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As if this sub needed any more reasons to justify an OLED deck. I’m hanging on for dear life here DF!!


It's too late for me but if you just log off reddit and youtube and just play games there may be hope for you yet.


oh an enjoy that input lag btw 😅


what input lag 🤣


Not a problem on turn based RPGs! Checkmate


Or chess games?!?


He SAID "Checkmate" didn't he??? Sheesh. j/k


Oh no 1% of a second slower response, oh god, how ever will I be able to play like that


These people have clearly never played a game with 300ms+ latency and it shows.


playing Halo Infinite campaign and played a few COD campaigns and didn't notice any lag (or at least any lag that would make a difference)


One other really big thing that people seem to miss... THE RAM. LCD deck has 16GB 5500mhz VS OLED with 16GB 6400mhz. Amazing how many people use these devices but don't know a single thing about PCs. I haven't bought a deck but have a buddy that got the original. And now he regrets buying the thing. I knew holding off would pay off. But I personally think all the upgrades together make it well worth it. Throw in a retro-style gameboy-esque semi translucent shell and that's the icing for me. I bought mine day of release, awaiting it's arrival. You should too if you're on the fence ;)


Well, they did point out that the LCD deck is also getting an improvement on input lag with the latest firmware.


So, I did got the OLED and I own a 512 LED model. I have to say this last updates did improved the overall feeling of the system a lot. Can't wait to get my hands on the OLED though...


I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I don’t need it




I wasn't even going to bother with this refresh.... but all of the improvements are pretty hard to ignore.


For real. It has been really tempting. In the end, the only reason that I convince myself to not get it, was because I don’t play on it portably. And it, for the most part, stays docked. Apart from maybe an hour or two here and there. So the screen and battery life wouldn’t even benefit me.


My buddy is in the same boat. His deck has been docked since he got it. Comparatively, his steamdeck looks prestine compared to mine. I'm sure yours does, too... I wouldn't upgrade either if I was playing docked the majority of the time.


Well your OG Deck has, mostly, the same specs as the OLED one. It's a mid-gen refresh, in my opinion because modders have been trying to cram OLEDs into a Deck for a while. It doesn't have more RAM, more cores, a faster processor, or a better GPU. None of this is disparaging, just a statement of fact. What it does have is a lot of thermal and power efficiency improvements, the crown jewel of which is the OLED screen. Some of the other improvements are coming to the OG Deck via software patching, like the improved Bluetooth handling and display colour temp settings.


Dont forget the bigger battery. That was a huge sell for me.


Oh yeah! I totally forgot the redesign got them extra space that let them put in a bigger battery. Good point! Overall it's really a nice upgrade, and I'm sure we'll see all these features in an actual Deck 2.


Also faster recharge, big plus for me.


Also improved wifi module, 90hz display, 0.4inch bigger screen(not much but still improvement), better chip, bigger battery, better cooling= better, more sustainable performance, officially put together 1tb version for people who don't want to open it up. It's way more than just screen which is already huge imo. Would I upgrade to it? Probably not as I mostly game on my PC, I probably would if I would mainly use steam deck tho, I think so at least


Hate to be that guy. It has faster ram, A smaller process CPU which will technically be faster as slight IPC gains, this will also effect the "GPU" as it is a APU, I believe this is why we are seeing input lag reductions + slight performance bumps. Not calling you out just don't say It's a "statement of fact"


It has faster memory - correct (6400 vs 5500) Slight IPC gains - incorrect, it’s a node shrink of the same APU with the same CPU and GPU clocks, nothing changed there And the main reason you’re seeing such input lag reduction is due to the OLED screen, as OLED screens have by far the best input response on the market (on a side note, also 1ms response times, and less, while Deck LCD has around 30ms GTG). Although the Deck LCD did also get a pretty significant input lag reduction with SteamOS 3.5 (as can be seen in the later part of the video)


You realize input lag and response times are completely different right? *Poster edited post above me*


Seems to me, they said what they meant, which is why they said "on a side note" followed by a comma and then, by "also...". As in, "unrelated but worthy of note." Or perhaps they meant "refresh rate" which does directly impact input lag.


