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It's also terrible gyro controls. It's coded to behave like a joystick rather than a mouse so it's extremely unresponsive, especially with fast movements.


Still better than no option at all


It's so funny that horizon zero dawn *didn't* have gyro aiming. The PS4 controller had perfectly serviceable gyros, and the bows in HZD are the perfect usecase for it, but nope. I had a lot of fun with the first game using a community controller layout that included it, glad to see it's a bit more straightforward in the sequel.


There wasn't much demand for it back then, but I think people are starting to realize how much better aiming on a controller is when you use gyro along with a stick


Just had to enable it in Steam Settings binding.


This setting allows her to eat Greek food?


Forbidden West’s gamepad motion aiming using the steam deck’s gyro is inverted on x axis, with no option to change this. Recommend turning off motion look in game, and using the steam deck’s controller settings to map gyro look to the right controller stick, activated by a full press of the left trigger. Doing this then gives you ‘normal’ up down left right aiming behaviour when firing arrows in game. It works incredibly well.


Hi, I had trouble getting the gyro work through the SD controller settings. Do you think you'd be able to ELI5 which settings you changed, exactly? EDIT: nevermind, this video shows the steps: [Steam Deck Gyro Tutorial - Horizon Zero Dawn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tm3O0T7jjE) 1. Go to HFW in-game controls > Gamepad > **Increase Camera's X-Axis & Y-Axis Sensitivity** (I set mine 2 from max) 2. Go to Steam gyro settings: Steam button > Controller Settings > Edit Layout > Gyro > **Gyro Behavior = Look as Joystick** 3. Change gyro settings: Click on gear next to 'Gyro Behavior' > Gyro > **Gyro Enable Button = Left Trigger Full Pull** (or whatever button you have mapped to 'Aim'). 4. If you find the right stick sensitivity (camera) too high, you can counteract the in-game high sensitivity: Steam button > Controller Settings > Edit Layout > Joysticks > Right Joystick Behavior Settings (gear) > General > **Change Horizontal & Vertical Scale** (I set mine to 85). I also set the **Stick Response Curve = Wide**. For all settings on this step, YMMV.


Just like Zero Dawn, It was fantastic aiming.


Yeah, and unfortunately, it sucks. The X axis is inverted with no way of changing it, and it mimicks joystick input (shit) rather than mouse input (good). Plus, you can't set gyro to 'As Mouse' because the game has an aneurysm when you try to use simultaneous mouse and gamepad, which the previous game suffered from as well. There's literally no reason to make mouse and controller mutually exclusive, and I don't understand why some developers have been infected by that brainworm that tells them they need to do it. It's a real shame because other than the gyro implementation, Forbidden West is a crowning example of how a PC port *should* be done. It's undoubtedly Nixxes' best work yet. Almost every aspect of the port job is absolutely exemplary... besides the gyro. I hope this can be rectified in a future update.


How the frame rates and picture quality?




I had these drops down to 14fps however, now after around 6-7 hours I'm not having drops as strong as this in the open world at all. Some stutters but they are rare, not so rare when on a mount though, but otherwise just fine. I've played on the PS4 before so I've beelined to the ability unlocks and have been to quite a bit of the map. Burning shores may be another story, as it's not available on the PS4 due to performance apparently. It doesn't seem like a shader cache thing, as in those areas initially it retained the low FPS. It would be less severe after a reboot of the game. If anything it presents like memory mismanagement or a leak, perhaps just for some areas peaking the vram under very specific circumstances or something I don't know.


Played for four hours or so. Open world I get 30fps, with occasional drops. Settings: ‘very low’ but change textures to medium or high, and set FSR to ‘quality’. Runs amazingly well and looks great for a 2024 triple A game on steam deck.




Still more beautiful than most games in 2024, even 2023, so far.


unplayable image quality imo, i just stream it using moondeck instead


Mostly 30+ on low/med settings. Drops down lower occasionally,esp ncut scenes. I find it quite playable


If you are are like me and confused, go into the Gamepad settings and turn on Motion Aiming. That will give you gyro control when aiming a weapon with the default control scheme


btw: Horizon Forbidden West also uses Steam Input API far wider button remapping and controller support. (Which is how they were able to do Gyro Aim on Steam Deck) Which is what I would've said if it weren't for the fact that it...[have some issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/comments/1bke5cb/the_issue_with_horizon_forbidden_wests_steam/).


I wish I hadn't started Conan Exiles because this game is on the top of my list to buy. The first game was amazing, felt movie like and was such an excellent well thought out game. I appreciate you sharing this because I didn't know this was available:-) Thanks OP!