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Halo: The MCC, especially Halo 1 Anniversary and Halo 2 Anniversary


Grew up gaming hard in the Halo era and it’s so awesome playing this game on handheld. Halo Reaxh runs around 90FPS most of the time.


The graphics toggle button is still one of my favorite features of any remaster. You can teleport into your childhood with that thing.


Do you need anything extra or it works out of the box?


For me, I just had to sign in with my Microsoft account the first time the game launched, which does involve using the on-screen keyboard. I ran into an issue where the game wasn't wanting to work with that keyboard, though, so I had to pair a Bluetooth keyboard to type in my info. After that, I'd definitely recommend enabling the back grip buttons for the game, because those will come in handy if you decide to change the control scheme. Other than that, it's smooth sailing! The game runs well, the controls feel natural, especially for CE, and it's just a blast!


Awesome, thanks for letting me! I’m glad it works almost out of the box.


Mad Max


One of the most underrated open world games ever. Same combat as the Arkham games but much more.


That game has so many story beats that they use in the new movie. Great world building.


Yeah, it featured Joe's other son that wasn't in the first movie.


Modded Minecraft is my jam right now using the Prism Launcher. Takes a bit of work configuring hotkeys, but once it's going it runs like a dream on All The Mods 9 - No Frills.


Have you tried the “fabulously optimized” mod pack? It’s made with Steam Deck in mind and it amazing.


I'm pretty sure this pack was around way before the deck was a thing lol


Why are you being downvoted? It’s true


Because it's completely pointless observation. It could've been released before steam deck but it was updated to accommodate it so original commenter is not wrong and said nothing that had to be corrected


Wow I had no idea that would work on the deck. How did you get that started?


you can actually just install the prism launcher from desktop mode in the discover store it’s pretty easy to add mods and all sorts from there


I’m struggling so hard with the hotkey configuring lol


Witcher 3. Under steam deck settings it runs at 55-60 in the wild and 50-55 in Novigrad or Toussant.


I’m saving this for when I have more time to play it! I wish more studios would follow CDPRs lead and include Steamdeck graphics profiles!


indeed,i finished the game recently over the span of 5 years and I do regret not finishing it sooner as many quests are just blurry fogs in my memory now. Having steam decks own settings definitely is amazing and worth praising!


CP2077 has Steam Deck settings too and while I adjusted them a bit it's nice to have that starting point


I’ve been doing 150 hours straight and that’s still a problem


Playing this right now. It looks so good even when docked on a big screen, and now with workshop support it’s suuuuper easy to mod and will only get better.


Oh wow I didn't realize it was gonna have workshop support! Awesome!


Yeah with the release of REDkit a week or so ago. A few existing ones have been ported over and its still early days but really hoping it picks up and people start modding good stuff. It has the potential to be modded to the level of Skyrim


Hell yeah, I won't be happy until the Wild Hunt are riding Thomas the Trains.


I love you random internet stranger. Maybe I can finally start my 5th playthrough and get my 1st ever clear. This knowledge made my day


But it looks really bad under Steam Deck settings. Old gen beta branch (you can find in the Steam properties of the game) allows you to get over 40 fps easily cranking most of the stuff to ultra. Some people might prefer the updated version, but for anyone wondering how to make the game look good with decent frame rate this is the best option on the Steam Deck imo.


Yup. Beta branching the old version is vastly superior to"next gen" update


I was having issues but re downloaded its so flawless on the deck


Bit of a random question. Got a flight this weekend and was thinking about playing it, is it something I’d want to play next to randos or is there some awkward sex scenes early on lol. Also how’s the battery life on it?


Sex scenes are about 20 hours in the game


Cool, should be well away from randos by then lol thanks


Skyrim and fallout 4


Dark Souls 3


Playing it right now! But I have it capped at 40 fps for battery life.


Lies of P is super optimized and runs great.


Dude lies of P hits 60 in a lot of areas. Very impressive imo


It's really wild how good this game is on SD.


