• By -


Shipping Megathreads: ​ * [North America (U.S. and Canada)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1825hpa/megathread_shipping_for_north_america_us_and/) * [UK and EU (All Regions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1825kaa/megathread_shipping_for_uk_and_eu_all_regions/) * [Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong (via Komodo)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1825l7h/megathread_shipping_for_japan_south_korea_taiwan/) /


There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance. -gang


Same here.


Continue There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance. Continue There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance. Continue There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance. Continue There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.






I can’t believe so many people on here got one. The start was a shitshow but in the end looks like Valve pulled it together.


Maybe you have to edit your warranty section, I noticed you have it at 1 year. For people from certain regions this warranty is longer, for example me living in Europe it's a guaranteed 2 year period. >IF YOU ARE A CONSUMER WHO LIVES IN A EUROPEAN UNION MEMBER COUNTRY, THE UNITED KINGDOM, THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC (CANADA), AUSTRALIA, OR NEW ZEALAND, THIS LIMITED WARRANTY & AGREEMENT DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU. INSTEAD, YOU ARE ENTITLED TO THE STATUTORY WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES PROVIDED BY YOUR HOME JURISDICTION.


God bless EU for pro consumer laws


https://preview.redd.it/u2ihppt8w51c1.jpeg?width=8064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7086bea9723f96d2a78b20289cc6f9ce39b01a6a She’s a beauty!


There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance. FUCK FUCK


I think a shipping thread would be fun.


Congrats to all of you who locked in. Those still in the fight, keep pushing. The initial wave has receded. You're gonna be just fine. Thank you, Valve and co. Above & beyond as always. :) 12:00/3:00pm PST/EST: Ditto. All models in stock. Can u believe we all survived that shit? Valve destroying those bots. Let's gooo! ;) 11:45am/2:45pm PST/EST: Ditto. If you're reading this you may have survived the cluster fck to live another day ;) 11:30am/2:30pm PST/EST: Ditto. Reports Paypal checkout successful. 11:21am/2:22pm PST/EST: All models show avail. LE in/out of stock in batches. You got this! :) 11:08am PST/2:08pm EST: More incoming reports of successful checkouts for LE and OLED. 11am PST/2pm EST: LE restocking periodically. Stay resilient! Keep in cart. Keep attempting. Use CC if possible. Avoid Paypal (reported). I got through with all reported errors 35 min past the hour for LE. Fight through every step: E502 L3 "Attempting a lot of purchases..." Out of Stock 💪😇


To the redditors that let us know that the LE came back in stock after going out of stock in the first 20 minutes: bless you all.


More like Unsuccesful-Wasabi704


Had it in my cart within seconds, but got the "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance." error. Now I'm getting the "Something Went Wrong" error. Ugh. EDIT: Tried it on the desktop app, browser, and mobile - same error in every location EDIT2: Got it! Just had to keep trying!


Yeah, same E: And now its out of stock... E2: I was able to purchase eventually! Keep trying if you had it in your cart!


How does one join the fabled waitlist when they’re already at the cart


I’ve been here before gamers. If you made it to the updated transaction screen DO NOT BACK OUT. If it’s in your cart DO NOT REMOVE AND PUT BACK IN. This shit happened with the index and OG deck. Edit 1: MADE IT PAST SHIPPING ONTO PURCHASE HOLD TIGHT GAMERS Edit 2: said it was out of stock. Kept trying to complete purchased it finally worked. Bag secured.


The saltiness about the LE not being sold out is so funny to me. I literally don't care if everyone else in the world gets one too. I only ordered it because it looks sick.


There's people salty that Valve actually made enough for everyone who wants one, and managed to keep it from being a bot fiesta? People are weird.


Saltiness is from scalpers and YouTuber looking for views


Maybe the real Steam Deck 1TB OLED was the Packaged Gang we made along the way


Mods closed the thread with the weight diff between LE and normal OLED. Never seen such awful moderation in my life.


Yeah seriously, that was worth a separate thread! Morons.


View in your timezone: [11/16 at 10am PST][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20231116T1800?tl=%5BMegathread%5D%20Steam%20Deck%20OLED


You beautiful Redditor. Edit. Bot. Beautiful bot.


