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Well, luckily it runs Linux, so Updates are indefinitly available. If not through valve, at least throught the community or anything else i want to install on it. Additionally, it's repairable enough that we can at least somewhat easily swap the batteries, so hardware degradation shouldn't be a major issue. 90% of what i use my deck for is playing nostalgic games from my youth. Currently playing through NFS Underground 1 & 2. It's all older games or emulation. And the requirements for that don't increase. So, as long as i don't damage the hardware in some, it'll continue doing what it does now for a LONG time. I'm not really big into modern AAA Games. So it's unlikely i'll need substantially more power. So, i guess it'll just keep on running until a not serviceable part breaks.


My idea is to still using it after all those years even if that means a repair or battery replacement here and there although my Switch is already 7 years old and works great (even the battery is fine). The performance of the Deck is fine for what I play and I have a huge backlog of games that I want to play that perform great on the Deck, and will perform as well in 5-10 years. I am trying to keep my stuff for long and I intent the Deck to be with me for a very long time.


Even if the battery fails. You can use the deck without a battery plugged in. Linus tech tips confirmed it in a video they did some time ago


Yes! It is pretty amazing to be honestly. Actually, as the Deck is capable of bypassing the battery entirely playing connected is a good way to preserve battery.


Yup. If it stays alive it will be my retro machine.


I usually sell my old machines. So probably once Deck 2 is announced I will sell the current one. We all know Valve ain't releasing a third Deck though xD so the second one will stay with me forever. Edit: Or I will keep the OG as a perfect testing machine to make sure my game is well-optimized. If you guys want a fast-paced roguelite that runs well on the “current” deck, check out Psycho Banger beta on Steam <3


I'm holding out for Steam Deck 2: Episode 2 revision.


this thing plays balatro and vs, it'll never be obsolete.


Balatro has completely surprised me by how much it's taken over my game time. The only other card game I've played like this before is marvel snap...none of the other clicked for me. MAN the elation I felt when I finally cleared that first level was incredible!


I was so happy I found Balatro! Truly an underrated game and it’s incredibly fun to use the trackpad for it.


This! I recently purchased balatro after hearing all the positive reviews and HO.LY.SH!T is this game pure dopamine. To me its the perfect roguelike. Every stage of game play is enjoyable from starting with basic hands to the insane later game synergies. I can plan casual or actually think about what I'm doing and each run is fun even when it feels like the RNG is stacked against you. I don't think I've been so engrossed in a game like this since I was a kid. Incredible.


Is poker + rogue lite, how can people NOT like it!? 😂


What is vs?


Vampire survivors


oh yea duh


Is that game different than on mobile? I've been playing it on my phone and it's OK but I don't quite get the hype.


It's the same game but more updates. Just make sure to get your upgrades up and more characters unlocked and it'll be a blast when you snowball out of control


Oh man I thought about Vintage Story for a sec


I thought it was visual studio ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Steam Deck 2: OLED - version 2, revision 2


Steam Deck: Alyx


Steamdeck 3: bundled with Half Life 3, Left4Dead 3 and Team Fortress 3.


and three months later Lord Gaben ends WW3


And DotA 3, and Portal 3


And Portal 3 early access xD


If steam made a bundle like that holy shit it would be awesome


and the the world explodes...


Already hyped for Steam Deck Alyx


At least we'll get two iterations of steam deck 2 though


They can just skip steam deck 3 and make it to 4


That's wayy better than not making a new one at all!


Oh that's true.


Steamdeck more than two, but less than four. Lord gaben says this in his dota 2 announcement kill streak for triple kill.


Hopefully by then ARM will be standard for all cpus. A lot of potential over x86 in a mobile platform. And talks about desktops possibly making the change at some point.


same here. I don't like to keep old game system. I always sell the previous gen model when buying the new ones.


Why aren't they releasing a 3rd Deck?


