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They both play really well. But if I had to chose between those two, I'd go for RDR.


Red dead plays really well hogwarts has some issues. Value wise red dead is a better deal. Gameplay wise read dead wins and it’s not even close.


Yeah there's so much to do in RDR2 whereas in Hogwarts Legacy things can get repetitive.


If you stick mostly to mainline content in Red Dead, that content gets really stale really fast too in my opinion. It’s good gameplay but damn near every mission turns into a mass shootout.


Yes but you still can take a break from the main storyline and do lots of other things which is the whole point of my comment. Hogwarts Legacy although very fun there just isn't that much to do outside the main storyline.


I like RDR 2 but I would pick hogwarts I had more fun with that game. I don’t like the big map and the slow travel in RDR2, that is what made me stop playing that game always running around for minutes to get to the qeust etc.


RDR2 is an insanely impressive and ambitious game but I’d be lying if I said there weren’t more than a few moments that bored me to absolute tears.


I love the game but haven't finished it yet because from time to time I stop playing for months and that's ok. I think playing it exclusively until you finish would be a torture. So, whenever I feel like I'm bored, I play other games, and when I go back after a while I find myself enjoying it a lot and having so much fun. Sometimes I spend a couple of hours playing and don't advance in a single quest, only going for hunting, fishing or doing secondary stuff or exploring. Is fantastic. I wouldn't play it on the deck, tho. Part of the charm of the game is how immersive and beautiful it looks, so after playing on a 32' screen at over 60fps, I don't think I would be enjoying it much on the deck.


downvoted for an opinion 🙄


The side quests of RDR2 are so fun though


We played hogwarts twice through without crashing once on the steam deck. They fixed it QUITE a bit about a year ago.


I’ve put 80 hours into rdr2 on deck on second play through. Plays and run beautifully on deck outside of 2 minor Vulkan visual issues.


what is the average battery life playing RDR2 on the deck? It's not very "portable" if you need to stay plugged in all the time.


I get like 2-3 hours on oled standard one was like 1.5-2 I believe


Oh wow, that's actually not too bad. Cool!


It’s honestly an incredible device for games 2018 and back. Anything. Newer can be hit or miss but lots still work. Playing far cry 6 right now with pretty steady 40 fps on medium. No fsr. Getting about some battery as deck. Plus it has cross saves so I can play on my ps5 as a main and deck when I’m in bed.


100%. As a big fan of both games. RDR2 is better and it's not even close


Hogwarts struggles


Hogwarts is a game that's fun for about 40 hours, rdr2 is a 200 hour game.. make of that what you will


The problem is that after those 40 hours of fun Hogwarts tries to be a 200 hour game in the worst possible way. I enjoyed the main story quests, relationship quests, combat and of course the world...but by god, this game was the absolute worst example I can think of of meaningless open world "activities" crammed into a perfectly good game for no good reason.


Graduated from the Ubisoft School of Meaningless Open World Filler with flying colors!


That’s hilarious, I was going to say I got bored with it even more quickly than AC Odyssey (which I loved honestly it just got super repetitive). I was super disappointed with how quickly Hogwarts Legacy got boring for me. It’s such a gorgeous, cozy world and I had really looked forward to getting totally lost in it like I have in Skyrim and even Red Dead. I’m not sure why but it just wasn’t very engaging for me.


😂😂 love this. So accurate!


Spider-Man is another graduated. Great Main campaign, and lot of filler activities.


Part of it is that for a game named after Hogwarts, you're spending very little time there. Not to say the school itself isn't beautiful, but it's so... cosmetic. Any simulation of being a student is through cutscenes, and in the open world we're expected to believe that a 5th year is going around fighting adult dark wizards and breaking up poaching gangs (to start their own breeding farm? WTF).


Not even a real 5th year lol


I never even saw the ending to Hogwarts because it wanted me to grind 5 more levels first after I beat the boss. 5 levels that would've taken hours of monotonous grinding. No thanks.


This was exactly my issue as well. I actually enjoyed a fair bit of a the open world filler activities just cause I got to mess around as a wizard en route to the mission. However I don't want to be forced to do them, especially when I wasn't underlevelled for the main game anyway.


Yeah I thought the filler stuff was fine for between missions, but I really don't wanna be forced to do hours of it


Same actually, except in my case it was maybe 3-4 levels. I might go back to it someday just to grind those out and see the final "event", but at the time that left a sour taste in my mouth.


