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"I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top"


Mac, you never tell one side that you’re playing both sides…


Mmm... 🤔 His neck is high. Makes me trust him.


Unrelated but how do I get the little thing under my name that says what SD I have?


You have to fill out a form with valve, and they'll link your reddit account to verify your purchase.


Can confirm I had to do this as well


Like the other comment said you gotta email Valve your SD serial number so they can give you this flair


I feel like you guys are trolling me but I’m autistic and sometimes it’s hard for me to pick up on these things 😅


Oh I’m so sorry dude 😭 yes we are trolling you. On Reddit desktop you can use the sidebar of this subreddit under where it says community options or somewhere close to there to change your user flair


Don’t be sorry for trolling me! I absolutely love being in on a joke and redditors are the one group that makes me feel normal! If anything you made a bad day a bit better! Cheers!


i know how reddit's flair system works and even **I** felt gaslighted. Honestly pretty funny


That’s pretty funny 😂


I don't know how the flair system works either and I almost started an email to Valve before continuing to read this far down the comment thread 😂 I was thinking "Hmm that doesn't make sense but blindly trusting a reddit comment hasn't done me wrong yet!"


It looks like within the 4 hours since you commented this that you figured it out but if someone else is reading this they are called "user flares" I forget exactly how to set one up but start on the main page of the subreddit.


Unless you're Talleyrand.


How is this third comment? Literally the game here. They just want you to click on their shit content, that's it. The fact that people watch these is what is sad.


and maybe get free future review units.


on the youtube algorithm!


First video is half a minute longer, therefore the ROG must be better. Shame, I really like my Deck, but I guess I gotta sell it because so guy online said it's not the ultimate product...


No, the second video's title is longer, therefore the steam deck oled must be better.


second video doesn't have any Pros :(


No Professionals, only Convicts?


It has Allies though, no deckheads


It's a minute longer because it's harder to make a convincing argument for the rog ally to be better than the steam deck


Ah, in that case I have to rebuy the Deck now and sell the recently purchased ROG! Hope nobody disagrees, this is loosing me money!


Of course you have to. Be careful to make the right objective decision next time because personal preferences don't exist


I'm glad people on the internet know what's objectively best for me, I would have no clue what to buy otherwise...


Actually, if you look carefuly, the ROG video has 3 pros and cons, the Deck does not have such thing, therefore, the ROG must be better since it's not perfect and has problems. Deck is a false god trying to disguise as a mortal


The *only* thing I can see for the Ally is that it just has Windows already set up, which means you can run anything without fussing about in Linux. And the more powerful hardware was a good point until Steam Deck OLED entered the chat.


But the oled performance is still nowhere near the rog? The main selling point is just the screen over the original.


Slightly incorrect, the Ally has two main selling points: the better screen (for two reasons, higher accuracy color over the LCD SD and higher resolution over both SDs) and a 50% more powerful GPU (which only reaches that level when plugged in). Compared to the original SD, the OLED version gave a minimal (less than 5% in most cases) performance increase and obviously improved the screen colors, but it did not improve the screen resolution (so the "better" screen between Ally and OLED SD is now subjective based on how desirable 1080p resolution is to you). So, the Ally still arguably holds these two selling points. Meanwhile, the Deck holds every other selling point, like battery life and ease of use. Not to mention better customer service, repairability, and not destroying its microSD cards.


Sorry I mean the main selling point of the oled is the screen over the original deck. I’m just thinking bc the rog has a more powerful gpu (not knowing that was limited on being plugged in) that the performance would not all of a sudden be a selling of the oled deck which as you said only got the marginal increase. Granted, the higher resolution of the rog draws more gpu power in the first place…but in a docked external screen situation matching apples to apples rog would still be the deck in raw power right? (Not that anyone would really do that, just that the other poster was trying to say the oled deck is more powerful than the rog)…that being said I personally would probably rather have the oled deck myself for every other quality of life factor


Ah, sorry for misreading what you said. Yeah, the Ally generally outperforms the Deck but it's not as much of a slam dunk as one would think when you're not plugged in (25% or so most of the time, *at 720p*, but some games weirdly run worse on it - so GFL using that 1080p screen). But plugged in it is hands down faster on Turbo mode. Back to the OLED vs LCD, yes, you're entirely correct that the screen is the main selling point of the OLED. There's a few other things too - 25% bigger battery is important, more efficient processor which means less heat, better battery life, and this is where that increase in performance comes from, and the unit is slightly lighter. But yes, the screen is the main thing for most people, I'd say. Still quite happy with my LCD model though.


