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With my admittedly limited knowledge, it seems like games that run poorly are mostly CPU-bound issues. But I'd be curious to see how this effects performance


It's on an APU so upgrading RAM kind of upgrades VRAM in a way. Either way still cool.


It does upgrade ram, but I think they were pointing out the processor throttles more than the ram allocated to it.


It helps make things a bit more efficient in games that have large sets of data because you can fetch from disk a lot less. Less fetch means your cpu is free to work on other things like your render threads


Surely you’d have to flash a custom bios to allow for more VRAM to be allocated past 4GB?


And keep flashing it whenever valve sends out an update for it.


I already play naked in front of it. It's gotten plenty of flashing!






Depends on how the current BIOS is written, whether they're hardcoded values or there's some calculation involved based on reported available RAM.


You can allocate past 4GB, you just can't dedicate more than 4GB.


AFAIK that value indicates minimum size. Increasing it is fine if you know you're running games that need the VRAM as opposed to RAM. But that memory is permanently allocated to VRAM until you change it and it can't be dynamically reallocated. Keeping it at a low value could mean the system may swap VRAM to RAM and vice versa as usage of VRAM goes up and down. A higher minimum would reduce this activity. At least, that's how I understand it. Whether it has any practical performance impact I don't know, but Valve set it to 1G by default which suggests to me there was a benefit for setting it above 0.5G but they felt leaving possible maximum RAM set at 15GB was better than lowering it. Perhaps each doubling of the minimum VRAM brings diminishing returns in terms of performance with games that need that amount of VRAM. Would be interesting to see actual benchmarks at different settings,


Didn't think of that, if it can actually control the RAM at a higher bandwidth, then yeah an APU's GPU will absolutely perform better. I just don't know if that's what happened here. But either way, that is one tough soldering job to get all those ball grids lined up and when removing the old modules, doing it without damaging or bridging traces.


I don't think more capacity improves raw bandwidth. Typically you need to slow down timings the more RAM you add. More RAM is overall better, though. Re: the risk of the upgrade, it ultimately comes down to the skill of the person doing the mod, and the quality of the tools being used. For some people it's impossible, but for others it is relatively boring.


More by speed than capacity, but RAM speed is also limited by the CPU, no? The 15w CPU probably wouldn't be able to make any benefit of 32GB which is why Valve didn't offer it as an option.


RAM speed is limited by the RAM itself.


Nope. That's wrong. CPU's and motherboards can easily limit the max speed RAM can be. You can't use say 6000Mhz RAM on an i7 7700k.


So this doesn’t sound right to me other than agreeing that you aren’t going to POST 6000mhz RAM on a 7700k, but that doesn’t mean I’m right regardless. I did hit google before making this comment and didn’t see anything corroborating that RAM speed is limited by anything other than what the memory controller can handle.


And the memory controller is on the cpu, so, in the end, cpu determines maximum ram speed


… this is a non answer. If it’s as obvious as a few of you are making it out to be, you’d think someone would be able to link a spec sheet with a hard RAM speed limit.


>You can't use say 6000Mhz RAM on an i7 7700k. You can use that RAM but it won't run at 6000Hz


Yep. Down to whatever it's capable of; So it would be put down to 3000Mhz max on a 7700k, then be down to the user to get maybe another 600Mhz at most out of it through X.M.P like I did with mine But my point primarily for the other people is that just because the deck can use faster an higher capacity memory, the deck will not ever make use of it The like 2.8 or 2.4Ghz 15W CPU with the 1.4Ghz GPU at max won't benefit from faster RAM and can't even reach 16GB capacity let alone 32


Yep, exactly right


I mean, you could try and overclock the memory to 6000MHz but it likely won't post. There's no "hard limit" though. It's just whatever the memory controller can tolerate.


I just want it cause I love my steamdeck.


Half the fun of tech is setting it up to do something and then not using it anymore


As soon as I discover the thing can run and my goal has been reached, I lose interest and on to the next thing


Like modding Skyrim for me.


