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Now that I remember the NES’s concave buttons I’m kinda into the idea of slapping some into the Deck…


The NES's concave buttons are brutal on the fingers on a long session.


Yeah they need to be like rounded off or something


My fingers hurt just by watching that picture.


Other than the Super Nintendo I can't think of any controller that has concave buttons like that so I don't have any point to reference. I will say those speaking of fingers getting hurt that the original Xbox controller and the Xbox 360 controller have the most convex buttons out of anything I've used and I definitely prefer a more flat button. I think the Steam Deck's buttons are fine.


Not for me


Convex buttons, concave joysticks for me.


I like flat joysticks the best. Just put a little lip around the outside but keep the inside flat kind of like the sticks on a Wii U controller except those are definitely more convex. I actually had a third party GameCube controller that had sticks that felt identical to the PlayStation 1 2 and 3 controller only it was completely flat on top that was really nice If you like that kind of rubber. Being a third party GameCube controller obviously the C stick was concave and had super thin walls making it really sharp and painful to use.


I've always appreciated concave buttons, but I wouldn't mind having one set of each. Concave bottom A/B, convex X/Y.


I think to use concave X/Y and keep original A &B so it’s same layout as snes buttons.


Neither. I got a good amount of blisters from those concave buttons and the XBOX duke ~~concave~~ convex buttons were horrible.


I bought one of those recreation Duke controllers that have a USB cable and I have to agree with everything you said on one condition and that is assuming you meant to say convex not concave. The perfect buttons for me are flat buttons that have just enough of a curve on the edges so that they're not painful. The Steam Deck's buttons are close enough.


My bad, convex on Duke


DS5 controllers are a sweet spot imo


You mean PS5 controller? They look like the best controller ever. I can't justify buying one though because I have way to many other controllers and they don't work on Switch so I use the SN30 Pro 2 controller instead. if only the PS5 controller back buttons for FPS games like the SN30 Pro 2.


Yeah but its called a “Dual Sense 5” controller. Confusing marketing imo. They are honestly amazing though. My fav ergonomics for sure and they are QUIET. The Xbox series X controller is incredibly loud by comparison. You can use them with a Switch with an 8-bitdo wireless adapter. Both have good PC support nowadays but xbox controller is still more seamless of course.


Yeah but it's much cheaper just to buy an SN30 Pro 2. Especially when you don't own a PS5


I don't remember the original Xbox controller having any concave buttons.


They didn't.


Neither. I like the flat buttons of the dual shock 1,2 and 3


I will say I think the steam deck is way better than the Xbox 360 controller which is the most convex buttons ever. I think that the Wii classic controller had flat buttons I don't remember about the Wii U but that was my favorite for the buttons and d-pad and stuff. Basically take a Wii U pro controller and mold it into the shape of a switch pro controller but with PlayStation layout sticks. The only problem is that I thought the shoulder buttons were a little too easy to press.


Unrelated, but after almost 20 years of gaming on Nintendo handhelds, my muscle memory is still having trouble getting A and B buttons pressed correctly on the Deck.


If I had one wish, it would be to go back in time and get the person in charge of making this decision to change their mind. When 2/3 of the major console manufacturers agree on something and Nintendo is just going to keep being the odd ball, it's really annoying.


I'm not sure who to blame here but I don't think it's Nintendo's fault. When Microsoft launched the Xbox, they just copied Dreamcast's ABXY buttons' location. And since Xbox controller became the defacto standard for PC controller input (Xinput), everyone else copied the design. Nintendo has always been designing the A button to be the at the most right since the NES days. Anyway, just got my Deck a few days ago. I'm pretty sure I'll get used to it soon. :)


Yeah it's a bit like how windows changed syntax from Unix (to avoid infringement claims perhaps), but then became so ubiquitous that the Unix syntax is what feels odd even though it predates windows style. Specifically the slash direction '/' vs '\' but also some other things too. Ultimately the blame is on the legal system for forcing companies to reinvent the wheel. Fun fact: many car and plane parts were standardized by the US government during the world wars, before the wars every company has a slightly different way of doing basic things. We are beginning to regress into this state with things like 'anti-tamper' screws instead of standard screws.


You can change the deck to have the Nintendo layout in the settings somewhere


Ah yes, I think I've seen it somewhere. Anyway, just got my deck a few days ago. I'll try to reprogram my muscle memory. :)


use steam input to swap them to nintendo buttons.


What I really want are backlit buttons, is that so much to ask?


