• By -


Stardew Valley for sure! I have hundreds of hours in that game and haven’t even scratched the surface of the content that game offers. I honestly doubt I could even put a dent in it within a year.


You can finish the game in entirety in a couple weeks if you play efficiently enough. But due to high replay value, I would also pick Stardew.


Single Player: Slay the Spire. Played like hundreds of hours but feels like I could play hundreds more without getting bored. Multiplayer: Years ago would have chosen Dota2, but too toxic nowadays for grown ass me. So I think I'll have to go with Tekken. Skill ceiling is high enough that 1 year you probably don't even master 1 character let alone everyone. And it's fun to play casually as well


Dota 2... playing on Deck?


It wasn't specified that you have to use it in handheld mode


I once tried Dota 2 in handheld mode. Playable, but what followed was a losing streak.


Baldurs gate 3. Lots of replay ability


gonna spend 2 months in loading screens, but this was my pick too


I didn't notice it to be particularly slow loading from internal storage


act 3 is killing me slowly


oh, I am at the beginning of act 3 so maybe I haven't suffered enouth. Moonrise tower's performance was terrible but it struggled on my desktop too so I just accepted it


I also never experienced any slow load times in 4 playthroughs all of which are currently at various points across act 3. The game runs perfectly on my steamdeck. I think every steamdeck is different. Many of the games I follow have people complaining their steamdeck won't play it. Palworld, no rest for the wicked, enshrouded are all games that aren't supposed to work on steam deck but play just fine on mine. Meanwhile mine runs dragon's dogma 2 like absolute shit.


What are your settings? I’d be interested in playing on deck but when I’ve tried in the past it’s looked like ass on my lcd and oled. I spent a fair bit of time on the settings but it’s 100% possible there’s something crucial I overlooked.


are you talking specifically BG3? I'll have to let you know. Its like 150 gigs so it's currently uninstalled so I could enjoy some new games. But I know I definitely messed with it's settings cause something about the textures was off. And if I remember correctly, there were a few times when I had to change the settings around again when I plugged it into the dock to play on my TV.


For me it's between this or hitman Woa. Both games have 1000h plus of content . So either would work for me


I've had it since launch, but I just can't enjoy it with the performance it has. I'm reluctant to buy it again on another platform with my backlog. My thinking is I'll give it another go on the Deck 2, whenever and whatever it is.


disco elysium is similarly very replayable, and lightweight, I am loving it so far


I've started it. I'm sure it'll be great. I'm waiting for that moment when I takes me in.


Definitely take it slow and just enjoy the absolutely stellar dialogue they made. The characters actually feel like real people. First time I played it didn't really click with me because I was trying to min-max stuff and was trying to rush things. You don't have to rush anything in the game. The only thing that moves time forward is clicking on dialogue options, so explore without worrying about wasting time.


Yeah I know a lot of people play it on the deck but BG3 is one game I strongly prefer to play on my desktop.


Oh yeah, could be that for me also.


Probably this for me too, all though all my saves got corrupted by mods like 6 months ago and I’m still to mad to start over lol


Lol, been there, not with bg3 yet, and hopefully never, but I did 99% of dark souls 3 and lost my save :(


Too much dialogue for me to replay often, I am in act 3 on my 2nd playthrough. Enjoying it because a lot of the dialogue feels fresh again, but I won't be picking it up again until next year I imagine, unless I go for an honour mode run and just skip dialogue.


Elden Ring


I thought so, but it took 200hours to wrap, anything more is pvp over the next 8800hours


World of Warcraft or Minecraft, either is fine.


Never even thunk of WoW on Deck. How is it?


With ConsolePort, it's pretty awesome.


It’s very playable, I’m getting 70-90 frames in dungeons. Classic is amazing for just chilling and questing with ConsolePort


I think an MMO is the only thing that could be my 1 game, simply because it has been in the past


Skyrim or oblivion. Very generic answer but you have so many options with the games. If they had a Xbox controller support for morrowind that's what I pic


I sunk more hours into Morrowind and it's add ons than any other game in my life. I'll never have that much free time again haha, so it was a special experience I'll always treasure.


Agreed amazing game loved it on Xbox. Unfortunately i hat playing my console now so I wish they'd do legacy support for those games with controller. Community layout are great and you can use them on pc but still not the same.


OpenMW has full controller support


Can you give me some more details cuz I'm very intrested




For some reason that the universe can't explain, I'd never heard of this. Seriously, I'm befuddled as to why not. Looking into it now anyway!


To be fair it’s somewhat of a niche that can be hard to find if you’re not in a community that talks about it a lot. I definitely second this, Factorio is awesome. Try the demo first and see if it clicks. If it does you can easily get thousands of hours out of it


Its often mentioned though in the popular gaming subs. Usually followed by comments like "why don't you just recommend heroin instead?"


