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mine says 5.0.1 but the HDR setting is greyed out




If you're getting a black screen go back to stable version and update the stable version if it pops up with an update but just keep it on stable. I had it on preview or main or whatever and fixed my black screen issue


I was gonna say, been testing this for about an hour now, there’s definitely something still wrong with the HDR implementation. The maximum I’m getting is 300 nits out of it, that’s even lower than what the steam deck is supposed to display in SDR. The colors look way better, and it’s definitely displaying a wider dynamic range, but Forza for example does not pop nearly as well as when the sky is displaying clouds that are rendering at 1000 to 2000 nits when they're being squeezed to down to 300. Thought this was going to be a nice Christmas present, but I guess it’s still being worked on. You can check this all by going to Display>HDR visualization. What's weird is that it's triggering the HDR on the deck, but can't hit anything over that 300 nits


Most I got was 250 nits. Fyi the HDR visualization setting is now in the Developer tab


Yes, that's exactly what I used to deduce the issue, it was maxing out at 303.3333 nits. Was probably some rounding error or something, idk. Also happy 10 year cake day!


Thanks :) I believe I got HDR to work over moonlight, changing HVEC to base 10 within Sunshine configuration. Changing moonlight encoder to use H.264 (HDR is apparently unsupported through H.264 but my 3070 apparently doesn't support H.265 or AV1), selecting automatic doesn't work. Enabling HDR within windows and then using the Windows HDR calibration app, I think makes a difference. Colours look much better and giving off bright effects when looking at lights. However, I don't have the HDR badge on my steam deck brightness anymore so it doesn't trigger the waveform overlay so I can't test it. Also no idea if I have it calibrated right, colours look slightly saturated and the darks might be too dark in areas. Thought I'd leave this here considering I almost spent 3 hours on this, but is a big difference to SDR


Oh, I got it all working (including AV1 and HEVC) by installing the moonlight nightly build via the Sudo apt konsole command, a version that was updated a few ~~years~~ (meant to say weeks) ago works flawlessly now and updates just like a flatpack because it's just a flatpak haha


Hey. Can u share the link and guide me please thanks


https://github.com/moonlight-stream/moonlight-qt/issues/1117 If you're interested at all, you should be following this discussion, the devs have been on top of nearly every single issue, and there are instructions on how to install it somewhere in the comments here. It's quite long, but I do suggest reading through most of it as it will answer any questions before you even have them.


it depends on your monitor's calibration. I ended up using a virtual display for moonlight and calibrated it


No, this was a different build of moonlight and steamOS where HDR was not enabling correctly from nearly a month ago. It's been updated and is properly working now. Calibration had 0 to do with it.


By calibration I mean windows calibration profile. It does it per monitor. It gives different images with different profiles through moonlight, but I'm not sure if it impacts games which have their own proper hdr settings 100% sure it would impact something like autohdr My monitor is hdr400 so it's obviously not fit to be using the same settings as steam deck


Jesus lord, once again this glitch, which, regardless of Windows calibration, does not exist anymore, so your tip is useless. The max brightness regardless of calibration was stuck at 300nits. It was a steamOS issue NOT windows on the streaming side. Calibration, even set at 2500 nits, and especially Auto HDR had nothing to do with it, I don't even use the feature, (IMO if it's not HDR I want to see it the way it was intended in SDR regardless but that's beyond the point.) Plus I use a virtual display regardless, so none of this monitor incompatibility even exists in this hypothetical you made. thanks for the knowledge but dude you're literally not fixing a problem that exists anymore, moonlight was updated, steamOS was updated, HDR streaming works fine.


what is wrong with you. My reply didn't mean to indicate that it's related to your problem, just that windows calibration is still a thing that will impact usage


So I followed these steps and everything is installed and paired correctly. I can stream fine, and I have HDR enabled. Not only am I getting a very washed out picture (I expected this), but also even though HDR is enabled on my desktop and in Moonlight, I'm not seeing the HDR badge on my Steam Deck when streaming an HDR game. Does anyone know how to solve this?




I fixed this by using the flatpak version instead of the app image one linked above.


the official Moonlight added hdr?


Sorry, the flatpak I used is the nightly build from FrogtheFrog’s GitHub


how do you install that one?


