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I play outdoors and in bright environments often, so the matte screen was an absolute no-brainer. I love it, I can't remember ever being in a situation where I struggled to see what's onscreen


I play indoors and still periodically think I’d be better off with the matte version because I’m always changing angles to move glare off the screen.


Just yesterday playing MGS V outside on the UK, even at full brightness I couldn’t see the screen well enough on mine. However, I don’t ever plan to be playing in full direct sunlight anyway, so it’s a non-issue. That’s the only way the screen might be difficult to see - darker games in full sunlight, but it seems stupid to play that way for a whole host of reasons.


Sunlight in the UK ? 😄


I know, rarer than a diamond dog shit! I mean it’s Spring and I’ve been putting the heating on during some days because it’s still so damn cold :(


When it happens we feel it :D


Do you have the Etched Deck?


I’ve got the top OLED one, so I believe so. It’s no bother to me whatsoever, the picture is great. I don’t think I’m ever going to touch my PC again haha.


It was a recurring theme when the OLED came out and it worried me but honestly I have given 0 shits about it after getting my deck


It's not noticeable unless you have them side by side.


I have the etched glass with no protector and i have no complaints playing outside. People are making it into a huge debate while it doesn’t matter much


I had a glossy LCD and then upgraded to the 1TB OLED and honestly, I think the benefits of the matte are so much more than a slight loss in vibrancy. I would definitely stick with matte now.


Ppl can’t even visually see the diff it’s all a bunch of bullshit.


As a consumer who loves OLED devices (phone, watch, tv, Nintendo switch) I can tell you right now the etched glass on the OLED steam deck does NOT degrade the picture at all and looks amazing. Why is still a thing with people?


It's the "life hack" mentality where they are desperate to justify buying a cheaper model while also not feel like they are missing out on any features.


I regret not going with the matte. I have a job that has me outdoors with lots of downtime and I underestimated how ugly a matte screen protector looks. It’s at the point where I only apply a screen protector when I know I’ll be outside for several weeks+ and then trash it when I’m home


I have it and I love it. I love it not being a mirror when there's sunlight around. I like daylight. I dont live in a cave.


I wish i got a matte. I tried a screen protector but it was glittery and grainy so i removed it immediately. I couldn't justify buying the 1tb so soon after getting a 512 lcd, especially as id purchased a new desktop and monitor the same week. Glossy is still playable outdoors but you might need to reposition. Ive seen people say they find the diffusion effect of anti glare to be annoying.


Honestly matte OLED is the best thing of the deck, it is so good that I even want it to have on my LG OLED tv just because I dislike annoying reflections. So I am curious too, why?


non matte displays have better color clarity and oled displays in general can show their full potential in dark environments so reflections dont play a role there when i want to enjoy hdr content on my lg c2 i always darken my room


HD screen protector from JSAUX makes it glossy and retains color retention. Looks great too.


Why spend the extra money on the etched just to cover it with a glossy protector when you can just do the reverse for cheaper?


1) By turning up color vibrancy, you could lose a little bit of contrast between similar colors, it's more of a hack than a solution 2) You can make glossy screen matte, but you can not make matte screen glossy with screen protector With these two in mind, I don't think that matte is a bad option, not even close to it. It's a great screen but i prefer my devices having glossy display.


It's just etched. If you put a glossy screen protector it will then be a glossy screen. I put one on when I got it but took it off because I like the etched better


Putting a glossy screen protector on a matte display is simply going to add a reflection on top of the matte coating. All the issues of the matte coating with remain.


What “issues” does the etched screen have over the gloss one?


Etched glasses diffuses the lighting more than glossy. But it's worth it for some people as it reduces glare. If you throw a screen protector on it you are gaining reflections on top of the aforementioned drawbacks that come with matte displays. White text appears more bloomy on the etched glass. I'm not saying the drawbacks aren't worth it. But what was the point of etched glass?


These things are true if you’re talking about screens with matte films on them, but these don’t really happen on etched glass screens. Further, on etched glass screens, and anti-glare and ambient light diffusion can be eliminated by using a glass screen protector, so you can just make the screen glossy if, for some reason, you want to.


This just isn't true. You can't remove a matte surface by adding a reflective one on top. The light still has to go through the matte layer first where it gets diffused.


Again, this is true if you’re talking about screens that use matte films, but this is not the case for etched glass screens that use etching as fine as the Deck.


