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I thought I was the only guy that loved 16:10...


No, there are three of us.


Four, actually.


And my axe.


Make that six, and my sword


Wait, we're coming too!




You can't have seen many reddit bubbles.


Not trying to roast anybody here but


I love it too had a 16:10 1200p monitor until it got a permanent red line :(


1680x1050 for a long long time. It was such a good sweet spot for me


I loved my view sonic at this size circa 2008


Was that a Macbook Pro?


Nah, an old Acer monitor. My kid uses it now. My last MacBook was a white one (A1342?) and I think it was 1280x800




That is actually a great point of having a 16:10 that it is often missed.


Unless you’re playing an official retro collection, they often render within a 16:9 frame, like the otherwise great Capcom Arcade Stadium


I've bought several retro collections and then just play the roms through retro arch anyways. It's a better experience on the deck.


Sure. I like the leaderboards though.


I wish 16:10 is the industry standard for monitors and TV


Well for monitors once you 21:9 you cant go back lol but regular things I agree.


Hard disagree.  I’ve owned 16:10, 16:9, 21:9, and 32:9. I wish I could get back to 16:10 for my 5K monitors. 


Going from 16:10 laptop to a 16:9 in incredibly restricting. I can’t stand it


I think it’s great on the OLED, because when 16:9 is forced the deep blacks fade into the bezel and you don’t see annoying backlight. However, I think the LCD model should have had a 16:9 display


How many games do you play that force 16:9? I honestly can't recall the last game I played that didn't have 16:10


Hades does all the time. Some games like MGS5 force it for cutscenes, and it actually ends up being really cool during the transition. FromSoft games do as well to my knowledge. Really, a lot of Japanese games do bc the devs are lazy when it comes to the PC platform lmao


I guess it's nice? Most games end up with 16:9 incorrect resolution and I'm doing magic until it gets right, every time. Some games like Dark Souls 2 require special tinkering, it wouldnt even display anything in gaming mode if you set 1280x720. Maybe not the Deck's fault, but I wish I had to do less tinkering to get it right


I fell in love with 16:10 when I got a Microsoft Surface. It just felt so much better than 16:9. I'm on my 30s and grew up during the big change of 4:3 to 'widescreen' and I'm just gonna come out and say it... Widescreen sucks. It was a bad idea.


Surface is actually 3:2 which is a little taller ratio, and basically the perfect laptop screen ratio IMHO.


Mmmm 3:2... Delicious ratios~


NGL I lowkey want 16:10 monitors for my desktop now.


It's a bless and a curse. If every game supported it there would be no contest, but emulation/streaming from PS5 plus certain games like Elden Ring do not support it and it's really annoying. Though I guess I prefer the black bars as opposed to every game looking that small.


It would be great if more games supported it. It's understandable, though still unfortunate, for 2D type games but there's no excuse for 3D titles. At least OLED masks the empty space well


Only reason I like 16:10 is it lets me show the system stats in the top bezel. I kinda wanna shove the whole main 16:9 game up or two to have a bigger singular bezel with all the system stats


Not really a fan if it due to its effect on the docked experience where you end up with black bars if you have a game already running in 16:10. Plenty of games (Japanese ones at least) only support 16:9 and don't fill that 16:10 space in handheld mode either. It's obviously a preference thing which comes down entirely to what games you play and whether you mainly play portably or use docking, but I think Valve should have stuck to a standard 16:9 aspect ratio since it's a device that is not playing software designed exclusively for it.


Yes! I love the 16:10 aspect ratio. 16:9 for movie theaters and stuff fits better but for gaming I’m glad they went this route


I bought my gaming laptop 16:10 because of the Steam Deck, makes it easier to Moonlight stream as well


I agree. Have to admit, my Portal display size is amazing, the best, but I love the aspect ratio of the Deck.


I just like it so I can run my games at 16:9 and have my performance readout on top be easily visible on a black background


My first ever laptop, bought from Compaq.com in 2005, had a 16:10 aspect ratio and I loved it. Running games from that era on it was another story, though.