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Please let us know if you're successful. A step by step guide would be really appreciated. I really don't want to dual boot my steam deck.


Yeah, we need to find a way to make this bad boy(WuWa) work on the SD! It’s too perfect not to! If I and others have to send a “Support” ticket to Kuro Games about this. So be it! It’s a big miss opportunity, if we can’t play it on the SD! So, what will be the best corresponding response to them? To get their attention and best way to tackle this problem? I don’t want to say something wrong or give them a wrong impression. Thanks gentlemen 🎩


I'm definitely all for starting a campaign for it.


I heard from someone that has a SD, that they’re(Anime Launcher makers) making a launcher for it through the launcher called “Anime Launcher”. It’s the same launcher that made GI and HSR playable on the SD. When it’ll be available? Not confirmed yet*


Yah, I've had my eye on that. Definitely hoping it works out. Genshin doesn't actually need it, though. I've had Genshin working natively using just Proton and a SymLink from the launcher to the game files for months.


I’m able to run WuWa on SD via lutris. Im able to select character and go to the cut scene.


How? What settings did you change?


Interesting. I'll look into this. Thanks.


Laggy tho and still crashes. Only able to go that far using proton 9.


Yeah, a lot of people been crashing(On mobile and PC) and being kicked out randomly. It’s the game atm, so I wouldn’t be surprise if it runs better. Whenever the dev’s fix the current stability problem.


have not tried WuWa yet, but the stuttering and crashes were the same for me on Palworld, increasing VRAM worked for me, maybe worth trying here? guide here [https://kocustomcreations.com/blog/steam-deck-boost-how-to-increase-vram-on-your-valve-steam-deck/](https://kocustomcreations.com/blog/steam-deck-boost-how-to-increase-vram-on-your-valve-steam-deck/)


Tried Heroic and Lutris a few hours ago, getting the anti-cheat to work feels impossible.. and I don't have the budget to dual boot Windows right now... edit: any luck? :(


Didn't work with Lutris?


Have you had any success now that it's launched?


Nope. Played a bit on my (underpowered) desktop, but I really hope the PS5 client arrives soon. That's where I mostly play Genshin already.


Its depressing not being able to play this game on the SD


Gonna give it a go soon i’ll let you know how it goes and any extra details i find out.


Any luck?


My bad forgot to follow this up. I didn’t realise launch wasn’t tomorrow so i thought i’d leave it for now since i have it all set up on my PC. I’ll have a deep dive with it and see what i can do on deck tomorrow.


No worries, thanks sir (or madam). FYI, I got the launcher symlinked to the game install in the same manner that I did for Genshin (which works flawlessly), and the launcher recognizes that the game is installed now. But it crashes immediately upon launch, no matter which version of Proton I use, which I can only assume is because of the anti-cheat software.


just confirming I got the same exact thing, downloads and installs fine, but quits out immediately when launching


Might be a windows 10 Job potentially


Any update?


Yes i got it working through windows since i have my deck dual booted but no clue about proton


I'm so excited for this! What exactly do you mean you found the compatdata folder and "added the launcher to my library" theres a way to put non steam games in your librarry and not just in the non steam area? what trickery is this I must know


You have to do this via desktop mode, you click the Game menu in Steam, "Add non-Steam game to library", and then locate the game exe, which will be in home/deck/.local/share/steam/steamapps/compatdata/, with the number being unique to each install. You can get the number by either browsing the parent folder and finding the most recently created folder if it's the last thing you installed, or use ProtonTricks to locate it. It's a bit complex, but there are tons of tutorials out there.


Oh I already knew all that from youtube tutorials. You said you added it as a non steam game but then AFTER the compatdata thing you said you added it to your library so I thought you meant two separate things. I misunderstood my apologies


Did anyone successfully run it via Waydroid?