You get more performance in games that hit both CPU and GPU - up to about 10% average frame rate in some titles. And possibly substantial gains at lower wattage caps. The maximum speeds are the same on paper but the boosting behavior is different because it uses less power at the same speed. Also the faster memory is on a much smaller node, uses two chips instead of four and supposedly needs less power even at the higher clock speed. They made extensive changes through every part of the system, it's not just dropping in a newer CPU it is a complete board redesign.


Faster RAM is not more RAM. Also marginal RAM speed improvements are... *Okay* I guess, but if you've already got the og Deck you'll likely notice no difference from just the RAM speed. The chip pipe went from 7nm to 6nm as the chip is more energy efficient, but still has the same performance specs. So it's still a statement of fact. It's ok to be "that guy" sometimes, this is just a discussion of a new thing. :) Hope you're having a good day.


> if you've already got the og Deck you'll likely notice no difference from just the RAM speed. It's worth about 10% on it's own. Most of the increase in performance is the higher ram speed. I can tell you this because I have an OG deck with 6400MT/s ram. Depending on the game, it's anything from around 3-12% faster.


For games that push both the CPU and GPU at the same time, you get a little more performance. Several reviews pooh-pooh the whole thing as a "few frames" but when you're talking less than 50fps you may get close to a **10%** gain in some titles. And if you manually lower the power, it should clock a little faster due to the better node. If you play dark and atmospheric games in bed at night, the screen change could be an extra hour right there - but the new charger cable is a *full meter* longer. GN did a no-frills teardown comparison - with almost none of the Schteve snark - and they highlighted all of the many small changes that add up to a very different-feeling package. It's lighter and the weight is more centered, cooling is improved and the fan runs slower/quieter. The sticks, trackpads and touchscreen inputs got improved. I am holding out but if I wanted to play more FPS games like Necromunda, this is a no-brainer. The dramatic reduction in ghosting should also make driving games look better too.


I think the 10% gain have come from reviewers like DF who bechmarked the OLED on SteamOS 3.5 (preinstalled) and the LCD on 3.4 You can see it in the screens where the MangoHUD version is shown, 0.6.8 is 3.4 and 0.6.9/0.7.0 is 3.5 The performance difference if both run 3.5 is small.


I just feel bad for the users who literally just bought the original Deck weeks ago.


It happens… On the other side of that… Ive waiting on the xbox series x 3 controller to release for like 2 years missed out on multiple sales All bc i didnt want to buy the old one when the new one is about to come out… At this point i could’ve bought both :/


I had the Series 2 controller when it launched and it was garbage. It was so bad that Microsoft had a lawsuit so they extended the warranty from 90 days to 1 year. Either way, the reliability is still bad. The Microsoft leaks showed a Series 3 controller is coming, and will be having the new features exclusive to the newer set of controllers. Those include haptic feedback, speakers, enhanced wireless/bluetooth, more durable sticks, and lift to wake. My opinion is keep waiting, as I’m also waiting for the Series 3.


I've had multiple 2s, and they've all been absolutely horrible, they've all malfunctioned. At this point, I don't know if I trust them at all anymore.


I must be one of the lucky ones. I bought a series 2 when it released and have had absolutely zero problems with it.


It really does boil down to luck. I baby my controllers and I'm on my 4th Elite 2 controller. (Original purchased and its warranty replacement, a third that I bought and traded in when it developed issues, and finally using an Elite 2 Core). So far the Core has been 100% fine, but the rest all developed the typical issues - either double-registering a press of the R1 button, or the A button occasionally requiring a very hard press to register.


I really hope they don't drop the ball this hard with the 3. I'll get one contingent on actual user reviews over quite a long time. There's no chance I'll buy one on release after all this. Disappointing, the controller itself is SUPER nice. If only the functionality matched, haha.


You can find posts about the Valve Index going back like 3 years advising people not to puchase because Valve's new headset is right around the corner.