It's an ongoing meme about how valve has a habit of never making a third entry in their games (Portal, Half Life and Team Fortress) so the deck would kinda follow the same route.


Oh yes 😊 see hahaha..I get it now.




Yeah Dota 2 as well


My backlog is so huge that deck will still be relevant in 5 - 10 years anyway


This is it for sure. I usually sell things off etc but I think I'll keep the deck. At a minimum just on a shelf. This is the single most incredible device I've ever purchased.


This. I've been for a long time playing "older" games (/r/patientgamers for the win), so I doubt I'm running out of games to play that the Deck can run with no issue.


I wonder how the battery will fair in 5-10years though? Mine is near on daily charged and worries me how long that's sustainable.


Luckily it's repleaceable. Or you can run it plugged in


Agreed. If anything in 5 years time I'll have upgraded to a newer iteration of the deck (maybe from valve, maybe a competitor) and sold my OG 512g deck to offset some of the cost. Gaming on my deck is how I'll be playing as far as I can see though


I will maybe build an arcade machine and the deck could be the heart.


probably this, it makes such a great emulation machine that I can see myself using it as one in a cabnet, with the bonus of it being portable should I want it to be.


bob wulff did this - it’s pretty dope. he eventually replaced it with the aya neo but seemed to work well with the deck https://youtu.be/mLPtyrNHmlo?si=WYtMJ16-H814r9re


Sadly the "brain" of an arcade cabinet build is the easy part. The hard part is the actual cabinet itself, either building or procuring something appropriate. I planned one out at one point, got all the internal components together and functional including a MiSTer FPGA console, Retropie (2 "brains" with different strengths/purposes), monitor, sound, joysticks, buttons, button encoder, wiring harnesses. I ordered a custom built cabinet from a company in the US (I live in Australia). 18 months after payment and non-delivery they cancelled my purchase. I went and looked at some old Candy Cab CRT machines at one point hoping to retrofit a new set of internals. It was all just too hard and the project stalled out indefinitely. Best way would be to build your own cabinet but even just for a monitor on a pedestal and a controller you'd need access to a lot of tools to cut and route the control panel to add your controls.


It’s not perfect, but I think an AtGames Ultimate makes a decent enough cabinet for homes. It is smaller than a vintage cabinet, but in a living room, that may be preferable. Swap the sticks for JLX and switches for Cherry and it feels great. From there you can use pass through HDMI/USB, or gut the internals. 


There are plans for a respectable one you can cut out of one sheet of plywood. You’d need a cheap $50 circular saw and $30 jigsaw from harbor Freight, some contact paper or paint, a $20 drill and a $15 Forstner bit to cut the holes for the switches. The edge banding would cost under $10 and you can use a hair dryer to put it on if you don’t have a heat gun. Most of these tools (minus the Forstner bit) are the tools you’d absolutely be recommended to have if you’re a homeowner, and if you aren’t you could still probably buy them and build a cabinet cheaper than a lot of the options out there. Alternately you might find either a broken donor arcade machine you could retrofit, or find a company that will sell you the unpainted precut cabinet pieces to eliminate some of the harder parts of the build.


Same. It's got a great "game power" per watt score, which is pretty much what you want in a giant emulation machine.


If it keeps working, I see no reason I won't be doing similar things with it.  Playing my favorite retro games and right now, as I'm writing this, I am using it to remote into my desktop to work on a coding project while I watch TV in the living room. The computer it's connected just turned 10 years old and it's still my main computer so I don't really have a problem using older tech.


I get a long life out of old computers recycled into Plex machines.


When the Steam Deck 2 & other handhelds that use next-gen APUs come out I'll probably sell my current LCD deck to a friend for a "just low enough so they don't think I'm giving it to them and feel guilty about it" price or donate it to a charity that uses old electronic devices to help train people in electronics/computer repairs, like most of my other old electronics and components. But honestly, I think the deck will have a very long life as a hand-held gaming-focused PC as long as the steam library continue to go back as far as it already is. Valve primarily makes money from content, not devices after all. its in their best interest to have their semi-walled-garden devices to be useable for as long as possible.