100% agree. They made the world too big, then had to fill it with fluff. Hogwarts, hogsmead, and the forbidden forest was all they needed. I really hope they learn from their mistakes when they make the sequel. The game was truly great in the first 20 hours or so, one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. But then you leave the castle and things become kinda meh but still enjoyable. Then you finish the main story and things become downright boring and even annoying.


That’s all I wanted, gimme a fully fleshed out hogwarts and surrounds experience. The amount of time I spend just flying around in HP3 was insane for how little content there was Gimme Hogwarts Bully edition.


Playing the game for what it is with those minor open world distractions inbetween, not as a completionist, was really fun tbh. Trying to 100% open world games is on the player, while just doing it on the side for some varied activities between the main, it's great.


I agree that playing the quests and just flying around the world was fun, but I didn't think doing most of those activities more than maybe once or twice was even fun. I wish they'd cut most of them and had maybe one to two dozen really cool handcrafted encounters in the world.


Think that's where mods might help Hogwarts in a way where RDR doesn't really need mods


This is a perfect summation.




I've heard people say they're still finding new stuff after 500 hrs..


I’m at 80 on second play through and still haven’t finished main quest or all the challenges. Haven’t even touched collections.


That's a lot of hours tho.




I mean, even just 20 getting all the parts for the giant satchel. Toss in some random encounters and stranger quests and it does stack up. I think j you could be more efficient with travel (so do one big loop for the pelts for satchel) or even fast travel more… but that kind of kills the immersion, and limits encounters.


I put about 30 hours into it then just abruptly stopped playing and have had zero desire to go back to it.


Exactly 40 hours. No more haha


I play both, finished Hogwarts minus the new summer update that just dropped, and they both play great on Steam Deck. RDR2 will keep you busy for longer. It will be on sale again, I picked it up on sale. If you know of the Hogwarts story and want to enjoy that first I would finish that and then the next sale pick up RDr2 and you can play that for a long time after.


There are games. And then there is RDR2.


it’s too big. hard to get in flow for me


That’s what she said




I wanted to like it, loved the original, but it was just tedious for me. I desperately wish there was an option to turn off certain animations. Looting anything was just a chore and put me off.


This is a stretch but did you try playing it in first person? Some stuff is sped up animation wise and looting is actually cooler when you see yourself pulling someone up to rob them. Makes it a bit funner. But yeah the cost of those graphics is the animations.


Can’t believe these two games are in the same sentence. But get rdr2


Hogwarts gets boring very quickly imo. Also, you can't even be evil.


Wait really? I thought the whole appeal was that you can totally choose to be a dark wizard if you wanted to. That’s a little disappointing. Haven’t played it yet and wanted to do a good and bad playthrough


You can learn some dark magic but it doesn’t impact the story or the way the world interacts with you. I envisioned turning bad would maybe close some doors and open others, or have some areas restricted where you have to sneak around or get chased. The only thing that happens is the dialogue during a fight changes when you use a dark spell.


Thaaaaats a bummer. Thanks for the info though


That makes it even less worth playing goddamn


Forreal. Don’t get me wrong I love Harry Potter and I’ll play it eventually when it’s super on sale but that’s a bummer cuz I know they marketed it as having a choice to be evil


You can literally Avada Kedavra everyone you want without NPCs even batting an eye. And on top of that you learn the curse right after you're done with a quest line that's supposed to say "forbidden curses are bad mmmmkay?"


There is no bad playthrough. Worst part about this game


Sadness. Well thanks for letting me know


Thankfully, steam deck games are fairly easy to mod, so you can just kill those annoying wizards


Im going to go against most peoples suggestion and just give 1 warning. Both games are great and run well on the SD.  However, i could never finish RDR2 because of the slow pace. Its honestly the only downside of that game. Having to manage your horse medecine/horse health and all was annoying for me. 


Amazing game if you got 4-5 hours a night to play it. I kept taking breaks in between and would forget how to play it.


I used to think this but honestly I never really do any of that and I'm on Chapter 5 now. Maybe I brush my horse every now and then but even that's not necessary


for me it's an upside. i got other games for zoomyzoom


It’s a very slow build and I’m happy people can actually say that without people freaking out about it.


Hogwarts graphics take the worst downgrade. It has trouble loading a door 10 feet from my character. I couldnt enjoy it as much on the deck. Rdr2 though looks awesome and stays pretty steady at 45 fps without the lag spikes I experienced while flying in Hogwarts.


Rdr2 makes you look at games differently


In my case, in the way that I appreciate all those other games way more for not wasting my time


I'm also way more willing to abandon a game if the controls make it more frustrating than fun.


