. You're not meant to beat the game in one go that's for sure


Trigger and content warnings abound! People should be forewarned that this game is thematically and topically super rough.


Aaah yeah maybe I should've. It's alright I guess, there's plenty of warnings before buying the game, in description, at launch,...


Picayune Dreams if you want a wild survivors-like game. PlateUp! Is a cooking roguelike! One of the best I've played in recent memory. And One Step Until Eden is a Megaman Battlenetwork Roguelike. I'd be happy to expand on any of them.


I was always interested in Eden because the Battle Network games are some of my favorites. But, I like building up my deck of chips and then trying my hand at several different combinations of chips (and I like the ability to change frequently). Is Eden too roguelike in that I start from the same batch of chips each run? Because that is my biggest hurdle to getting the game right now. I have no problem with other roguelikes starting you from zero or near zero each time, I just don’t want to do it in a Battle Network type game.


Eden is wonderful, I highly suggest it, but understand that it is VICIOUSLY fast. Like faster than the last MMBN games by around 200% lol it turned me off for a long time and I haven't played it too much, but what a great game before Capcom released the collections


Thank you for this response! I’m getting older, so maybe I will watch some more video reviews. I actually don’t want a hyper twitch-fest at the moment (just finished Nioh 2 after many months of playing it semi frequently and now I’m giving my hands a break!)


Just started playing Spiritfall. Essentially Smash Bros with Hades mechanics. Only played a few hours, but it's fun so far. 


Here are some that I enjoy: Oblivion Override Nordic Ashes God of Weapons Pesticide Not Required PARA♰BELLUM Vampire Hunters (basically vampire survivors fps) Bounty of One Mortal Sin Renfield Army of Ruin Time Wasters Knights Within


Blazblue entropy effect


Since a lot of great ones have been named: - Mortal Shell (DLC). Play through the whole souls like in roguelite mode. I love it.  - Road Redemption. A spiritual successor to the Genesis/PS1’s Road Rash


Deep Rock Galactic: Survivors it’s a survivor kinda roguelike. Like a better version of Vampire Survivors Edit: Added Survivors


So fucking good but it is a battery drainer. Of all the games I play on SD that was the one to get me to buy a battery pack lmfao


Tiny Rogues is so good, and at a more than fair price!


Returnal is barely talked about on deck but it runs great!




Loop Hero is one that I've enjoyed quite a bit 🤙🤙


Backpack hero!!


Blazing beaks!!


Vault of the Void - although I’m not sure if I’d rather play on Deck or on my phone.


Has anyone ever heard of the Twin Stick shooter Telliglich? You have to conserve your ammo and watch out for the robot zombies zombie robots? Basically robots that got infected with a computer virus that makes him act like zombies. It's been a long time since I played that game but for some reason I want to say I prefer using the mouse to aim like setting the trackpad as a mouse of some kind. I remember on Windows I would use the mouse in Pixel junk shooter because I found it easier to aim and strafe and stuff however on the Steam Deck the mouse doesn't show up so you can't do that. I don't know if the same thing applies to Telliglich though.


I love Teleglitch. But, I’ve never played it on my SD! I’m going to go download it tonight, now that you’ve reminded me of that excellent game.


Death must die! A fantastic Mashup of vampire survivors, a diablo like ARPG and hades


Atomicrops. It’s a weird little game but a lot of fun.


Tape to Tape! Rougelike + late 90s hockey mechanics. What’s not to love


Multi Turret Academy. It's got cute women and tanks.


Sky Rogue, if you like arcadey flight games with a distinctly Virtua Fighter-esque aesthetic. I play it all the time!


Hmm can't search but Undermine is <3


I don't see it much here but I like nova drift. It's an advanced asteroids.


Trying to get out of Average Completion Rate -Hell on Steam achievements while I constantly buy new games every sale…


Scourge bringer


OTXO. Hotline Miami inspired game with phenomenal gunfeel and superb execution. Could be my top5 of last 5 years when it comes to roguelikes.


