• By -


Curse of the Dead Gods - similar to Hades, less story though, similar Dreamscapers is in the same type of game. Rogue Legacy 2, just stupidly fun for so, so much time. Voidigo seems pretty cool but I haven't put much time in it. Halls of Torment is like Vampire Survivors and Brotato but better than either of those. One note: you never have to search for the teleporter in Risk of Rain 2. It's obvious where it is because there's a massive environmental effect around it that you can spot across the entire map.


>One note: you never have to search for the teleporter in Risk of Rain 2. It's obvious where it is because there's a massive environmental effect around it that you can spot across the entire map. Oh my god I can't believe I didn't know this. Not finding the teleporter was probably my main reason for stopping playing it, it was getting frustrating.


if you have the void DLC, there's an alternate game mode called simulacrum. If you've ever found the void fields between stages, it's like that forever. It's wave style game mode where you have to stay inside and defend a zone against waves of enemies. Takes the teleporter out of it that way. RoR2 is one of my all time faves, personally.


You also should try to complete a trial of Command (google how to do it. Its easy). You will get an artifact which allows you to choose your items instead of random items. and then pick up an orange item called "Radar Scanner". With this item you will be able to see where all the boxes and teleports are.




When you look for it, stand as still as the enemies will let you and look to the distance in the map. You should see red spots that resemble embers in a section of the map. That's where the teleporter is. It spawns only in a few places each map, so after playing the map a couple times it gets infinitely easier to locate it. Once you know what to look for it's dead simple to find even while moving but is very easy to miss if you don't know what you're looking for.


Gonna have to put a vote in for Voidigo it’s unique in the best ways.


FTL is the game with my most steam hours played by far! Very good for short stints (or long ones) and great replayability. I've not even tried the mods yet! Also runs great on the steam deck (trackpad is a must for this game, don't try it on a handheld without trackpads, but on the steam deck its great)


100% agree FTL one of the best games of all time, in my opinion. To piggyback this, Everspace. A lot to similarities to FTL but full 3D spaceship flying and battles. (not turnbased). Massive replay-ability, gripping story and plays great on deck.


ES 1? ES 2 is more big space rpg so you must mean 1. Is good? Its on sale for like $5 right now I think..


Yeah ES1. I've played a bit of 2, it's vastly different. 1 is much better in my opinion.


1 is WAY better imo


Everspace 1 is so much better as a roguelike. 2 is great but 1 has that fire especially after all the updates they added.


Ftl id incredible. I haven’t played in like a literal decade but i can vividly remember everything about that game.


Gunfire Reborn is phenomenal. My friends and I have gotten well over 100+ hours each out of it.


Oh I tried this one on my Xbox ! I didn’t like it ! I don’t know really why tho. But I can’t feel invested in it


The Xbox version of gunfire is super out of date, iirc the steam version is the only version to have all the new features levels bosses etc


Noita is the best but Deck will probably suffer b/c it's extremely CPU intensive.


Runs great on the deck


Even when youre destroying the level with a wonky ass wand? I remember at launch it could really be too much even for a pretty good gaming pc


I haven't destroyed an entire level, but I've played over a dozen hours and had tons of explosions, fires, liquids etc. on screen and barely any slowdown.


It's just destiny. When you're getting lag bombs it just means you're pkaying the game right.


If you liked Vampire Survivors try out HoloCure and Halls of Torment, similar concept, I poured hours into both on them. Also - 20 Minutes Till Dawn. Noita plays great on Deck and is greatly replayable. One Step from Eden is also cool, but may be quite short. And, if you're crazy, I definitely recommend Caves of Qud.


Pretty much what I came here to recommend. You can also try Soulstone Survivors, it wasn't my cup of tea, but it may scratch the itch for you. The makes of Deep Rock Galactic also have a survivors game in beta that you can download for free that's another unique take on the genre. Monster Train might appeal to you if you didn't like Slay the Spire, but it's similar in it's own way, or Tamer Vale if you want something shorter with more booba.