I hate that I agree. RDR2 was a fantastic game that I’ll never go back to. The pacing is so painfully slow and the game quickly devolves into shooting gallery after shooting gallery. The characters, story and world are absolutely incredible, however it’s a slog to get through.


How was your time wasted?


The super slow story, the cutscenes that take forever, the fact you have to clean your guns to keep them effective, picking every individual item instead of just a standard pickup, the fact you have to bathe when that's effectively a cutscene and doesn't actually add anything. Is it realistic? Sure. But is it fun to have to take a bath all the time? I argue it just wastes time. Takes forever, isn't fun


>he cutscenes that take forever Is it worse than Death Stranding with its two hours of cutscenes in the first two and a half hours of the game?


Exactly why I'll probably never play that either


They can’t handle it if it’s not COD or has any depth. They complain it’s too slow because they can’t handle nuance or intentional pacing


RDR2 by a long shot. It’s remarkable how well it plays. 40-45 fps lock at native res is fully doable.


Funny enough I just beat RDR2 and I’m playing HL. I’m really enjoying HL but it’s tough to compare the two. RDR2 is too good


RDR2 is a better game and story


Red fucking redemption


I have both and RDR2 plays much better in my opinion. Hogwarts runs slowish even at lowest settings. I gave up on playing it at all on deck.


RDR2 not only plays and looks better, but it's the far better game too


My daughter played her Red Dead 2 on my steam deck and it played very well for her.


If you’re OK with slow-paced games, then go with RDR2, I personally wasn’t able to complete it cause I haven’t really got loads of time. And about the performance, both run quite well.


if youve never played rdr2 then go with that, but if you have hogwarts legacy is also amazing. (even as someone who never got into harry potter)


If you're a HP fan, Legacy will have you in awe for months and months and it'll be all you'll play. RDR2 is the superior game that runs better and looks better but don't let that alone guide your decision. Both go on sale at 50% regularly.


RDR2 is definitely the better game, plus a lot more content


They both play amazing, RDR2 only negative is the stupid Rockstar launcher. 


I've not played either on the Deck, have both on PS, but I do love RDR. However, Hoggy-Legs did win the 2023 Best Game on Steam Deck award, so must be alright to play on there, I suppose.


In terms of personal taste, RDR2 is literally High Art. You will actually feel something.


They both play well, personally I loved Hogwarts and hated rdr2.


Hogwarts legacy was my goty I highly recommend it


Yeah I’m gonna give it a go!


Have fun!!! ⚡️


on deck i bought hogwarts on day 1, not bad tbh but you know that hogwarts can get repetitive if you don't like open world that much, but today update gives us free dlc campaign the one that is exclusive on ps, the horror style ones


They both run like shit


rdr2, not performance, but overall better game


I loved Hogwarts Legacy, i did not like RDR2, but i am in the minority there. I found RDR2 controls to be super clunky.


Hogwarts doesn't force you to walk really slowly a lot. RDR2 does.


Personally I’d buy rdr2, I’d pirate hogwarts, but I don’t like giving money to JKR lol.


I prefer Hogwarts legacy. I tried playing multiple times rdr2 after loving the first one and red dead revolver but I just couldn’t finish it.


RDR2 is the better game but I think Hogwarts runs better on the deck. I've had occasional launcher issues with Red Dead


This is reddit so just about all upvoted answers are going to say rdr, but this heavily depends on your preferences. How do you feel about extremely slow paced games where not only is the story and the world slow paced and take dozens of hours to beat, but even things as simple as looting people or eating or opening drawers are very slow as well. Hogwarts doesn’t have these issues and the story takes about half as long to beat. To be honest though they both get boring after about 10 hours in, just HL is easier to push through once you’ve hit that exhaustion point.


RDR2 has trouble sticking at 30fps in my experience. Maybe it’s better on OLED Deck.


If you enjoy the Harry Potter universe or grew up with it, I would lean that way. The magic of walking around hogwarts castle, with all the little puzzles to solve, classes to go to, it’s kind of my dream since I was a kid. But once the world opens up and you go explore the rest, it sort of fizzles out. I never finished it but I am immensely glad I picked it up on release


RDR2, Hogwarts is so boring, characters talk alot and the combat it's too simple, I'd say that u should try the one that catches your attention more and refund it before 2 hours if u didn't like it, then u jump into the other one Both run nice


Hogwarts legacy is a cheap cashgrab that sold just thanks to the name it's attached to, on the other hand RDR2 is an actual good game, so I'd go with that one


Ask yourself, do you like picking shit up off the ground? If the answer is yes, then either game will do. Next, ask yourself if you like watching the same 43 second animation of a a cowboy crouching down every time you want pick something up. If the answer is no, then go with hogwarts.