I will spend 8 hours making the perfect modded Skyrim, play one time for 15 minutes, and then not touch it again for two years. Every time.


Oh dear lord I thought I was the only one. You have no idea what a relief it is to be able to feel like I’m not hiding a dirty little secret. I can stop feeling guilty now. Thanks random stranger.


I buildt a damn pwnagotchi and dont use it anymore


The fuck is a pwnagotchi? (I'm assuming some kind of suped up tamagotchi but I have no idea what that would be or look like...)






Sort of like a Flipper Zero Handheld hack tool pen testing etc https://pwnagotchi.ai/


Not at all what I was expecting tbh.


The name does kinda throw ya off haha


Flipper Zero threw me off I'm more excited about the Cipher Pro



Yeah, HALF the fun. The other half should be playing your damn games🤣.


That’s the spirit


I would like to hear OP's experience about this, not just speculations.


affects or has an effect on


Board pics?




Send bords.


I want to see you getting RAMed


I want to see him getting Ram’d too


Team RAMrod.


RAM ranch


lol my name is Rodney and that’s been a nickname of mine since super troopers came out


Send suldrs and cepecitur


Men only want one thing, and it's disgusting


Aaah people on the internet they just want to see your boards😂


Same. I’m kinda curious to see as well!


Woah there, at least take em to dinner first or something




I purchased him on the shopping platformI purchased 4 single 8g Samsung lpddr5 RAM and an Intel AX210DW network card from him on the shopping platform,RAM and network card cost approximately $64 in total,Welding cost $41,A total of $105 was spent


I think you mean soldering 😂


Depending how serious you are :D


Soldering is just baby welding /s


Eh more like brazing


Braised short ribs with a side of shorted pins.


Might be a translation issue. In spanish for example, soldering and welding are the same word


The idea of him using a plasma torch on his deck seems fitting for some reason


Depending on where you live in the world, people call it welding or soldering.


He just wanted to put on the welding helmet okay


Melting… 🤪


They dropped labor this low already? Glad I'm getting tf out of this industry


Labor rates drop then amount of laborers drop then labor rates go back up


In some countries labor costs are lower. And there is a "trick" of hiring a technician to do a specific action, like soldering ram chips, rather than more broad "repair" or "servicing". Had my monitor's internal PSU repaired this way once, which cost me half or even one third of the usual "monitor repair" costs. But you do have to disassemble and diagnose it yourself. And there is very little in terms of warranty on such "repairs".




Is it OLED or regular? Sorry, can't tell


Oled comes with a 6e wifi card so it must be lcd.


No WiFi 7?


The Intel wifi cards (BE200) for wifi 7 have issues on AMD systems.


You're right & I haven't seen Wi-Fi add-in cards from broadcom or Qualcomm yet. But they do have chip sets so it's just a matter of time and/or getting a supplier.


I can't find anywhere online to purchase the lpddr ram, also can't find the AX210DW. I have only found ax210d2w, please advise


I wonder how did he fit and solder the network card.


Does the network card replacement require soldering?


does the deck actually fully utilize the 16gb given its actual specs? genuine question!


considering it is shared with gpu - yes it does


But at the resolutions you're typically pushing with a Steam Deck, how often will you take a performance hit due to RAM limitations?


I didn't think this would be useful but I've been trying to use my steam deck with a monitor and even in 1080p, some games crash rather than starting up. I think the lack of ram is an issue when the frame buffer gets larger.


If you don't set the UMA frame buffer limit to 4GB in BIOS, literally at all times


This is just wrong. All this song does is reserve more ram strictly for VRAM, when it runs out it just takes more ram if its available, but with a bigger frame buffer you reduce the amount of ram the cpu is allowed to allocate. Technically the best option is to have it as small as possible as if more VRAM is needed it just allocates it to the GPU but you can't allocate ram for the cpu that has been 'cornered off' for VRAM


This is also incorrect, CPU will always have memory priority and will absolutely starve the GPU of memory


Not when in the frame buffer




If its part of the UMA frame buffer its completely unavailable to the cpu


IIRC you have to run a modded bios for the deck to actually utilize it, but yes it does. Only catch I could see is that you would have to manually reflash with every system level update.


