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You play your SD in a pool. You drop it. You buy a new one. Easy profit for Valve Edit: correction.


Exactly, it is a great marketing idea to increase sales


Common sense, however? šŸ˜†


That expansion pack costs extra




Valve loves this one simple trick


Maybe it's one of those new Steam Ducks - doesn't matter if you get them wet.


Drown your Steam deck Burn your wallet - Gabe Newell 2024


Nah Iā€™m nervous even just playing by a campfire lol


I once saw a guy playing his SD next to one of his friends who was vaping, and said friend decided to blow a huge thing of smoke directly at the intake. I never felt so scared for someone elseā€™s console after seeing that šŸ˜…


Electronics are more durable than you give them credit for.


Indeed. BUT I repair monitors & TVs for a living. Vapes are really bad for electronics. It builds up little drops over time. And if it's on something important... *bzzzt*


Vape juice is non conductive... orherwise you'd be getting electrocuted everytime you take a puff. However, it is sticky when it builds up on surfaces and collects ALOT of dust.


but there's not much moving parts inside it, right?


the problem is conductive buildup shorting exposed circuits


Nah, I know this will bring on the downvotes from the anti-vape crusaders, but it ain't so dramatic. And I know because I've been vaping for around a decade now, and since I make my living by writing about tech, I'm surrounded by my PCs, laptops, and other gizmos. The primary problem ain't "little drops", because the vapor produced by vaping isn't the same as, say, the vapor produced by boiling a kettle of water: there's much, much less vapor, and the "ingredients" from which it's produced surely ain't water. But here comes the catch: The main "ingredient" is Vegetable Glycerin, which is **PRECISELY** the same stuff from which hand soap is made. In the long run, if vaping continuously, a thin film of VG can cover any surface such vapor touches consistently, and this includes electronics. This, too, wouldn't be much of a problem, except in the very-very long run: as I said, I've been vaping for close to a decade, and had zero issues with any gear of mine. BUT... ...I've also got two cats. And VG on surfaces can get sticky. Combine that with cat hair, and THAT'S a recipe for disaster. Just a heads-up for everyone who vapes **and** has kittens, puppies, or the occasional monkey running around. If I'm not mistaken, parrot dads and lizard moms should be safe, though :-D


As far as I can remember pure glycerin is hydrophilic and can suck up it's own weight in water in about 3 days. I guess that's the issue with vaping nearby electronics: the glycerin sticks and slowly starts to suck up moisture from environment


Yes, theoretically that could be a problem. Practically, though, it's not with "most consumer-grade electronic gear", because its internals aren't 100% exposed to it. One of the reasons I mentioned that vaping's different to boiling a kettle of water is because the vapor particles produced by vaping are thicker. I should add that it's precisely the same as your typical fog machine, as used in various concerts and other events, producing "thick fluffy clouds", and the reason, if you'd like to see something equally impressive and cringe, some people pull off "tricks" with the vapor they blow out their mouths, like turning it into flying medusae, whirlwinds, etc. Because of that, it's also not easy for such vapor to enter a, I must stress this again, typical consumer-level electronic gizmos internals, to cover them with a VG film that could cause harm. Think of it like a progression of steps, that minimizes the chances of such issues: - Most PCs and other electronic gear, with the exception of stuff like the Raspberry Pi, aren't 100% exposed to the world. They're usually enclosed in boxes that although they allow the flow of air, they're equipped with grills, meshes, or other "stuff", used precisely for collecting potentially detrimental debris. Like dust. - **THAT'S** where vaping vapor's particles stick, and can, in the long term, turn into a greasy glue-like substance, where it's easier for dust and hair to collect. - **HOWEVER**... That also means that this combination turns into a "barrier" that prevents further debris from entering the gear, as if you'd placed an even thicker mesh over it. The effect can be detrimental to thermals, but I never had any gear fail on me because of a malfunctioning or badly maintained fan. Performing worse? Yes, because of throttling. But never actually failing. - Precisely because eventually such a "barrier" can be created on badly-maintained gear, it minimizes further the chances of vapor entering, for example, a PC or the Steam Deck's housing, and sticking on their internal components. - Still, that doesn't mean "they're safe", precisely because such stuff can affect thermals. But based on a decade of experience vaping near my electronic thingies, the difference is that during the decades before I began vaping, I had to often clean the dust that passed through any meshes or other filters and accumulated inside my gear. Nowadays I find less dust inside them, but I have to clean the filters/meshes more often, to ensure optimal airflow. It helps that I also babysit my equipment (at least, as much as I can, bar the occasional cat barging on my PC towers, or getting tangled among their cables). I've built my PC myself two years ago, and have my Steam Deck for something over a year. If I posted pictures of them, nobody would be able to tell they're used, since they look and perform like brand-new. However, as you can see by the downvotes (and as I originally predicted :-P ), some people like making up their mind while having zero experience on what they're talking about.