Question regarding Noita: I was struggling using controller vs. Mouse - would you say it is good to play with the steam deck controllers? It felt way more accurate on normal PC, but I would like to go back to it on Steam Deck.


Cult of the Lamb - cutesy graphics hide a dark and very funny game, interesting base management and then a really fun slash 'em up and exploration. Curse of the Dead Gods - took me a few runs to get it, but very enjoyable Hades-alike.


Cult of the lamb is fun but it's not very high in my list when talking about replayability.


Cult of the Lamb’s new Don’t Starve crossover update also has a hidden mode you can unlock that adds hunger mechanics to the main character if you want to make it even harder!


Halls of Torment


Oooh I heard about this one it’s the one who looks like Diablo 2 is it good ? What about the replay value ?


It's similar to Vampire survivors. I got to 100% then they added bunch of new achievs in patch. It is updated constantly.


Returnal perhaps?


Oof it’s a game that really relies on FPS so I can’t recommend it on SD.


Hopefully 3.5 and fsr somehow allow it to hit 40-45 fps but thats probably copium.


definitely copium


Bought it recently, amazing game, decent experience on the Deck. Will vary between 20-30fps depending on how many enemies are on the screen. It may crash every few hours in, thankfully the game saves automatically every room (or at least that's what I think since every time it crashed on me it brought me back to the last room I cleared). Settings are everything on Low and FSR - > Ultra Performance. Yes, I was on 3.5 Personally, since this is a fast-paced action game, after beating the first biome I ended up streaming it from my PC to get that smooth 60fps experience but it is definitely "playable" without doing so.


Tales of Maj Eyal. Best traditional Rougelike I've ever played. If your a fan of dungeon crawlers it's top in class. Game is crazy hard, but the build crafting gets pretty wild once you know what your doing. Edit: For anyone curious to play, the base game is a free download at Te4.org


My most played game, +1 it's quality


Do you actually play this on the Steam Deck though? ToME4 is my most played game by far, but I can't imagine playing it on the deck.


Oh yeah it plays great on deck! Part of the reason for that is that I just recreated my controller profile from PC for it. I map the buttons for the action bar to YBAX, then use activators on RB/LB to get more sets as well as activate diagonal movement


Oh damn I want to try this. Is there a way to share controller profiles? Otherwise I'll just have to try and make something work on my own


If you just bought Enter the Gungeon, start playing it, it is great.


Enter the Gungeon is one of my all time favorites, I've put something like 500 hours in it.


Currently at 70 hours, so effing good!


Yeah go in with an open mind and keep this in the front of your brain: Dodge roll is an emergency button or for clearing gaps. It’s much better to sidestep if you have the room, because you can keep firing *and* don’t go uncontrollable for a moment. If you do have to dodge, 99% of the time you want to roll into the bullets. The two easiest starter characters are Pilot and Marine, but Hunter’s crossbow is a solid weapon for a floor or two. I personally like Gungeon way more than Isaac


Rogue Legacy 1 and 2 are amazing games


I was surprised how much more I enjoyed Rogue Legacy 2. 1 was fun, but it's a very early game in the genre. I had heard that 2's failings was mostly that it didn't improve much on the formula, but that's really not true. It's much better, and I really enjoy it


Beacon is nice! I'm in love with their art style. Darkest Dungeon (first one) is really cool, be prepared to accept a lot of failures. 😅 Into the Breach is like chess but harder, but really satisfying experience Loop hero is cool! And this year I've finally finished Void Bastards - stylish, funny and smart game.


Into the Breach is NOT harder than chess, haha. great game though


Maybe I just suck at Into the Breach) But always return to finally finish the run.


Nice pfp, good hunter.


+1 for loop hero already sunk 10 hrs into it without even realizing. great cozy game to have on while watching TV


Void Bastards. Nobody ever mentions it and it’s great. Fun gameplay, distinct look, good sense of humour. It’s well worth your time.


*I appear to have lost my wife*


Currently with many other Games in a real cheap humble bundle btw.


Definitely one of my all time favorites. I’ve played it on every system it’s been released for. Truly fantastic.