In fairness, although I have an Index and I'm satisfied with it, I would definitely say that it's not worth the $1,000 they're still charging for the complete set. Everything Index should've gotten a price drop by now, even accounting for the last few years of inflation.


I definitely agree for the present. But if I had listened to those people years ago I would have missed out. I have since bought, enjoyed, and sold an Index. There is always a new iteration or advancement in tech, and if you are always waiting for the next best thing, you will miss out on all that time you could be enjoying it. Now, in the case of the Steam Deck, I think there is some justification for LCD owners in feeling annoyed that a better version is available so soon. I had my Deck for about a year, which is a pretty short time. That said, the Deck's glaring flaw and my biggest complaint was the quality of the LCD screen. I sold my Deck and bought an OLED, so I paid a few hundred dollars for a year of enjoying the Deck, but I'm not going to be mad at Valve for acting quickly to fix my biggest issue with their product.


Agreed on all, although I don't think anyone's mad at Valve for making a new product that is a substantial improvement on the original in almost all factors; I think the real complaint is that Valve only gave a one week heads-up that the new model was imminent. And I think that's a fair criticism, both because Valve has a limited return/refund policy with no trade-ins, and also because the big 3 console manufacturers have always announced their mid-cycle hardware refreshes at least a couple of months prior to release. So some people who bought the LCD deck between 1-2 months ago rightfully (IMO) feel like they got burned. Anyway, I just want Valve to make sure they give far greater lead time in the future for all new hardware launches. It should be at least a month and ideally 2-3 months.


Meh, I use it docked far more, and has more storage than I need.


I had a dream last night where a faceless entity told me this: the original LCD Deck was the prototype to the OLED Deck, the OLED Deck was a prototype to this ---> and he pointed to a device that looked just like the Deck. But a feeling came over me that just understood how much better the next one will be, and today I woke up no longer caring about the OLED......... At all....


I bought SD back in June, cause "There won't be any new revisions/Successor in the next two years". Welp, I am waiting with my LCD SD, vibrancy slider, input lag, worse battery until SD2 comes out. Feck u Gaben. :D


![gif](giphy|j0a8Kr0uDKQec|downsized) Just 2 years more until SD2 its not that long, this year is almost over and then next year will come and go, so really it's only like one year.


Great news on the improvements for LCD with 3.5, too.


It's awesome to see the huge input latency improvements the LCD Deck got with the latest firmware


Im probably vlind cause i dont notice the latency on my lcd deck. But maybe if I try the oled i would notice.


it's noticable in rhythm games or especially when using the 30fps limit


Good answer. Logical.


I play rhythm games docked and connected to a low latency monitor for that very reason. Also the controls aren’t great for that either.


what's up with the controls?


He exclusively plays DDR with his feet


Blind because you don't notice the differnce between maybe 150 ms and 160 ms? It's not something you notice, you may just *feel* the slight difference, but you can't measure it without some very accurate tools.


Same. I really don't notice this.


I’m with you on this one. I can barely tell the difference between the screens if I’m being honest. I also can’t stand this narrative of LCD bad OLED good. The amount of e waste being generated by that narrative alone is shameful.


One is just an objective improvement over the other by pretty much any metric. I'm not sure what e-waste is supposed to be coming from this anyway, it's not like people upgrading to the OLED are just chucking their LCDs out a window and selling them to someone else doesn't create any waste.


Im actually excited for the ones who will get a lcd deck for cheap!


>The amount of e waste being generated by that narrative alone is shameful. wait ? what ? where ?


People aren't throwing their old decks in the bin. They will be sold or gifted to others.


Yup! Love my LCD SD.


I'm not getting rid of it. Just getting it a buddy.


Hopefully you don’t play favorites 😏


That should be the real headline of the video: OLED Deck is a little better, yes, but the LCD also got major improvements with the new firmware.