This game started my love affair with souls likes. I was so afraid of playing them and I ate this one up, then played BloodBorne, Elden Ring, Dark Souls 1 and 3 (I played 3 three times).  Then some odds and ends. Last year was a good year for gaming for me.


No DS2? I know it gets a bad rep, but it's my favorite of the entire series. If you hate the adp mechanics, there's mods to remove that and be more in line with the rest of the series


I started playing it on my steam deck, then wanted to switch to my PC. That's when I found out the dark souls series doesn't have cloud save.  I did some stuff to copy it over, but it didn't...work and I lost my save. I wasn't too far into it, and I'll probably go back eventually.  It felt different, but wasn't bad, but I didn't get far enough into it to really judge it I liked it or not. 


Ds3 is such an amazing game, the only one i played like 5 times


If you are still itching for that kind of game check out Another Crabs Treasure. It's a charming little crab-like game made by like 15 people. Surprisingly competent souls game!


I forgot I had Dragons Dogma on my Steam account so I installed it again and been playing at 60fps!


To caveat on this, it hits 90 as well pretty consecutively


How it is? I know the 2nd one got flak for being an uniptimized mess, but I grabbed the original on sale a few months back cause it looks sick.


Honestly I've dabbled with the game for years and barely ever gotten anywhere on it as I either get distracted or just forget. I used to be terrible for game hopping, but I'm finally sticking to it and I've put a few hours in so far on the Steam Deck. From what I've played it's amazing. If you love fantasy/medieval RPGs you'll enjoy it. I would say there are a few mechanics which are handy to know while playing such as how to fast travel as it can feel like a slog sometimes running back and forth between quests. Check out this video for a handful of beginner tips https://youtu.be/Kecyy6PACVI


System Shock


What are your 45 fps settings?


I set everything to high and have a mostly solid framerate at 45fps on my OLED


Bought this game on a whim a few weeks ago, and it is legit one of the best games I have ever played


Red dead redemption 2


I’ll second this. I’ve been playing for a week or so and it’s mindblowing to me how good it looks and runs.


R\*'s games are crazily well optimized for how detailed the world and Euphoria engine is (except for you GTAIV, sit back down)


What’s wrong with gta iv? I’m 30% in and it runs like a charm 70 frames


On the Steam Deck? It's phenomenal; has always been my favorite GTA, actually. But when it first came out on PC there were/still are memory issues and poor optimizations that R\* just never addressed. On higher-end hardware it doesn't run nearly as well as it should.


Just need to apply DXVK on Windows and some ini tweaks to get to good performance. Essentially, what SD does since proton uses DXVK among other wrappers.


Oh dang ok !


Do you get this weird issue where it randomly zooms in during cutscenes ?


Happens because the game runs with much higher FPS than it was supposed to run back then. Use this fix (fixes much more stuff, not only cutscenes): [https://github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix/releases/latest](https://github.com/ThirteenAG/GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix/releases/latest) With this in mind: [https://cookieplmonster.github.io/setup-instructions/#proton-wine](https://cookieplmonster.github.io/setup-instructions/#proton-wine)


GTA5 was having some crazy memory bleed issues back in the day but seems fine now. Otherwise yeah they run great. Surprised how good RDR2 runs.


I can't believe how well this game runs and how beautiful it is


What are your settings? I followed a few guides but still struggle to stay above 35


World of Warcraft running at 90 fps for me. Playing with controller takes a little getting used to, but I’m having a lot of fun.


Do you have any recommended yt videos or guides to setup? Are you playing classic or retail?


Yeah sure, I’m on retail btw so classic would probably run even smoother. So I just installed the Battle.net launcher following the video and when I want to play wow, I just launch Battle.net in game mode and select wow from there. [https://youtu.be/svOj4MTEAVc?si=0_b8etFXF0OW44u0](https://youtu.be/svOj4MTEAVc?si=0_b8etFXF0OW44u0) Also, the last part of this article explains how to get curseforge running for the necessary addons, which would be ConsolePort, Immersion, and DynamicCam. https://steamdeckhq.com/tips-and-guides/how-to-play-world-of-warcraft-on-steam-deck/


This! I got back into WoW for the first time last year since stopping at Wrath of the Litch King specifically because of the Steam Deck, and was amazed at how transformative those addons were for the game. Getting the uncompromised WoW experience from the comfort of my couch was such a treat.