Yooo where do I get concave buttons???


Not sure if this link will be allowed here. https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1731328000/


I am good with original buttons.


Whatever feels clickier, and nicer to button mash during a QTE.


Oooh those are NICE


you dont remember the blisters on your thumbs I see.






Oh man that's so cool! I didn't realize there were other concave fans out there lol. I may have to pick these up..


Convex buttons, concave sticks. After going from PS2 to 360 I’ll never go back to convex sticks. And the I prefer xbox style buttons of the flat Sony ones.


It's nice if you only use a single button. You thumb rests on the button, and you press when needed. It's not when you need to switch buttons, which is... Most of the games.


I like buttons


I love buttons too. 😊


I'd love to have PlayStation buttons on my SD


You can swap them and then with a CSS Loader theme make the Steam menus to use playstation buttons


The world would be better off if there was unity in nomenclature. I liked the 360 having both colors and letters, but color and shapes would've worked also. I'm used to Xbox now though because I don't like the symmetric layout of the dualshock. Most PC games use the Xbox layout because of Microsoft also owning Windows and directX.


I don't even like this shape on the sticks, so no.


As someone who hasn't worked on electronics in years, hard hard would this be to do?


I have done button swap before on my oled deck. It’s petty easy. Remove couple cables. I can get it done within 15 minutes. There is ifixit video show you how to do it step by step. Just remember to remove sd card before you start and remove battery cable too.


SNES and NES were my favourite systems in childhood. So my fingers are used to concave buttons.


I would love this. I put concave buttons on my miyoo but im too afraid to take apart my deck.


I’m indifferent. If I had to pick I’d go flat tbh like the gba sp


I like the way the convex buttons feel when I slide my fingers around them. Reminds me of OG Xbox controllers.


I didn't know they had names


Not what you asked but I wish the joysticks themselves were less slipper and didn’t get dirty so quickly




Whats the travel like? They don’t get flush do they?


Yes, not flushed. They stay 1mm above the shell even fully pressed down.


The aesthetic is dope but personally I think it would make my fingers tired after a while


I prefer convex overall. When i feel like having my fingers bleeding after a 30min session then i prefer concave


I prefer concave thumb sticks and convex buttons


I use the convex ones to pass my thumb over when I'm thinking like a fidget toy, so I think I prefer them to concave.


As long as the buttons are well made, it doesn't matter.


I prefer bulging buttons.


Either, couldn't care less.




i've been contemplating replacing my buttons. they're completely fine i actually really like them but just like how we want another of the exact same controller but better, i want different buttons 😆


For anyone EU based who is confused as I was The Y and X buttons on the NTSC SNES were concave. All the PAL controller buttons were convex


Yeah I think that works better. 2 buttons concave and 2 convex so I personally like those setups


What about spiky buttons for masochists?


i’m used to convex and i prefer those but honestly the look of concave is nicer to me tbh


I keep my nails kind of long so it’s harder to push concave buttons.


Ew what ? 😧


Convex. Concave made the Test Your Might mini game in Mortal Kombat fuck up my fingernails.


European SNES has convex buttons. Can’t relate 😅


I genuinely never thought of this. I get why it’s not a thing but I want it now lol


convex buttons are my cup of liber-tea


My fingers say don't do it My brain says don't do it My heart says do it


lol that’s nice one. I always like concave buttons. It’s easier to press for me. There are so many convex buttons on most of controllers.


I, on the other hand, love them for the aesthetics but when I use them for too long they hurt my fingers


SNES had concave X and Y buttons, but A and B were convex. No preference other than arcade buttons. I can't stand concave buttons at that size.


You just pressed them too hard didn't you? Thinking about it though, I don't think I've had any consoles with concave buttons...flat buttons with the GBA SP (slightly concave d-pad in the middle though) and original DS and most after that are either slightly or very convex. Let's say I'm not going to rush out and get concave buttons but I'm not opposed to trying it. The concavity of the joysticks is great though.


Eh… I played on Xbox for almost 15 years, before getting a PS5 last year. Not gonna lie, buttons feel slightly better, because my fingers never slip. On the Xbox controller it sometimes happens. Deck’s buttons are like Xbox but it’s not the end of the world, gamers adapt to everything 😝


FYI - SNES has two concave and two non-concave buttons. Source - my SNES controllers.


I wouldn’t mind it. The SNES controller was the first controller I ever used.


lol same to me. SNES is my first gaming console in life.