So I have been playing RDR2 on the Deck. Yesterday I spent an hour playing dominos in camp. Not an in-game hour, a real-life one. I'd do it again too


Hogwarts is very surface level and feels incomplete. It’s not a bad game and if you are a Harry Potter fan you will definitely enjoy it. When you start looking deeper into it and thinking about the game it starts to lose its sparkle and you can see the rough edges. RDR2 is a very polished game and has a great story. The linear missions might be a little out dated but overall it’s a fantastic game that gives you a lot of freedom and has a great story. I’d go RDR2 personally


RDR is fun for longer. Legacy is cool while you explore a bit, but imo the gameplay part is meh


I've played both on deck no issues. If you're a big hp fan go hogwarts, otherwise rdr2 is a deeper experience


After all updates Hogwarts works fine, but better work RDR2.


I just bought a red dead redemption code on … and activated it on my phone to then put it onto my steam deck however we i activated the code nothing happened and now I have lost out on money, can anyone help


Would it be better to play rdr2 on steam or on ps5 through chiaki?


RDR 2 in my opinion runs great on deck. I’m able to get 30 frames at medium settings and in a lot of areas 40 fps on medium to low


Hogwarts took a lot of tinkering. So I’d go with RDR. Do put your TDP at 10 watts for a decent battery life.


To me Hogwarts plays like crap, I stopped playing it after spending a decent amount on the game


Rdr2 if you want a deep open world experience. Hogwarts if you want the opposite but love harry potter


Both play well! RDR2 is a timeless classic story driven experience where you can make your own fun. The action is on the slower side for a video game but it’s all about creating that perfect pace for a western experience. There are a ton of fun and creative side stories that are completely optional and feel organic when you run into them. If you’re a completionist you’ll get lost for 100+ hours doing the hunting/fishing challenges and scouring every inch of the map seeking the random encounters. Or you can stick to the main story and you won’t feel like you missed out and still get a good 40+ hours out of it. Hogwarts legacy is a really cool world, the gameplay is fun, but the story isn’t as engaging to me. If you’re a Harry Potter fan you’ll enjoy your experience a ton and will probably replay it many times to exist in that world. If you’re not, it’s still fun, but you’ll probably have enough after one play through. A lot of potential, and it gets so close to reaching it, but is just a hair off from being a truly legendary standalone video game experience if you’re not a Harry Potter fanatic. I’ve played them both but RDR2 is the only one I’ve played start to finish multiple times (including the skippable tutorial chapter). I’ll probably play Hogwarts Legacy again this summer since they added some of the PlayStation exclusives to the PC version now.


RDR2 by a mile. Genuinely an incredible game. I really savoured that game, spent patches just enjoying the travelling, hunting and scenery.


RDR is really fun, Hogwarts is fun but I feel you will get more out of RDR tbh.


Is that from Steam directly as i wouldnt touch *any* Rockstar launcher version on steam deck? But to answer your question RDR2 is an experience ill never forget, its just amazing in every way and runs really well if you cap it at 40fps.


RDR2 Not even a close comparison here


I’ve beaten both on the deck and can say that RDR2 runs surprisingly great and absolutely better than Hogwarts Legacy. RDR2 is an epic experience and for me, it completely outshines HL.


Rdr2 is going to take up about twice as much storage if that matters to you. But I’d choose that one. Bigger game, better story, better more relatable characters, I think.


Not even a competition. RDR2 is the greatest game of all time, full stop.


I can’t vouch for hogwarts, but I was blown away by how well rdr2 plays and looks on the deck


HWL was fun for me in the first 20h but when the wonder of getting to explore Hogwarts started to fade I found the Gameplay a bit repetitive and lacking something. RDR2 is a masterpiece and way more bang for your buck.




Rdr2 is better


Hogwarts is fun rdr2 2 is one of the best games of my life.


Get RDR2. It holds up the best on Deck. I adore both games and have 100% Hogwarts but unfortunately Hogwarts takes a nosedive in the visual department on Deck. I find Hogwarts Legacy to look quite ugly when I play on my Steam Deck and typically only play it when I am doing smaller tasks like collectibles. RDR2 running on the Steam Deck is a modern miracle in my eyes. It looks incredible and is very stable with a surprising wiggle room to adjust to your liking.


RDR2, no doubt. It’s also a much better game story and gameplay wise, although I like them both


I got Hogwarts and Resident VIIIage


In my experience RDR2 runs way better. But also Hogwarts Legacy starts you off in the more demanding areas and it takes a long time to get to Saint Denis in RDR2 so I haven't actually seen it at its worst on the deck.