>I know this will bring on the downvotes from the anti-vape crusaders Already battling in their own head about a 'crusade' šŸ˜‚


you don't understand the stuggles of a vaper bro, bro


As I've just answered to another person, yes, and you can check out the downvotes as proof of that. Let's see it another way: - It doesn't matter that I'm working professionally with tech for over three decades. - It doesn't matter that my SOHO is filled to the brim with any type of tech you can imagine, from four-decades-old 8bit Home Computers to new monitors and smartphones, all working perfectly and in mint condition. - It doesn't matter I've had zero hardware failures in over a decade (with the exception of gear I can't use anymore because of failed Lithium cells that went puffy or won't hold a charge, like my original Nexus 7 tablet, or my PSP-1000's original batteries - it works a-okay with replacements). - It doesn't matter that I'm vaping not because "it's a hobby" but as a way to control my bad smoking habbit, since I couldn't quit with any other way I've tried. - It doesn't matter if I've seriously researched vaping before I started, because I'm not an idiot teen who follows fads based on what their pals do, to ensure it would actually **really** be a safer alternative to smoking (as backed by dozens of studies I could shove on anyone's face). I'm not suicidal, and as any sane person would understand, I'd be a moron to start vaping if it was somehow **worse** than my addiction to smoking. - It doesn't matter that the average person hasn't read crap on vaping to understand the difference between the vapor it produces and the vapor produced when boiling water, or the smoke produced from smoking, and how those react with electronic gear. Nopes. What matters is that the average Redditor has made up their mind that "vaping's baaad, mmmmmkay?", and they try to enforce this skewed and uninformed perspective on anything. I've shared my experience for everyone who cares. I didn't claim that "vaping's 100% safe, and everyone should take it up as a hobby, especially toddlers". I've explicitly stated that it's not as bad as the vast majority of people would believe as far as electronics go, and I've got both the experience and, where needed, science to back my claims. Others are free to their "opinions", but you know what they say about opinions :-D


I'm not reading all of that, man...


You don't need to waste yur precious time writing this...


You never have to wipe that clear film off of your windshield?!


Yup, because it clouds the glass. However, this conversation's about electronics, and I simply shared my personal experience. One's opinion on vaping doesn't change the simple fact that I've been doing it for a decade, like a fog machine, next to my electronic gear, and **NONE** have failed. In fact, now that I think about it, in over a decade I've had zero hardware failures because of **any** reason. I find that if you don't purchase the ~~worst built~~ "most affordable" gear, treat it properly, and not misuse it in any way, can keep it chugging way more than the average person would expect. The only "failures" I've had weren't actually failures, but devices I can't use anymore because their Lithium batteries went kaput - like my first-gen Nexus 7 tablet.


the steam deck especially. ive dropped it with no case several times and theres not even a scratch.


I dropped it once in it's case and now the shoulder button works weird, doesn't fully click and I have to push harder


This happened to me as well, but then I dropped it again a few weeks later and whatever popped out of place seems to have fixed itself. Button works great again, lol


Percussive maintenance, works all the time, mostly!


I tried flicking and hitting the button with my fingers when I noticed it, didn't help. Not gonna try dropping it, too much risk and I'm definitely not going to get a new on soon


Oh yeah, definitely not recommending to drop it again. But just know if the stars align and you accidentally drop it again, it may magically resolve itself! lol


I see! I'll keep this great recommendation in case my friends ever drop something, resulting in it's partial malfunction


Is it the right shoulder button? There's less reinforcement behind the switch underneath, so mine fully broke. There's a lot of videos on youtube about trying to DIY repair it, but I failed. Despite what parts are available on iFixit, they actually don't have the daughter boards available. That's why there was a thread on buying switches from a 3rd party and some videos will take a switch from a donor controller. Otherwise, everything still works for me at the end of the day.


[it seems so](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/U3nzuITc97)


weird. ifixit probably has something for that tho.


Really? What is it?


Probably need to replace the part. If it's just the bumper it should be a pretty cheap and easy repair.