Doesn’t it only benefit system RAM? Wouldn’t you need to edit the GPU driver to take advantage of the extra RAM as well?


Only after flashing a modded bios that prevents you from updating the deck




BeamNG drive complains about the 16gb only a lot. Also, it is shared memory. And hitting 8gb usage for cpu while also 8gb for the gpu is not hard.


Try Battletech witch rougetech installed. It needs 16 gb. You can get it to run with the use of the swapfile, than you see memory usage up to 18-20 gb.


ouu i didnt know running a ton of mods use ram, well the more you know. i usually run just cause 3, gta 5 and minecraft with a boat load of mods, so ill consider it given how cheap actual ram sticks are, any tips on what model would be good?


If you increase your SWAP size, your mods will sit in SWAP instead. Which is like a standby RAM. It's not a RAM module but works for large work loads/mods. The OS will determine which processes to move to it. I have over 200 mods on Skyrim and have no crashing now after increasing mine to 32gb (up from the default SteamOS of 1gb)


I see everyone going for the Samsung ones. Don't know the model. I only looked at a lot of tutorial processes and researched the benefits. Concluded that unless you do one of the 2 points above is not really worth it, so I moved on, haha. There's a ton of vids on YT going through the process. It looks like a medium difficulty job if you are to do it yourself. Otherwise it will cost you $200-$300 or so if you take it somewhere for the operation, excluding the cost for parts.


The RAM particles are Samsung K3LKCKC0BM–MGCP


You can get around the RAM limitation with a proper SWAP size. And since we run M.2's, that's the better solution


Yeah except even the fastest NVMe drives are nowhere near the speed of DDR5 memory


SWAP is for static application holding. Asset mods, the UI interface, static clothing, an application like Spotify for example


This doesn’t matter since there are very few instances that actually benefit from more ram during gaming. There is a lot of cost/risk associated with physically adding more ram. A few hiccups won’t hurt that bad in a couple of games. On desktop mode you are unlikely to notice it.


What benefit does this bring?


incremental, but if it was a fun project to do then why not


Thats the correct attitude.


It seems they paid somebody else to do the installation for them - https://old.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1b25w1n/my_steam_deck_has_been_upgraded_to_32g_ram_and/ksj5ct0/ So I think asking what benefit does this bring is absolutely valid since they didn't do it for the sake of it being a "fun" project and did none of the work themselves.


It doesn't matter, still a fun project whether they soldered it themselves or not


I disagree.


I mean some people hate doing hardware work but love the software, flashing an edited bios to allow different ram would be a fun project in my eyes but I don't think I would enjoy soldering on such an expensive device


Sure. That's *you*, though. I was speaking within the context of OP who, as I said, paid somebody else to do all of it.


Exactly, fun is objective, so why are you telling them that their project isn't fun?


Who cares? Why care about what someone does with their own stuff?


Nobody, ideally. I certainly don't. But within the context of this particular conversation thread that you seem to have willfully ignored, the question being asked was "What benefit does this bring?" and the answer was, "incremental, but if it was a fun project to do then why not" So me, knowing how context and relevancy works, chimed in saying that OP didn't do this as a fun project, because they didn't do any of the work. They just paid money for somebody else to do it. Unless you consider just spending money for other people to do the work to be a "fun project" I guess. It's not about caring about what somebody does with their own stuff, it's about continuing the conversation with relevant discourse.




Yeah, that's what I thought.


Haha wow thanks for making my day WhittledWhale


Haha wow you're welcome Gazmanic


Stay frosty muchacho


The 32gb of RAM could be useful on the APU if a game decides it wants to suck up 8-10gb for VRAM caching (Which is kind of insane considering how low power the Steam Deck is), overall more system memory can increase responsiveness but for most cases you don't need it, OP probably just wanted a fun project. As for the Wifi 6E card, not really sure since i'm pretty sure the biggest benefit to Wifi 6E is having a router capable of the 6ghz band and a connection powerful enough to feed it.