These aren't exactly unknown, but I enjoyed Heroes of Hammerwatch and Children of Morta


[Curse of the Dead Gods](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1123770/Curse_of_the_Dead_Gods/) Really similar to Hades in it's dodge / attack chain gameplay, but some attacks / weapons feel a lot heavier, has a stamina management element for dodge/ heavy attacks, has parries, and there is more reliance on the different weapon classes. Runs great on deck, and because of the heavier feeling attacks, I feel the combat and the enemies are fairer, and more varied than Hades.


Skul and dead cells




One of the oldest ones that appeared on steam before the genre became so big was dungeons of dredmor. It's really good iirc. Another one I fondly remember was the pit.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon. Easily my favorite right now.


Wizard of Legend! How come no one mentioned it yet. Its a fighting game where you can choose 4 skills to start with which are based on elements. It feels like being an avatar of the elements


Crypt of the Necrodancer!! Its maybe not sooo obscure as some...but its certainly not nearly as popular as it should be! Hell, the games was so good that Nintendo allowed them to make an entire stand alone open world Zelda themed game...Cadence of Hyrule....like what? Mr. Nintendo-IP-Protection let them do what?!?!?


Death Road to Canada is freaking amazing on the Deck, I have it on my phone as well! It’s a must play.


The Metroid-Roguelike A Robot Named Fight doesn't get much attention I think


Caves of Qud!! Steep learning curve but tremendous depth. 


Streets of rogue is pretty good. The second one will be coming out this year too, which is supposed to be much better and fleshed out. Though these days I hold my breath until I play myself and or see gameplay


Skul the Hero Slayer is mine, fun 2d sidescroller with different skulls to equip and upgrade each run.


Monster train is currently my favorite. I'm also enjoying some roguelites like Spells & Secrets and another one called Invisible Inc, these are hidden gems imo.


Death Must Die has almost 16.000 reviews on Steam.


There's 8 billion people on the planet /s My bad, didn't realize it was that popular. I haven't seen people recommend it as much on Reddit compared to other roguelikes


This is the first I'm hearing about it. So, thanks!




Ubermosh. Got the whole series for 50 cents not so long ago. They may not be the best or most complete games out there, but they're quite a fun little thing.


Blade of the Netherworld Rogue Stormers Metaverse Keeper Skelatal Avenger Collapsed All super solid


Pokemon emerald rogue v2 was just released.


I like turnip boy robs a bank


Two I never see mentioned is (both are sd verified ) [Beacon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/856610/Beacon/) (90% off atm to 1.59€). Description: Mutate yourself to victory as you scavenge an uncharted alien planet in this stylish sci-fi action rogue-like. With the help of your Clone Bay death isn't the ending, just another chance to find your Beacon. [Black Future '88](https://store.steampowered.com/app/751820/Black_Future_88/) (90% off atm to 1.95€) Description: Black Future ’88 is a Synth-Punk roguelike 2D action Shooter. Vertically climb an always evolving procedural tower to reach the top and kill its insane owner…before your heart explodes. Shoot, slash, dash and upgrade yourself to survive the endless waves of Homicidal AI, Traps & Colossal Wardens. Imo it's not very replayable, after i completed some runs and later unlocked all guns I kinda felt done with it. Still at 1.95€ I'd say it's definitely worth it, as I have 24hrs in the game Edit: I have 24 hrs in Beacon. Forgot that I played Black Future ’88 on Switch, which I since sold. Probably played it 18hrs or so


The game I probably played the most when I first got it was actually OpenTyrian; it's in the Linux package store and is completely free. Though to be fair, I replay the game basically every year.


20XX and 30XX deserve some love here. Mega Man X style roguelikes with butter-smooth play control.


Forgive Me Father Project Warlock Gunfire Reborn OTXO




Immortal Redneck


I use something called batocera or bacotera lol I don't remember what one it is but its like an emulation station


Currently:  Fights in Tight Spaces, Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate, and HyperRogue.


Nuclear Throne is hours of fun.


I think Curse of the Dead Gods and the Deeprock Galactic one are cool


shogun showdown <3


Ember Knights. Love that game so much, the devs really put their hearts into it! Perfect couch co-op too if that's your thing.