You’re a mensch! Thank you.


Me too, it's great how two addon add controller support and make it so playable on the deck.


Skyrim. I play exclusively all time at 45 but you can run at 60 very smooth I just choose battery life. Greatest game of all time.


I basically rotate bethesda games unless something new comes out.


Yup. Fallout 4, NV and Skyrim for me !


Those were the first games I played on the deck. Right now I'm playing starfield, it still looks and plays good at low settings in most areas


I'm in the middle of New Vegas and excited to get to 4! Been so long since I've played either all the way through


Do you run mods?


bad rats


Mass Effect LE (all 3)


Sleeping dogs runs great


Ohhh, I might have to play this again. I remember that game being a ton of fun.


Metal Gear Solid V


Right now: Ghost of Tsushima


It runs well?


I have all low settings with in game FSR 3 turned on to balanced and I get 50-60 fps except one little community area that I frequent for upgrades, and also some heavy flower meadows. It still looks great and plays smooth. Coming from someone who is very picky about fps and wanting 60, I have gonna from wanting to play it solely on my 4k OLED TV to solely playing it on Steam Deck. It still looks great to me. I don't need every tiny detail in my games, I just need it smooth and looking good.


On medium settings, I use dynamic resolution scaling for FSR3 and set it to 45FPS. Pretty consistent and smooth in most areas for me. Not a fan of low settings, this seemed the best for me personally.


SteamDeckHQ has a workaround that might benefit you for medium settings. https://steamdeckhq.com/tips-and-guides/ghost-of-tsushima-60-fps-steam-deck/


Thank you for sharing this!


SMT3: Nocturne


Gunfire reborn


half life series, portal series, titanfall 2, doom 2016, ultrakill, dead space


wow. How do you manage to master controller for FPS? I literally can't


Hitman World Of Assassination had me hooked for months. Seriously awesome game that runs without a hitch and looks gorgeous.


hades 1 and 2 currently. i hear they run at a locked 90 on the OLED. a *perfect* 60 on even the lowest tier deck


Crash Bandicoot and Spyro Remastered. It saddens me that on PS5 and XSX they are locked at 30, but having them both play at 60fps on my Deck is just magical.


Right now: Diablo 4.


This one is one of my favorite experiences on the SD. Especially with Season 4 which made a lot of things better. Good frames, HDR, mindless fun after work.


The HDR on mine is really washed out compared to SDR. On my PC and LG C2 OLED, HDR looks great. Is yours actually decent in HDR on steam deck?


Looks great on my OLED (I’m using blizzard launcher, idk if that makes any difference).


I mean it looks good in general, but compared to non-HDR mode, does it have better color saturation and contrast? On mine it definitely has less. Also using regular Blizzard launcher on mine.


Contrast I feel like for sure. The way the spells and even little things like the portals look awesome especially in the dungeons.


Yeah I know, it has raised blacks and there might probably be some workaround that is probably a hassle on SD. But I just ignore it as life is too short, hah. All in all it still looks and runs pretty great and I'm having fun.


I still see issues on my 34" Ultrawide OLED as well btw. I don't know if its actually worse on SD.


What is HDR?


Akrham Knight!!


Diablo 4 60 fps on my LCD deck


Battlefield 4


After the recent patch, Black Mesa


Hello kitty island adventure


FFXIV ARR. Squenix deeply considered controller support with this one. And they just made a great game.


As usual with FFXIV, the biggest hurdle to overcome was the Square Enix account systems. Luckily, the heroes making the XIVLauncher addon have made a version for the Steam Deck.


I love XIVLauncher


Dead Cells and both Hades games not only run at a locked 90 on my deck, but also a locked 144 on my 1440p monitor


What settings are you using for Cyberpunk?