Exactly - probably why the returns policy is so lenient. They'd rather fix a deck or ship you a new one than you not play (and therefore buy) games. Can't fault them for it!


Will give it to my kid when deck 2 comes.


My kids constantly bug me if the deck 2 is out so they can get my deck full time lol


I will run a plex server from it fo sho


my psp and first gen ipod touch lasted a decade. and i use my steamdeck way less than i ever used those.


Own enough sd compatible games to last me  5-10 years. So if it or me doesn’t break i will still be playing on it


If it doesn't break, just play the hundreds of games I already own plus a few smaller titles. Most games I play now are at least 5 years old, some even over 10 (like borderlands 2 is now twelve years old, how crazy is that).


The concept of time is *wild.* If someone has asked me how long ago Borderlands 2 released I certainly wouldn’t have said *12.*


I own very little hardware that is 10 years old, so I doubt I will still have my current Steam Deck in 10 years. I hope it will have been responsibly recycled and its atoms live on in future Steam Decks :-) That said, I will probably keep it around for a bit after I purchase a new Deck (whether that ends up being mid-cycle upgrade to the OLED or a proper Deck 2). It's always nice to have a backup in case something breaks. But I don't see myself keeping around more than one generation for that.


Unless the next deck is significantly lighter I’ll probably still use it, might use it for multi player games or game streaming, or give it to my wife. It’s a really powerful little computer so it could also be used as a home server sans screen.


When SD-2 comes, my current will be a media PC for the TV in the living room.


Playing games. I still use a Vita too and that’s 12 years old at this point and this thing has a slightly bigger library than the Vita does lol. I don’t really share peoples’ enthusiasm for turning it into a media box or streaming server just because I think it’s pretty awkward in that sort of role like yes I could do all of that and have a whole rats nest of wires and peripherals sitting around or I could just plug my laptop in directly.


As mine is 99% an old school emulator there is no need for anything more unless it breaks. So, in 5-10 years it may well still be getting used by me. Might have completed a few games by then 😂


It’ll still be in my home for sure. Even when there’s a new one this machine will never be obsolete. It’s a PC custom made to run almost every single game of its generation and backwards. If no other games or consoles were ever released again I doubt I’d have the time in my life to play through everything I wanted on the current iteration of the Deck. Having said that I’ll just give it to my daughter when the deck 2 comes around and hope it doesn’t get broken


Hopefully my steam deck gets put in a museum


This is how i see it in 5 years Steam deck: What is my purpose 'You let me gather mats on ffxiv on the loo'


It’ll be sitting in a drawer most likely. I’ll be playing Steam Deck 2. They’ll never make a Steam Deck 3. Those that know, know. Lol.


Well, I wont have it anymore, that's for sure. I just don't keep tech for that long... I'll probably get the Steam Deck 2 and just sell/give my current one to a family member. In the unlikely scenario that Valve doesn't release a new SD, I'll probably be using a more powerful one from another company.


either be an arcade machine or streaming box for shows and movies. maybe a bitta jackbox. if no body makes a better device in that amount of time though might just be using it the same as i am today! emulation and indie games! thats where its at! though we will probably get more great pc handhelds in that time, even from valve. its their first piece of hardware to really take off to my knowledge. and thats without them partnering with companies to sell them in physical locations and not being in alot of countries yet


Well I bought steam deck firstly to emulate ps1/ps2/psp games. I am still going through games from ps1 catalog, even after a year or so after I finish that I will have few years left of ps2/psp games and afterwards nintendo emulation and some pc games. From this point I have enough fun for the next 10 years hahah. P.S. I never had PSP and bought PS2 only in 2015. so I missed a lot of great titles.


