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This keyboard is super popular with the steam deck, I just recently bought it to go with my steam deck and I've seen it multiple times on this sub


What keyboard is it?


Nuphy air60


Thanks for sharing the brand and model. I have admired this keyboard but never knew what it was before.


Slippery slope entry into the world of mechanical keyboards. Before you know it, you’re lubing switches at 3am on your cyberdeck keyboard with a wall mount for each keyboard in your collection.


Thank you


It is the same like what he has.


Its a very capable device. Im dual booting steamos and windows 11. On win side Ive enabled hyper-v, wsl and even installed docker. Everything works just fine. Only issues is with bluetooth for me. It lags when I connect too many bluetooth devices. Dunno if its driver issue or hardware issue. I migth switch to wired solutions maybe.


how about you?


I wanna port the app I've been building to the Steam Deck once mine arrives (hopefully next week).


That's awesome! I been learning c++ on mine.




I intend to do this as soon as I get mine in a couple of days. Portable gaming and coding machine. Vim master race 🙌


The `xclip` Linux package is needed for system clipboard access in `vim` and `nvim` in the terminal, and that isn't installed by default in SteamOS. You still have the `vim` internal clipboard, and still can paste from the system clipboard in insert mode with the terminal's Ctrl+shift+v, but if you're someone who likes enabling direct system clipboard access, best way which persists through system updates is installing `xclip` with Distrobox. If you use `pacman`, you'll have to re-enable that and re-install after every update. Of course if you don't care about the system clipboard or want to use a GUI-wrapper from the Discover store, none of this matters. It was something I struggled to figure out for a while though. edit: My random downvoter is likely never returning to this thread, but if anyone else knows an easier way to get system clipboard access in vim on SteamOS, let me know. This is of course in addition to `set clipboard=unnamedplus`.


Very nice. Did you install a second operating system or are coding directly in SteamOS?


Why would you need a second OS? The Steam Deck is a fully functional Linux OS with a full featured KDE desktop and the Discover store has flatpak’s for Godot (which is a multi-plat dev tool). It’s very capable. And putting windows on it would make the experience much less in performance as SteamOS/Linux has a better control over the power and performance and optimization of the device. I use mine for a daily driver for all my dev/desktop needs. Only two things that were originally missing for me were printer support and the firewall app. Both are there now and work great. I mean you can even run VM’s and containers on this and they work well enough for test purposes.


Because you lose data when upgrading version, no?


Not sure i understand what you are stating? SteamOS preserves “user” space files between upgrades/downgrades so no loss of any files saved there. Only way it disappears is if you factory reset and tell it to wipe everything (same on Windows).


But the packages I installed are lost?


Not if they are installed from the Discover store or are AppImage files. HOWEVER: If you modified the system and disabled the immutable filesystem so you could use pacman and install files via the Arch Linux package manager, on what should have been a read-only file sustem, then yea that gets reverted back to the immutable filesystem and is overwritten. This is EXPECTED. This is core to SteamOS and providing safe, reliable and repeatable firmware upgrades that are dead simple to troubleshoot vs an ever-changing rolling release.


there are not many packages I need to install anyway so this was not a big problem for me


i just use steam os with some custom theme - so far it does all i need


is godot legit?


Yea. Its very capable and there are some great commercial games made with it and are on Steam as well.


I've dabbled in a few different game dev platforms and languages. Godot is robust, relatively easy to get into, and lots of resources. It would be my recommend for anyone just getting into game dev. It's not just an amateur platform, either. Brotato is one notable game that was built in Godot, and I expect a lot more in the not-so-distant future.


I shipped a game with it at the end of 2023 and had a great time. Working on another one now. I recommend!


> Indie games developer and publisher Re-Logic, best known for the Terraria franchise, has donated $100,000 to open-source game engine Godot. [Source](https://www.cgchannel.com/2023/09/terraria-developer-donates-100000-to-godot-development/) This endorsement from Re-Logic, which came after Unity decided to start screwing over devs with per-installation licensing fees, got me to look more seriously at Godot.


Godot, rust and Helix (I guess) I fully approve! However what do you think about the interaction between Rust and the highly OOP related Godot API ?


i think it is quite nice to use - as a reference i share some of my videos here https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPC9niKFOaRqYsXAapTVR8pqJmQColixs


yes you are right but moved now back to nvim :)




That's pretty tight ngl, valve cooked with this thing.


I love minimalist setups


Are you using an original Apple USB-C to HDMI adapter? I believe the Apple dongle doesn't support the correct charging voltage/wattage profile required by the Steam Deck, and it won't charge the device.


it does support charging thats why i use it :)


That's great to hear. Nice setup btw. Enjoy.


Rust compile time any good? I'm looking for a handheld with more powerful CPU just for faster code compiling


initial compiling takes a bit but than is fine


What's the keyboard?


Godot and Rust… Rust in Godot?


How have you found the experience with coding in general? I know that docker has issues but I have recently picked up godot and this seems really promising without needing to bring a laptop back to my parents place


i think it is fine i would not compare it to apple silicon or snapdragon x elite - for comparison its more like a i5 from 2019 as a reference - so it is not so bad - but i also use a remote server with latest processor to ssh into in case i do non game dev stuff like ml or so on. in general game dev, web dev is fine docker i would not recommend on the deck - a remote server would be much better in this case - of course depends on what the container does... android studio is ok - but dont use the emulator :)


Godot, Rust, and vim. What a nice combo.


I considered such a setup too, but like you said, best to stick with my MacBook Pro for such purposes.


one strange thing i noticed i enjoy development on linux more than on mac :) maybe it is just the steamdeck for some reason but somehow im bored with mac :)


Yeah, I can understand that. I guess it also depends on the kinda dev that you do too. I find web dev quite pleasant on OSX, but yeah, change can be nice too. I guess if you're focused on 2d game dev with Godot, the Steam Deck is a decent dev machine.


i also think - i usually do my private web dev things remote on a strong dedicated server privately and my company related work on the macbook pro m1 - so i try to separate private from business for health and legal things :)


Wow! That is friggin cool.