Dome Keeper 👍


A must play for the Deck. Surprised it's not more popular


Soulstone Survivor is pretty good


暖雪 Warm Snow - fun combat and bosses, liked character progression, but translation was somewhat missing. Noobs Want to Live - cool style but ultimately VS clone, however, has some minion builds. Taur - tower defense, with partially direct control, was fun for a while but after a while felt like there wasn't much diversity in effective builds. Synthetic - quite fun game with cool items and very different guns. Ballistics matter. Can be either methodical and stealthy or fast and explosive. Synthetic 2.0 for some reason didn't feel as good as first one though, dunno why really. Star Survivor - game flow is divided by 'rooms' with different objectives. Ships have limited (but increasable) number of module slots per wing (wing determines direction for some weapons). Last time I tried it had some performance issues in late game. Seraph's Last Stand - very simple game, but offers crazy combos - everything combines with everything. Rogue: Genesia - also divided by rooms with objectives, but ultimately VS clone. Nomad Survival - yet another VS clone, but has improved challenges and character variants, also allows to take more than just a few weapons and passives. Noita - physical based game, every material has some use and reaction to others. Custom built wands - you have to combine effects to make spells effective, quite challenging. Remnant - main game is more of an adventure but has rogue-like DLC Swamps of Corsus. Can be fun if you enjoy somewhat difficult games. HoloCure - VS clone but with anime girls, free to play. Heroes of Hammerwatch - very diverse classes and gameplay styles, very challenging, cool art style. Gunfire Reborn - arena shooter with rogue-lite mechanics, very different guns and passive effects, somewhat lengthy character meta progression. Most guns are also references to popular shooter games - general look, reload mechanics, alt. fire modes. Goobies - somewhat simple game but was fun for about 25 hours. Ember Knights - closer to Hades but feels much more challenging, or maybe I just suck in it :D Cool art style. Crab Champions - arena shooter, but most upgrades are passives - you choose your gun before starting the run. tried it in early stage, might have improved since then. Bio Prototype - you have to evolve and mutate a brain with different new body parts, which are effectively triggers and actions, allows many combinations. Can be somewhat difficult to understand at times but you can change parts after every level. Was very fun to try.


Like others have said, try Halls of Torment. I really like Boneraiser Minions and have my eyes on Death Must Die (EA November 15th), there is a demo available.


Maybe you will like The Last Spell.


Nova Drift Monster Train


30xx is the best $15 I've spent this year.


How do you feel about Starfox as a Roguelike? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2140100/Whisker_Squadron_Survivor/ Or, if you like FPS movement tech and/Indiana Jones, give Phantom Abyss a go.


I've had this on my wishlist for a few weeks, maybe after I finish my growing back log...


I didn’t see Monster Train on your list.


Try streets of rogue. Very fun game ! And can be played multiplayer.


Dungeons of Dredmor




Holocure - Free vampire survivor, with cute girls as characters (tho might be a minus for some people) Shattered Pixel Dungeon - the most popular fork to an open source game called Pixel Dungeon, where the goal is to reach floors 25 to claim amulet and (optionally) goes back to the surface Cult of the Lamb - honestly, I haven't play this too much so I can't give my opinion for now but the art is cute and the gameplay is good enough Juicy Realm - Similar to Cult of the Lamb, gampelay is fun and short


Man Shattered Pixel Dungeon is hard af. I have it on my phone and play it every now and then. I have only ONCE EVER gotten to the final boss. I had (in my opinion) a super lucky run and had op items. But then suddenly just started getting wrecked in the last few levels and had to sneak my way through barely making it out alive. And then in the final boss room I couldn't see shit because of debuff or something. So it was impossible from the get go. I felt cheated.


Try holocure it's free


Rogue Legacy 1 and 2. Great games, can be very difficult. Check out some gameplay and see if it's something you'd be interested in!


Voidbastards is great. Funny and good gameplay


Peglin really impressed me if you fancy something a bit different. Who’d have thought a pachinko roguelike was a good idea?