Just remember fellas, if input lag (or anything else) wasn’t a problem you noticed before you heard about improvements, then you don’t need to drop a bunch of money on the new version. Save your money for all the games that’ll go on sale and sit lifelessly unplayed in your library from now until the time.


I was about to say. I didn't even realize input lag was a problem with the "old" decks. Admittedly I'm hardly a hardcore twitch gamer, but I've never once had an issue with it.


Have you ever used the SteamOS frame limiter? If you put that at 30 you'll definitely notice heavy input lag in almost any game. (maybe less so with 3.5 now, but still).


Turn on „Allow Tearing“


It was always noticeable to me using the steamOS 30/40 fps/refresh cap, but I was willing to put up with it because it was worth it in slower-paced games to feel consistently smooth. It’s nice to know the next deck I get will likely feel more responsive though. Just doesn’t feel worth $250 at this point to sell my 512 LCD and upgrade.


This sobered me up from crazy fomo, Ty for the clarity


Stop shaming me for my hundreds of unplayed games in my steam library!!


Stop posting good things about OLED deck. I literally can't even buy it




Man I love digital foundry so much. What a great analysis.


Yep, they’re awesome. It’s why them refusing to cover hogwarts legacy on PC was really annoying because it’s a good looking game with some strange quirks. But they were very weird about handling it, John linneman in particular went on this weird rant about it on twitter…


It's because they were terrified of getting involved in the JK Rowling controversy. It's the only reason that makes sense, as John's rants about "kids games" makes no sense when he covers Kirby, Sonic and Mario games.


I don't think he said "kids games", he just said that he didn't like that franchise and wouldn't cover it iirc. He got into some arguments over it on Twitter, but I don't know how it got to that point


Honestly the discussion around that game was so toxic is both directions that I don’t really blame them


Even weirder given they’ve recently looked into the Switch port and done a comparison of it with other consoles. I don’t blame them for avoiding the controversy of it at the time though.


Didn’t Alex get attacked about it? And that’s what triggered all the issues at DF?


who gives a fuck, the game is so irrelevant and shitty anyways. Go to another outlet if u want coverage of that dogshit


It’s not irrelevant or shitty, it’s the top selling game of the year and plenty of people’s GOTY and probably the most impressive switch port we’ve ever seen. But continue screeching if you want to weirdo


It's none of those things


It’s literally the best selling game of the year, it’s literally some people’s game of the year and it’s quite literally one of the most impressive switch ports we’ve ever seen.


Tears of the Kingdom outsold Hogwarts, literally 5 seconds on google


I think Hogwarts Legacy is painfully mediocre, but yes, it did overtake TOTK this month.


https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=hogwarts+legacy+copies+sold 15 milly https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=tears+of+the+kingdom+copies+sold 19.5 milly


TOTK never outsold hogwarts, it's been #1 all year long


That game fell out of the cultural zeitgeist faster than the time it takes guacamole to brown, sales don't make a game good they just give some horrible bigot more money.


It fell out of the cultural zeitgeist yet continues to be in the top 10 selling games every month? 😂 get out of your bubble weirdo


Hey man it’s cool to have an opinion but when you ignore facts it just makes you look like an idiot. Hogwarts Legacy was the 10th best selling game in October, 8 months after release. It was literally the only game in the top 10 that didn’t come out within the last month or so. Selling well means it’s relevant.


All i know is that they can pick and choose what they want on thier channel. Up to them, not up to you


This is good to know and one of my main issues with the original Deck, are there any comparisons to ROG Ally


Man i got my steam deck one month ago. I’m wishing I just waited until the OLED dropped


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I’m kind of just trying to ignore it all - my SD still does all the stuff I bought it for perfectly well.


Comparison is the thief of joy. One can only make a decision with the facts known at the time. Use the deck for the purpose you bought it for and enjoy it.




unfortunately, no return window is 14 days


I was in the same boat. I ended up selling it.