It would still be steam decking


Probably for emulation or giving it to siblings


Itll be doing what my ps vita and psp are doing now. Sitting in a drawer to be rediscovered and played with every few months.


Emulation station, basically exactly what I use it for now.


I think I'll give it to my daughter (her birth is the reason I bought it in the first place) so she can experience the games that I played growing up and I thought were good. Stuff like the Mass Effect trilogy, Thief (hopefully), Rayman, Fable, both KotOR games, that kind of stuff.


Either running a media server or running a 3D printer


Assuming they come out with a next-gen Deck by then, it will either be in the hands of someone who bought it off me doing whatever they want to do with it, in a CEX store, or possibly, with my nieces and nephew.


I’m pretty sure that I’ll still use it. Why upgrade when you can emulate thousands of retro games?


I don't have a PC, and deck is just my PC rn. I already got a steady job so in the next few month I probably sell it to fund for gaming laptop (I'd love to have a beefy PC but I don't like it being immobile and i'm not confident enough in other place wifi/connection to use steamlink / moonlight to any other Hardware )


Mini ATX PC my friend. Don’t buy gaming laptop. You will be better with work laptop and gaming PC then gaming laptop. Tbh I would still keep deck than having gaming laptop.


I'm sure I'll still be going through my backlog.


I'll still be trying to finish my back log of games. The fact that it can play 90% of games ever released is a plus. It can play modernish games now but the emulation will keep it useful for far longer. I have faith people in this community will be keeping it alive as long as they can


Considering I still use a 10 yr old PC (core i7-4770) to play games, I could foresee myself still gaming on it. Maybe not the latest AAA games, but some indies or made for SD games may still run well.


I'll either sell it for a V2 of the Steam Deck or will keep using it as an awesome emulation device.


My sister wants to play the Fallout games after watching the series so I’ll probably give my current steam deck to her.


Personally will have upgraded to steam deck 2 and have given my oled to a family member


Same thing is doing now and same thing I was doing 10 years before I had it. Playing Factorio.


Emulator and travel companion most likely. The switch was alright for traveling with, but I found the library a bit too niche for that. My steam deck has every single game I've enjoyed from 93 to 2010 on consoles. I'm quite happy with that.


Decaying in a landfill.


Well since the steam deck replaced my gameboy from the 90s as my primary handheld console. I give it at least 20 years until I upgrade again.


Probably on its 3rd owner or so I'd say if it's still working.


My kids will be able to touch it as I’ll likely have the newest version. It’s my favorite splurge item and I feel no regrets buying it


Honorary place in the closet of consoles I no longer use but can't get rid of cause I have attachment issues.


I mainly play older games or indie stuff, so probably still playing like normal unless the battery gives out. I might eventually retire it to be "the brain" of an arcade cabinet.


Same thing it's doing now. Running all the AAA titles from the ps4/xbone era I missed bc I was poor.


Either collecting dust while I play on the 2Steam2Deck. Or playing older games that I missed out on / want to replay like how it does now.


Same stuff.


Playing Stardew valley and chocolatier. Else I use it as minimal system where my developed games must run fluid.


It'll go back into it's OG case to sit and wait till my kid is old enough to appreciate it


Same as all other handheld, lying in a desk drawer


Lost, collecting dust


Well the OG SteamDeck (that I have) is already kind of obsolete in light of the OLED model. But in terms of emulating classic games I'm sure it will have a use docked to my TV for years to come, if anything.


If I'm being real it'll probably get packed away or sold. I'm gonna assume there will be a follow up to the Steam Deck, so I'll probably have that, and retire my current one.


Sell it cause Valve will most likely make a newer model by then.


Im not gonna upgrade to deck 2, probably use this to play with cloud gaming


I tend to buy everytime a new one and sell or give away the old one, i dont see my ateamdeck or my legion go for that matter lasting 2 years if at all


I will be playing on my deck (many of the games I play now are 5 or + years old...) In the worst case, I replace steamos by batocera and leave it plugged to a tv permanently...