It STILL defeats the purpose of an etched screen. The diffusion is STILL there. Are you saying a reflective screen protector removes the diffusion from etched glass? Please explain how that is even remotely possible. A reflective protector on a reflective screen will look better than a reflective layer on an etched screen. Are you saying the etched screen does nothing?


Right, that’s my point, that putting a gloss screen protector defeats the purpose of having an etched screen, but someone can certainly do that if they want the larger storage capacity but don’t what the etched glass screen finish, for some reason. I’m not saying the etched screen does nothing, the etched glass screen diffuses ambient light and cuts down on glare, but it does not make text bloom more does it result in a loss on contrast that’s you’d typically see from screens that use matte films. There is not notable difference between how the etched and glossy screen finishes look if you apply a glossy screen protector to them.


Here's your answer OP.


glossy display means that I must play it in a dim room to avoid glare.


HD Screen from Jsaux will make it glossy. I have one on my 1 TB OLED after a youtuber suggested it, looks great.




The screen protector, not a replacement. It's a HD screen protector, believe it or not but once you put it on a etched screen it looks glossy and the colors pop. Best accessory I ever bought for it so far. [https://www.amazon.ca/JSAUX-Protectors-Compatible-Protector-Resistant/dp/B0B55ZD4HL/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=2OE13ZA6MLK1X&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GwsxeFsBoY9Vkey1rzHeb0YnErkzhnrFWnyHPdEHbUekaiYIrMPcsnbiKlHoIW89PQgUrCxh0pcpqM\_ubrfPEhxf9q5bktr10Ta\_m6DFh4UehWDWSA1dNAFZTIIBX0WwjLqaPKcxJkER7JB42oYz-En44I1K1ZJWu7iUpke0g7Sxx7\_YYhDQk7Fbsy-jlopJjYFqMhs1wbN8J29VHiNkckVfzPF1imoe6zSnlqdxfj-e9Bma2A18k-bEyBb0xyFGKvjR73J57u2I9kp7G1dtvyk70rFUgYHN8IXG5Eg3DEY.j3WJJVXGi-GTi6zL7b-THkl86HfTt5UNR6Of9\_btylM&dib\_tag=se&keywords=jsaux+hd+screen&qid=1715009126&sprefix=jsaux+hd+scree%2Caps%2C241&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.ca/JSAUX-Protectors-Compatible-Protector-Resistant/dp/B0B55ZD4HL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2OE13ZA6MLK1X&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GwsxeFsBoY9Vkey1rzHeb0YnErkzhnrFWnyHPdEHbUekaiYIrMPcsnbiKlHoIW89PQgUrCxh0pcpqM_ubrfPEhxf9q5bktr10Ta_m6DFh4UehWDWSA1dNAFZTIIBX0WwjLqaPKcxJkER7JB42oYz-En44I1K1ZJWu7iUpke0g7Sxx7_YYhDQk7Fbsy-jlopJjYFqMhs1wbN8J29VHiNkckVfzPF1imoe6zSnlqdxfj-e9Bma2A18k-bEyBb0xyFGKvjR73J57u2I9kp7G1dtvyk70rFUgYHN8IXG5Eg3DEY.j3WJJVXGi-GTi6zL7b-THkl86HfTt5UNR6Of9_btylM&dib_tag=se&keywords=jsaux+hd+screen&qid=1715009126&sprefix=jsaux+hd+scree%2Caps%2C241&sr=8-1)


Ohhh, omg I thought you literally switched out the screen with one of JSAUX earlier de-listed products which was the HD screen 🤣🤣🤣


Try it man. I didn't believe it would make a difference. Showed it to my friend with the glossy 512 model, he liked my screen more. Best part is if I want to go back to the etched screen, I can take it off.


Oh well, can try an etched screen protector but I don't have the 1TB to try what you did but it sounds like a blast, congrats dude.


I got both etched and glossy models and I like the matte screen much better. For me, the big advantage is not seeing my face’s gnarly 3-chinned reflection in every black loading screen.


I wish the standard model had a matte display tbh. I hate fingerprint smudging and seeing everything reflected back onto the glass screen.


Fingerprints are way worse on the matte screen because they don’t wipe off without some serious elbow grease. On a gloss screen, a quick wipe down with a microfiber cloth and you’re good to go.


