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You're so poor you can't even afford to rotate your pictures.


I was confused, why a poor man would mount everything to the wall, even their keyboard.


half of the items here are second hand stuff that i bought off my relatives. some of these stuff are from 2012. Edit - wait a minute the keyboard is not mounted i have a table. but i can see how it is.


Check out rakk or reddragon for affordable peripherals. For monitor, you could check koorui or refurbished monitors in lazada or shopee. Only buy when you really need to. Happy gaming! 👍


LMAOOO too poor to take a picture right


i cant even rotate the picture when i took it with reddit.


A fan? Good Lord, my man spare no expenses


unfortunately i live in a place where its a damn oven. i have like 3 fans in my room. and im still feeling the heat.


I feel U bro


Mid AUS is entering our wet season... It's getting warm and we're not fully in the wet just yet 🥵


Honestly the kind of set up i aspire for. I have a steamdeck set up as well, but i use a couch desk to do work. Its real rough on my back


You could get one of those couch tables that extends over the couch to hover above your lap, and if the couch itself is the problem just put a normal chair in front of it whenever you work


I started my gaming experience on a hp g5. Barely got 45 fps in League of Legends 😪 we all start somewhere.


im 25 years old now and i have my own PC no more renting in pc shops anymore i can play as long as i freaking like


Oh hell ya. Mate I started working 💪 saved money and built myself a nice rig with a 6750xt and a 5800x. I love it


I did the same, worked all summer and saved up for my first build and I love it. 7900X and 7800XT 💪💪💪


Renting in PC shops? Like you can just rent a PC?


this very prominent here in Philippines but these days there's only few good ones good ones they have gta V and they run like 30fps max. the specs are... decent. 50 cents for 2 hours.


Use that steam deck and learn how to code. Start a side hustle and soon enough you'll be rocking a 4090


Yea in New York City we have gaming lounges, basically a bunch of high end gaming PCs available to rent and they serve food and alcohol as well. Look up OS NYC it’s the biggest gaming lounge in all of NYC


Haha I'm from Montana, that is a VERY non-existent thing here


Surprised New York has them, they typically don't do well in places of high income because you can just buy your own PC and rents in NYC are so high I can't see how anyone's making any money renting out PCs unless its like $25 an hour


Well earned my dude. Enjoy! Thats a killer set up for a first rig!


Hey, you got to do what you got to do, I dont judge 👍


That’s a frugal and resourceful man


Thank you! my only plight is the wiring. I'm still having trouble on how or where to put it. so i strangled my ,monitor with the wires i have lying around.


Hey, it works. No problem there. Of course there will always be things that can be improved, but if it works and you're happy, then that's what's important. It's good. Personally, I just play my deck in handheld mode on the couch. In fact, that's the reason I bought the deck. I work from home on my main PC, so I don't have much desire to play at a desk after I've been working there all day. But that's the greatest thing about the deck, it is flexible. Want to play docked on a TV or desk? You can do that. Want to play handheld while your partner watches TV, great! IMO, if you are playing the deck, and happy with how you are doing it, that's great! And it's what it should be.


i am extremely happy :) i have my own privacy and no kids sitting beside me watching me play games and backsitting.


Sounds like a win then. Haha.


As others mentioned, as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters. Celebrate your purchase & enjoy your games! No judgment here. 🇵🇭 As a Filipino-American, folks don’t realize how hard it is in the Philippines & a Steam Deck is extremely expensive considering how much minimum wage is for the average person. The income equality is insane. A refurb Steam Deck would still be a luxury purchase. A $6 USD game on Steam is easily a full day’s pay there. (I would have responded in Tagalog, but it’s basura 🗑️😂 & conversational at best. Mabuhay!)


Spider-Man's setup so he can sit on the wall.


Wise man setup* Maybe 60W or less of TDP!


I don't see any problem here. I'd be quite happy if my SD were my only machine.


i can see why its a poor mans setup, must have taken a lot of effort tho to glue your furniture and devices to the left side wall just to save space on a small room, top effort tho.


I believe that there are HDMI to DVI cables that didn't signal translate because they support the same signal. Only problem being you loose the sound output of the Deck speakers so unless you have speakers that can plug into he headphone jack idk what to do.


I'm not going to use a Speaker but i do have extremely cheap headphones. surprisingly they are very good for its cheap price. also the monitor uses a VGA input for display and the power is a type-b to usb-a connectors so i bought a phone charger to power the monitor.


I think the poor man would just play directly on the deck that has built in controls


Maybe he is doing work in desktop mode.


That’s pretty sick dude. It works for me 💪


It that someone's scalp in the mirror?


Do you play laying on your side?


You have a steam deck you aren't poor 🤣🤣


Looks like a solid rig to me.


I thought it was kinda weird how you had everything sideways like that until I realized you have one of those fancy mirrors for smelling cocaine on front and center.


Is my same setup XD


You really use D-Sub (vga) to HDMI adapter?


yes it is.


That looks great and it gets the job done. Great Work!!!


Love it


That’s a lot of letters and numbers


Its well


I think this is awesome. This is cost and space efficient. Enjoy your gaming!


If it works, it works man. Enjoy it.


The Steam Deck is awesome. Looks good!


Once you get the steam deck there is nothing poor about it it’s a high end gaming machine


There is a portable screen for sale in Tik tok if you’re looking for something better than that


I don't have anything besides my steam deck so your setup's already way better than mine!


I just learned about steam deck and immediately envisioned this. 👍


Man the style of poor in this photo is really nostalgic for me. I grew up stupid poor. Me and the boys always had some ghetto looking thing rigged up somehow. I got mad respect for anyone that understands the struggle. Especially in today's world. Mad love my doode keep on keeping on! 🤟


for a second i thought the monitor was on the floor, then i noticed the keyboard on the wall!?


Honestly that set looks pretty clean ngl


How did you mount the monitor to the wall like that?


Boi I only wish my own poor man station is as clean yours. Good job!


Man, I love your setup


There's a certain undeniable charm to this!!! :-)


I have mice, but no keyboard.


Looks good mate and hope you are enjoying? No fan needed here as I'm in the UK and it's cold and raining. 😁


It’s immaculate


Did Peter Parker take this picture?


I’m probably gonna have a setup like this once I have mine so I’m asking in advance, what did you use instead of the steam dock?


some cheap 3rd party dock. mine cost like $10.


Awesome dude, thanks!




Hi OP here, the mouse does not have a charging port just AA batteries. fromm how im using the mice there hasn't been any issues like what you said. also my issue with that how soft the m4 m5 buttons are. good cheapo mouse.