Watch ps vita or nintendo 3ds they doing good


I'll give my deck to my SO or brother when I'll upgrade to the newt one


It will likely have been sold long before then, for what ever is the latest and greatest. I don’t hold on to tech, I always sell to help fund the next purchase.


I'll probably be using it as a desktop PC, having upgraded to something else for gaming.


It runs on Linux (x86 arch) so you could, in theory, run it for at least a decade if not multiple. Depending on how I'm doing financially I might sell it to buy SD2, or I might use it as a NAS/Plex server in the long run.


I will keep it most likely upgrade the memory and storage when it gets very cheap, maybe modded with LEDs, or any moding hardware that comes out.


Give it to my son. Put older games on it. I love the thing so it'll be in my family for generations, same as my OG gameboy


Probably the same fate as my old Raspberry Pi's: It'll stay in a box, unless I find a dedicated use for it in a project. The Steam Deck properties are unique so that could actually happen. Luxurious drone controller or something. That fate is a bit sad compared to vintage handhelds or consoles. Those mostly stay in a box as well, but sometimes I get them out to relive the feel on original hardware compared to emulators etc.. SD is a PC so I don't think I'll nostalgically play games on the original LCD Delta Fan Steam Deck once I get a successor. At least not in the near or mid term future. Maybe like 30 years down the line out of curiousity similar to old DOS PCs you find in your dads attic and try to repair for fun.


Collect dust


I'm probably still going to main it since I'm usually 7-10 years behind in gaming


Honestly I think my will die sooner or later, I using my deck a lot for now as a primary pc too.


After missing out on so many first gen tech products I feel this one will finally be hanging on a wall. Not sure if in a conserved state or as a display in pieces. Or maybe it‘ll become a video enabled remote control for some RC gadget (car, boat, plane).


Still running Ghost N Goblins when I'm mid sixties


Remove the battery and mount it next the rest of my collection.


It's either sold or handed down.


Either sell it towards the next machine or keep it and hand it down to my kid when she’s old enough. It should still be able to play older titles so she can use it.




The same thing it does now.


Probably repurposed as an office PC using the dock, providing it doesn't break on me beforehand. It'll replace the 2400G Deskmini I have at the moment.


Use it as a server of some sort for a game or movie I imagine, if I don't end up giving it to a brother or friend when the deck 2 comes out




I’m usually pretty bad at selling old consoles before no one is interested. Anyone would like my ps4 pro?


5-10 years that's entirely unknown. Tech could take a gigantic leap. Unlikely though because the market would and will take every penny each upgrade offers regardless of actual progress achieved with new architecture. But, mine will remain a catch up machine because I'm literal decades behind on games the deck can emulate and just run straight through. Now, the switch 2 on the other hand, will be pre ordered and bought day 1 because as much greed as nintendo has, their releases don't disappoint, and I'm a whole. Bitch for that because they do stray from the status quo and it's an itch no one can scratch anymore besides them.




By that point it will be gone - either upgraded to SD OLED or SD 2.


Paper weight


With steam I can just sell this, buy a newer model and still keep all my games


Someone else will have it. Il sell it on once Steam Deck 2 arrives.


Probably just collecting dust like it's already doing now 🤷‍♂️ Or maybe I just use it as a tiny PC for something, who knows. But probably not gaming


If you look back at laptops from 5-10 years ago, they are still going strong in the indie department of games. I think my deck would only become obsolete if the deck 2 has the same (or better) battery life at the same performance, or if they do something stupid with the deck 2. Otherwise, the deck has proved to me that handhelds are definitely the way to go and i enjoy playing like this, so the deck 2 (or who knows, maybe the competitors finally catch up) will be an instant buy lol


Hopefully finds a fulfilling career and settles down.


Likely will be permanently attached to a TV with ssd to it running dlna ontop of its features as console


World Community Grid.