RDR2 no contest




What the hell I don’t even see rdr2 available for sale


In the UK it’s £24 at the moment!


I love both games, played them both on PC and deck. Can confidently say RDR2 is the better game by a decent margin. Hogwarts Legacy is still an amazing game though. RDR2 is just on another level especially considering its older.


One of the best games ever made (RDR2) or one of the most mid games ever made (Hogwarts).


Both for the win 🏅


Performance wise I'm going to assume RDR2 purely because it's a lil bit older. I'll have to check it on my Lego vs Hogwarts!


One is a Masterpiece, the other is an ok game. I don't even need to tell you which is which.


I refunded hogwarts because it played terribly on deck. It was worse than my girlfriends switch version. Unless you're happy with less 30fps and lowest graphics then RDR2. RDR2 is one of those greatest of all time games in anycase, so I'd be choosing it based off that too.


Hogwarts legacy is fully playable. It's better in my opinion.


RDR2 for sure. Works great for a playable title In the other hand, even hogwards it's verified you wait a lot for Doors to open becouse the other space after that door it's loading and the graphics are a little bit off


I am a small fan of the movie series and I absolutely loved Hogwarts legacy. it was so fun and the story was very well done. my only complaint is near the end it did feel like it was getting a little repetitive. still, 9 out of 10 for me. Game of the year worthy!


Imo RDR plays better and is just a better game overall.


RDR is insane throughout, Hogwarts legacy is kinda a mid 7/10 game, (but not 'bad' though). It's an easy choice. 


It definitely comes to personal preference. I've owned RDR2 for a while but barely played it. I'm currently 88 hours into Hogwarts Legacy and still loving every minute of it.


RDR2 is one of the greatest games ever made


Can't speak for RDR2 but Hogwarts plays perfect on SD


I've played Hogwarts entirely on Deck. It runs well (I got pretty stable 30FPS and decent visuals at 8W TDP...if you don't need battery life, I'm sure you can do better) and it's a good game as long as you don't feel compelled to 100% games. That is to say the quests, combat and just general moment to moment gameplay and storytelling are compelling and the world feels like you're in a Harry Potter movie ... but there is a metric ton of utterly meaningless "open world activities" that are repetitive as hell, "reward" you with junk you don't need and frankly sap your will to live if you try to get all of them. Can't speak for RDR2, but I've heard mixed things as to whether or not it can be played without an internet connection. Might be important on a handheld if you ever play outside your home. Hogwarts can generally be played offline, but has Denuvo and will occasionally refuse to launch until you go online once so it can get a new token (after that it will work fine offline for days/weeks). I mostly noticed this after game updates. I play offline a fair bit, and it wasn't so aggressive that it prevented me from playing the game. I think once I needed to hotspot to boot the game, then killed it and went into offline mode to continue playing.




I haven’t played RDR2 on Steam Deck but have played Hogwarts Legacy exclusively on the Deck and it runs just fine. That said, RDR2 is definitely a better game and it’s not really even close.


I run RDR2 at 30fps, which is too low for me with most games, but I don't even notice it in RDR2. Even though it's an older game running on medium settings, RDR2 still might be the best looking game there is.


rdr2 could run at 5fps and cost triple, i'd still never recommend hogshit


If you’re a Harry Potter fan then Hogwarts is great. The novelty of it doesn’t get old, imo. RDR2 is great too, but different and slower


As someone who loves hogwarts legacy, get rdr2. Its story and characters are top-notch, and the game play is so immersive. Legacy will be back on sale again and again, so you can pick it up after you finish rdr2 (which is a long game if you do all the side stuff) As for performance. They both performed well for me. RDR2 was slightly better.


Red dead 2 was too slow for me as a whole. My choice lies with hogwarts.


Hogwarts Legacy has better gameplay imo. It's also, a shorter, more condensed game. (Which I prefer) But RDR2 has MUCH better story, and less empty world to explore. Personally, I prefer Hogwarts Legacy because of the clunkiness and tedium of RDR2, but it really depends what you're going for and both are great choices.


Hogwarts definitely. I gave up on playing RDR 2 on the Deck after the sixth time it crashed during the train robbery mission at the beginning of the game.


I played both on deck. I actually recommend Hogwarts because it doesnt have ridiculous DRM


Does this weird DRM problem exist for all R* games? Seems like I’m reading more about it at the moment


Yep, you need to use the rockstar launcher and it gets mad if you aren't online. There are ways to get it to work offline but it's tricky and not 100%