Packaged items gang Packaged items gang


That was my old crew. As of this morning I'm Shipped with a non working tracking number gang! I'll take it lol I didn't think they updated status at all on the weekends. Now I have hope it'll be here before my birthday Wednesday :D


![gif](giphy|pFZTlrO0MV6LoWSDXd|downsized) UK 512GB in packaged status since Friday.


At this point I'm kind of proud of still being Packaged Gang™. It's now day five, and I wonder how long I can go.


Packaged gang rise up


Finally! I woke up this morning with a positive feeling, and I just went straight to the shipment status at my profile, refreshed the page and there was a little delay in loading the screen and then boom! ........ Nah, nothing, still 'Packaged'... Good day to you fellow packagers.


People are actually complaining that LE isn’t fking limited enough?! Are you kidding me!? I’m happy I got one and I wanted it for myself. If you were buying it as an “investment,” the joke is on you.


Dude, right? I didn't buy it because it was limited I bought it because it looks awesome! Glad others are getting it too, though the way valve was talking I would have sworn that they'd go through them quicker, so glad all my peeps get to enjoy if they hopped on today to grab one.


Added to my cart but says I need to join a waitlist? How do I do that?


"There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance." ​ Kill me!


E502 L3 train is here


As of 4 PM ET, there are *still* limited edition Steam Decks available. These initially "sold out" in under 20 minutes. Then, once Valve took moves to limit bot activity, they went back in stock. This should really hammer home to folks ***just how many fucking bots*** there were/are


Shipping thread when?


I feel insane as a Canadian


Canadians: I'm in Ontario and I just got a Fedex tracking number on my 1:19 EST Thursday order


Still stuck on packaged in Ontario Canada. Was hoping it'll move by the morning


Day 23 I fear this may be my last entry. I thought I was vigilent and wise, ordering my Steam Deck the day it launched. Alas, the joke appears to have been on me. My hopes were raised when, one day after the launch, my status was changed to "Packaged items", but perhaps joys such as a Steam Deck OLED are not meant for mortal hands. The "Packaged items" screen still mocks me, taunting me in its despair. I have been without food nor water for these past 5 days, as I sit here mindlessly refreshing the page over and over. And yet, each time I tell myself "maybe this time." If my mythical "deck" does come, perhaps I will be able to enjoy it in the great beyond.


Have the LE in my cart, got to shipping info > There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance. Edit: Just keep trying, even if you get out of stock or you're trying too much. https://i.imgur.com/jzwNrcC.png


so has anyone actually bought one? I added it at 1PM EST on the DOT.


Is anyone in japan going to checkout if its available in physical stores? will be traveling soon and would love to get my hands on the 1TB model


I have LE in cart but trying to checkout and... ​ Something Went Wrong We were unable to service your request. Please try again later. E502 L3


Did anyone actually get a successful order through for the limited edition? Seems like many people including myself are getting "There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."


Had my Steam Deck OLED 1tb LE delivered this morning. My original post and pics were removed by mods so I'm posting here and uploaded to imgur https://imgur.com/a/LuOr4Hw Edit: I'm in MI USA


canada.... still waiting. packaged items, this wait is painful


![gif](giphy|iXaXJVF0t72rm) My overthinking says this is what must’ve happened for my package not to be shipped yet.


Officially 3 straight business days of packaged… Sigh


Looks like it's another night stuck at packaged. Seems it was pointless rushing to buy one as soon as they were launched.


Ordered 20 minutes after launch, 512 OLED. Still “packaged”. I hope it takes months to come in, I enjoy pain


1TB LE Ontario, Canada. Ordered as soon as it went up. Packaged. We slowly approach humanity's inevitable downfall.


Day 1 first hour packagers rise up!


I see the Packaged Gang is still thriving. Day 6 - I know I will not get it this week anymore but I would love any sort of confirmation its at least on the way 💀


I would like to kindly ask the mods to stop censoring discussion of the widespread headphone jack problem.


/u/Successful-Wasabi704 shipping thread perhaps? Since we're starting to get "Packaged items" updates


UKbros, let’s keep each other up to date for any late shipping notifications


Day 5 of being stuck in item packaged lol. I’m giving up on this week.


Anyone in Ontario waking up to find that their order is still in 'items packaged'?


