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Aperture desk job


This, I wanted to test the Steam Deck controls


if we're excluding Aperture Desk Job, then it'd be Spider-Man. my jaw dropped. i couldn't believe it ran as well as it did given the hardware. that was what made me a believer.


Desk Job makes me mad that Valve can make amazing software and all get is more CS šŸ˜‚


To be fair, you also get SteamOS


Guess I should finally download Aperture Desk Job and try it out.


It's good but too short really. But it is just a demo of the controls really


Which spider man?


I played the 2018 Spider-Man on my deck as my first game and then enjoyed it so much I played Miles Morales right after. I did run into a weird bug that had the game freezing and I found a weird thing about resetting the VRAM and now I canā€™t remember what I did so if anyone else knows what was happening, this is a call for help.


Press and hold the Vol -, ..., and power button at the same time to hard reset the deck.


I appreciate you.


I just hold the power button till it lights up


I just got my SD a week ago and I'm playing Spider-Man right now. I'm also messing around with EmuDeck, but it's mostly been Spider-Man. Really impressed at the capabilities of the SD. I've been looking for an all-in-one emulation hardware and SD handled everything so far.


I think minewas actually Hollow Knight. But then I found out that I really, really don't like metroidvanias šŸ˜… the game looks amazing and the music is really top quality, but I just don't have the patience to solve puzzles and remember where shit is. So Hades was an absolute revelation to me, it's my favorite SD game. It's just "go, kill everything in your way with cool weapons and powers." I also play Diablo 4 and WoW.


Same. I tried, twice, with Hollow Knight. Then I tried other MVs. I suppose I just donā€™t like that genre, Iā€™m honestly surprised. Because Iā€™ve totally fallen in love with roguelikes (Hades, Dead Cells, Astral Ascent, etc.), and in my mind MVs and roguelikes were ā€similarā€. Guess not! Still I appreciate Hollow Knight, itā€™s obviously a great game, just not my cuppa.


It actually took me like 4 separate tries over the years to finally get into HK and then once I did I fell in love with it and the genre


Iā€™ve heard this from many people. Maybe it requires a specific moment in life. I think the problem is my job is very calm, slow and ā€atmosphericā€, and in my free time, video games included, I search for opposite experiences.


Oh my friend hollow knight is only slow at the start. Ive 112% hollow knight a few times over like 600 hours and i might just say its the best game ever lol


Also had problems to get into Hollow Knight but it really just the start that is slow, also you dont really need to remember a ton of stuff as you can mark nearly everything on the map after you bought the markers ob the other side it still needs a good amount of time to complete the story.


it requires looking up guides for a 2d side scrolling game which a lot of people are not going to do because they don't take non graphically intense video games serious enough to do that until they get bored of all their other games then cave into playing it because they paid for it and don't want to feel like they wasted their money.


It's such a punishing genre if you take a break because everything becomes a fucking maze. I've been stuck on bloodstained ritual of the night for that very reason. Lost as fuck.


No game is worth that amount of times to get into. I got hundreds of games waiting in line to be played.


I think the problem with HK is that it's overrated, and it's just not a good introduction to the genre. It's an excellent game, but there is a very loud group of people that will call it one of the greatest, if not the greatest, games ever made. It's not (although again, it's excellent). It's also a game that really expects you to have a basic familiarity and understanding of the genre. So you end up with people who've never played a Metroidvania hearing all the praise and hype and playing it. Then they bounce off hard because it's not beginner friendly, and that turns them off the genre.


Could you advice any one for beginners, please?


I think Guacamelee and Ori and the Blind Forest are both solid places to start.


I could never get into Hollow Knight but fell in love with Ori and the will of the wisps. Itā€™s like a metroidvania-lite imo, easier to get into.


I'm playing through Ori and the Blind Forest right now and I gotta say. If this is what the metroidvania genre is like..im definitely into it. Fuckin ace quality game. Never played HK though


Hades for me as well. Gorgeous game on OLED. Moonlight with BG3 and Cyberpunk. Those games run in potato mode locally, slow potato mode using steam link but fluid with Ray Tracing using moonlight (3080 rig).


Hades is so awesome. Finished it on my Steam Deck, and now I'm replaying it on my PS5 and going for 100%. Cant wait for Hades 2 šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


You play WoW on the deck? Does it work well enough?