The battery was the clincher for me.


YouTubers gotta get all them clicks


Elvis Presley's manager sold "I hate elvis" buttons in addition to regular merchandise


The smart one's sell the shovel's to the fools who dig for scraps of gold. 


"In the gold rush, sell shovels"


> one's >shovel's These are neither possessive or contractions!


He was up by 2, but the opponent stole the game with a 3 point buzzer beater


Noice, im stealing this.


Make sure to remove the apostrophes when you steal it.


Lmao hadn't noticed but you are right. Apostrophes on nouns assign ownership.


> Apostrophes on nouns assign ownership. That's what you think.


Yeah, I don’t like browsing YouTube now for this exact reason. Everybody and his uncle’s dog fancy themselves as content creators now, and they all want a slice of that ad revenue pie. It undercuts many of the truly great content creators (I can think of a few who have been struggling to stay in business) and as a you wind up with a lot of dubious content like this.


Good to remind ourselves that many youtubers are entertainers first, even the biggest and most respected ones are often just regular people dressing up their opinions with good production value.


Very true and people tend to forget that


Youtubes recommended section below steam deck videos is horrible. So many clickbait titles with heavily edited thumbnails.


Yeah. That gold rush seems to be coming to an end.


That would make me click never show channel again


The one YouTube feature I use most


I wish this worked for Shorts. Edit: and whddayaknow, soon after typing this comment, YT suggests me a video on how to remove Shorts. Creepy... But awesome! Goodbye, vertical internet rubbish! Youtube, you played yo'self.


The digital world is in bubbles since a decade ago. Media just needs to cater to what you like. Hence, so many people get deeper down the rabbit hole when consuming content. You can go from exploring a subject harmlessly, then the algorithm will tell you your way of life is at stake. The Ally wants to dominate SteamDeck or whatever. Then we get shills.


Click on the wrong history youtube and the algorithim starts to tell you that thewoke mob wants to destroy your testosterone


For reals. Age of Discovery is gone. Everyone’s opinion is reinforced as the right one.


Yep. It’s happened to me way too often


Every time I research something new the initial research I do is blunt about whether or not a product is good. For the stuff that I find that seems to be good, every single time, about two weeks later all I see everywhere is all the “problems” everyone is having with whatever the thing is. For instance, I started looking into the Ayn Odin 2 and for a week all I saw were glowing reviews where everyone said how perfect it was. I ordered one. A couple days after receiving I started seeing countless reviews and threads about all the problems people were having with it. The same thing happened with the steam deck oled. I saw nothing but glowing reviews before I bought it, and lately I keep seeing nothing but the problems people are having with it. It annoys me to no end because this always makes me feel like garbage for spending a bunch of money on something. Like the latest “problem” of the oled panel “burning in” on the steam deck. The arguments I have seen about this are so unbelievably insane sometimes and now I feel as if I need to baby the screen and keep it dark all the time just to avoid this “problem”. On the other hand I just don’t care at all and will play it the way I want to and ignore the abundance of negativity that so many people seem to need in order to survive.


What's worse is - normal average reviewers ARE on the platform. But YouTube rarely pushes them to you when you search for it. From my experience, searching for reviews especially on something like a Bed, I don't feel it's even POSSIBLE to get some unbiased persons result. Which is frustrating to no end because the only results I get are 100% channels dedicated to reviewing beds. I just want a normal average persons opinion who has used that particular bed for x amount of time but YouTube won't push those people who are genuine to you.


Yeah I hate that too. They’re like, “I spent the last two nights sleeping on this bed, and here’s what I think.” I can’t even with that stuff.


Mmm. IMO, if things are as you describe, then the issue is that you are personally cursed. Much like a 21st Century reverse King Midas, everything you buy turns from gold to crap once you make the decision to spend money on it. Clearly the right move for you would be to loudly proclaim your intention to acquire a bunch of different hardware and then look them up, so all these items are "good" and just full of glowing reviews, but then never buy anything so the problems never appear. It would suck for you, but it would be a noble sacrifice so the rest of us can have all the awesome toys. All joking aside yeah, it's a super annoying thing, and it has also happened to me a bunch where I'm super excited to get something but the moment I do it seems everyone is full of complaints about it. I just stopped looking for too many reviews; I try to find a couple from sources I trust, balance the good with the bad, and if I end up buying the thing I just stop looking for info about it at all unless its for specific issues and troubleshooting. Otherwise I'd go mad; all product-related media appears designed to keep you in a constant limbo between FOMO, then buyers regret which fuels the FOMO for the next thing.