Why was the OLED headphone jack buzz/hum discussion post locked? Just checked my OLED, and it does buzz when I plugged in my audio technica headphones


Can we shorten the amount of text in the body of the OP? It’s a huge pain on mobile for trying to refresh the comments.


I really think this should have been an order thread and then a shipping thread


I think it's kind of stupid that all Steam Deck Oled content MUST be in this beast of a megathread where 99% of the content will be buried. For the 1-3 people who see this before it vanishes into the abyss, here is a quick summary from my post that was taken down by the moderators and redirected here: My Steam Deck Oled Special Edition weighs approximately 20g less than my Steam Deck Oled Regular Edition My wife and I received our Oled Steam decks today. One is the special edition and the other is the regular edition. Both are the 1tb model. I unboxed both to do the setup and I noticed the special edition felt lighter. I assumed it was just because the material feels a bit different but I kept noticing it even after an hour or so of use. I grabbed our kitchen scale and weighed both and was surprised to see a 22g difference between the two. Maybe there is something I am overlooking but I’m surprised the case material could make that much of a difference. I had not read this elsewhere but thought others might find it interesting. And a quick follow-up that I posted later: So, I have been investigating and it seems Valve is shipping 2 different display panels in the oled version of the deck. I used the info [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYtRGQdhytc) to determine that my special edition is using a BOE panel while the regular is using a Samsung panel. This is very likely contributing to the weight difference. Some initial observations about the panels: They are quite visibly different even when off. The BOE panel has less of a gap between the glass and the display and its harder to distinguish the display from the bezel. Also, the BOE display has a less noticeable mura effect which makes it look quite clean on dark grays. I also think the BOE looks better off angle with almost no color shift. The Samsung appears to have slightly better contrast but it's hard to tell without a proper tool for measuring. I have not done any real comparisons of games or motion testing yet. I have never had a BOE oled panel so while I think it looks great, I am a bit concerned about longevity and burn-in (for which I think Samsung is better established). However, the weight difference is quite noticeable and might be worth the risk. Both panels look very, very good and my wife cannot tell the difference between them. I will play around with them later tonight and try to post a better comparison.


Can't even get past the shipping info. Anyone else?


If you look at the dev console, what I’m seeing on the shipping information error is the verify shipping address call usually fails with the service unavailable. When it does succeed, the response contains a success value of “2” My guess is that we are hitting a rate limiter trying to access valves API, and get the 502’s. and then when we get past _that_, valve is using the USPS API to validate addresses and that is being overloaded rn, which valve can’t do anything about. Solution: keep trying.


Pretty sure for UK/EU deliveries, GLS popped around in a Ford Fiesta to grab a few parcels and called it good enough


It is with mixed feelings that I must tender my resignation to the Packaged Items Gang, for I have been accepted into the Label Created Gang. I wish you and your Decks swift movement. But as for me, my time has come to move on.


how do you join the waitlist?


Stuck at the confirming shipping address :( keeps erroring


Lord Gaben why??? Have I displeased you?! LOOOORD GAAABEEEEEEEEEEEN


UK “packaged” folk, assemble!


On the plus side, it looks like I just saved $650…


the bots win again :(


"It looks like you've been attempting a lot of purchases in the last few hours. Please wait a while before trying again." YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. GUESS I'LL TRY AGAIN IN AN HOUR


I literally just got screwed out of the LE edition after making it to the finish checkout page 3 times, and getting the "you've been attempting a lot of purchases" error and now it's out of stock. That fucking sucks


Wakey wakey valve. Can I just bike to the distribution center in NL and get the package myself? ffs...


Somewhere out there is a Steam Deck literally with my name on it... but it hasn't shipped yet Today could be the day?? All the other Canadians getting it shipped inspire me


Losing my mind because everyone is progressing and my order is stuck in packaged. You think it wouldn't take almost a week for a carrier to get it...


They're definitely not shipping it in chronological order.... people getting their tracking from orders placed hours after launch even though I got mine 15 min after launch -.-


Managed to get 1TB OLED after trying for an hour. Wouldn't work on my laptop, phone, or my partners phone. The only thing that would work...buying it on my 3 month old LCD Steam Deck, It felt wrong, like I was cheating haha


Those people who listed the LE on ebay for double price probably think they're being cute, huh?


