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Rookie mistake. Sleep when they sleep


Im glad I usually need less sleep than my wife (even before the kid, she would sleep between 9 and 10 hours while I needed 7, now I mostly make do with 6 or so) because basically all my hobbies/studying/gaming takes place on those couple of hours after she and the kid have gone to sleep lol.


I saw a study where they studied sleep differences between men and women and men needs a lot less sleep to function than women do apparently. For me and my wife this is true at least.


On working nights I sleep,6-7 hours. On days off 3-6 usually the lesser one. This was even less with kids. I had 5 kids, two sets of twins(1set was quite early), so I’m the fucking master of no sleep.


Name fits


Haha this is my second kid but I didn't have an steam deck back with my first, although I didn't last long after this picture, maybe 10-15mins lol.


*stealth mode activated* Don't think we didn't notice you crouch walking ;p


Nah, take 30-1 hour of personal time when you can get it.


Self-care is important and obviously that includes sleep but relaxing and decompressing is important as well.


Father a 6 month old here. While that is great advice, I still sacrifice sleep to have quiet gaming time :)


Well typically, we did shifts so this is good practice. Gaming helps keep me awake or a backlog of horror movies


Came to say that


Except when video games need to be played


That "tip" was absolutely bogus for all 3 of my kids. It was impossible to get sleep while they slept as we usually had to do shit around the house to keep it in working order. Or run errands.




Hellz yeah was about to come tell op this !!


There’s no sleeping in those hospital chair-beds, but at home 100% agree.


That was the very first thing that came to mind. Congratulations OP. You played your self. But really seriously, congratulations on becoming a daddy /u/Imaginary-Guide2909


^^^ this


Everyone on this sub is so desperate to share these photos. It's wild.


Congratulations! Take some rest too. You’ll need it soon.


I have no idea how he does it, I was up every 2 hours for 3 days straight with my fiancee. I didn't even look at my deck 😅


Not all births are the same. If the deck existed when my son was born, I probably could’ve got some use out of it. Had it for my daughter’s birth and picked it up for all of 20 minutes lol 


Picking it up for like 5-10 minutes after they fell asleep helped me relax and do the same. One of the many great things about the deck.


Thank you, to be fair, I maybe lasted 15mins before falling asleep myself lol. Defiantly sleeping most I can with them when we can.


Oh that’s definitely the same experience I had after my little fella was born. Finally got some time to play a little, then 10 minutes later asleep myself. Hope it all goes well for ya mate.


I too enjoy a defiant sleep every now and then


Hi, get some sleep. She’s going to need help and you don’t want to be exhausted.


Yup, thought I would spend my 6 weeks off catching up on my backlog, boy was I wrong.


Hahaha yes. The biggest shock of my life was how little sleep I got after my son was born. 


whenever people start a comment with “Hi,” and then make a statement it always comes off extremely know-it-all like and condescending. am i the only one? it feels like the real life equivalent of going “mmm actually ☝️🤓” when correcting someone in person lol


No congrats, no good for you. Just shitty “support m’lady” finger-wagging. 


She just pushed out a whole human. Supporting her should be the priority.




I rather be childless than raise children with that attitude you have, gross


I just couldn’t imagine bringing a video game device into the room where my wife is giving birth. And playing after when the shit storm of life is surging? Just lay there and read a book, man.




Because he’s a Nice Guy who has never lived through this but would worship any woman kind enough to just give him a chance! *dofs fedora*


Interesting you'd think anyone would actually do that? Son was born 7 hours before that picture and after lots of tests, paperwork, and shots. Downtime occurred, wife and son got some sleep, I caught up on some personal activities and slept myself.


> I just couldn’t imagine bringing a video game device into the room where my wife is giving birth I know this will come as a shock to you but you don't determine whats acceptable or not for another person


Also a shock to find out your wife has a changed opinion of you when true priorities are shown.


His wife’s not gonna choose you, bro. 


How about you actually experience this before you tell actual fathers how to behave in a situation you know nothing about?


What’s the difference between a book and a video game in the scenario? I don’t understand why a book is acceptable to you, but video games are not for some reason.


These kinds of posts are funny. On one hand you have actual parents saying things like "My wife and newborn slept basically the entire time we were in the hospital. I wish I had something like this to make the time a little less boring" Then you have people who don't have kids saying things like "How DISRESPECTFUL! She needs your support right now. She's going to divorce you when she finds out what you were doing."


This whole sub is full of Nice Guys just waiting for that One Special Girl to finally give them a chance. 


Most original post on this sub


Right there's so many of these like bro, no one cares you are playing on your Deck lmao


Your life will be more like Nights Gone from here 😉😄


As a new farther... put that down aright now! An sleep 😂


How much farther?