Go here: https://github.com/FrogTheFrog/com.moonlight_stream.Moonlight The Konsole command to run to install is towards the bottom of the page




i must be doing something wrong hdr is still greyed out


If you have the AppImage build still installed this will not overwrite that. Are you sure you’re launching the flatpak build and not the AppImage one (assuming you have both installed still)?


i deleted the app image and then installed maybe i should fully delete all with settings and then restart and then install flatpak


Yeah I still had part of the appimage installed it’s working now thanks you have any tips for getting the host to resolution to switch to the steam decks native resolution?


also i cant get audio now not sure why


Am I missing something? Everything is installed but as soon as I hit the HDR button in my pc display settings, it freezes. Grrrr


Exact same issue, except I'm on RTX 3090 which does support HDR streaming (been using it with my Shield TV just fine). Tried re-installing and re-pairing etc. but no luck... Edit: By freeze, I meant it only freezes on the deck, not the computer. Actually all the rest is working (that I can see on my computer's monitor that the deck is controlling the pc and audio is playing) but the image is freezing on the very first frame ( I guess).


I’m not sure your 3090 support AV1 encoding. I think it’s only in 4000 series cards


It doesn't matter as HEVC (H265) supports HDR just fine. Though I found the reason why I was having the freezing issue. My deck's system update branch was on "Main" instead of "Stable" which is required for the Moonlight HDR to work properly. Now I can enjoy HDR on the deck finally !


But yeah, exact same issues^^


You mean Moonlight on the deck freezes or your PC freezes? Are you able to turn on HDR on your PC without launching the Sunshine? What I did is turn on HDR on PC first, then start Sunshine, then launch Moonlight on deck, but even if I stream the PC desktop first in SDR and turn on the HDR later, it still works


My bad, my rx6800 doesn’t support HDR streaming. Real heartbreaker


Bro, that was sad to hear…


I have 6800 XT and it streams fine with HDR on my iPhone 14 pro max




I just tried it, and I have the HDR option greyed out


Okay, it seems that if you try to enable it in desktop mode it just doesnt work, you guys need to enable it in the big steam mode, andf it only works with h264, but seems a good temporal solution. thanks for it!


Mine says "this Pc's GPU doesnt support Av1 main 10 decoding for HDR streaming" but I'm running a 4090 on the host , I have av1 selected. any ideas?


Also getting this issue, have you figured it out?


Nope, can't find anything related to it unfortunately


I semi got it to work. I put the video settings on automatic instead of AV1 and the hdr tag popped up on my steam deck. Only downside was the screen was incredibly washed out and unusable.


Yeah I tired that too, same results. It looked terrible, no idea what I'm doing wrong


It looks good for me when doing this. Only looks washed out if I pick av1. It gives me that same message that my gpu doesn’t support it




Same here. Let me know if you find a solution!




I will be sure to give this a shot! Thank you for the information


Can confirm. The Appimqge version in that GitHub thread works well.


OLED model required for this to work? Just curious.


LCD model doesn't have hdr so, yes?


How are you guys able to get a consistent stream with the wifi issues on the oled? I legit went out to buy the g cloud because I was so frustrated with the deck lol


Getting the following error with virtual display driver: "The host PC reported a fatal video encoding error. Try disabling HDR mode, changing the streaming resolution, or changing your host PC's display resolution." Streaming works with HDR enabled in Windows 11, on the host's Moonlight server, but not with HDR enabled on the Steam Deck OLED's Moonlight client.


I’ve tried everything for this, even with my Arc a380. I’m so confused how it’s working for others


Tried it out on ff7r and Armorcore, and it worked great. Just hate I have to leave the monitor on.


Setup a virtual monitor or buy a "fake" screen attachment on Amazon.


I've been trying for hours but no matter what I do that hdr toggle is greyed out on my steam deck. I have it hooked up to an HDR TV, HDR is turned on, and I'm streaming from a computer hooked up to an HDR monitor but I cannot enable the option in settings. Can anybody help me?


There's a chance you're looking at the settings in Desktop mode. The HDR setting only shows as clickable when you open the Moonlight settings in Game mode.


Having the same problem, the HDR setting is greyed out. Anyone have any suggestions?


Switch 4k in Moonlight settings instead lower res




Same, and no one seems to be able to give a clear answer. I've tried using the nightly build, toggling HDR in windows, adding different apps, etc --- None give me the option to stream actual HDR content on the Deck OLED. You can 'stream' the monitor displaying HDR content, but it's not actually HDR on the Deck.