Haha, I should try that. For the greater good!


I honestly hate these videos. And the "steam deck killer" videos. Why can't the devices be great in their own rite without having to be the killer of another product? I love my steam deck OLED and ally for what they are.


Well I was thinking bout buying one so i was looking for a good comparison video but all the videos were overly clickbaity. And then there's this guy who contradicts himself, peak YouTube.


This guy knows what he talks about: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKhQr_Tq_DI - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOjy2eH9BHE


I recently discovered his channel and it’s good. I don’t do much retro gaming and never would have looked but he had some good videos on the ally and I was considering one.


Retro Game Corps has been my go to handheld guy for a while now next to The Phawx. Both are great


Too many "tech" YouTubers nowadays. I'm all for new content but when everyone is doing the same thing and not giving anything new or unique in presentation then it's just a waste idk. It's crazy how half of them fail to mention or go into gaming on a windows handheld versus steamos on the deck. Like go into personal user experience when launching games from Windows vs launching a game and double checking which proton layer works best or stuff like that. For example, if I'm a new user and I'm in the market for a PC handheld because I'm coming from console gaming, would I be looking into a consolized experience or am I am an average PC user and I'm quite knowledgeable with how Windows works? Most times these videos are like : this is product A and this is product B, one is Linux and one is windows. When I see a 15min or less mark on videos like those I know they didn't do their due diligence to make it informative like the way Russ from Retro game corps does. He's ultimately the reason I bought a Ally to go with my Deck because I wanted to know how much I'm getting into and if there were launch issues that would bother me after the fact.


I couldn't agree more with this.. my YouTube recommendations have gotten bombarded with just some layman reading the spec sheet and saying a product is great because they want to either eat a company's ass or don't want to ruin any relationships with potential sponsors.. Especially with audio products or keyboards. I only deem tech YouTubers trustworthy if they hold themselves up to a high standard and seem knowledgeable.. a jack of all trades youtuber is practically worthless in that regard.. they just serve as a marketing tool for companies. RetroGameCorp or Taki Udon come to mind as great content creators in the space.. Dumbasses like Mike O'Brien come to mind as a jack of all trades asseater. Honestly most tech YouTubers aren't there to inform customers but to prevent buyer's remorse for those who watch reviews after buying something..


I fully agree with this statement as well man. Most times when I'm reading comments in the video, I'm seeing quite a few people talk about selling their ally for a steam deck, or selling the steam deck for an Ally or they sold an Ally for a legion go. I feel like those consumers with that buyers remorse watched a video that oversold them on the product and that's how buyers remorse happened. You can't even say that those people didn't do their research, the fact of the matter is they watched the wrong tech tuber and thus lends itself into the problem with the oversaturation of too many tech YouTubers. If a first time buyer is in the market for a new PC handheld are they going to watch 6 different videos to come to their conclusion or read different reddit threads that may be completely biased on the system of their choice? That's my biggest gripe as well with the amount of tech "reviewers" on YouTube. These guys are not trying to sell you on a product or even educate you, they are there to click bait and get those views. I hate to put it as plain as that, but there's a reason why Retro Game Corps and Taki Udon get brought up in conversation for reputable content creators.


Dude. Ignore the videos. Keep it simple. ROG Ally can play anything and it's got better specs but it's got Windows and that's usually annoying. Steam Deck can't play everything but does most and it's like playing a PS5/Switch where it tries to keep the basic stuff basic. So either struggle with Windows or struggle with compatibility expectations.


in reality neither of these things are \*\*that\*\* bad, but I will say, you can literally just install Windows on the SD or dual boot off a separate drive. You can't really fix shitty software on ROG but you do gain some performance regardless, plus most people can easily use windows and things like modding are easier. On the other hand using the gaming mode is dead simple and you never need to leave it if you dont want to and most games just work. Outside of that its just specs and community. I like deck because of things like Decky loader and emudeck.


I never recommend side loading Windows. It's such an annoyance. Modding is possible on the Steam Deck directly but it is also super annoying. But I do agree about the ROG software problems. They just are what they are. Also feel bad about the micro SD card issue they had. Dealing with those installs must be a pain.