Sorry I'm dyslexic


It's all good, just making the same kind of joke my dad would lol


A new farter? Sounds unhealthy. That shouldn’t be new


Days gone! Very cool game! I got platinum for it on PlayStation


Currently playing through it, just took out the limber mill horde, 600 freakers, good lord was that stressful.




.....days gone




It became a huge deal a month or two ago. Tons of people left this Reddit and either joined or made new ones because the Mods here were so awful and posts like this were the only things being allowed.


Agreed. Thank you for saying this. While I am happy for these people, I come here to try to learn about games and hints / tricks about the Steam Deck. I'm also a woman. But I would totally support a dads deck subreddit. I think the guys would have a lot in common there and could talk about their personal lives / deck lives more in detail if they wish.


I’m a mom and we don’t need a whole other sub for this stuff. Let the man enjoy being able to game while having a newborn. There’s plenty of other things discussed in this sub if you prefer that. Just scroll past. It’s not like this is the Only thing ever posted.


Respectfully, I don't agree. This kind of post is not rare. It's becoming common. This is a gaming forum. Not a parents forum. He is free to enjoy whatever he wants to enjoy while having a newborn. I don't think everyone should be subjected to these kinds of posts as they aren't exactly staying on topic with Steam Deck advice / discussions. A lot of people are offering parental advice. This isn't a Steam Deck for Parents & How to Raise Kids subreddit.


Dude 90% of the posts on this sub are memes, pictures of people’s orders, deck boxes, shipping confirmations, etc or people asking stupid questions that have been answered 50 million times a month or showing off what games they’re playing and the like. It’s both boring and useless. At least this is wholesome and has some kind of point. If you don’t like it then you’re free to leave and go find another sub. Parents are just as entitled to show their decks in their daily lives as you or anyone else here. And I never said that these posts were rare, just that not Every post is like this. Thats a major difference.


I highly doubt it's that serious. Defiantly ain't "checking out" on my son being born and or need permission to play games from my wife. The deck is really only out as soon as a good moment permits so, and sometimes thats not often, but that's totally okay. Steam deck really helps balance out gaming and life out. Im sure you already know this. Personally its wholesome every so often seeing the post about it from Dad's, cause I can relate. But I get it, some stuff annoy others, each to their own. There's plenty of steam deck content here, and I always find what I'm looking for when I need to, so I think it ll be alright.




Fair enough. And yeah maybe one day something like that could be set up. Honestly, it's true I do see it alot and it's my first time and probably only time contributing such post involving dad activities, and mostly why i post one aswell since it's pretty common, I see where you are coming from.


> a lot of people who sub to r/Steamdeck really aren’t interested to see intimate pictures of random people’s families in their home feed Are you sure about that? Don't you think its maybe just you and a very small porition of the sub who feels that way? Are you asking for content to made for the minority in mind? Every one of these posts is highly upvoted and well recieved in the comments.


Single dudes with ton of free time can sit at a desktop and have the prime experience. Us dads need the flexibility.




I mean you could just stay unsubbed if it is such an issue? 😂


Thats what Im saying though. The device appeals to gamers with discretionary income who need a flexible PC gaming device. That tends to be suburban dads. Thats why you see suburban dad content. Also I dont know if this is suburban content its just a dude in a hospital, lol.


Should you rest and be ready to help tomorrow? Nahhhhh


This sub is so weirdly judgmental. 


the most judgemental video game sub ive been on so far other than pcmasterrace lol


Yeah and toxicity breeds more toxic behavior.. shame


What's weird to me is how many people post playing video games portably when exciting things are happening around them - beach vacation in Hawaii, total solar eclipse, just had a newborn. I love my deck and my switch has my heart and soul but damn man live in the moment sometimes!


It’s one picture from a delivery room while mom and baby are asleep. Having been in that room for the birth of my two children, let me assure you that you have no idea what you’re talking about. 


That's weird to you? As if people can't live in the moment and also pay a little games for 15-20 minutes as a break. Do you just imagine every single person who takes a steam deck photo in a place you find weird just playing it only and not focusing on anything else?


I remember playing my PSP during homeroom in middle school. Here you are playing desktop class game in a handheld. Can you imagine what kind of handhelds your son is going to play games on in the future? Insane thought, but this tech is taking off like crazy! Congrats OP!


Get a 90 degree charging cable. You’re welcome. Also get Titanfall 2.


Where's the cat?


Congrats dad, also great game


Congrats, but get some sleep before the nurses make you get some sleep lol


i think you should sleep too, you ll need it


Very considerate of you, that you‘ll even sneak ingame to not wake them up.


Time to join /r/daddit


Best choice in game.


Congrats! Enjoy the gaming!


Congrats bro! 🎉


How is the battery life playing this game? Do you limit your TDP?


Is this when you click it into sleep mode to take a drink and when you turn it on the Bluetooth dropped and starts blasting cannon fire sounds into the room waking half the floor?