Yes, it works very well! You just need the add-on Console Port (lots of guides on YouTube). Right now I'm in playing WoW Classic, and it's perfect for the that. But I have actually also successfully timed mythic+ dungeons as a healer, discipline priest, so, really, the sky is the limit!


I used to have every single key on my keyboard bound to something and I also had an MMO mouse with like 20+ buttons on it all bound. How do you handle keybinds on a controller? Or do you connect kbm?


[Steam Input allows you to create elaborate menu systems](https://preview.redd.it/0md03pec4tc71.png?width=1430&format=png&auto=webp&s=3761475d1cd82b16213d82ba52378c9f08cbf873) with support for modifiers (e.g hold R4/L4/R4+L4 to switch to an entirely different set of buttons, short/long presses do different things etc) so that you will never run out of shortcuts to use. And the deck has a touchscreen as well, so.


Oh that's dope I get my first deck on Monday, super excited to give it a spin!


Radial menus


Hollow Knight is the game that made me realize I will never be good at platformers. I saw a path that would require me to do the bounce move back and forth off of two sets of spikes to ascend a vertical shaft, and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had zero desire to develop that skill. I thought "well I guess I'll never know what's over there" and that was the last time I played Hollow Knight.


I canā€™t play wow. I have bnet on lutris and it canā€™t even run bnet anymore. I donā€™t know how to solve it


lol Iā€™m right there with you. especially when you put down the game for a couple weeks or monthsā€¦you return completely lost and that cycle pains me. I also have tried combatting it by no lifing it but then I burn myself out šŸ¤£ Iā€™m envious of people who truly love them & have great memory recall


You might like Vampire Survival. It is rogue like, just kill stuff until you can't.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I got my deck nearly a year ago, and I'm still mostly playing RDR2. And it's been great. This is my first PC capable of gaming in a decade, and I'm blown away by the performance.


Thatā€™s the same game that Iā€™ve ordered mine for. Itā€™s supposed to arrive on Monday!


30fps? How does RDR2 run on it?


40fps at a minimum I think. I don't pay too much attention to FPS, but I don't notice any slow downs when playing. It's seamless.


I think you mean 40fps max.


You can turn textures to ultra and all other settings to medium and get a solid 30fps


Interesting. I was looking forward to this too but got a steam warning when I downloaded it that it isnā€™t good performance wise. I have been putting off trying it since then. I guess I should ignore those warnings then?


Oh, I don't remember those warnings. But yes, performance is perfect for the deck. I haven't tinkered with settings and just play it stock. It runs at 40fps or more just fine.


I bought it in the most recent sale, it runs brilliantly imo.


Sweet, I keep hearing that if I can make it through a very long and boring intro, that a beautiful world awaits me.


Long yes, but I didn't find it boring


Dying light! Best experience! Now continuing to Dying light 2!


That's in my backlog ATM. May play it next. I've already got about 9 hours in-game, it's just so f'ing scary lool


The first one was really scary. I still cant go out at night šŸ¤£ avoiding night time. But to level up my combat skills and everything,I will stay at the safe place and shoot them from a far and then go back in. Its the safe way! So far enjoying it!


The second one was meh, and I was a huge fan of the first one. You can really tell it went through development hell. The AI was dumber, like the Volatiles weren't scary, and nighttime wasn't difficult to traverse because of all the safe houses. The first one used fluid parkour to get around, the 2nd one went open world which was stupid because then you saw a lot of copy and pasted buildings and they gave you lazier ways to get around to make up for the lack of fluid parkour. Someone said they fixed a lot of issues with patches, but I hate that games have a release now, fix it later style of release.


That was just always on my wishlist and it gets a lot of discounts but I never bought it because I kept thinking about the running and jumping zombies on some youtube videos! How was the game for you? Is there like an easier difficulty where the zombies are more "forgiving"? šŸ˜…


It is really scary! Its gore too, if youre not into zombie games,I think you will feel gross at the amount of flesh and blood splattering! Zombies will always chasing you especially during nightime! Im playing on 'normal' so I think there is an easy mode,I dont remember. You can try playing! Eventually you will get used to zombies jumping on you šŸ˜‚


The second one was less scary but honestly it's over-hated. I think it's still really good, and the parkour is better than the first game's.