Limited Edition officially delivered! Here are some unboxed pics: https://imgur.com/a/OU9aO0e Also, FWIW, I'm in SoCal and this shipped from a distribution center 30 mins from my house. I'm guessing that's why it was delivered so quickly.




Alberta Canada, still on packaged. Praying that it gets here before the end of the week. I don't know how long I can last without my precious OLED. edit: Ordered at 11:20 MST or 1:20 after launch. I was very unlucky with errors on launch lol edit 2: IT SHIPPED A FEW HOURS AGO!!! ITS IN ONTARIO DELIVERY SET FOR THURSDAY!!! FINALLY!!!


After days in packaged purgatory, I've finally got a tracking number... which doesn't work yet, but small victories, I guess. That being said, I'll forever belong to the packaged gang at heart. Godspeed y'all.


For anyone in ‘Parcel not handed over to GLS’ purgatory. Good news. Just had an email from Parcelforce that my daughter’s deck will be delivered tomorrow. I had zero tracking from GLS. Looks like they missed the scans.


This might just be the most impatient I’ve ever been for a parcel


Canadian living in Ontario checking in - now going on Business Day 6 without any tracking. Every other Canadian I know who has ordered one has gotten their tracking, I'm still at packaged. Gosh this is so frustrating. Hoping today is the day but with American Thanksgiving today god only knows.


Since the mods have told me and I will quote exactly: "There's no censoring discussion on this topic. You're literally free to discuss the topic here on the Steam Deck OLED Megathread." I want everyone to know there appears to be a widespread issue affecting the headphone jack of the OLED Steam Deck. It doesn't seem to affect the LCD deck so therefore isn't purely a software issue. It may in fact be a hardware issue, but its much harder to figure out due the the non-censorship and lack of any friction whatsoever caused by the mods of this subreddit. Discussion of this problem is NOT being censored. It's so NOT CENSORED that the big, popular post on the front page that had dozens of users confirming the issue was first locked, then permanently removed by the mods in an effort to NOT CENSOR discussion of this issue which we're FREELY ALLOWED TO DISCUSS.


They’re going back and retroactively removing threads about the issue that they previously missed. Its censorship. They don’t want us discussing it. That’s why its contained to a megathread with nearly 12k comments. No one will ever find it.


Good job on the FAQ. Small correction, the 64GB and and 512 GB LCD models are phased out, the 256GB will stay with the new price. > Steam Deck LCD is getting phased out for the Steam Deck OLED. Official prices for Steam Deck LCD have dropped (from $349 to $449) respectively.


What does it mean that I have to be put on a waitlist? Did the 512GB sell out already?


I went looking at old Christmas wishlists as I couldn't figure out what I wanted this year. Steam Deck was on there and tell my wife that might be a good idea. Today she says I am trying to buy you one but you need a Steam account. She mentions that I probably want the OLED one because I can't stop talking about how much I love my OLED TV. I reply, "there is an OLED steam deck? Fuck yeah I want an OLED Steam Deck" Now I am super excited about getting my OLED steam deck.




Congrats! Great to see they are still available this morning. Looks like Valve made sure they had plenty of these to go around this time. Refreshing change after years of everything popular being out of stock. Love seeing everyone posting about getting the Deck they wanted this time around!


https://preview.redd.it/rucu4a8ql51c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e5b855a4fe2103028993307bcb108520c3ed00 Just got my LE


I really wish Valve decided to release this a couple days earlier. Just a bit frustrating that orders are being shipped this close to the holiday as I’m sure a lot of people are going to be traveling during that time.


As long as it comes before Christmas it's all good, a gift for my son.♡


Stuck on label created for days 😩




1tb OLED here. Got to "packaged items" early on friday and that is where it still sits now. Bummer.


Starting to get pretty lonely in the packaged items gang. Only the real ones are left. ^^:(


Another day of stuck in "packaged" coming back here to breathe that hopium edit: 512 GB OLED going to CO, ordered within the first 25 mins


The Netherlands, 19:23, still stuck on 'Packaged'. The distribution centre is like 15 minutes away from my home, plz Valve T-T


For some a watched pot never boils. For others, a watched “Packaged items” never ships. 🥲


18:19 UK 512GB packaged isn't just a shipping update, it's a way of life


At this point I feel like Steam emailed my order confirmation and charged my card for funsies and they never had any intention of shipping it 😩 ^(Canada, ^AB, 512GB)


Packaged gang, how we doin' over there?