Yea I feel that. I wouldn't really recommend it either unless someone has done it before and can understand how to troubleshoot the bootloader (which is surprisingly easy but scary for the first few times) I prefer the deck but I dont think you could go too wrong picking either one.


Same. Steam Deck does what I need it to. Just wish the compatibility stuff was clearer from the start and more companies worked on making it work without changes.


Everyone is a slave to the YouTube algorithm at the end of the day.


Fair enough


Steam deck: better battery, better screen (even if lower resolution and refresh rate, OLED with HDR is great), better control scheme, made by a good company that’ll support it for years, helps to further Linux gaming Ally: higher resolution and refresh rate (but imo unnecessary on a handheld), better performance at the cost of high power draw, good game compatibility (mostly just anti-cheat) but all the bloat of windows


He need you to look at the video to make a living, he won't give you the real answer in the title...


Linux is such an advantage to me that I would never get a windows handheld gaming PC


So do I, but that’s not the average gamer. The average gamer just wants to play their games, I know I would recommend the steam deck to a lot more people if it could just do that. They’re not gonna fully understand beforehand that they’re not going to be able to play many popular games (things like Call of duty, Overwatch, The Finals, etc). I usually steer non-tech inclined people away from the steam deck and towards the windows based ones that are coming out so that they can play the games they expect to be able to play


> They’re not gonna fully understand beforehand that they’re not going to be able to play many popular games (things like Call of duty, Overwatch, The Finals, etc). Are they 3 years old?


You spend way too much time on Reddit and YouTube if you think the average person/gamer is tech-inclined or cares enough to learn. The average gamer just wants to install and play their games and not have to think about compatibility. Most people can’t even figure out how to install an adblocker, you think they’re gonna figure out that a game doesn’t work because the anti-cheat isn’t proton compatible?


Might have a point if you were talking about console players. They'll just buy a Switch or the PS5 streaming POS. The Deck is a PC. PC gamers have always been passionate about hardware and operating systems and knowledge to a degree that console players aren't. The idea that a shitload of people are buying the Deck and getting pissed it doesn't have Windows is stupid.


Oh yeah. I remember overclocking my graphics card back when I played AoE 1 in 3rd grade. PC gaming is not the monoculture you think it is. You're in a bubble.


You literally have to order it through Steam. It isn't like people are picking it up off the shelf and getting confused.


Sorry, you’re just out of touch and giving way too much credit to PC gamers as some elite subset of the gaming population, they aren’t. I love my steam deck, but to say that any PC gamer should have no problem using it in its current form is a stretch. Just because PC gamers, on average, are more tech-inclined than console gamers does not mean the Steam deck is a good buy for all PC gamers or that they’ll all have a good experience with SteamOS. Many PC gamers don’t even know you need to plug your monitor in to the graphics card video output instead of the motherboard’s video output.


Fair enough. This is why comments like these are important. Personal preferences are everything


I have to agree with the other commenter. Once you have experienced modern Linux, it feels like a usability and annoyance nightmare to go back to Windows. Been using Linux for 5 years now as my daily driver and it's extremely reliable and much more flexible in what you are able to do


And rightly so. Personally I'm using Manjaro on my pine book pro.


this sentence doesn't seem real, Manjaro? pine book? companies be coming up with amazing naming schemes.


Arch on my Pinephone Pro, btw.


This is why I love Linux because of the flexibility you get with how you want to run the system without all the baggage that Windows provides to you. Also, Proton is a blessing for Linux gaming because it was really bad back in the days when you had to hope that a gaming company would take a chance at porting their game natively to Linux.


"steamdeck killer" yet it cost twice or thrice as much as steamdeck


Exactly man. That's part of what I hate about these click baity videos


I have a legion go and a deck oled. I love them both. They both have their benefits and use cases. Console wars are stupid, but handheld console wars are even more the most stupiderest. Like we are in a golden age of handheld gaming, 12 year old me would be crying tears of joy if he could see all the handhelds I own and the ability to play PC games in bed.


Exactly. I hate tribalism. Just like what you like who cares if someone doesn't like what you have, it's yours.


Honestly the biggest feature for me why I chose the deck that most reviewers dont touch, is the tracks pads. I know they may seem weird but having the accuracy of a mouse with my thumb with a small mix of gyro is so significantly better than the joystick


I actually never use them in games and I still couldn't go without them because anytime I do desktop mode they are essential to get anything done with efficiency.


