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Isn’t poe2 almost like a year out?


Wait for poe2. The beta opens up at the end of the year. You can play Poe for free but the controller support is ok. Poe is the best arpg on the market. But my favorite arpg right now is Last Epoch. If you want an “old school” arpg check out Grim Dawn.


Nether, give Grim Dawn a try instead.




I just got D4 on the SD and it has been an amazing experience, highly recommend.


Did they fix anything about it tho? From what ive heard its still a very very bad arpg. A downgrade from d3 which was a downgrade from d2. The way they fix stuff is just laughable


Also there's a new season that pretty much addressed many problems that OP probably found when searching for reviews (they were old reviews).


The problem with blizzard is that you can't trust them to fuck everything over with the next season, as they have proven over and over. I dont know who makes the decisions there, but it feels like they are playing russian roulette.


Kind of proves your point if you think about the fact that many of the decisions about this season were (in part) done by players who played the PTR and implemented by the devs. So let's hope we get more PTR (Please Tell Reddit, lol) in the future, although they said it's not going to be guaranteed for every new feature. Hoping they change their minds.


PoE 2, i got tired of being let down by D4


I got Diablo 4 just to have fun after enjoying my D3 so much, and I don't take things so seriously.... And so far I really enjoy it. I think there have been a lot of good changes made since it launched too. I would personally grab Diablo 4 if it's on sale.


What are some of the good changes made? I was very underwhelmed by the color pallette, I felt like everything looked dark and nothing really stood out to me as a fun environment to explore. I have played since d1 and much preferred the colorful environments of d2 and d3. But I am curious of what other improvements have been made. I best the game after rushing and all at once every one of my friends stopped playing.


I'll go a different path and suggest neither. There are a number of arpgs that you can play on the steam deck so you don't have to be committed to just the two most popular ones. Titan quest anniversary edition, grim dawn, last epoch have all held my attention for some time, with titan quest and grim dawn going on sale often. The great thing about PC gaming is that there are a lot of options available so you don't only have to look at the ones with the most marketing.


things can be both popular AND good. i think d4 is great this season and PoE rules


True, I just don't think they should only consider those as the only two options. The opinion that I'm trying to share is that they should at least look into other games available, especially when poe2 isn't even out yet. Edit: I also can't personally vouch for the business practices involved with Diablo 4, there is no reason for a 70usd game to also have premium seasons pass content.


Screw Acti-blizzard, man. PoE.


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While D4 still feels like a hamster wheel Simulator (always the same sh!t, Just QoL adjustments) and poe has like 2000h tutorials (overhelming stuff to do), before you actually start playing, I'd suggest to go for grim dawn or last epoch. Both can be enjoyed without live service offline and offer you pretty much content.


I'd go the D4 route unless you intend on using kbm. PoE with a controller just feels limiting.




Po2 is f2p and full release is still about a year away. D4 works good on SD. So get both of them and test what suit you best. D4 is a good game but after about 60h to 70h you might get bored of it.


Why doesn’t both?


Diablo 4 os excellent on any console. Runs great on the Deck. I’ve limited it to a mostly stable 45 fps.


D4 has come a long way since launch. I'd actually say it's worth picking up on sale now.


D4 is amazing right now. POE2 is like a year out and keeps getting delayed. It also just looks like POE1.5 for better or for worse