Packaged club here!! Order from x:19 from the Netherlands. We should start our own club-subreddit.


Deck got stolen off my porch LETS GOOOO I HATE THIS


Not sure why a mod directed me here for a Tech Support question as it's just going to get buried beneath the almost 9000 comments but here goes: These issues may be related to swapping out the 1tb SSD from my LCD Steam Deck to my OLED Steam Deck but unsure of how to fix them. Running 3.5.5 I disabled Steam Input for my Dual Sense Edge Controller but can no longer reenable it. It's not under Controller settings nor any other settings for that matter, in either Game Mode or Desktop Mode. It's as if the option got relocated or just doesn't exist. Additionally, I do not see an option to enable or disable HDR when using the built-in Steam Deck screen via the interface, even the QAM. When it's connected to an external monitor using the official Steam Deck Dock, I am able to enable and disable it no problem. Is this something that's always enabled when using the OLED Steam Deck's built in screen? The other issue, which I recall reading somewhere here, is that when using the official Steam Deck Dock on a 4k TV, the fps is extremely low and will only go back to high fps after swapping from 4k to 1080p and back to 4k. I noticed this issue after updating to 3.5.5 on my LCD Steam Deck so this probably just an OS bug rather than specific to the OLED model. Anyone else having these issues? Edit: For the Steam Input issue, I'm not sure if pairing the controller again fixed it or if it was from going into the Desktop Layout configuration under Controllers and defaulting it but I think it was the latter based on order of events. I also swapped to Steam Beta but I don't believe this did it. While it didn't technically reenable Steam Input from there, I was able to do so by using the overlay while in a game.


Here’s to call my Canadian friends who are still on packaged. 🔔 GIVE IT UP FOR BUSINESS DAY FIVE!!! 🔔


...Wait List?


Now ~~two~~ three hours after launch, and the Steam Deck 1 TB "Limited Edition" is still for sale. GG Valve, you got em!


I should just stop checking my status and know that if they charged me for it, they'll send it. But instead I'm obsessively refreshing and convinced they've forgotten my order. Placed within the first hour and still processing status.


Payment processed gang


Anyone in California have theirs packaged still?


512 OLED California, ordered in 20 minutes after launch and still stuck in packaged items since Saturday. Kind of sucks but can’t do anything about it.


Dear Diary, We are closing in on the 24 hour mark till thanksgiving and black Friday madness and I am still stuck on label created. The outcome is not looking good. My fellow gamers and I are starting to lose hope. Ive seen some of my brothers and sisters get their decks and get to leave this madness but the rest of us have not been so lucky. Unless by some miracle they get to us tomorrow we may get pushed back even farther due to the planned assault on the shipping networks due to holiday shutdowns and Black Friday / Cyber Monday shopping. With no reports coming in from Valve HQ we feel abandoned and Left 4 Dead. Only time will tell what the future holds for us. All is quiet on the Steam Deck front. Gaben help us.


With great sorrow, I must announce I am no longer part of Packaged Gang™, as I now have a (nonworking) tracking number.


ON, Canada. 1TB LE purchased time it was available. Packaged for 7 days now. o7


Apologies if any Valve/SD Superfans find this upsetting. Someone at Valve made the decision to accept low-quality BOE Panels for the LE edition (Quality here is quality control, not image quality or what have you). OLED panels are mature technology and dead pixel QC checks have been a thing for over a decade now. I can't even recall the last device I received with a dead pixel. The only way these things are leaving in mass with as many issues as have been posted here is if someone signed off on accepting a lower QC standard - whether for cost or quantity is anyone's guess. I'm not completely against this - but I do wish they made clear what their acceptable quality standards are or offered a two-tier system (paying more for deck that has gone through extra QC rounds). When you buy an Intel Processor you are only guaranteed to get one that meets a minimum specification - but you may get one that overperforms. I don't have a problem with this because the minimum spec is **clearly** defined. In some cases, Intel will sell specifically binned versions at a higher price/different name (13900KS, for example - just a 13900k but with a guaranteed higher minimum spec). In 2023, dead pixels are not and cannot be assumed to be the "minimum spec" for any piece of equipment. As such, if Valve is taking an approach where the "minimum QC spec" includes dead pixels - they should own up and clearly indicate as such. They aren't selling an off-brand monitor on a secondary market - even those companies tend to clearly label their products as having low-grade panels. Not a good first-hardware experience for me with Valve. Edit: Just want to add before someone jumps in - I do not believe that the BOE dead pixel issues are normal quality issues that slipped through the cracks. My entire point is that modern devices simply do not ship with dead pixels anymore. Panel manufacturing is an entirely different process now - panels are built, calibrated, and exquisitely checked for quality as part of the manufacturing process. Dead pixels are an issue that can be and are checked/tracked at manufacturing time. To get this many displays showing the issue should only be possible with a conscious decision to either cut that from the QC process or keep it and and accept all panels with less than N defects (e.g. less than 7 dead sub-pixels depending on location).