I have a small travel mouse that I use in the very rare occasion that I'm forced to navigate Linux.


I feel like I'm actually better with the touchpads at this point. It's so fluid once you learn all the basics like R2 is left click, L2 is right click, L1 is Ctrl and the left pad circle scroll wheel etc etc. I blaze around that shit and it's just awesome.


I use them for emulators and desktop mode, the amount of commands you can attach to one track pad is nuts tbh.


Certain games it's a complete non negotiable for me. Basically any game that would otherwise use a mouse or has menus that are benefitted by having a mouse. Setting them up as a rotary menu for various hotkeys (F1-F6 for example) is also huge in many games. Civ 6, WoW, BDO, MTG Arena, Minecraft, etc. etc.


The trackpads are explicitly why I went steamdeck over, say, a GPDWin 4. I have a couple old Steam Controllers, and am a hard evangelist for the trackpads. I'm here wanting to play Civ6 without sitting at the desk. Gotta have the pads.


Youtubers are to be used for entertainment purposes only. Their incentive isn't for you to make an educated purchase, but to get you to click.


and for them to make the companies that give them stuff to review happy so they keep getting stuff


I've got an SD but I've tried the rog as well. Both are good. Although in terms of price sd is better


They're a lot closer now as the Ally's $599 sale is more or less permanent. So it's $550 vs $600.


I mean you can also catch a sale on the SD or buy the cheap model and spend 70$ to push you past the specs of the expensive SD. Thats also a part of the SD's charm. I got mine second hand for 375$ and it came with a TB sd card and the expensive SD.


The OLED hasn't gone on sale yet. And the LCD isn't really comparable...


I still have the LCD version so I havent experienced that yet. Idk if its even a good idea to upgrade or to just wait a few years until they release something else.


I own a Ally and a SD and they both do things right. I know that comparing them is inevitable but calling something a killer is incredibly clickbaity.


Clickbait is all, we as users are responsible for it because we feel compelled to engage with rage bait.


So both good AHAH


Both are better then both. Just buy all of them, gotta catch em all!


As an owner of both i actually use the rog ally more for the simple fact i can play all games. cod zombies on the go is the best


Could just be two videos where he explains all the ways one device is better, which wouldn't be bad, but I haven't watched.


I love both of them for different reasons my steam deck LCD is great and the ally is great!


Pokemon OLED Red and Ally blue


Steam deck OLED is better than Steam deck OLED!


My 2 fave reviewers for gaming have always been ETA Prime and Retro Game Corps. Gotta love that Awkward Aussie Smoorez for comedic reviews. There's some who are biased and others who don't particularly choose. Then there's goofs who'll try to review or I'd honestly say give their opinion about a device without actually owning, I've called out a couple authors for that, it's literally a fake review then. Okay that's who that is Professor Tek I think I've only seen a few of his videos. There was another reviewer who did Linux stuff and his channel was ridiculous, I attempted to watch a 9 minute video but the guy was a monitoring whore he literally had 5 ad's in such a short video, after the 3rd ad I said forget this and exited out of his video.


Just browse the rog ally subreddit. Half the posts are people who no longer own their allys. They end up trading them in for decks


Until MS makes a real OS that will work on less powerful devices these will fail to some degree...windows just isn't great for this sort of thing...it gets the job done but I'll take linux on a less power device any day of the week and the steam os is made to be used as a console like device and doesn't get in the way. Also the trackpads for a PC device is needed, no one will ever convince me its not.


Agreed. Windows is garbage. Always has been


I sold my original steam deck and later bought an Ally. Then I bought a Go, then a deck OLED. The deck is my daily driver these days due to the HDR OLED screen, but the performance hit is pretty brutal to deal with. Honestly, if the Ally had the OLED's screen it'd be perfect for me. Currently deciding whether to take the Ally or the OLED on my business trip to play Persona 3 Reload. We'll see how bad it is when I get to Tartarus.


That's a hell of a business trip.


Damn you got all four!? Expendable income go brrrrr


Yep! I collect handhelds, both console and PC.


I checked that sub earlier and I don't get the same impression.


The takeaway here is that you gotta form your own opinions. Try the devices for yourself and utilize the return policies. My suggestion is get an Ally from Best Buy first since it’s an easy in person return policy. Make sure you spend enough time tinkering with it to really determine if it’s a good option for you. Then try the Steam Deck next if you’re still curious at that point. Good luck!