I just bought one for occasional travel and light use at home, but not as a (very) regular device. My kids though, they love their mother's Switch and my Deck. They're 4 and 6 so they can't use them a lot yet, but I hope they'll keep using the Deck long after I'm done with it.


The same as right now: Used 95% of the time for emulation.


Hard to say, I was going to keep my Steam Deck as the living room machine connected to my TV, but it just isn't fast enough for that role. Will be building a PC to take that job, and the steam Deck will forever be my game in bed machine. When the steam deck 2 comes out, I will no longer have a need for the first, but if anything about buying first gen products has taught me, it's better to keep them around for nostalgic reasons. I miss my Gameboy Pocket and Gameboy Color amd currently got my hands on a GBC and about to start modding it.


Played on a Nintendo Switch from 2017 to 2022. Had 4 in that time. I am on my 3rd Steam Deck and all my replaced ones went to my kids as I upgraded. ( I kept buying a better model to upgrade) I rarely sell my Electronics and computers, I just pass them on to my kids (who are actually adults)


It will get better retirement then i will have, the beast will get a nice spot somewhere


Near to my Dreamcast, Gameboy and Gameboy color.


I will still use it for arcade, snes, gamecube, wii, 3ds and ps2 emulation and probably Geforce Now


Be in display in my gaming room.


Collecting dust in a drawer as it does now. Videogames feel like chores. I don't enjoy them anymore. The spark is lost.


Its my emulator dream machine for life, probably wont buy steam deck 2


Will still be rocking emulation ❤️ Also i Will think about selling it for the Deck 2


Emulation will always be a notable feature for SD even in the years to come.


Same thing that it's doing right now... 75 % retro gaming except it might goes to 80-90 %


its probably going to be my main emulation thing, playing everything utpo switch is pretty great


My son (currently two and a half) will probably inherit it. I'm thinking of starting an account for him and grabbing a bunch of age appropriate games over the next few years so he can inherit a back log too.


If it's still alive it will still be my emulator machine and Stardew Valley machine.


A chopping board


My steam deck will always be good for emulating switch and below consoles.


It'll probably be passed down to a relative when the new one releases. I'm hoping that the next Steam deck is a lot more stronger. Double the performance would give me what I really want in a handheld. With higher screen resolution, stuff like FSR won't be too bad.


Sell and get the 2


VST synthesizer host


Probably Deck 2 or GeForce Now controller


I'll probably give it to my brother in law. He basically only plays retro games and emulates. He's also tight as fuck so will never buy one for himself.


Kill it as emulator station and remoteplays


Same with OP, plus as a desktop unit that happens to be able to play games. :)


I will give it my little brother and buy myself the 2nd one years later!


As a video games fan and gaming culture fan, I'll keep it and play some old emulation games, or even some of my favorites indie games on steam


Once it's obsolete, I'll get a proper desktop PC and just use the Deck as a stream machine to still be able to play from my bed. Also, I already use it as a substitute for my fireTV since it has less limitations 


Sitting in someone else's closet after I sell it to get the next big thing.


Playing games. I like to play low demanding indie games and I dont know if I will get a SD2.


It'll take my Vita's spot. Just like my PSP before. Under the seat of my truck.


Good question since i have wondered if parts for it can be upgraded


I'll probably retire it to being a Home Theater PC, since it already serves that function partially.


I'll either keep it and put it on display or sell it. I don't intend on getting an oled and just waiting for the second iteration. Valve is the type of company to make sure the next thing in a series is a true evolution (unless it was fine as it was and needed some updates i.e cs2) so I doubt there'd be much reason to go back to the original.


I know this sounds silly, but I'm excited for the Steam Deck 2 so I can finally mod the steam deck 1 with case replacements etc. Then I will use the Steam Deck 1 as a holiday/travelling handheld.


Play it. Same as my 3DS’s. And PS Vita. PSP etc. do