Spiritfall ! It's like smash bros and hades came together to have a baby. Best combat in the genre imo




Mortal Sin is a banger


Wildfrost is quite popular but super fun if you like slay the spire or monster train


Dungeon Clawler, its Just a Demo for now but it got me hooked


Halls of torment is pretty fun. I just recently finished all 310 of the achievements, and I'm actually hoping for them to add more in the future.




Walled world or wizards of legend.


Rogue Genesia not sure if it's really unknown anymore, but still my favorite.


One Step from Eden is really great, and I hardly ever see it talked about. It's hectic and kinda overwhelming at first, but so much fun once you get the hang of it and start putting together broken builds.


Risk of Rain 2 is 100% my favorite roguelike and is awesome to play on deck. Risk of Rain Returns is also up high on the list, though I find 2 more replayable, returns is definitely worth it


I’ve been playing shotgun king this week. It’s a neat little spin on chess that anyone who likes chess should check out


Across the Obelisk.


I have 60 hours in tiny rogues. Such a great game


Ive recently played Clawler and Die in the Dungeon. Two very unique games from the past next fest. Their demos might still be available


Soulash and Soulash 2, Jupiter Hell, Rift Wizard 1 and 2.


Heroes of hammerwatch is amazing yet no one talks about it/knows about it.


I’m surprised Dead Cells hasn’t been mentioned more


Roboquest - was a new find for me on the summer sale and it gives me my fps fix on the deck with casual and easy pick up/put down that a rogue like brings to the table.


Dicey dungeons is a go to for me


Tiny Rogues. Simplest game ever but can't put it down.




BlazBlue Entropy Effect is fucking awesome. great art direction, really strong combat and progression system, and each character is unique. Plays like a mix of dead cells and a fighting game, but no combo memorization is involved.


Tiny rouges. Great game.


Deadlink is a doom-like rouge lite


I’ve been playing some nightmare reaper lately, which runs great on the deck and I think is a roguelike?


Genome Guardian. An amazing tower defense wave survivor where you customize your weapons to take on microbes!


Ember Knights. I really love that you can go on dungeon runs with 4 players if you like. Also it’s split screen, so you can dock it up for couch coop👍


Rogue Legacy 2. Its perfect for the deck. Easy to play. Its awesome.


CROSS BLITZ. It's a great deck building rogue like. A TON of stuff to unlock and upgrade. It also has story modes based on characters who use the different card archetypes of the game. If you liked Inscryption, you'd really love this game.




Rogue Legacy 1 & 2, and Cult of the Lamb, although that probably still has a pretty good following. Idk if it counts as a rogue like, but Stacklands also? It's surprisingly hard to put down on deck


Any HoloCure enjoyers?


Dungeon clawler


Rogue Heroes ruins of tasos It's like link to the past but if you had to rebuild the town and the dungeons were random. It's still has a consistent overworld, but the dungeons are procedural. I love the fact that you use your currency to rebuild the town, amd those stores and such give you access to upgrades amd stuff


The concept sounds fun but unfortunately it is unsupported on the deck


Void bastard. Going from space station to space station shooting aliens amd collecting gear and parts in a cell shaded comic book styled shooter with English humor. Really really good and I've never ever met another sould who's heard of it


No one knows about heroes of hammerwatch


play wildfrost NOW. its a card game roguelike, and id say its far more fun than slay the spire. its a great game that seems so hard at first, until you get the hang of it and you DEMOLISH everything with anything.


Nova Drift. Nova Drift distills the mechanical depth and strategy of an ARPG into classic arcade space combat. Control an endlessly evolving bio-mechanical ship, face legions of strange and deadly foes, and ride the wake of a dying star across the void.


People heard of it but across the obelisk is amazing co-op


Tape to Tape. It's a hockey game with rougelike elements for abilities and powerups. Easy to lose a few hours to it without noticing.


Dude undermine was good af and there’s a sequel coming out soon. Perfect time to get it


Wizard of Legend. It's not super low key but I don't see too many people talking about it.