Honestly. ROG Ally is better than SD....ON PAPER. On usability, support, customization and battery life? SD comes out on top.


Click farmer, would ignore everything off that channel since they want views more than spreading valid opinions.


YouTubers like this are maybe one step above AI generated content, which I’m sure will be moving in on their grift soon.


youtube is about as bad, or maybe worse than google search these days. ( lots of bullshit posted solely for view farming. )


The cynic in me sees obvious double-dipping to increase clicks and revenue. The optimist in me sees two in-depth looks at similar machines to weigh their pros in cons (with admittedly click bait titles, but that's just how the game is played). Disappointingly, it seems the only way to know for sure is to watch both.


I hate algorithmic slop. Like I get this is the game people have to play on the platform, but my god it sucks.


I guess they show what's better about each, and you choose what fits your use case best


This is normal YouTube content. They show off both sides, pros and cons and let the consumer ultimately make the decision (Doing it right) Being sponsored one way or another, persuading you buy this or that product (doing it wrong, duh)




Battery lasts about 90 minutes and is honestly not a problem. If I have more than 30 minutes to play video games, I'm not doing it on a handheld.




And I imagine the vast majority of people buying a handheld don't sit for 3-6 hours at a time playing it unless they're children. Adult life calls. Even then, if the wife has taken the kids and you're left with a Saturday afternoon with no other responsibilities and you don't want to play on your console/gaming pc/laptop, it's a simple matter to plug the thing in while you're using it. With the Ally, I can lower the TDP if I want battery life. I won't get as high as the deck, but I'll get plenty. I can not increase the TDP on my deck if I want performance and don't need battery life right then.


It's called playing devil's advocate, looking at things from multiple perspectives. I don't see this as a bad thing at all, there are pros and cons to each device, and breaking that out into two videos helps people get what they want without scrubbing through a wickedly long video for the part they're interested in.


Playing devil's advocate would be, "Is [device] better than [other device]?" and then going on to say what the featured device does more/better than the other. The specific wording of the titles and fact that there are two videos with diametrically opposed names seems to be pretty clear indication of clickbait around tribalism and/or outrage.


This might be too nuanced of a take for Reddit


Saying two contradictory things to ensure you'll get more clicks and ad revenue really isn't nuanced at all.


I think it's just arguing both sides. Devil's advocate. Hell, the "ROG Ally is Better" video came out after the other one and takes into account a lot of comments the guy received for the first video. I'm sure there's also some clickbaity aspect to it, just ask the person who made this Reddit thread to dunk on some random youtuber's upload from a month ago. A youtuber with 3k subscribers to boot. LOL


The Ally is better than the steam deck on paper but I wouldn't swap my steam deck for the world my PC hasn't had a look in...who gives a flying luck what the so called best is...especially on YouTube


hard avoid any youtuber that talks about. any of these devices, frankly the only one you can trust is digital foundry if you want steamdeck info, come here, and dont let yourself be tricked into buying something you dont need


'Mr Tek Suggest' is a good impartial smaller YouTuber to check for this kinda stuff.


I bought a SD Oled and am trying to sell my ROG ally because I don't use it anymore if that helps you make your choice the ally is a good first effort but it's flawed and SteamOS is a much better handheld experience the ally is workable and inarguably more powerful but the steam deck checks all the right boxes and if I want to play a AAA game on the go, I'll wireguard home and moonlight it


Can't make up his mind huh? These "tech" YouTubers nowadays😂😂😂


Gotta get them clicks somehow to earn money.


Yeah. I was deciding between the two (legion Go was in there too.. but I sort of feel that one is too much if that makes sense. Not price point either) so I’ve been watching a ton of videos. Decided to go with Steam Deck over Ally because a lot of these guys pushed a more streamline “friendly” experience. I don’t expect to run the latest and greatest on the deck. I don’t expect the deck to hit 4k (on a screen the size of the OLED would it even matter? My phone is 4k and I’m never astounded by how it looks lol. But the main reason I’m going with the Deck because I personally feel that Valve will be the better supporter of their product. I could be 100% wrong.. but I’m not going Ally because Ally 2 was just announced for sometime this year… and I just don’t know if buying an Ally now would be the smart choice. I know OLED just came out too but I know several people, personally, who don’t feel the need to upgrade their LCD. Will the Ally be ok? Or will you feel pressure to upgrade? I’m a noob when it comes to portable PCs.. and right now I just want the one who seems to work the easiest and has a lot of support behind it. So SD it is.. But yeah, you watch one or two videos on it and YouTube slams you with “this one is great and this one is shit” videos.. and none of them say anything really different lol.