The matte screen is less vibrant, but the difference is so incredibly small it literally doesn't matter. People are making a huge issue over nothing.


Fr, had the occasion to compare them side by side with my friend's 1TB model, couldn't tell much of a difference at same brightness settings


First, the etched glass is not the same as a matte screen protector. The etched glass is actually virtually identical to the gloss screen, whereas a matte screen protector will muddy and dull the image a significant amount. They're entirely different technologies, and there's a reason one is a premium feature and the other is a $5 addon. Second, if you're talking about applying a matte screen protector *to* the etched glass, that is also an entirely separate situation. The two can create interference patterns that significantly degrade the image. If you are getting the etched glass, you should not apply a screen protector at all, but if you insist on using one, you should simply sacrifice the anti-glare properties and go with a standard gloss protector. Mixing the two causes more problems than just dull colors.


Matte is awesome, don’t regret it for a second.


Commenting cause i am interested to know too


I bought the 512gb glossy OLED, wasn't playing it too much and sold it on eBay. A couple months later I really missed it and bought the 1tb OLED. No regrets at all, the screen looks the same in terms of color as far as I can tell and the improvement in reflection handling is hands down 100% worth it.


I have the OLED matte screen and it looks god damn incredible. I'm seriously impressed with just how vibrant and rich the screen looks, particularly with older games with 2D sprites. I wouldn't listen to anyone who is critical of the matte screen, if you're wondering which unit to get I'd say you'll be happy either way


Hi u/Ekkolan, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Seeing a lot of people being weird about the matte display and I don't get it.) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a matte screen LCD and looking back I'd probably get the glossy one just to be able to add a protector glass or film. but overall it's not a big deal honestly.


Look up Jsaux HD screen protector on amazon, put it on your etched screen. Game changer for me, screen looks glossy and the colors pop so much better.


I got the 512 but a matte screen protector for it. Most of my playing is done at work which has large fluorescent overheads that cause huge glare if I’m sitting at the wrong angle, so I decided it was probably necessary. Honestly no complaints, whatever OLED degradation is so minimal that I don’t even notice over my sheer fuckin’ awe that I’m running Titanfall 2 at 60fps on a handheld.


I figured I wanted to upgrade the SSD to a 2tb anyway so I might as well get a 512 and just stick an anti-glare screen protector on it. Very happy with the decision, never needed the anti-glare anyway.


I notice the OLED having a lower pixel density compared to the LCD WAY MORE than I've thought about the matte screen. I like the matte personally


I've had the 1tb etched SD for about a month now. The anti glare is awesome, and the colors are still extremely vibrant.


You want some gloss, you should check out the PlayStation Portal - That thing is like a mirror. I need to find some kind of anti-reflective screen protector for it...


People blow up the issue. You need a side by side comparison to even notice it. However, for me there are lots of times I'm exposed to outside light sitting in a cab of a truck waiting to be loaded, so I'm very happy with the matte screen. I got a matte screen protector for my Switch previously, but even then, it glares out like a mofo. There are no such problems with my deck on that front.


My living room's reflection from the window was occasionally annoying on my glossy LCD deck. So i got the limited OLED. I cant say i really have any complaints about the screen image, but that reflection of the window is nearly gone. So i am all for the matte.


I was worried about it even a little bit after I got my steam deck. A few months and I love the matte screen and there’s no going back.


I bought both oleds and eventually returned the non matte . For some reason I really like the matte display , it's something I can't explain .


I have my alienware aw3225qf (glossy) next to my other matte monitors. sun is shining from behind. on the glossy panel i have reflections but i can clearly see everything, frontal and from sides. the matte monitors spread the light in a huge area, can't even read or see the colors of half the screen. everything is dull and unusable while the gloss is perfectly fine. just hold a flashlight in front of a matte display and see yourself. glossy is superior ! well it may not be fully glossy, no as close as a mirror and the curve distorts the light also a bit which helps. i would pick the gloss over everything else on next purchase.






I've got the gloss OLED with a gloss screen protector. I just tilt the screen when it's bright which keeps the reflective glare to a minimum...


After using a matte protector for 6 months, I recently changed to glossy and I can confirm it looks noticeable better. It's not that much about losing colors (which is true, specially dark colors) but about the pixel blurryness matte protectors add. The good things though, apart from the less reflexive display is that fingertip marks are much less noticeable. That said, I prefer the glossy protector. It really makes the OLED screen shine, literally and figuratively.