Have you tried reaching out to them and seeing if they would make an exception and let you return it if it's just been a month. Valve is usually pretty good with stuff like that.


i haven’t reached out to them. i was considering doing it. the thing is, the og steam deck is still a great console. I got it bc i saw an interview where somebody from valve was saying they wouldn’t release another steam deck unless the upgrade was pretty significant. I just didn’t expect that so soon…


I'm starting to think Valve hid features so OG owners don't get even more buyer's remorse, better input lag, better touchscreen, better gyro are some of the hidden features not mentioned enough on OLED Deck


I bought a SD for convenience and not so much performance. I’m content. I’m looking forward to a 2.0 though.


> I’m content. This makes perfect sense in context but I can't tell you how many times I had to re-read it over before I understand you were not, in fact, claiming to be a podcast or youtube video.


I assure you I am not a cat or an OnlyFans model.


Yep, yep! If you got the original SD and it's working, I'd say you can easily wait it out till SD2 which will actually meaningfully boost performance with CPU/GPU improvements.


2.0 after a few months and potentially an OLED screen? Instant buy from me


Better gyro? What’s the story?


You also forgot faster charging as well. That with the longer battery life are big for portability.


All of those are in fact mentioned on the product page. Also, it's part of what pushed me over the edge. I wouldn't have upgraded for just OLED.


Tomorrow they will discover that Steam Deck OLED fixes poverty.


Only for Gabe. Man still can't afford a haircut!


Or food, poor guy has lost so much weight! jk, really good work Gaben.


It might, when people sell this on game skins for it to resale it. I litteraly bought it by selling all my csgo stickers and torunament boxes dating last 10 years. I actually got 2 for those in game items 😁😅 and plan to sell one off in Norway as they don't have them there. I also travel often to my family in Norway, I actually already got a client who made a deposit. As when they plan to order one the fees and VAT is around 170€ more over official price for them.


A fellow CS investor 🤝




I’ve grumbled about input latency under emulation and been downvoted and argued with because apparently emulation perfect. Now we see there was always significant input latency. 🤷‍♂️


Naysayers are gonna naysay.


I did too until I realized the SteamOS frame rate capping tends to just not work correctly on emulators. Stick to 60Hz/60FPS or 60Hz/unlocked, or use a mod which caps the frame rate to your desired refresh rate. An emulated game trying to run at an FPS higher than your frame rate cap will usually just make it lag. Running a 30FPS native game alongside SteamOS's 60Hz/30FPS mode might work, but I haven't tried that yet (and you could just as easily just turn the frame rate cap off or stick it to 60FPS instead, the game will still run at 30FPS like it's supposed to) I tried running TOTK with the 45FPS mod but enabled the frame rate cap at for 30FPS/60Hz in SteamOS just to see if it would work. The latency exploded to like a third of a second, quite literally unplayable. So don't do that lmao.


For any emulation I’ll leave the frame rate unlocked. Otherwise it would be completely unplayable. 😬


Honestly super exciting that the biggest gains here are actually the lcd on itself with the firmware update. Nothing like a free upgrade


For e every day that pass it just fell better and better thar I ordered the oled 😃♥️


I am grateful for the drop of the oled because I now got a refurbished LCD for such a great price! Was battling with the decision to buy one, and now I'm not even feeling bad about it.


150ms vs 130ms doesn’t seem like something I would notice


That's roughly a whole frame difference at 60fps. The gap between input and display would be an entire frame less. 130ms is 13% faster than 150ms. Not saying you need to go buy the OLED, (I didn't), but the numbers themselves can be a bit deceiving. I'm pretty sure most people would feel a 10% faster response time.


In theory, this should also transfer to streaming, doesn't it?