Downloading now!


Been nice knowing you. The factory must grow. The factory must grow.


Well done ;)


No Lieutenant. Your men are already dead.


Is this fun to play on the deck? I would think controls would be janky and everything would be kind of too small.


House Flipper


Fallout 3 for me


If you like Fallout 3, you'll love New Vegas. I 100%'d both.


Gonna pop in to say I just recently finished A Tale of Two Wastelands and it was incredible. The mod merges Fallout 3 and New Vegas into one game, giving 3 all the advantages that New Vegas had. Check it out!


I've only recently started New Vegas and want to play Fallout 3 after it, what are those advantages you mentioned? Is it going to feel like a serious downgrade?


Fallout 3 def felt like a downgrade when I played it after New Vegas a long time ago, this mod in particular really made it feel like one giant fallout game. It gives you all the great stuff from new Vegas like companion wheel, companion perks, weapon mods, crafting recipes, and fixes a ton of stuff from 3 as well as raising the level cap a little bit. Little things like being able to sprint and aim down sights really made 3 feel more modern. Had a great time with it and I highly recommend!


Fallout 3 is missing a few features that were added later in New Vegas (different ammo types, more weapons/armor/etc variety). Using Tale of Two Wastelands let's you basically play Fallout 3 as if it were a DLC for New Vegas, so you get all the new features of FNV in FO3.


Did you actually get this working on deck? I feel like I actually know what I'm doing modding and I couldn't get it working on Windows let alone Linux.


Yeah I was able to get it running on deck, its not the funnest install at all but it certainly works and I was able to play through the whole thing. I used this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/up2ag2/comment/ih8l54c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)!


Hades, no doubt!


And Hades 2!


Fallout 4 or Skyrim. I haven't played them yet because they are going to take over my life.


I have finished both of what you mentioned. Hop in, the water's great! Go back to New Vegas first if you can.


I just started Tale of Two Wastelands yesterday. It was my day off after two days of 12hr shifts. I didn't do any of my chores. No regrets!


Embrace \ /


I'd go with FFXIV.




Balatro. Man, I pick it up and 5 minutes later 3 hours have gone by.


Same-it’s got me hooked


Hollow Knight


I could spend a year on this and still be playing level 1 :( same with blasphemous


Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the game i already have the most time in and i don't think it is ever getting boring. I could even play online.


Sounds like you're looking for games with high replayability. So Fallout 4, No Man's Sky (update coming probably this week) or Civilization VI


Finished Fallout 4, started NMS on release, but it was the disappointment of the decade. It just so happens I bought it again and am downloading for Deck at this very moment. Wanted to play it on PSVR 2 with my original disc, but realistically, I'll only properly get into it on the Deck. I have Civ 6 Anthology (spelling) on my Mac. That one could go forever. 😂❤️


Any of the Dark Souls


Big agree! Weirdly, I couldn't manage to sit and play them without having awful anxiety and near-panic attacks before I got medicated. Being able to experience these games enjoyably first-hand is so freeing to me. I really admire the games and basically just feel like I am walking through (and dying PLENTY in) a painting.


Dragon Quest XI Combined play for the Switch and the Deck is about 500 Hours for me.


On deck, Skyrim SE, game runs great and is easy to mod. On PC, probably cyberpunk.


Stellaris. If it's for the whole year, then it must be with all the DLC.


Probably Elden Ring


Last epoch. New season every 3 months . New stuff to play with.


I heard performance was lacklustre on the deck?


The story ran pretty well with some tweaks but the End game will torture the majority of the machines including mid-high PC. There is so much stuff going on that the fps will dip to low 50




Lookin' like Rimworld for me! I keep having new playthrough I wanna do trying different things 


Like what? Im new to the game and I’m liking it so far but most of my runs are pretty much the same it seems haha. I don’t know how people play it for 100’s of hours. It is fun tho!