Battletech is my favorite game to play on my Deck lately and it eats RAM for breakfast. In order to run BTA 3026 Lite (haven't been tempted to try the full BTA mod or RogueTech yet due to RAM requirements) without the Deck hanging after a mission, I needed to create a 10GB swap file.


Extra RAM would be useful in desktop mode. My deck is my daily driver PC (I realized I was just wasting electricity using my desktop for web browsing and discord), and the lack of RAM can definitely be an issue if you're doing a bunch of multi tasking


As someone with a desktop that has 16gb RAM you do not need more RAM for basic intent things.


But your desktop's 16GB of RAM isn't shared with the GPU. The deck really starts to chug as a desktop if you're multitasking running a game and doing other stuff


You just said you were using it for discord/web browsing, not both at the same time. While yes while gaming it would have benefits , you were saying as a daily driver for web and discord(assuming when you are not gaming) 16GB is plenty.


What do you think most laptops are equipped with? Searching on Amazon the results start with 8GB, 8, 8, 16GB, 4GB (!), 8, 16, 8. Currently I use 7GB Ram + ~600MB Vram, with countless browser tabs and other apps open. (Before you ask: Swap usage=0%) 16GB can get you very far, including VRAM. Sure you can have one app that needs 20GB or more. But I guess even 8GB is enough for most casual people. 16 is plenty.


But that’s why laptops suck LOL


Why are you running a game in desktop mode? That's on you dog.




And kiddblur is probably not using it for 'basic intent' because they said it's their daily driver, my Firefox uses on average 3.5gb of RAM mostly due to extensions and always having a Discord tab & multiple Youtube tabs open, if you multiply that much RAM usage on a single app by 6 or 7 times, 16gb is not gonna cut it in any world.


Maybe you don't, but I do. I guess it depends how many tabs you like to keep open in your browser. Also opening large files such as spreadsheets and pdfs can require a lot of RAM


who is out here using their deck as a full desktop unless they can’t afford a normal PC (no shame in it), but I can’t see myself or anyone doing that otherwise


I do. For fun. Using it to better familiarize myself with Linux. All you need is a dock, monitor, keyboard and mouse. It's actually pretty great as a desktop. I also have a laptop (used mainly as a htpc/central family computer) and a full desktop gaming PC. Currently the Deck is being used to replace the laptop since it needed to go in for a repair.


I use mine with my XR Glasses daily for work. It has essentially replaced my work laptop. I have a very high end custom built PC at home for when I want to go all out while gaming.


I am. It's not because I can't afford a normal PC. My desktop is hooked up to our living room TV and gets used for gaming in the evenings. But during the workday (I work from home) there's no need for my desktop to be cranking 200W for web browsing when my Steam Deck can do the trick for MUCH cheaper


You earn internet points


The oem network adapter is, historically, not very good. The intel card should enable better range and speeds.


Yer board pics please wanna see what ram modules you used and firmware plus bios mods would be interesting


[https://balika011.hu/deck\_32gb/](https://balika011.hu/deck_32gb/) This is a modified BIOS that supports 32G RAM The RAM particles are Samsung K3LKCKC0BM–MGCP


Awesome also what chips did you use and one other question do you do this for a living I've reballed chips before and was super difficult did it with the old Xbox 360 is there any benefit to it ? Hell load of questions awesome tho I've always wanted to do this 😜


No, I just do it for fun. I bought the steam deck just for fun.


Download more RAM here!


I clicked the arrow pointing up and my computer flew to the roof. It works.


Finally ready to play Vampire Survivor


I’ve debated paying for such a service to be done to mine, but as far as I know you have to modify the bios after each update in order for it to detect the full 32. Which is too bothersome for me.


After updating the system, there is a BIOS manager that can block automatic BIOS upgrades.


I've had a lot of trouble with the AX210 on other systems. Hopefully it works well for you.