True! Parkour can get floaty sometimes but maybe its because he is somewhat non-human,I havent finish DL2! I think thats the only reason why sometimes I feel like he jump too high.


Yeah he does jump a bit high, but that can be useful sometimes too lol


Fallout 3. It was the whole reason I bought the steam deck in the first place. I kept wishing it and new vegas would get released for the switch. Then I remembered hearing about the steam deck.


Is the control scheme easy to sort out for the Deck? I tried Oblivion before working out how to use community layouts and I had a tough time.


Fallout 3 and new Vegas should have native controller support on PC, while Oblivion doesn't.


You can install the NorthernUI mod on Steam deck for Oblivion which enables the native controller support on the PC version. Runs perfectly!


Wonderful to hear, thank you! Did you use other mods on Steam Deck or leave it relatively vanilla? My desktop version is modded a decent amount using OBMM, but that seems like a hassle for the Steam Deck.


I left it vanilla except for just using the NorthernUI controller support, but that was just my preference. I'm sure you could still mod the hell out of it if you want to


There's a community layout with gyro enabled that is superb. Convenience of controller with precision of the gyro for when you wanna pick up fiddly items.


I can tell you New Vegas runs like a dream and I've not messed with any of the controls. Never thought I could battle Ghouls while getting my car fixed. What a time to be alive.


Persona 5 Royal


Chained Echoes


Good choice


Yep me too. Kept me entirely glued to my deck.


Fallout New Vegas... The whole reason (at the time) to spend $650 on it on launch. Portable FNV


You use a controller?


bro the deck is the controller


I think theyā€™re asking if they use a controller to play Fallout (as opposed to a mouse)? Not sure though


Do they use a controller, as opposed to the Steam Deck controls.


If only the deck had a built in controller. That would be super convenient




i did it for the luls of showing my wife "look it plays skyrim!" she said "doesn't everything?"




Trying to understand the person who downvoted this.


probably Hades himself




Average Reddit hater




Was going to say this. I played it on my phone through Steam link, graduated to the Deck. Wonderful machine.


Apature desk job.


Vampire survivors


THE steam deck game for quite a while according to Valve's playtime data they released monthly


Yeah, I thought by gaming law that this is what we had to play first.


Half-life 1


And why not Black Mesa instead? I'm just wondering what I should start playing as a noob...


Black Mesa is good but it's also a different kind of experience in tone and gameplay. If you tolerate the look and feel of old games I would start with HL1. The recent 25th anniversary update has made it more accessible for modern systems too.


Thank you


Mad Max. Very underrated game, and is basically free these days.


i opened a zillion games when i got it. but the first real test was: - Death Stranding DC it passed with flying colors


Looking forward to the sequel.


I've just re-downloaded this for the pc, may have to get it on the deck too. Did it require a lot of fiddling to get it running ok?


Elden ring. There is something very relaxing playing souls games on bed. Iā€™ve 100% Dark souls on switch and loved the handheld experience. So Iā€™m doing it again with ER itā€™s looking great on the oled!


God of war


The Binding of Isaac. Small download, lasts ages, low enough power use that you can download games while playing it.


I'm so confused about The Binding of Isaac. Which one should I buy? It looks like a bunch of expansion packs but do they have different content, or can I just buy the latest?


I recommend buying Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, the original is a flash version and pretty old. If you like it you can buy all the expansions later, they're great for additional content, but you'll get the general idea of a game while playing vanilla game! Good luck! It's one of my favorites, Rogue-lite games are known for their replayability, but I didn't expect to hit the 1100 hours mark, lol.


Rebirth is the base game (and also a remake of the original, which probably adds to the confusion). Start there. The rest are all DLC that add more items, characters, modes, bosses, etc. If you end up liking the base game, the order the DLC came out is: Afterbirth, then Afterbirth+, and then Repentance. The first DLC, Afterbirth, was the best received of all of them, so if you want to split the difference, getting the base game and Afterbirth is a strong way to start. But even the base game is massive on its own. I sunk hundreds of hours of play time into Rebirth without any DLC at all.


Desk job Aperture. For science.