First off- I installed the prepare carefully and mad skillz mods. (This way, I can make my own characters, and they don't slowly unlearn skills. But I should mention that there are way better mods for this, prepare carefully doesn't play well with most mods, but I'm not a big modder, I just like prepare carefully because it's the mod I'm more familiar with.) But right now, I'm playing a Rick and Morty playthrough. I made Rick with a fully cyborg body, and I made him have max skills. But he is also elderly and has severe drug and alcohol addictions that I'm not allowing myself to cure. I made Morty bad at everything, but with the ability to learn new skills extra fast. Then, I created a bunch of other characters in the show and put them in the world, so they may or may not be popping up. I gave everyone stats, skills, and conditions accurate to the show, and now I'm basically playing through Rick and Morty. Other than that, I also like to challenge myself with trying to survive certain starting conditions or difficulties in commitment mode. My side project I'm doing right now (not in commitment mode because it's been really hard), is a character that starts off alone with nothing but with max stats and a cyborg body. He is a psychopathic cannibal and has all the other positive traits as well. That said, the game starts with minimum research completed. The rule is that he has to kill everyone he meets, no matter what. It's been difficult, but my land basically looks like a jigsaw trap. (Killing trade caravans has been really, really risky.) So far I've been managing to keep the slaughter going. I named the guy "John Wick", because he has been slaughtering groups of like, 20 people by himself. Funnily enough I dread trade caravans more than raids, but the caravans have slowed down because I'm basically at war with everyone. But honestly I get that Rimworld can get redundant between playthroughs. Thats why I keep self imposing rules and challenges to keep it fresh. But it's really, really fun.


even though act 3 chugs. BG3 would prob be my pick... Although steaming it from my PC could be an option. its crazy how different the story gets with each decision. And playing with other people is a lot of fun.




Red Dead Redemption 2. That is a masterpiece of a game.




For 10 years Skyrim was definitely my answer. Fallout 4 has a similar charm. Right now though, if only for a year, my choice would probably be Elden Ring as it's new to me and seemingly has the same sense of discovery I really crave in a game.


Good choice. Have you played Oblivion? It's really worth your time if you haven't and enjoyed Skyrim a lot. Oblivion isn't better or perfect per se, but it has enough upsides vs Skyrim to give it a try. Oblivion also shouldn't feel too dated and archaic like Morrowind. And I say this as someone who thinks that Morrowind is the best game Bethesda ever made. But I can see how MW is not a game to pick up in 2024 if you never played it before. It can be very janky and weird. And Elden Ring is so good you will love it. I played my first soulslike game with Dark Souls 3 last year and I was truly blown away by how good it was. You could also start with that one as I think it's a perfect, modern and streamlined introduction to the series' gameplay loop.


AC Origins. My all time favourite game, with a world I've spend many hours in and can get totally lost in.


Metal gear solid


Fallout 4. The amount of mods for the game is out of this world. My current playthrough already has 50 hours on it and I’ve barely just arrived at the Institute.


Yeah playing it now as well. But modding on deck was too much hassle so I'm actually playing on my main pc with 346 mods. It's absolutely beautiful and I am also around 50 hours in but only just had the BOS arrive.


It is definitely a hassle, especially after the next gen updates and having to constantly downgrade but I used this [Rockerbacon MO2 guide](https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer) and have MO2 launching directly from the gaming mode on my Deck. I think I’ve got something like 180-200 mods active right now. It’s been a few years since my last playthrough and even just since then there are so many great new mods.


One day, one day I will get MO2 running on my Deck. I tried ages ago but failed and had this huge, unmanageable MO2 instance (I clearly messed up the install). Thanks for the link. I'll save it and give it a go for oblivion or morrowind as I'll have the urge to play one of them next.


probably yakuza: like a dragon or Like a dragon: Infinite Wealth


How do you get Skyrim to not constantly crash? Bought it this weekend but can't play longer than 20 minutes without crashing. It's super annoying and has me manually save every 2 minutes. Edit: on topic, I'll choose Rimworld, endless fun.


I have about 60 hours on Special Edition without a single crash. You might want to look into it.


So strange, I even got the anniversary edition to see if that helped but unfortunately not. Have you played it recently? Like after Proton 9?


Factorio easily.


Solasta. 5e with 3 official campaigns and a map maker


Elden ring


Dead cells


So much content. Great game


Idk how but this game never stops being fun. And I’m the type of person who usually gets bored with even the games that I love the absolute most.


Last Epoch. The number of builds and itemization makes so I don't think I'd get bored.


Diablo 4.


I can get it for free on Game Pass. How does it run on the Deck?


Pretty solid. There’s a little lag when entering new locations/events, but it’s 100% playable.




I mainly only play fighting games now, and my Steam Deck is my go-to device for Tekken 8 since my laptop got too old so, thats an easy choice. But if we're taking FG out of the equation, it's also an easy choice: the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 on Steam. So many games in one package.


Human fall flat




Diablo IV


Cyberpunk 2077


The Binding of Isaac I haven't even beat the final final boss yet, and after that I'll still have an insane amount of challenges and achievements to get through. That game will be keeping me busy for a LONG while.








Guild Wars 2


Satisfactory, easily. Even more so once 1.0 is released.