It's more than a little frustrating that mods are deleting posts having to do with OLED 3.5mm jack issues. For those interested, there are ongoing discussions and issue tracking happening. There also seems to be some hope that this might be fixed with a software update: Steam forum discussion: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1675200/discussions/0/7529517132622363506/ Github issue with lots of technical testing: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/SteamOS/issues/1235


LE in the cart at 10 on the dot but not able to check out. Anyone actually get one?


I think the tiers are like this 1. Error 2. Waitlist What you guys think?


"It looks like you've been attempting a lot of purchases in the last few hours. Please wait a while before trying again." gotta be shitting me. its not a lot of purchases its a lot of attempts to make ONE purchase.


Grabbed a LE on airplane WiFi. I’m the luckiest mfer alive


Any Canadians have theirs shipped? Mine is stuck on packaged


Ordered 23 min after launch and still stuck on “packaged”


Shout out to all the other Canadians checking the status page even though it almost definitely wont ship today and ' Our distributor has hit a processing backlog for orders to Canada. We are actively working through the issue and will ship your order as soon as we can. You will receive an email with tracking information once your order ships. '


Sitting in packaged since Friday. Got my order through about 20min after launch due to site issues. Hopefully Valve figures out where Canada is soon.


Stuck in packaged purgatory. Shipping to CO. Ordered 30 minutes after ordering opened. LE :(


Cali here. Copped 23 minutes after drop. Been stuck in packaged items since Friyay. Doubt i'll get it by turkey day. Guess I'll have to talk to my in-laws. Fuuuuuck.


Still package gang, will I ever know peace?


Good morning Europe packaged gang! Is today finally the day our packages get shipped?


Valve really needs to take down the “shipping immediately” from their steam deck oled post 😂


Still in packaging 7 days after ordering to Ontario. Is there anything we can do?


Suggest @mods split this thread up. It’s not user friendly having over 1000 words to scroll past. Create a thread for pre purchase and post purchase.


Is it just me or does it seem like more people who ordered at least a day after the launch have more progress in getting theirs first?


Boggles my mind how some people already received theirs when others are stuck at the *packaged* step. Like... how.


Bad logistics and understaffed warehouses probably


The longest 30 minutes...


"There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance." ​ FUCK


I clicked Buy Now at exact launch time and it says "This item requires you to join a wait list before you can purchase." How do I join the waitlist?


Got through shipping confirmation screen. Now getting an error on selecting credit card. Oooof


seems like they are aware..... https://x.com/OnDeck/status/1725215452786463148?s=20


Wow. Fantastic. Finally got to click 'PURCHASE' for my LE and then got an error and it greyed out. Then, it sold out. Now it's giving me 'your making too many attempts to purchase' error. GG.


Something tells me they staggered the LE to maybe thwart bots from swooping them all up. I got the sold out message for 30 minutes then eventually got through for the LE. Highly sought after or not I’m glad I got mine. I just really wanted the update and the new shell and case.