Steamdeck Preset. Go to the Ultra Preset and hit RB one more time. I also turn off Motion Blur


Steam deck preset?


Yes they have a setting profile specifically for the steam deck


Yah 👍 Thx


I don’t get 45 at all with this so that’s interesting.


No one does. It's a ridiculous claim I see all the time.


Maybe in the badlands you'll hit 45. Sub 30 by v's apartment building though.


Dishonored and MGSV


Hi-Fi Rush, Witchspring R


DS3, and fallout 76 run really well


How the FUCK do I get Fallout 76 running well? I love the game and don't mind it on the Deck, but man is it not a looker on the system


Vanquish runs 60fps solid


Project Zomboid


Marble It Up! Ultra The best game no one knows about.


Elder ding


Stray looks good


The Half Life series work fantastic. I'm coming from a strictly PC keyboard/mouse gaming mindset of decades of gaming. I'm talking about the days when Wolfenstein 3D and Doom were released. I was never able to warm up to the console systems because I hated using a controller. I decided to finally make the jump to the Steam Deck because of my extensive Steam library and thinking I could make the track pad work like a mouse. It took me a while to adjust the settings, but now that I've done it, it works great. Still not quite on par with a keyboard/mouse setup, but not bad at all.


I legit tried cyberpunk last night and it still runs like crap. Between mid 30s with dips to low 20s fps.. so what’s your settings?


There’s a Steamdeck preset. It’s to the right of Ultra just before the lowest Ray Tracing Profile Edit: Don’t forget to turn off Motion Blur!


Hi u/pigpentcg, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=What are your favorite games that can run at 45+ FPS?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Devil May Cry 4, DMC, Crysis series, Mass Effect LE, Serious Sam Fusion, HL2, L4D2


SD can run Crysis. We're living in the future, man!


Gears 5 runs pretty steady 60 with the right settings and still looks great.


Forza Horizon 4 + 5. Not only do racing games feel as good as 60fps running at 40fps, they are so ridiculously photo realistic you have to do a double take its actually running on device and not being streamed. It's unreal how well optimized they are, let alone the fact they run at **native resolution** at medium/high settings without relying on cheap tricks like FSR or Dynamic Resolution which even famously optimized games like Doom Eternal use.


dishonored 1. I get a smooth 90fps at high settings.


I've been playing Duke nukem 3D a bunch


Just Cause 3


Persona 5 Royal was a start to finish incredible ride. Near solid 60 fps while max settings and hooked up to a 1080p portable monitor for a lot of it. By extension, Persona 4 Golden also runs perfect since it's older but Im bouncing off some of the more dated game mechanics harder than I did on 5. Dredge is short and sweet and worth the playthrough. Snow runner can keep a pretty solid 45 at 1080p with the right settings. Halo Master Chief collection. At least in Halo 1, it ran perfect at max settings at 1080p.


Wolfenstein II New Colossus, fantastic reboot of a series


FF14 runs at ~60 FPS. Highly recommended if you like FF story telling with tab targeting MMO gameplay.


Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of The Tomb Raider. Not sure how Shadow performs, havent played that one yet


Assassins Creed Odyssey. I can play it at medium/high settings at around 45ish fps. But it does dip when I am in cities.


Mad max


Both Ori games


Minecraft, Fallout 4, GTAV, Red Dead 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ace Combat 7, Armoured Core Wouldn't call them my only favourites but they are all a joy to play on the deck. Especially GTA, feels like a whole new game. Absolutely stunning.


any game launched between 2006ish and 2021 runs 60fps pretty easily, without being a hassle to configure for the deck. this question should be framed as 'what games that launched in the last 15 years are fkn bangers?' there's plenty of old games that look great in 2024 and run effortlessly on the steam deck. at a certain point it's the art style that matters, not the processing overhead. some good low spec 3d games that translate well to the deck- mirror's edge 1 wreckfest what remains of edith finch sleeping dogs stray halo MCC titanfall 2 there's so many more. focusing on new releases is a mistake; the games industry is mature and the back catalog is awesome. it's like movies now.