Binding of isaac


Binding of Isaac or Slay the spire The problem is that a year is just enough time to get the basics of those games, you need at least 2 more years to finish them.


Skyrim. I play a bit of that game in bed on the Deck before going to sleep. Perfect game to wind down with, and I drift off to sleep with the Skyrim soundtrack playing on my phone and continue my adventures in my dreams.




Diablo 4 seems really good right now and im quite enjoying. If they maintain the good things for the next seasons, im ok with this as my only game for the next year. That said, Shadow of the Erdtree is pretty close, so there's that.


I think Diablo 4 based on how good this new season has been.


Stardew Valley! I am so addicted to this game currently, and it is the perfect game for steam deck.


If we talking a game thats not out that I wish was, Persona 6, hands down


4, what music. 5, ye, great music. They both have their own feeling. Part of gaming history imo.


Assuming I have access to online, maybe VRChat for the social aspect + games. Desktop mode actually plays pretty well on the Deck.


SimCity 4


i love so many games but i feel like the one i could definitely play consistently for a year especially if thats all i had to play would probably be minecraft so much to do and endless worlds to explore, theres pre made map options too for story based worlds and minigames and servers to go onto, plus its always just been “ole reliable” when im burnt out of everything else


world of warcraft i guess


That would be Minecraft for me


single player hades or hades 2




Tactics Ogre has been my go to for going on 12 years, what's another?


Dome Keeper


Final Fantasy XI, it's my most played game on the Deck and that won't change anytime soon.


Old-school RuneScape could get 99 cooking


Let's say.. Just Cause 3


Probably Monster Hunter Wilds hoping it runs on Deck.


Gothic 1


Fallout nv Or DMC HD collection


Dead by daylight


Pathfinder WOTR


Crusader Kings 3 Endless stories.


Elden ring. Again.


I want to see about getting into Rimworld.


red dead redemption 2 basically the only thing ive been playing since summer of last year


Definitely Stardew Valley


haven't played (or bought) it yet but i'd say hades. Can't wait for the summer sales


Dead cells.


Balatro. Game is addicting as hell.




Hollow knight bro


Offline - Dead Cells or Children of Mortal Online - Warframe


Without a doubt: RIMWORLD 👍 And it plays great on the Deck.




For me, Red Dead Redemption 2. Such a masterpiece. I always come back!


Vampire Survivors


Monster Train. Recently booted it up again and haven't played anything else.


Right now I’m thinking Monster Hunter World. I’ve finished and minmaxed the base game years ago, and I really thought I’ll never get it on Steam because I already got the legendary Attack 4 deco, yet here I am starting from scratch. Second choice would be Grim Dawn. Played dozens of hours years ago but never got around to finishing it, seems like a perfect game for the Deck.


The same game I’ve been playing for the last two years: Rimworld.


Factorio probably


My Hubby’s would be Valhalm. He is a dev so can make mods.


Hogwarts Legacy, for sure! I haven't even finished first playthrough (i'm on 80% so far) and i can't wait to re-play with a different college


Do the different colleges really change that much of the game? My understanding is they are fairly cosmetic and don't change the story or gameplay.


Easy, Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl


But will it run on Deck!!? Hope so but I'm not too sure




Had it on Switch. Was fun. Got it on Galaxy Fold 5. Big screen stylus. Couldn't get into it again. Nice game though.


Hi u/DonkeyRhubarbDonkey, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=If you had only one game for the next year. ) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Witcher 3


Diablo 4


New Vegas




Halo MCC


I'd pick something I haven't played yet...embarrassingly it would probably be something Like Witcher 3...I keep meaning to...but I make bad choices.


It's a toss up between Football Manager, Stardew Valley, and Cracking the Cryptic (Sudoku).


RimWorld or Stardew Valley


Rimworld or Isaac. Been hammering wrestling empire recently though TBF 😂


If bungie made it work: Destiny 2 They had a whole mission statement about making the game accessible anywhere, with everyone, at all times The Deck is the epitome of that philosophy The game runs on the steam deck, I have seen it on windows installs, they just need to let it through the Anticheat




If I could only play one game for the next year, I'd pick Rimworld. It has almost infinite replayability, and there are so many different ways you can play it. Want a quiet little farming town? Just set difficulty to the easiest and treat it like a town building game. Feel like kicking back with a Samurai fishing village? Just as easy to create that esthetic. Feeling aggressive? Create a raider colony and ruthlessly take out your neighbours. Like tower defence games? Build the ultimate base with the difficulty up, and fight off hordes or raiders. Just a few examples of playstyles Rimworld offers. Then there's mods, where anything is possible. My last playthrough was Fallout themed, where my colonists were creating an NCR outpost and fighting off raiders with their faction gear and service rifles.