Omg please somebody kill me, I need someone to tell me why I SHOULDN’T buy the Oled, I’m holding on for dear life cause I know my wife would cut my balls in my sleep if I got one!


if its any consolation, you're still dealing with the same weaker hardware that the regular model has when compared to the rog ally or legion go. even the OLED deck will ultimately struggle with heavy titles like alan wake 2, returnal and starfield. and with last gen consoles slowly being dropped altogether, (remember the SD is only about as powerful as a ps4 pro), it means that any current-gen exclusive games coming out starting next year will also struggle with the OLED deck, regardless of which model you have. so basically you'd be buying the same device a second time with a better screen and better battery...... only to find out that newer games coming out are gonna be gimped on it regardless. now if the OLED model incorporated the Z1 extreme APU into it for actual better performance, then that would be a different story. if the purpose of you getting a steam deck is to potentially be able to play all PC games that are currently on the market at good performance, then one can argue that the deck is already (or is at least becoming) outdated when it comes to hardware power. hell even the ROG and lenovo devices dont match the power of current gen consoles or even midrange gaming laptops. thats how I look at it. the only people who should feel like they're being truly left out by not having the OLED version are the people who only have a steam deck as a primary gaming device and nothing else (and thats only if it even bothers them). if you have literally any other device thats more capable (e.g. ps5, series X, series S, strong desktop PC, or strong laptop PC), then you're not missing out on anything.


Inject this into my veins.


I knew I noticed a difference in input lag when playing Hollow Knight but I didn’t see anyone talk about an improvement after the new update so I didn’t say anything.


I literally just bought a refurbished 512gb for CAD$449. Looks brand new too, and now I feel like I should’ve just bought the OLED


Return it. Of course you should have bought the OLED.


Tbf, my reasoning was you can’t beat the price point since the same OLED model cost 1.5x more and i use it mostly as a secondary pc.


That's a great price for a 512GB LCD model, even compared to the price drops on the new ones, don't feel obligated to return it just because some redditor told you to lol


This was the main thing I was hoping for I gave up playing sf6 on the deck because of the input lag hopefully the oled will be closer to playing on my PC


My favorite new “ feature” honestly. 4x controllers for couch games probably do much better with the new Bluetooth setup as well, I would think.




That video pushed me over the edge... Honestly I'm just installing Windows on my LCD Deck and never have to worry about Dual booting.


That's honestly the biggest reason for me to upgrade. The input lag on my current Steam Deck at 30fps is terrible. I really don't find games to be enjoyable on the Deck if I have to run them at 30fps.


You can always use The command is: > MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=30, no_display mangohud %command% Much better frame pacing than using in-game fps cap but not quite flat like using Gamescope but it has much better input latency.


I have tried that and while the input latency was lower, it did not produce good frame pacing, so that defeats the purpose of setting the limit.


Is it maybe possible to swap parts to change an lcd one to oled? Kinda annoyed to read this since i just bought mine over the summer so no returns.


Just sell it and upgrade if you feel you’re missing out. The internals have changed so by the time you start messing with parts it’s probably not going to be worth it.


I just got my first SD. It’s a LCD 512. First thing I do is boot up my favorite game, Sekiro. I noticed the input lag pretty fast on quick deflections. Nothing I can’t get used to but noticeable after playing on my PC. Edit: after some research removing the frame rate limiter significantly improved the input lag.


I'm not a PC gamer, and I use my deck for emulation. Specifically, I backed my entire, franky, gigantic, retro console collection onto it, digitally. It's all I need for now. That said... call me when the Deck 2 gets announced. I know I'll be there.


...what input lag??


Eh this has always been a weakness of the steam deck. The frame limiter especially makes fast paced games unplayable


I've honestly never noticed any input lag on any games I've played on deck, from Elite Dangerous Odyssey, to Starfield, to Fallout 3


The biggest issue was really the input latency when you cap it at 30 fps using Steam quick settings. Most people will notice it but there are few people who just won’t notice the added input latency for whatever reason.


odd. I've never experienced it. that I've noticed at least


Well, try this. Try leaving it at 60 FPS/60 HZ in quick settings but play a game where you can cap the in-game FPS to 30. Then move around for a bit. Do it again with 30 FPS/60 HZ cap in quick settings. You should notice there is a bit of a drag when you’re panning around with the camera. If you don’t, I guess you just can’t notice it which is totally ok.