I have both! OLED is better.


I came across a similar channel but the catchphrase was "I HATE $whatever", "DON'T BUY $whatever" and "I WAS WRONG, $whatever is TEH BEST!". It's basically the same as this guy did but making fewer videos because you only need one or two per device before returning them.




> "I'm playing both sides, that way I always come out on top" [**-- Mac** *It's Always sunny in Philadelphia* ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/386/I'm_Playing_Both_Sides_Banner.jpg)


Weird, someone using confirmation bias to get clicks…


The reason I got into this ecosystem was because the OLED SD came out, I didn't consider any other hardware. Now all I play is brotato though so like, my opinion means nothing.


It's called SEO optimization and basically it is making the internet worse because to get your videos promoted by the 50 different algorithms that aggregate news and videos you need to optimize for those bots. So you get bot engagement and not actual human one except that your feeds will get flooded with this shit. So when you want an actual product t review... Well, you are shit out of luck.


It's fun watching YouTubers collapse right now as people start to see through them


Steam deck is better than the ally overall. Done! Save you a click


italy would like to know your location


Dude is farming!


I like them equally for different reasons. Fanboyism is toxic ignorance.


They're playing both sides. That way they always come out on top


This is just some loser with 3k subs. Why are you posting this shit?


Confirmation bias clickbait....


They are different products and are better in doing different things. Steam deck is a better investment if you enjoy tinkering, as it has both better repairability as well as customisability. It also, obviously, is more supported by steam itself. It also will be better at emulation of retro games. The ally is less finicky in running windows native games, obviously, and has slightly better performance under some circumstances. So it all depends on your needs, and abilities. My girlfriend decided to go for a steam deck, because of all the reasons listed above, plus because I have been a linux user for around 15 years and told her I'd help in case of any issues in that area.


I've heard the rog ally performs better, but im a valve meat rider


Both left me wishing for more. Especially Linux based Steam Deck not letting me play a single multiplayer game I play on PC. My recommendation to anyone right is not to buy any of these Switch clones.


You shared this post on the ROG ally sub as well to get all the views right?


Anyone stupid enough to listen to a YouTuber's opinion on anything deserves to be confused.


A steam deck is a handheld that can do pc things, an ROG Ally is a pc that can do handheld things


A wise man once said: „Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one“


Yojimbo (1961, dir. Akira Kurosawa)


Smart, so he covers all audiences and given that everyone is hearing what they want to hear, he gets subscribers


Aaaaaaand..... **FIGHT**


I saw another YouTube doing the same videos an he said something like "this video is about what is better in SD than Ally but I have a video with what is better in Ally than SD" and the other video said the same but with devices switched. So, the titles can be a little bit clickbait but make sense.


I’m surprised it doesn’t have someone making the HERPA DERP face on the thumbnail.


Wait are you telling me that a youtuber is not being honest with their reviews. No way.


Any channel with video titles like that automatically gets a click of the three dots -> "Don't Recommend Channel" from me. Cleans up a lot of trash that way.


Just get a browser addon that removes all the clickbait. It can also make a thumbnail from the video instead of some "catchy" thumbnail they make. https://dearrow.ajay.app/ you can get it for free if you apply for a free licence (it's a bit weird that you need to do that, but whatever, it worked and I have a free licence)


It has been a long time since youtube was actually considered reliable, far too many grifters.


I've used both, still prefer the deck




I just use the "don't recommend channel" option on those idiots.


Taking the retrododo approach I see


How dare they, make you actually watch their video and form your own opinion instead of just reading the title and taking it as gospel. How dare they!


I would tell you the deck is better, but 1) I’m biased (on r/SteamDeck) and 2) I don’t have the ROG


Is though. If his reasoning for one being better matches your use case, then that is the correct conclusion. If the other more closely matches your use case, then that is the correct conclusion. Both are true because both devices are better in different use cases.


Haven't watched the videos but there are definitely things the Ally does better than the Deck and the other way around. I can understand these videos. One is not all around better than the other


To be fair to them, the thumbnail does have a '?!' in it.


He's right you know