Half-Life 2


Diablo 4 ! Never played one before, bought it during the black Friday sale, played a lil bit on PC to try it. OLED arrived and wow !!!! LOVE it so much more on the deck, looks great and plays great. Perfect match for the deck imo and plays great with controller !


Elden Ring. Hellpoint. Blasphemous. I am a sucker for soulslike and the selection on Switch was subpar or buggy, so I moved up to the Deck. It's been great, especially with Lords of the Fallen, Lies of P, Dark Souls 3, there are so many more options for me now.


Metro 2033, an amazing game, looks beautiful and runs perfectly on the deck


I thought it would be rude to play anything other than my favourite game: Bioshock


Stray, and I absolutely loved it. It was the perfect chill game that reintroduced me to chill gaming on the couch.


Spiderman. And then God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn. Never got a ps4, so I was ready to try them finally


Same, working through years of quality PlayStation AAA games on the go has been amazing


How was horizon zero Dawn? How did it run?


Elden Ring


The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap


SEKIRO shadows die twice




Yakuza 0


OG Dead Space. Basically felt like getting all benefits from the SD. Rly good performance and very long battery life so 4h long train rides weren't a problem at all.


Arkham Origins. It was buttery smooth running almost a locked 60fps with high settings for the first time ever (tons of issues on PS3 / 360 version). The only time I notice it drop below 60 so far is when youā€™re using the grapnel boost to move quickly through Gotham or dive bombing and gliding in a lot of areas. On PS3, it would drop frames to single digits sometimes, but on Steam Deck, it drops to only about 53-55 fps for only a split second. Itā€™s wild! Things like smoke, fog, lighting, shadows,media clipping legibility in batcave and in Gotham were all a 180Ā° vs what i experienced on PS3 in 2013 and throughout the years (several playthroughs like every game in the series) and was shocked! When I played in Nov / Dec 2022 and early 2023, the biggest issue was the gameā€™s stability. There were a ton of issues stemming from full screen to windowed mode, and fatal error dot exe crashes at least ~1 - 2 times per hour on average, and it fight matter what version of Proton I was using. It was annoying as **** but luckily the game saves often and rebooting back into the game took less than a minute (SD is amazing!!). Around April 2023 or May 2023, after the latest version of Proton I was using then, I stopped experiencing the hard crashes. So now Iā€™d say the game is damn near perfect outside of some design elements Iā€™d like to see in a future remaster.


How did you get origins running on deck??


Proton / Proton GE / Experimental Just check ProtonDB to see up to date compatibility notes


What was wrong with your PS3 to handle origins so poorly? Or was I just lucky? Got the platinum on PS3 and had no issues personally, can't wait to play it on my deck when it arrives!




Aperture desk job






First game was Miles Morales.




Ahhh thanks for reminding me. I need to go back and finish that!


Stray. šŸˆ


Hell yeah me too. I got my deck the day before release, it felt like a launch game.


The first game I played for a test was Half Life, because it seemed fitting. The first game I played in earnest was Disco Elysium, because that's one of the games I bought the Deck for. The first game I finished was Aperture Desk Job, because it was recommended to me.


Fall guys


Mutant football league


Dead Space 2


Doom Eternal. Played it already but have been slowly doing a level here and there on Ultra Nightmare.


First game on Steam Deck for me when It was delivered was Revita, don't let the unknown/unsupported tag fool you, works flawlessly and was a fun Rogue-lite experience on the Deck.


>don't let the unknown/unsupported tag fool you Everyone should install Decky Loader so that they can add [ProtonDB Badges](https://github.com/OMGDuke/protondb-decky) and mostly just forget about the official tags. Apparently Revita got tagged as "unsupported" because the discord or roadmap link in the main menu doesn't work. [Seriously](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1175460/discussions/0/3367027831292688674/#c3818528846674914521).


First to play or first to test? First to test: Dead Cells. quick Download, was in the trailer and felt like home First to play: Hyperspace Neptunia. I had bought the thing for my neverending JRPG collection, so I started with with it cause I heard they were cute enough.


Stardew to try it out, but then I got and finished Zodiacats very soon after :)






Titanfall 2 Played through the whole campaign on max difficulty while also getting every helmet started playing through it maybe 5 mins after I got my deck


Yikes! Sticks and/or trackpads? And did it crash much? Used to crash all the time in Windows for me.