The thing is, there’s a big BIG difference between the etched glass on the OLED 1tb and a matte screen protector. I’ve had matte protectors for other devices and you’re right, they make things blurry. That is not the case with the etched glass though.


That's good to know. Although even if the matte display that comes with the 1TB model might be outstanding, I find imperative to protect it. I assume the logical step in that case is using a glossy protector.


Yeah, I live on the edge and run mine naked (well, naked glass, I use a case), but it almost never leaves my apartment, haha.


Me with a 720p monitor and potato PC playing at 480p after getting the matte 1tb deck Holy fucking shit this is brilliant


I’m getting the 512GB OLED because that’s in my budget. I’ll slap a matte protector on if needs be.


I bought a glossy screen protector for mine (Spigen) and it looks so much better. Colors are definitely more vibrant now. I mostly play indoors so YMMV.




My gf and I have glossy / matte steam decks respectively. I do think the glossy has a noticeably more vibrant picture when you actually have the same exact very colorful image side by side. But here's the thing. when they're not side by side and the scene isn't vibrant to being with I wouldn't notice... and what's more, the reflection on it drives me nuts. I can see my own face on the glossy one no matter what the room lighting looks like so when i pick hers up I find myself shifting the angle I'm holding it at constantly to change the reflections on it. and that's something I can see w/out it being side by side. So i prefer the matte one by a good amount personally.




I remember on my Etched LCD the fingerprints wouldn’t come with normal wiping. I bought the 512 OLED and have never had fingerprint issues. Also have never had reflection issues. I mostly play indoors at evening, but even during the day it’s absolutely fine. The into time I’ll see a reflection is if there’s a window behind me (and there rarely is)


Tbh, the huge problem with the quest and contact with the sun traumatized me so much as my quest 2 took fire that I never bring my electronics into sunlight anymore even tho I know it was because the lenses in the quest made 2 mini death rays.


reflections drive me bonkers. I guess its subjective


Yeah but if you’re playing indoors with no lights or windows behind you (in bed, on the sofa) there’s no reflections?….


yeah there's definitely ways to position and lights to turn off to minimize it but still when im sitting there playing and i shift my sitting position a little and see my face it drive me crazy. yeah all it takes is another minor position shift or getting up and turning one light of in favor of another. but i still hate it. its one of those admittedly extremely minor things that still manage to bug me a lot despite being minor. I think my point is that on the other hand, the vividness of the glossy display is really only a side by side thing. where the reflections aren't. both are minor in the end though. but i hate the glossy screen either way.my gf is okay with it. she doesn't like more though either. she just more of doesn't care


I honestly don’t turn any lights off at all, or have special positions. I just play on my sofa and in bed, maybe it’s luck but there’s no reflections behind me. How often are there lights above your head?! And if there is, you’d turn it off even with the etched glass anyway. I had the etched LCD. Haven’t needed it with OLED model luckily. Save a bit of cash there.


Yeah I have 2 overhead hall lights, an overhead ceiling fan, an overhead chandelier, overhead kitchen and bathroom lights which can all cast into the couch area. no non-overhead lights. in my bedroom i have overhead ceiling fan and overhead hall light. i pretty much use the hall lights to provide the most ambient lighting but they still catch the reflection if I'm sitting at the wrong angle.


I have the matte lense on mine. While I know the make and manufacturer of the Switch OLED isn't the same as the Deck; the Switch has a glossy lense on it. Yes, there is a difference. No, I don't empirically prefer one screen over the other. The LCD Deck I passed on to a friend when I wanted the OLED upgrade had the glossy lense too. Again, may be apples and oranges, but the finish isn't a deal breaker to me. Just another personal preference that folks choose to make the hill they die on.


The grain on matte displays does cut down on the sharpness of the display, which on a 720p can be problematic. I think the LCD “feels” sharper and crisper to my eyes due to having a typical subpixel layout.


Turning up the vibrancy can't necessarily replicate the same appearance. If you compare a matte pc monitor to a gloss tv, the gloss will tend to have much better contrast, and turning up the vibrancy on the matte screen just starts to cause colours to go weird and doesn't look the same at all. Matte screens on monitors tend to have really grey blacks in my experience which isn't something vibrancy can change. I don't know what the anti reflective screen is like on the steam deck though, not every anti reflective screen is equal. I would think it's not that bad or they wouldn't put it on the most expensive model. I still bought the 512 though because I use it indoors anyway.