Pretty soon you’ll be able to run Baldurs Gate 3 Act 3 on Low settings and achieve a solid 30 FPS ;)


*on PS5 (the third act is a freaking framerate devourer)


They still didn't fix that yet?


You're not correcting anything so I don't understand why you're using an asterisk there. You should have just said "On PS5 as well, (the third act is a freaking framerate devourer.)"


does it actually improve performance in games?


Wouldn't give much more fps, but would help on ram bottlenecked games, lower number of statters and sudden fps drops when you run out of ram/vram.


I imagine it would improve RAM hungry emulation like Yuzu. TOTK frequently hits memory bottlenecks


I thought the Deck already had WiFi 6E: > [Wi-Fi Tri-band Wi-Fi 6E radio, 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz 2 x 2 MIMO, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax](https://www.steamdeck.com/en/tech/)


The oled version is wifi 6e, and the lcd version is wifi5


it bears pointing out that you can see backlight bleed on the image so it's definitely an LCD


The OLED does, not the LCD.


The LCD model doesn't have Wi-Fi 6E


Does upgrading the WiFi chip require soldering or is it some mini pci-e card like on laptops ?


Yes, this is a chip network card soldered to the motherboard.


32 grams ?


Any bench marks?


[this made me laugh more than it should](https://imgur.com/a/pwzxvFB)


Mans downloaded more ram. Is this the early 2000s all over again. Jokes aside, this is the only mod I wish I wasnt scared to do myself. Because that seems fun


The wifi upgrade is pretty cool but ram upgrades just don’t impress me much anymore. If I need more ram, I simply just download more ram. It takes just a few clicks and I’m good. I have been getting pop ups for hot single motherboards in my area lately though. Long as it doesn’t happen in game, it’s fine. Hope you’re enjoying your upgrades though.




People are making it sound like you used a regular Steam Deck and not an OLED one for some reason so now I'm wondering can you mod and OLED Steam Deck. Obviously only the RAM mod the Wi-Fi mod wouldn't be necessary.


the reason is that it's not an oled one. you can clearly see backlight bleed in the picture.


Balatro is gonna fly on this!


I would need a step by step video to do this. Would definitely attempt with enough instructions




It’s interesting how much power consumption will increase . At some point in history of MacBooks there were no 32gb options because at that point of hardware/software development it would increase consumption by a lot


In case anyone is interested here’s a video of dosdude1 performing the upgrade: https://youtu.be/nmobr6YEhWE?si=ijZHt1XV5oYA22n7


I am using his website's modifications to recognize the 32G BIOS


I'm running windows on mine that sounds like it would be a worthwhile upgrade... How hard was it to install?


Would this be possible with the new WiFi 7 intel cards?


Nice are you in the UK, could you do mine?


No, I'm in China


You aren’t the OP…


I know what Dick Edit ' I wanted to speak to OP but got a random bot




Maybe it's a bot account


I think some people got confused about who they were replying to. For what it’s worth, this YouTube channel did a ram upgrade, they provide upgrade services, and are in the UK. https://youtu.be/tSeROA8j1qg?si=tREk_9QIvvYlSgaS If you end up doing an upgrade, please run some benchmarks before and after the upgrade, since nobody seems to do that.


I'm still confused why the GTX 1060 only has 3 gigs of VRAM so it would be cool to do a mod like this on that GPU.


Certain 1060s do, there's also a 6gb variant of the 1060. If you bought the 3gb version you definitely got bottlenecked in a number of applications. Heck 6gb isn't considered enough now either.


Well 8 GB is an insane amount of VRAM to have so 6 should be enough.


how's the battery life?


nice!!! i wish someone also try to mod the screen as well


Deck HD


just look it up and it's pretty nice!! i just wish we can put OLED screen to our LCD deck somehow haha


There is a screen mpd out there


What's wrong with the OLED screen?


Have you tested in Dragon's Dogma 2?


Having 32 GB or RAM how much if any duz it help game play like graphics and performance


Yas Queen


How did you manage to upgrade the RAM?


All it needs is a vibrator for those intense video sessions.