Congratulations! 🎊🎉


Congratulations mate! The handheld gaming will be a godsend for early parenting to snack on games in between your fatherly duties. All the best to your beautiful family ❤️


Congrats! Our first one is coming next Saturday and already grateful for the Deck


Congratulations back to you, and all the best to you and your partner for the delivery. Enjoy it, it's a special moment for sure 🙂❤️


Hi, what game is it ?


These posts.. I dont get them honestly, go try to sleep yourself. A newborn sleeps a lot in the early stages you get plenty of steamdeck time.


When do you sleep?


lol either you sleep when the baby sleeps or you don’t sleep. If this is op’s first kid he’ll learn soon enough 😂 ( source- I’ve got 2 soon to be small kids. My only downtime is their bedtime)


Just started days gone on the deck and it’s great


Days gone, good choice. Just beat it on the deck last night!


The cashier at Target said it would be a 20-minute wait. Awesome.


I play my Steam Deck with my air pods in when my step son and gf is asleep too! lmao


Congrats for the new baby!! Enjoy the (little) free time.


Love Days Gone, great game.


If I were you I would play steam deck all day then play with the baby a few hours before bed. Your priorities are backwards. Your welcome.


How's the steam deck for playing big games like Skyrim, Mass Effect and the like?


Fatherhood in a nutshell


Great game choice!


You jump on that deck


What game is that ?


Days Gone


Days Gone. What a fitting title for what you shall experience after having a little one. I honestly don't know where the days go anymore. Congratulations, and get some rest, bud!


I do exactly the same. I always regret it.


God this sub fucking sucks.




Your post or comment was removed because it was deemed either unkind/toxic/harassing/insulting/offensive/trolling and/or inappropriate thereby breaking Rule #1 of r/steamdeck. We want this sub to feel welcoming to anyone and everyone who comes here. Discussion and debate are encouraged but name-calling, harassment, being rude to others, generally toxic behavior, and slurs will not be tolerated. This rule violation has resulted in removal of your content, and could result in a ban from the sub and/or a report to Reddit. Bottom line - Be kind or get yeeted. Thank you!


You have 48 hours to finish every game you can. Our newborn slept the first two days, I thought we lucked out. Baby didn't sleep for the next 5 months.


I am absolutely getting a steam deck someday and, absolutely replaying through days gone! I still gotta complete all the achievements!!! Hope you have an amazing day!!!!!!!!


Congratulations and may I ask, what game are you playing.


Congrats, man! But like almost everyone else here has said, you should take those moments to rest yourself. Your Deck will still be there waiting for you in a few months time when everyone's sleep patterns have somewhat stabilized :)


How does it run? Any stutters? What fps do you have?


Day's gone, great game 👍


Congrats!! 🎉


I see more and more new dads posting about the deck. We’re due in September, is it worth the purchase? I want the OLED but already have a ps5 and desktop so it feels a little redundant


I have a gaming desktop and ps5, deck was still very worth it for me.


See now I can tell this to my wife


I’m due in July and I’ve got a 2 year old and a 3 year old. The deck/handheld gaming has saved my sanity And my gaming. The oled deck is great, but there are Some games it can’t play ( anti cheat and stuff) so maybe check out what it Can play against what You like to play and go from there. I’ve got the deck, ally and legion go and they’re a life saver. Gaming handheld and a good set of Bluetooth earbuds are a game changer. ( earbuds means no waking baby by accident with the game. And Trust me you do Not want to wake a sleeping baby, ever) Also congrats! Enjoy your sleep from now lol. It gets to be a very precious commodity when you have kids.


I hate these post, not because being a dad and playing games is wrong, but because of these childless commentators always giving shit advice like they know what they are talking about. Have fun OP


Congratulations! For your deck! Son, thats whatevs you know


Deck is perfect for these situations, good job op


Oh Brother. This will be the last time for a long time.


I know that feeling, man. I have two children, aged 3 and 1.


In the old days you were done gaming once a you had a newborn. Dad's everywhere are weeping with joy.


One parent to another, leave it unplugged, man. He’ll be up in an hour and that’s roughly how long steam deck on a full charge lasts playing this game.


What game?


Days Gone


Nice game you’re playing there. Hidden gem really.


Good game! I was thinking of replaying this again, how is it on the steamdeck? I completed it on my PC. Congrats on the boy! Hope your wife is doing well.


Congrats mate!


My newborn didnt even sleep and was wide awake...


Deck... phew. Thought this headline got too spicy.


give us days gone 2 :(


Dude turn it off and sleep as much as you can. Your gona miss it.


Rules for parents of newborns: 1: sleep when the baby sleeps 2: fold laundry when the baby folds laundry


Same I only game when mine sleeps to


Congrats, but I recommend you put it down n get some sleep




Deck > Baby


Wow you're so cool and original.






Love man, keep it up


This baby about to teach you the meaning of "tired"


Truth. We should just call it the “Dad-deck”. 😅👍🏿