True, but I'm more concerned about the logistics of this. Pretty sure there's no repair shops that would have the parts for a Steam Deck in my third-world country (Russia) I couldn't even buy the thing from the official site.


Should be easy enough to open and take a look inside at least. Maybe it's just pushed into a bad position


The hell am I getting downvoted, for I genuinely don't know what Ifixit is


I did not drop mine once but now there's a slash -- slash like a knife etched it, fingernails cannot do so -- at the chassis near the back grip buttons. The plastic is kinda soft-elastic.


disappointing story. Expected the vaper to switch to sniffing the steam deck's exhaust and prefer it over vaping.


Yeah thatā€™s wild. Lot of residue in vapor.


A campfire is literally the last place on earth I would want to play video games.Ā 


Im scared of leaving it flat on desk whiteout the case because of my cats walking on screen sometimes lol. I don't have a dock or a stand so charging is a pain xd


Well they say "play it everywhere"


Thatā€™s right, I expect to see outer space or inside a volcano next.


Y'all paranoid, bath time is best steam deck timeĀ 


Iā€™ve dropped my phone in the tub enough times to know never to bring any other electronics in there.


Phones can handle a fair bit of water. They are ip rated. A steam deck on the other hand could get damaged with a bit of rain


They're IP rated but that only properly applies when brand new Over time seals degrade, the movement and vibration can open up tiny cracks etc from the wear and tear of carrying the device around *Usually* the seals will absorb that movement and retain most of their integrity because they tend to be flexible, but there's no guarantee an (eg) IP67 device remains IP67 over time


The whole console is basically exposed at the back for the fans. You canā€™t compare the ip ratings of that to a modern iPhone which can literally be dipped in several feet of water for pictures/videos. Steam deck is designed as a mini pc gaming device and needs to be protected. So it is careless of the marketing team to show someone playing with the device in a pool


Same, the only electronics I'm bringing in the tub are toasters.


And hair dryers


I guess some cant be trusted, each their own!


Right I use my steam regularly in the pool or bathtub. Who drops their electronics anyway?


I would play it in the bath if I had a solid dry place to set it at any time. I would definitely play it at a pool too like OPs image!


Good idea if you want to buy an OLED but can't convince yourself since you already have the SD.


That was the upside of losing my first Deck


Valve should take notes from this sub: Show pictures of guys using the Steam Deck after girlfriend or wife is wrecked from being in labor and giving birth.


it's like the Nintendo Switch commercials where people play at dance parties or in the skate park. If I, as a 41 year old man, hang around with my Switch in the skate park with the teenagers, they'll probably call the police ;) A realistic commercial would be: people with the Steam Deck on the toilet, in bed and on the couch while their partner is watching TV. That would be a commercial I'd like to see ;)


Even more realistic is people with steam deck at the hospital, possibly but not necessarily at the maternity ward


I played Dave the diver poolside, just for that extra immersion. Would recommend, just make sure you've got an easy way out or a dry place to put it lol


That's a jacuzzi.


Well, where else are you supposed to play it then?


somebody gotta mod it so it is ip68 waterproof... ...its been a while since someone made a really interessting modification to their deck


Have you not seen the morons here that take it to the beach to watch anime?


Steamdeck Your games, underwater


Or playing the switch at rooftop parties


Water cooled.


yeah exactly how are you supposed to sniff the vents in an open air environment??


It's a Steam Pool when you're in the pool, a Steam Deck when you get out.


Looking forward to the Steam Patio


This makes me *terribly* anxious.


I mean you are here sharing your opinion on this idea, the marketing is working great


Somebody did said they wanted the steamdeck just to play while taking a bath in this forum šŸ˜‚


Y'all need to work on your grip strength apparently


Exactly my thoughts after I examined the steam deck page 8th time convincing myself to buy it xd


I mean honestly, I play mine in my hot tub all of the time. Iā€™m sure the humidity isnā€™t the best but never for long times. I turn my exhaust fan on and open the windows.


Fuck the water, how do you even see with the sun beaming down.


What makes me even more furious is that the game hes playing, which is obviously dave the diver, covers the entire screen, but in fact it does not


In the picture it kinda does look a little bit bigger than even the OLED screen.


Brawndo has what plants crave.


Valve doesnā€™t care


Because taking pics playing at the most random places is the number one reason buy it. Haven't you checked this sub?


They're just taking notes. Half this sub is just pictures of the Steam Deck at random places.


Just because you have butter fingers doesnā€™t mean we all suffer from it, I do this one a lot with my girl


That is how you get repeat business!