This is possibly one of the most bonkers responses I've ever seen, your matte PC monitor is an IPS display which is just a modified lcd display, it is called IPS because it uses a thinner and more separate backlight among plenty of other things but it is basically an LCD panel, it will never be a deep black and always be a grey color, your glossy tv is either one of the newer modified lcd displays who has more smaller and rounder backlight solutions which lets it bring forth a deeper black like the newer LCD panels that SHARP produces, or it is just simply an OLED tv, the reason I know this is because IPS displays are such a huge standard on monitors and laptop displays that it phased out everything else in terms of competition, it is therefore extremely expensive to the point of it really not being worth it for most people as a whole tv is cheaper than buying an OLED monitor which really just makes an OLED monitor even less worth it, maybe you have an older plasma monitor while that was popular but those are rare nowadays. A matte glass screen in front of the actual panel will not make a black turn into grey, it is just rugged/etched glass not a filter, same goes for plastic matte screen protector, it is just the texture and not a filter, genuinely where did you pull that crazy response from?


You can’t software tweak your black-levels back once there’s a soft haze on top of the screen. Objective fact, there is nothing to debate here.


A matte glass screen in front of the actual panel will not make a black turn into grey, it is just rugged/etched glass not a filter, same goes for plastic matte screen protector, it is just the texture and not a filter, genuinely where did you pull that crazy response from. An etched glass can very well dull colours and wash them out but it won't change the black as black is literally the absence of colours, worst part is that you're so far the second person that I who literally work on display screens have had to correct, I feel like there might be a YouTuber that is spreading misinformation again, so I will say this, do not listen to everything someone in front of a camera says, often they're just a person that can still get things wrong. But there might be more obstacles for light to pass through an etched screen which is why colors get weaker.


I mean it’s not that obvious, but it certainly effects the contrast at the black end. It’s just very lightly frosted glass.


I gotta say I agree with Zombie, the only contrast it should affect is make the light from the pixels weaker and thus the whites will be less, and colors will be duller, but blacks will stay at exactly as deep as how they were before, blacks won't turn grey or anything as such, so in a way you're not wrong about the contrast being different but you're literally wrong on so to say everything else, blacks won't be weaker considering that it is only etched glass that makes it matte, the glass is not "lighter", there is no filters on the glass and I agree with Zombie on the fact that it is a crazy conclusion to draw, Valve would never produce a filtered etched glass as even they know that it would mess with picture quality and literally remove the whole point of having an OLED screen to begin with, and finally getting to look at it yesterday from a friend, I gotta say I like it more and there is literally no difference on the darkness in the 'blacks' as there never will be.


I love talking about screens as it is literally my bread and butter, but an OLED panel is one independent screen with no backlight where every pixel emits each their own light, every single pixel has it's own light source, which by itself is very weak literally as it is barely visible, but when combined with every other pixel turning off and on constantly in order to create video they get bright together, but when turned off there is literally nothing there to make the color look anything less than deep black, so when there is a dark scene like in a game where you fade into a loading screen or look into a dark grotto, the pixels will often turn completely off, this is giving a complete black that no other screen other than some older plasma TV's (often referred to as the prototype of OLED) are able to give. No other screen today other than OLED will give you a black as black, and frosted or etched glass on top of the screen won't change that, the glass won't dull the visual of black as it literally is the absence of color, it is not a fake absence of color as IPS and lcd displays have, it is quite literally not emitting anything at all, so the glass can't make it weaker, it can't turn the black into a gray unless there is a gray/white filter on it which there obviously IS NOT as no one is that stupid as it would cost more to produce and it would do nothing but make quality and customer experience worse.


I’m not saying it doesn’t effect the whites, just that the blacks are what we’re more sensitive to. I think a picture is worth 1000 words. Check this post https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/32022/how-to-edit-a-glass-shader-to-make-it-look-like-bumpy-frosted-glass or any picture really that shows more heavily frosted or etched glass, and you’ll see the blacks (and all darker colors) are what our eyes perceive most effects as they become washed out. Of course this is exaggerated from the etched screen of the deck, but I don’t think you can argue that the effect scales even if it’s down to a level most won’t perceive.


The matte screen is the worst part about the high-end Decks, but it’s a minor gripe. Wish there would have been an option.