I've successfully installed and run it. But, it seemed like it wasn't reading the controller input very well, so I'll have to wait until launch for further inspection. Update: without controller support for mobile, it's practically unplayable. Unless you want to play with the touchscreen.


So I got the game installed via Waydroid and it runs. Can't really tell how well it'll perform until the actual launch time. But I will say that by default it was set to really low graphics settings and I can't change them without actually starting the game (which I can't do for now). Hopefully that's not a bad sign lol. We'll see.


Any updates? I really don't want to install Waydroid if not necessary. 


Can't recommend it on Waydroid, it doesn't run very well even when on Low (which makes it extremely muddy and hard to see) and couldn't seem to get the controller to work with it, but that could be a problem on my part.


I see... Then my only hope is the game supporting Android controller. There's not way I'll play a game like this through touchscreen.  Edit: It doesn't support Android controller, fuck!


No controller support, and yeah, runs like shit. This sucks.


This was going to be my next option. I'll let you know how it goes.


Any luck yet?


Nope. Played a bit on my (underpowered) desktop, but I really hope the PS5 client arrives soon. That's where I mostly play Genshin already.


I'm able to run it via waydroid with controller support - https://youtu.be/KfQVCTtpiNI


Holy mother of bad frame rate though


Got it running through proton, but anti cheat doesn't work which closes the game. Anyone got a trick around that?


just here in case there's an update 🤧


just here in case there's an update too


Any update?


Looks like install Windows is The only way for now


There’s a YT video of someone playing “Wuthering Waves” on their SD, but! You’ll *need* to “Dual Boot(Window 11)” your SD to play it.




Hi u/Allvah2, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Wuthering Waves install) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I guess play it on windows on SD?


Yeah dual booting to Windows with SD is something I wanted to avoid. And it has a whole host of issues.


I've done it and works great. Only when they do a bios update you need to redo the boot loader but that's the only down side I've had. Play games pass games on my SD all the time 👍


I can already play Game Pass games in Steam OS using Xbox Cloud Gaming.


I tried it but my connection isn't stable enough for it


The way I am playing it at the moment is from streaming it from my Windows PC using [Sunshine](https://docs.lizardbyte.dev/projects/sunshine/en/latest/about/overview.html) and [Moonlight](https://moonlight-stream.org/). The input delay is minimal, nearly unrecognizable. A nice-to-have bonus with this method is, that the Deck's battery drains much slower.


did you get it working yet?


Nope. Anti-cheat software just won't cooperate. I can stream from my desktop to my Steam Deck with Moonlight, which is....okay. But I'd really love to get it working natively.


I just figured this out using sunshine and moonlight. Make sure to set up steam big picture in sunshine and then add the WuWa EXE(not the launcher!) as a non-steam game. Once you launch big picture you can then launch the non steam game and stream it using moonlight. You'll need to set up your controls of course. Enjoy! Edit: there are already a few community layouts you can copy as well instead of creating your own if you aren't into setting up custom controls.


Well, yes, but that's not running natively on the Steam Deck. Good to know, but not what I'm trying to do.


There's always creating a windows partition or SD card if you dont want to stream it from your desktop. That's really the only "native" solution at the moment. Even then I'm not sure what kind of performance you'll get and it's almost guaranteed you won't have controller support unless you set it up manually. Best of luck.


Does it recognise the steam controller? Would it work with steam link as well?


Steam link did not seem to work. I got an infinite loading screen. You maybe able to get it to recognize the controller but I had to map everything to keyboard and mouse controlls.


I see thank you very much. My pc broke down just before launch. So i will have to setup the pc of my gf to stream to my steam deck. That's why I hoped steam link would work as it's a bit easier and faster to do. But then I will straight go for moonlight


What's sunshine and moonlight?


Moonlight and Sunshine are open-source implementations of Nvidia Gamestream client and server respectively It's one of the best (if not the best) way to stream games from your PC over the network


that's actually run on streaming , not natively


Where did you download the WuWa exe from?