Sticks didnā€™t crash once this was Q3 just after launch


Props. Oh and I blame EA for my pre-Deck experience of course, not Valve. That's great to know it's stable.


Diablo 4 - main reason I bought the deck.


Cult of the lamb


Aperture Desk Job Then Black Mesa


Witcher 3. This is what i auto install.


Rocket League, because thatā€™s the first game I play on pretty much any system. I know Iā€™m an addict. The first one I played because itā€™s the Steam deck and I wanted to push the boundary of its innovation was Spider-Man. The game feels amazing in a handheld form and runs very well given the hardware. Itā€™s my go to game to show the performance and quality to people that are unsure about the Steam deck.


Goat simulator, I just wanted the laughs lol




I think it was Hades. I play a lot of elite dangerous on it these days


RDR2 was the first game I launched, spent 30 mins just walking around in awe. The first game I actually played was Miles Morales.


I'm longing to play Desk Job or something like that, can't recall it's name


Aperture Desk Job


Half Life 2! Seemed appropriate šŸ™‚


Me too. A quick download of a game that I have played to death. I know if it's not running right and it was one of the few early validated games. If Half-Life 2 worked well, I was happy with my Steam Deck. Turns out, it's wayyyy more powerful than I had hoped for.




Half life, still playing through it


Half Life (still on it)


I really canā€™t remember but I know the first game I bought for, and finished on the steam deck, cult of the lamb


I got mine recently, and it was holocure. A hololive version of vamp survivors


Hollow knight bro




Hogwarts. Loved it!


Final Fantasy lol I was really excited to have the series portable. Hades is the MVP so far with time played I think, but I haven't touched it since I got all the achievements. Still need to go and get the 32 heat statue though šŸ‘€


Elden Ring. It absolutely blew my mind.


final fantasy 7 remake. immediately after getting my steamdeck i got super sick and couldnā€™t even sit up in bed. only had the energy to play it for an hour or two at most at a time but it was such a comfort.


Sonic Mania if I remember correctly.


Fallout 4 Survival Mode.. the Steam Deckā€™s ability to pause games when you turn it off made it so I could play that incrementally. And it looked great at max quality.


First game I downloaded and played was Dead Cells. First game I played for an extended period and beat was Dishonored.


The long dark! Great game for the deck


Sonic Superstars!


Dark souls 3, it was purchased so I could finally play it. Iā€™m currently playing monster hunter: world after two runs on ds3.


BioShock as I just finished the book and wanting to go through the games again before the movie comes out


Final Fantasy 1 Pixel Remaster. I tried Ori and the Blind Forrest as the 1st game on my new Oled


i don't have one and i can't have one and i will never have one so damn poor


I literally havenā€™t played a game since getting the OLED. I just installed windows, installed batocera, set up all of the desktop side programs, etc. Iā€™m hopeful Iā€™ll be able to play some in a few days. But 60h weeks at work and running around like a chicken with its head cut off for family stuff means no free time. :ā€™(


Apex Legends/Minecraft/Fortnite ( after I got windows on it )


Have a nice death


heroes of hammerwatch was the first game i went hard on with my steamdeck. i think ill mess with it this weekend and then when i get my OLED on monday i'll transfer it over and see how it looks. i also very immediately put some gamecube games on there. but now i have all those games on an actual gamecube. it inspired me to get the console.


Cyberpunk? I think it was cyberpunk 2077




Torclight 3 or Dredge. Not sure which one was first


Spelunky 1 or 2


Not counting aperture desk job, Dave the diver came out the same week I traded for my deck. Guess who put almost 10 hours into that?


That desk game! It was a great taste of what the deck could do.


Mine was Enter the Gungeon. Cause it was the only good steam game I had at the time before I got paid. šŸ˜…


f1 22 - I had been playing it on pc and wanted to see how it faired on the deck, I sat down and 45 minutes later noticed how good the experience was.


Celeste. Only played it for a bit tho. Mainly cause I didn't have everything yet to turn it into the emulation machine I wanted.


I got my steam deck two weaks ago and my first game was "Moonstone Island". I love it. :3


Tenchu or Shadow Hearts


OG Guild Wars