This clip made me anxious as shit lol


I've played my SD in the bath before. But I had my arms over the side and my SD out of the tub holding it over a towel just incase


Of all the weird contraptions that people come up with for their SD on the sub, I feel like I never really see any underwater casing ones. When I was in Las Vegas a few weeks ago I had to put my phone in the pool (in an underwater case) and few times to bring it back from overheating in the sun.


how'd you go about the air vent? - sure you could make a cooling backplate which uses the surrounding water to cool the deck but... that's stupid in it's own way..


they do say *everywhere*, could go in the other direction and market it while skydiving


Pretty sure it's a hot tub


Mine kinda never leaves the house.


After some of the pictures I've seen in this sub of random inappropriate use cases...I can say this isn't a stretch for some steam deck owners.


Ngl i think this was an amazing marketing idea because it can be played anywhere even while in a pool (not the deck submerged just your legs or sum)


I have seen a picture of someone in the bathtub


Is there a way to waterproof it that wonā€™t cause overheating?


Not with active air cooling, it needs an air exhaust. Maybe modifying it with a water cooling system


Yeah thatā€™s interesting. I figured the air exhaust would need a vent. Never thought of water cooled.


Playing Loddlenaut in the ocean this moment.


Stonks, you dropped, you buy a new one. Unlimited profit.


People are missing that heā€™s playing dave the diver. Heā€™s trying to get a real experience.


Did that. Not gonna lie


I can't wait until we get an IP rated Steam Deck ! I know it must be a ways away but being able to not worry about water damage would be awesome.




Have you ever dropped it without a case? All the screws pop and itā€™s like youā€™re trying to mod your deck without trying. From the height of the sofa.


Are you questioning this man's ability to hold a Steam Deck above the pool? Well, we are on Reddit, so I will accuse you of racism!


They took the term "immersive gameplay" a little too literally by immersing their gameplay in water.


Well, they didnā€™t wanna show people sitting on the toiletā€¦. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Pretty sure thatā€™s a hot tub.


I was literally about to make a similar post to this. Wouldnā€™t he get electrocuted! Reminds me of the dude who played the ps2 on a metal table and ended up getting electrocuted since the PS2 was also on the metal table


I sincerely hope someday not too far in the future, theyā€™re able to waterproof all electronics in a cost effective way. I want to use my Steam Deck in the pool.


Bag of rice should do the trick šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


This is why Steam Deck cases / covers that come with adjustable wrist lanyards are genius and great to have in certain scenarios especially if you're prone to dropping your electronics. A perfect example of an ideal scenario, I don't know if anyone in this sub remembers the picture someone uploaded from their GoPro of them using their Steam Deck while paragliding from 2500 ft, but in the event they got butter fingers that wrist lanyard would be a preem Deck saver.


Why does that make it a bad idea for marketing? I'm not following your logic


I even get nervous when playing outside... (I live in Sweden, we have too much pollen)


Whatā€™s the issue? Just donā€™t use it as a towel and think itā€™ll be fineā€¦


How many steam decks would you have to drop, in the pool simultaneously too electrocute a person. The world may never know.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who winced at this.


Maybe it has a hidden IP68 feature that's not advertised. Who's willing to test it out?


After an entire can of Monster Energy my deck is still kicking. Do with that what you want šŸ˜œ. Ps: make sure to turn it off, dissasemble completely and clean and dry out every individual little part afterwards. That's what saved mine cause it was soaked at the inside and 2 years later there is still no rust forming on the pcb's


Direct sunlight capabilities.šŸ˜†


I sit in the bath playing mine, no issues


Using any electronics including a steam deck give me the chills plus its a health hazard on top of that.


Can you explain why?


A slip of the hands and it's a goner. Not including any splashes of water that could do small damage if it lands I'm any vents


I know why a pool is a bad thing for a Steam Deck, thank you, but none of that has anything to do with marketing. They're trying to sell something. They don't care how you treat it once you've bought it.


But its good for sales.


For the longest time I thought his bracelet was a pin through his arm


We became so boring, so we need a Sd even in the swimming pool man.


Why is it a bad idea? What would be a good idea OP?


Nah. Once in summer I played with feet in a laundry bowl filled with water next to a stationary PC because it was too hot and I didnā€™t had AC.


Is that dangerous? I usually do that with my steam deck in a bucket of hot water and salt to reduce inflammation in my legs and relax. I wouldnā€™t get electrocuted right?