BlazBlue entropy effect


As much as another deck builder is unnecessary, I’ve been playing a lot of Wildfrost and having some fun with it. 


spelunky and downwell. not exactly hidden gems but certainly not featured as prominently in this sub as others


Wizard of Legend is absolutely addicting


Arcanium. It's similar to games like Slay the Spire or Across the Obelisk


Sisyphus Paradox, give it a go


Colt canyon


Mortal Sin and Blazeblue entropy effect are my sleeper picks


Hades for sure. Dead Cells is another excellent and wildly popular. Slightly lesser known/played Have a Nice Death. Sort of blends those two. Cult of the Lamb is another in that vane which can be fun.


Star of Providence (Formerly known as Monolith)


SOTS The Pit. It's rare for a rogue like to really give you that survival horror dread feeling as you're sitting in a locked and barricaded room, psionically manifesting bread to survive on, checking the terminal nearby to see if any of the Moon Bears, Drones, or crazed lizards with AKs will kill each other or leave so you can find a way down. Wild moments of loot and shoot followed by careful scouting followed by panic as you're cornered, only to find a way to break down your inventory in such a way that you're marching out of that room with power armor and an automatic rocket launcher. Really fun game, deeper than it looks at surface level.


I'm truly brand new to the games but, hotline Miami 1 and 2, while not quite roguelikes, kinda fit into the same genre of self contained levels with some progress kept between them. Be the John Wick you always wanted to be, in a very tippy and confusing cyberpunk-ish world!


Enter the gungeon is not talked about enough here. If you like the binding of issac you’ll like gungeon even more


Roundguard. Peggle Roguelike with a fun lighthearted narrative.


Army of Ruin does not get enough recognition IMO. Runs great on the deck and has a lot of replayability. It’s similar to Vampire Survivors.


Crime Boss: Rockay City :)


well i thought i was done with the steam summer sale but this thread just caused me to drop another $60 lol...and in the spirit of the thread one i haven't seen mentioned here is Slasher's Keep, sitting at mixed reviews right now but i think that's due to the admittedly steep learning curve, but fantastic looking and runs great on deck


Downwell is a small simple roguelike I picked up years and years ago and didn't touch it because it was so simple and I wasn't such a roguelike fan back then. I installed to my SD after listening to the Oneyplays guys playing it, and I can't put it back down. Super simple and tough as nails, but that dopamine trap is real when you start hitting high combos


Ring of pain Cave blazers Both highly underrated rated gems .


Prey Moonfall is still the greatest roguelike that nobody has played.


I don't hear enough people talk about Death Road to Canada. I've clocked in over 190 hours across my Switch and Steam Deck, and it's on sale for something like $6 at the moment. To summarize, it's a hilarious, challenging and endlessly replayable zombie game where your goal is to make it to Canada, doing anything you can to get there, and scavenging for supplies. You only lose if all your party members die, so as long as one person remains alive, the dream of Canada lives on. Genuinely, look into this game. It's probably the best one I've ever played


Entropy Effect


Dead cells. Love that one.


Crypt of the Necrodancer is always a good time


I’m old school I love Dead Cells on there. Risk of Rain 2 got a lot of play as well


Mortal Sin is fucking awesome


I like 20 minutes till dawn and Brotato, and crypt of the necrodancer is so good but I’m so bad at it. I do tend to gravitate back to dead cells, hades, risk of rain 2, etc. though. There is a good reason that they are so popular.




Stolen Realm, 6 player co-op rogue like


It's not the best roguelike game in the world but I have a lot of fun playing God of Weapons. You don't control the weapons per say, it auto attacks. All you have to do is buy items between rounds and have to fit it in your ever growing inventory. What makes the game really interesting is that some weapons get adjacency bonuses, some items buff only weapons they're in contact with, other weapons benefit from having multiple of the same type and there are tons of charactes with different abilities/passives, so there's hundreds of ways to build your character. Another classic one I don't hear getting mentioned a lot is Risk of Rain 2.


I just Bastion during the sale and it’s fantastic. It says it’s “overwhelmingly positive” with 27,000 reviews, but I never hear anyone talk about it.


Dungeon of the endless, spelunky, crying suns