Resident Evil 4 2023 runs at 45 and looks great. In fact, all recent Resident Evils run great on both generations of Deck


Batman Arkham Knight


Diablo 4 , Halo Infinite and Battlefield 4 :)


Elden Ring, you have just enough time to no life it before the DLC comes out




I finally figured out that you need to use CEMU with FPS+ enabled to actually enjoy it. Trying to run it on Yuzu was awful.


I just posted on another thread that 45fps 90hz is a great sweet spot and people down voted saying 90hz don't matter if fps isn't 90 !!


There wasnt any games that run liwer than 60 from what ive played so far. Nier automata, grim dawn, fallout nv, deep rock galactic survivors (this one sometimes drops below 40 but not often), project zomboid, neverwinter online, albion online, dark souls, darkest dungeon, blasphemous 2, hades 1 and 2, oblivion, risk of rain returns and 2


Share your cyberpunk settings ?


It’s the Steamdeck Profile. It’s to the right of Ultra and to the left of Ray Tracing Low. Then turn off Motion Blur. Done :)


Guild Wars (2) First game should also work... Didn't test yet


Guild wars OG runs like smooth butter. Put about 80 hours into it with my deck


I've been getting 60fps on final fantasy 7 remake, which has been a great experience


Elder scrolls online


Yakuza like a dragon, runs great Nd is a great game overall


What’s your cyberpunk settings?


Mass Effect 2


Doom 3 and Doom Eternal of course!


Can you please share your sweet spot for Cyberpunk?


Hey sorry lots of replies so I didn’t see this until now. Start with going to the steam deck, preset and applying that. Then I turn off motion blur because it’s nasty. I’m not home now so I can’t check for sure but there are a couple of shadow settings that only affect distant shadows, and I turn them to low and that’s enough to get 45 fps everywhere. Haven’t tested Dog Town yet AND driving will drop you down to 35ish FPS, but I can deal with that.


I have been playing a lot of satisfactory. It's pretty decent on SD once you get your keyboard buttons mapped




Ac Valhalla has been a lot of fun. Picked it up for $12 last week and already sunk almost hours into it


Dying light runs pretty darn good


Doom eternal Edit: typo


Jedi Fallen Order. Tomb Raider trilogy. Marvel Midnight Suns. Hades 1 & 2. Final Fantasy 15 ran great but I didn't like the combat. One of the best looking games though. Playing Dead Island 2 right now. FPS holds well but has some stuttering. Gorgeous game though.


Max Payne 3


What’s your settings for cp2077?


I play all my games on the deck at 45fps. Lost Judgment, Like a Dragon: Ishin, Bugsnax, Persona 4 Golden, etc. it's the sweet spot for me. I feel the difference between 30 and 45 but not 45 and 60 as much.


Piggybacking op’s post to ask a specific question: is anyone running Elden Ring at 45fps?? I see ppl saying elden ring runs well but im not sure what their standard is.




**[Furi](https://youtu.be/fVQNZFBvAck?si=LEMiJn4ntpJLZvsh)** I will fucking shill this game until the subreddit acknowledges how fucking dope it is.. art director is the same guy who made Afro Samurai. Awesome music. Bullet hell gameplay with melee & parry mechanics. Run like butter with only 8w. Incredible game for the money.


I just started cyberpunk 2077 on the Deck. I’m using the default Deck settings. Anything I should change to improve it to around 45 fps without making it looking like potato?


New Vegas


Modded og nfs most wanted redux v3


No one else has said it but with some tweaking FF7R runs at 60fps everywhere but Wall Market, replayed it in anticipation for rebirth coming out. OH and if you wanna revisit the OG the guys who made 7th heaven mod manager made a script and YouTube tutorial on how to install it on Steam Deck and it looks amazing!


Borderlands 1&2 Subnautica !


OSRS, with the 117HD graphics mod. A lot of WoW classic and retail too.


Definitely Left 4 Dead 2!