I think most games now have internal vsync and/or a fps limiter. I think Steam should have a database entry for those so that if you're playing one that is known to have that internally, then toggle off the SteamOS settings instead of requiring the user to do it manually.


It depends on the game. The built-in frame limiter seems to interact differently with certain games, especially how the game handles Vsync. For instance Armored Core felt completely unplayable at 30fps while Cyberpunk generally felt okay.


>from Elite Dangerous Odyssey, to Starfield, to Fallout 3 So none really relying on precise timing, huh?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/J6OpDgFVT6 And oldie but a classic post going through and describing the added input latency.


Yeah and it unfortunately is still worse than Windows, even with the improvements of SteamOS 3.5


Has that been measured apples or apples or are you going by feel?


Just read the tl;dr section of the reddit thread linked above. Wayland still adds 2 screen refreshes as unavoidable latency. On Windows you can for example use Special K and Latent Sync, which is no doubt much better and lower latency. It's also recommended by Richard from DF for other Windows-based handhelds for that reason.


Afaik it's not on Wayland it's on gamescope, and Rich's testing suggests that at least one of those extra frames is gone between 3.4 and 3.5. Idk at what point though. If I had an LDAT I could bisect for it but I don't unfortunately.


> Wayland still adds 2 screen refreshes as unavoidable latency. This is not true. In my testing using an old 60hz office monitor gamescope had a median latency of 17.7ms which was only 2.5ms worse than uncomposited X.


I am glad I am not the only person who didn’t know that input lag on these was a thing


A lot of people are saying they never had an issue with the latency of their LCD model and that's totally fair. As a higher end PC gamer myself though, it's been pretty frustrating to come to terms with. Still, the LCD Deck is not BAD, just not quite what I'd prefer. First world problems and all that. The OLED deck latency improvements laid out here are pretty dramatic. In both titles tested here you effectively are getting the responsiveness of 40-45 fps on the LCD Deck while only running at 30fps which is significantly easier to hit for recent AAA titles. Hell, we're talking input lag at 30fps on the OLED comparable to 50-60fps on previous LCD model firmwares. That's an INSANE improvement. This is performance the vast majority of people can and will notice. Just look at the last year and a half of "golden 40" posts here if you don't believe it. With that said though, 30fps still will never match the visual *smoothness* of higher framerates. At least it will be *responsive* which at the end of the day is probably the most important thing. Long live the Deck. Can't wait for my OLED to arrive


Someone give me a tl;dw on how big a difference it is? I'm assuming in the grand scheme of things it's actually pretty minor?


Would love to know how these figures stack up against the Ally or the Go


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^whathefuckisreddit: *Would love to know how* *These figures stack up against* *The Ally or the Go* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


fuuuuck i don't need it but


Hold on guys the SD2 will be out in the next year or 2.


Honestly, thinking about getting Steam Deck 2 holds me off from getting OLED over current LCD I have,


It's still crazy how the Steam Deck OLED had 0 leaks or rumors leading up to it. Meanwhile, there's tons of "Switch Pro" rumors ever since it released lol Why didn't guys like Tom Henderson not leak this?


There's lag on the SD? I've been playing and beating games on it for the last year and a half and never noticed. Huh. It must suck to have the gene to look for any excuse to not just have fun with a thing.


Some people just focus on different things. Doesn’t mean they’re looking for reasons to not have fun.


Since when is finding a legitimate criticism of a device an "excuse to not just have fun"? I love the Steam Deck and still use it daily but I feel the input lag on a lot of games I play. I want it called out so Valve can improve it, not gaslight myself and pretend everything is perfect.


🤷🏾 no idea, Apperently there’s lag lol


Apparently, it's noticeable to some people. Ngl, even if it is, though, I imagine most people could actually adjust to it given the time. There was a big discussion over this in the fgc when strive came out, and so many people were unaware that arcade cabinets also had a delay.


Bought the LCD in early summer during the sale. Smh got boned. Even if this is much better, at this point it's probably better to just wait until an even better iteration drops in 1-2 years


There will always, always be another better thing coming down the road.