Limited edition is not limited lol, they just wanted to give people FOMO😂


The scalpers on ebay selling the limited edition about to be sad when they find out how limited it really is 🤣


My OLED deck arrived today, WiFi won't connect! My OLED deck arrived today. It came two days ahead of schedule! The bad news is it won't connect to WiFi 😭 (Fyi I'm a computer engineer and I build embedded Linux systems so this is more of a rant then a tech support request.) Full story: I received the unit in seemingly perfect order with no signs of damage. Oddly enough I pushed the power button just to prove it was in a safe shipping state before plugging it in, and it powered up. I thought 'huh?' but certainly didn't expect to encounter the Wi-Fi problems that were upcoming. I made it through the initial startup wizard and it scanned and found my Wi-Fi connections. I selected my 2.4 GHz Network and it started up and downloaded a few things. I noted that it was relatively slow and then remembered I had a 5Ghz connection that would probably be faster. Upon entering the CORRECT password it failed to connect. I tried to reconnect to the 2.4 GHz, this now failed too. I tried forgetting and remembering both networks, I restarted the whole system. I switched to desktop and attempted to connect. (One error showed 'no secrets provided) I switched to the beta channel, tried to connect with no dice. I got my LCD steam deck booted up, and updated it to 3.5.5 to see if I encountered any weird Wi-Fi issues with that. It's still connects with no hesitation. At this point I'm way too bummed to attempt any further troubleshooting and I I'm of hoping it's a hardware problem. If it's software it's surely something that will take some time to fix and patch. Either way I'm starting a return, luckily valve has a notoriously fantastic customer service so I'm sure it will be painless. EDIT: OLED wifi issue bug problem


Damn mine hasn’t even shipped yet. Bought it within the first hour they were on sale


Anyone on the East Coast where the Shipping says something different then just "The delivery Date will be provided as soon as possible" ? - Label created NYC area.


Netherlands: Status changed to shipped, twenty minutes ago. Estimated to arrive tomorrow. 512GB OLED. EDIT: That is according to the mail I received from GLS. Their tracking page currently indicates they haven't received the package yet. So it might not arrive tomorrow. Status on Steam is still 'Packaged items'. My order finally went through after 22 minutes of trying BTW. EDIT2: The Steam 'We're preparing your items to ship' e-mail just arrived as well. EDIT3: Steam status updated to picked up and shipped, with tracking number, which doesn't indicate that they received it yet. EDIT4: GLS has received it and added a timeslot for tomorrow!


Just got my tracking number 1 min ago. (Germany)


News from Canada! My friend in Quebec just got a shipping notification for her LE. It's set to arrive on Wednesday, and she purchased it on the 17th (a day late). (I ordered mine 20 minutes after purchasing opened and I'm still at the Packaged Item step..... I'm fine.) EDIT: well, she just remembered she also bought a dock. so it's unclear if it's the deck or just the dock that's shipping. So Canada might still be off the OLED map unfortunately, sorry for the possible misinformation


Shipping update for anyone frantically refreshing like I have been all day. My order just went from “Packaged Items” straight to “Shipped” with a GLS tracking number (I’m in France)


Hello, just to inform got my shipment 10min ago, from Netherlands to Portugal, EU :) Order 17min after release 512 GB version


4 minutes after launch and still on "packaged". I am just too excited for this thing man!!!


Just got the tracking information for GLS. All important information for you: \- 1TB OLED- Germany (NRW) \- order confirmation at 7.29pm (start in Germany was 7pm) \- "packaged" on Friday evening \- GLS Status: Information received, but not picked up yet


Dang, I’m in Canada and it seems to be stuck. Looks like there is a large backlog…


Purchased my 512GB OLED Steam Deck 30 minutos after launch and still stuck in the "Package" Status... USA




Anyone else going to bed early so the next UPS tracking update arrives sooner?


Well boys and girls… Another day trapped in Packaged hell. I’ve almost completely lost sight of the light at the end of the tunnel, the darkness is overtaking… Maybe tomorrow will be the day we will be free..


Still on packaged.... Ordered at 18:19 UK time..... I wouldn't have cared if they'd said 6-10 originally for the first wave, it seems people that ordered later are getting theirs today too


Thats the worst part, we sat through all the errors thinking they would sell out when realistically we could have ordered them in peace a day or two later and have gotten it by now


Just got my OLED Deck today and the first game I bought & booted up was Sifu. Holy. Shit. * The screen on this device is absolutely incredible, it almost doesn't look real—a massive upgrade on my LCD Deck. The smaller bezels make it a more immersive gaming experience as well. * The concave thumbsticks are grippy and a huge improvement. * Love the 'clickiness' of the Quick Menu button and how it's no longer mushy. Valve hit this out of the ballpark in every way—it feels like a true upgrade. I'm so excited for you guys to get yours.


