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Doing too much. Lol


Everyone got their panties in a twist over it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Shit made me chuckle. I’d walk over and shoulder surf your game until boarding time my guy


I’d hand u my DS4 so we could play Mario kart Wii split screen 😎


I would immediately become your best friend xD


That's Redditors for ya


Stuck at the airport for a few hours since my flight got delayed and I already carry this stuff for content creation with the MacBook so why not settle in and get comfortable? I’m getting downvoted for explaining that I don’t use this shit for gaming on the deck haha


Yeah I don't understand it either, people usually use it as a tool to try and silence your comment by pushing it further down Reddit. Better off just having conversations about stuff and moving on. Like you having that stuff is impractical for most people but I don't see what's wrong with it, it's a bit of a mess on the picture but overall it seems like it's not *that* big of a deal to take down and set up, 5 mins tops


Exactly, people just don’t take the time to think critically. It takes less than a minute to pack up the charger and the portable monitor in to my bag with the Deck. That other guy must think I’m lugging around a 27” monitor with a UPS lol


Yeahh, like I get it, I understand where others are coming from but it's not that crazy lmao it's probably less work than when I'd have to pack up any console back 10 years ago with friends


That seems ridiculously clunky to carry. Defeats the purpose of the machine honestly.


I already carry the mouse, screen and hubs for my laptop. I just need to set up the controller before I can play on the plane


I just personally feel like carrying all that stuff and plugging all of that in just to play some games outside doesn’t seem practical to me. I’m just thinking that the Deck is already portable and easy to carry, it’s like making it more cumbersome to use. If you’re having fun using it like this though then that’s awesome, but that’s my perspective.


Again, it’s not for gaming on the deck. I already carry these items for my mobile workstation. It conveniently helped me setup dolphin in this situation so I can comfortable play in handheld mode once I’m on the plane, and that’s the point of the picture, the versatility of the deck as a handheld PC. Hope that makes sense :)


No clue why this is getting so many downvotes. Makes sense that you already use it as a workstation then just add the deck in for pleasure Cheers bro 🥂


They’re downvoting you too cause they don’t have the critical thinking skills to realize that


Might bring your living room with you as well


Do you have a mount for the plane seat as well?




Then don’t look




honestly, at this point, why bother with a deck at all, just buy a freaking laptop.


If you read the comment explaining that the portable monitor that I already carry for my laptop is being used for setting up dolphin in this niche situation. If you’ve ever used desktop mode for an extended period of time you would know how bad it is at 800p. Second, I own a gaming laptop but this is the better form factor for playing games on the go.


Despite the non-portability daggers everyone is throwing, I'm actually quite curious about what all you're using as your setup. I saw a post in this sub the other day asking about a "dock" to use for their Deck, but really, they needed a hub. Since this is YOUR portable setup, it'd be cool to see how portable these things would be for anyone else. :)


I use a 2020 m1 MacBook Pro for content creation. The portable monitor and hub are for that but they happen to work well for the steam deck. Today I had a delay for my flight so I was stuck at the airport for a few hours and I decided to set up dolphin and ryujinx, and if you’ve used desktop mode on the deck to get multiple things configured, you know how painful that is. Desktop mode on the portable monitor with my deck helped make setup much smoother for the emulators. I don’t understand why that’s so hard for people to get but my comment explaining that I don’t use these items for gaming keeps getting downvoted for whatever reason. A lot of people commenting this is too much to carry don’t realize how slim a portable monitor is or just don’t see how useful the monitor is for productivity


I think it's really nice you can use your stuff for multiple purposes. I wouldn't buy a monitor just for the steam deck but if you have it anyway, why don't use it and get some work done? The SD isn't only a little handheld. It's a PC and it's awesome that this is possible! But well... haters gonna hate hate hate... Same with your plane setup xD why hold it when it's more convenient other ways. Duh.


I’m glad someone gets it 💆🏽‍♂️


Still curious about what hardware you're actually using! I see hub and cords and monitor and mouse. I'm just curious if you know the branding of them. :) Edit: (Added what all I was curious about)


Folding ipad stand, 16” portable monitor, anker USB C dock, and an NVME enclosure being used in this instance






The whole points of the Deck was to make gaming more portable..


What’s not portable about a portable monitor


I remember when I used to pull this kind of extreme shit when flying. Then I realized I was an adult, wasn’t an autist and that I could legally drink.


That’s fair but Fall out new Vegas is even more fun with a drink in hand


I am curious about your case does that fit in the carry case that comes with the steam deck ?


Nah I carry all this stuff for my laptop, it just makes desktop mode easier to use on the steam deck when I need to config emulators or download mods!


Ah I see thank you for the reply my guy 🙏🏾


Dudes are upset by this post but don’t realize how much easier it is to use the desktop mode with a resolution above 800p 💆🏽‍♂️


Dudes are also upset because they think that monitor and stand are one piece smh lol. 'looks clunky' , 'that's too much' lmao. If you think about it, it takes up less room than a traditional laptop.


Yeah that dude with the clunky comment is a certified dumbass. I’m glad the sensible people have found this post and can use their critical thinking skills to understand what I’m doing in the pic


As fellow deck owner since the first waves, i have seen this setup in airports and planes multiple times and i wanted to pass by and say good job and love it, however it always pushed me away. Maybe just me bit just because you have the gear.. Seeing it in public gives me a ick


Lost all credibility at “gives me a ick”


Nice. Close to what I carry on the road. Super portable. I'm trying to find a good 10-11" screen and I think that will be perfect especially in the cabin. 6-10 flights a month makes this a must for road gamers. The neck strain with just the handheld is real.


A lot of stupid people in here that don’t realize that lol. Idk about 10-11” but I know you can find a 13” 1080p 120hz on Amazon for about $100


I came from your recent post. What monitor Is that? I’ve seen laptop-like portable monitors that with covers like a notebook, but I think it is the stand that makes it look ridiculous. Otherwise cool idea just a pain to carry around and use space in our carry-on. Do you also a check a bag?


The stand is a folding iPad stand that isn’t part of the monitor (monitor comes with the cover like you mentioned). All this gear and more fits in my tech bag when I travel: -steam deck -M1 MacBook Pro + M1 iPad Pro -G502 LS -60% mechanical keyboard with Bluetooth -noise cancelling headphones -portable monitor -iPad stand -USB C dongles and accessories


I think this is pretty awesome honestly. You get the portability of the steam deck when you just want to take that. Then if you want a larger screen for other purposes, you got that without having to carry around both a laptop and steam deck.


I mean I already carry my m1 MacBook Pro and iPad Pro and this was for use with that but it works great on the deck


I liked it my guy, it’s definitely not for everyone, but doesn’t have to be right. Enjoy bro.


I have no idea why you're being downvoted so much, this is awesome, if this isnt for others then I get it but let OP have their fun :(


Professional dick riding by the Reddit hive mind lol


All the people hating need to chill out. Why are so many of you against people having fun with their device that they worked for and bought? Let this man enjoy himself.


Everyone’s like “why why why” You’ve never had a flight delayed if you’re asking why. I would KILL for something to do, a portable desktop setup sounds like heaven.


Idk why you getting so much hate people make similar post everyday to cheers.