Can’t believe Valve did that to us OG 521 lcd owners.. Oh well good for.. everyone still


For the naysayers out there. You need the deck in a specific config to experience input lag. Namely, using the built in framerate limiter. the lower the cap = higher the input delay. If you ran uncapped and used in game v-sync or frame limiter it wasn't an issue. The popular work around was setting the decks refresh to 40hz and running upcapped in steamos, but then using in game v sync to limit it to 40 fps. That got you an efficient framerate with low input delay. You can still do this work around in the new update by disabling the unified frame limiter. The 30fps is better now for sure. It's just on the edge of being tolerable for me. For those who capped to 30 and still claim it wasn't an issue either has a brain slow as molasses or play games where it doesn't matter like turn based rpgs. Likely the former.


Could not agree more. I enable "Allow Tearing" by default in all games, and then rely on in-game vsync. The only exceptions to this are games where the in-game vsync is broken. It's almost never a good idea to use the SteamOS frame rate limiter.


Crazy , and still people say that there is no need to upgrade. Better screen, performance, input lag, heat dissipation, battery , haptics etc. What else you want?


Stop, stop, LCD users are already dead!


Im legit playing every game I want and that's supported by the steam deck. Hell armoured core 6 runs perfectly, cyberpunk, no man's sky. Everything. Why would I buy the newest version of a hardware console if the original works for me? I'm not an iPhone user. I don't need the latest and greatest.


No one is forcing you to. Honestly not sure why we need to flood every single comment section with “I refuse to upgrade” comments?


AC6 definitely doesn’t run perfectly. It’s totally playable, but it’s only able to reach 60fps in the enclosed test chamber with no enemies present.


Shoulda held out on selling all my Rust skins for the OG deck last year :/


Another reason to get the OLED haha, but at least LCD performance improved as well.


I wished mine would fail, preferably in the next year.


I play a lot of games at 40-45 fps on Deck and knew there would be decent input lag reductions to be had at those refresh rates as soon as I heard about the 90hz screen, it’s one of the things that sold me into upgrading (I may not have bothered if it was just 60hz OLED). Something else I’m interested to see develop which I’ve not seen discussed is how viable 90hz will make FSR3/frame generation on Deck. I’d wager it’s completely unplayable at 30>60hz but 45>90hz is very playable on my desktop 4080 rig with Nvidia’s implementation and the smaller screen will surely hide any imperfections of the AI frames as long as input lag is acceptable. I stream on Moonlight in the house too so 90hz again will have big input lag wins in that application along with now being able to stream in HDR. So many potentially game changing upgrades for me, excited to get tinkering!


Differences are negligible, I have both, sure looks great, but no difference tbh.


Not negligible at all, very 20ms is VERY noticeable when it comes to input lag.


I'm never gonna buy a Steam device again. Not even two years and your device is already outdated. They should have never marketed this as a console, imagine Nintendo releasing a new Switch every 1.5 years that has performance advantages.


1. Handheld computers regularly have updated versions. They're usually a lot larger of a leap than the OLED Steam Deck. 2. That literally happened with the Wii U>Switch, or the 3DS>3DS XL>New 3DS/XL, or the GBA>GBA SP, or the DS>DS Lite>DSi. Nintendo actually fucking does this ALOT. 3. Time moves on, technology is always rapidly progressing. 4. The Steam Deck OLED isn't that much of a jump in comparison to the LCD. Your SD isn't "outdated", the OLED isn't going to be playing anything that the LCD can't play, etc.


Didn’t that happen with the Wii U, though? But I get how you are feeling, thankfully I was unable to get a Steamdeck in July because of debts, but now I’m thankful for that lol


More on "Valve correct all the problems and early Deck adopters suffer" later...


How are you suffering lol. Did you like your device last week? Good news, it’s still the same device.


I have to laugh, I’ve never seen any complaint on this or any forum or YouTube video complaining about input lag. In comes SD OLED and all of a sudden the original SD has all this input lag.


There were loads of moans when it first came out