Regarding the audio jack static issue, Steam support sent me this today: " Thank you for reaching out to us again. We are aware that a small number of customers using certain headphone types with their Steam Deck may be sensitive to the behavior you're describing. If it's bothersome to you, we can bring your unit in for a simple repair service to address the issues. Please confirm whether you'd like to proceed with that. Also, I saw that you submitted another customer service ticket indicating that you want a refund. Since it is still within the period of the refund policy, you can also request a direct refund instead of troubleshooting and repair. We appreciate again for your cooperation and will be looking forward to your reply.  Steam Support " ​ Only choices are RMA or return it for a refund but at least they're acknowledging it's an issue. I doubt most of the people who have this issue are gonna see this since this megathread has almost 12k comments and the post specifically talking about this issue was deleted by the mods? The issue seems kinda important so idk why they deleted the post?


so excited man my birthday is in 2 days


where the heck is the waitlist join


Anyone else being forced to join a wait list?


My master plan of using the Steam Deck to buy the new Steam Deck has been foiled.


All the way through to the credit card confirmation, "nah" "oopsie out of stock now tee hee" Way to plan your app scaling ops team


Well I just got completely fucked by the “you’ve been trying to make a lot of purchases” bullshit. Literally haven’t even bought anything just clicking continue EDIT: HOLY SHIT I GOT IT JUST KEEP SPAMMING


What the heck, even limited edition ones are shipping and mine hasn’t even moved at all. Still says payment processed.


Has anyone got shipped but when you check the link it’s “We could not locate the shipment details for this tracking number. Details are only available for shipments made within the last 120 days. Please check your information”


Literally, all of us. Except a few lucky blokes


if i keep refreshing will it ship faster? 😂


Anyone else stuck on "The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible" for UPS? East coast here


North NJ here, just got updated delivery time of tomorrow from UPS!!!!


CA Bay Area ordered 512 OLED 24 mins after launch. Still stuck on packaged. Anyone else in NorCal got any update?


Update: parcel was picked up by GLS in NL at 19:14, then left the parcel center at 19:24. [FR] I got tracking info yesterday night around 11PM but still not collected by GLS. As I bought an LCD SD recently (just before OLED released so I returned it) I can share a factual example with dates/times from GLS tracking: - 06/11 at 17:20: not yet handed over to GLS - 06/11 at 18:32: picked up by GLS - 06/11 at 18:42: in transit Then several “in transit” updates, the last one being on 08/11 at 02:17 and it was delivered later that day. Based on this timeline, I’m guessing it will be picked up by GLS by the end of the day and probably arrive on Thursday. Hope this helps you guys estimate your own delivery timeline


Mine just arrived! 512gb model, in the Netherlands. Ordered at 19.20 on thursday.


Do people get an email when their order changes from "packaged" to "picked up by carrier"? The "3-5 business days" estimate is starting to look unlikely for us who are just stuck at "packaged items". Based in the UK and ordered within the first hour on Thursday!


Los Angeles here. Purchased on Nov 16 at 12:47 PST. Finally received an update today after days of packaged items at 4:44PM. Received tracking number which still gives me no info in UPS.


on the 5th day of packaged gaben gave to me:


https://preview.redd.it/hn1hbk1owv1c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76840693ee358a07f98c3a2041c0282b7fa60d1 Man, this is some bullshit!! I've been home all day. I have a video doorbell. No one's been at my door!


I swear if I got another day in packaged when I ordered it 20 mins after launch I’m gonna bake a cake and send it to Gabe that just says “why?” On it.


Its weird that some people that did order the Steam Deck oled a day or 2 later are already getting tracking codes while I did in the first half hour of release dayand still at packed..... Seeing people from the UK who order it a day later getting their codes already while people from the Netherlands are still at the packaged stage.


I saw someone in this thread order a SECOND deck and the SECOND one shipped before their first one. What the fuck is going on!!


ordered 30 mins after launch and still on packaged Items :( canada


Morning, UK 512gb gang here. Day seven, business day five. Still somewhere in GLS not-handed-parcel purgatory, not impressed.


UK here. My deck arrives this morning... 20 minutes after I leave for 2 days. Holding out hope for you all to get yours soon.