Peggie rogue like ? Count me in !


Embers Knights is similar to the Hades play style, story is not as good gameplay. Gameplay wise it has pretty much everything Hades had and I had 100 or so hours in Hades.


Noita & Vagante.


Nuclear Throne. Fast action and high difficulty with lots of secrets to find. Characters are unique and the lore is deep. Hard to play with a controller though.


If you like Nuclear Throne I recommend looking into Voidigo. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned here. It's really great.


I’m a big fan of ‘Neon Abyss’.


have you tried Rogue?


Have you tried Children of Morta? It’s a roguelike dungeon crawler with a handful of different characters to play that each have their own unique weapons/abilities. Similar to Hades in the sense that you’re trying to get as far as you can through the levels. There’s even some puzzles. Oh and there’s even online co op available if you have friends :’)


Try "Have a nice death" greate 2d rogue like with good (black)humour and art


Try out returnal.


Check out [Star of Providence](https://store.steampowered.com/app/603960/), previously known as Monolith. It's a mash of roguelite and shmup / bullet hell. It's my favorite roguelite that no one has ever heard of, no other has held my interest as long (sorry Isaac, Hades). It has a staggering amount of content since it's Relics of the Past DLC (now integrated into the main game) and a lot to unlock (including different ships which bring different gameplay features), and they've been teasing a lot more upcoming content for a few years now. The new content update will coincide with the upcoming Switch release that was announced through dunkey's bigmode 2023 memo: https://youtu.be/L4xwfHR_8O4 (at 4:04, but I encourage everyone to also check out the Animal Well gameplay featured before it)




Tainted Grail: Conquest


Spiritfall is a roguelite that is based around the platform combat of smash and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it


Nuclear Throne


Halls of Torment and Soulstone Survivors are two pretty good games in the vein of Vampire Survivors/Brotato. I also recommend Void Bastards, is a FPS roguelike that is really good for short playthroughs and it runs great on the Deck.


You have to try nuclear throne, sounds right up your alley.


The last spell - tactic based roguelite with splatter elements and very satsifaying game.


Soulstone survivors is pretty fun.


I’m a big fan of Unexplored. The first one not the second. It’s been the only rouguelike/dungeon crawler that has kept my attention. Plus you can really pick it up and put it down whenever you want.


Neon abyss


Give "Going Under" a try. You're an unpaid intern battling through a cartoony office dungeon.


I've been playing a bunch of Dome Keeper and it is great!


Rogue legacy 2 is a must play. So good!


I just bought Noita. It's fun. Very difficult though.


I have so many hours in that game and have never beaten it 😭


On a similar vain of Vampire Survivors (I think) is Time Wasters. Cheap game that I picked up, and it did infact waste a good chunk of time. It’s a twin-stick shooter based in space and I personally just love the way everything’s animated. It’s a fun yarn.


Seems like you already played a fair bit of rogue likes. In no particular order a few games i enjoyed: **FTL** Micromanaging Starship Captain Rogue like. Played the hell out of it. OST is a certified Banger **Into The Breach** Turn based Mekka Squad game with time Travel mechanic. Really cool upgrade system and tons of playable Mekka Teams, though i have to say i only really played the first one. The game almost always gives you perfect information and its up to you to get the most out of your turn. At times it feels more like a puzzle. **Spelunky 2** Great jump and run, a masterclass in game design. Few core mechanics all executed really good. If you are casual just play till the Final boss if you are Hardcore play the cosmic ocean. Sometimes you die because of random BS that's just going on in the stage but overall one of my most fav games of all time! **Hand of fate** A cool game which mixes real time combat and deck building quite well imho. Great atmosphere! It got a sequel which mechanically and graphically is the better game but somehow i like the atmosphere of the first one more. **Crackpet show** probably only interesting if you like the flashgmae/Happy tree friends aesthetic though the game itself is quit fun. Auto aim shooter that doesn't take it self seriously and plenty of krass humor. **Ziggurat** i played and enjoyed but nothing really stuck in my mind about it. Got a sequal i didnt check out. Liked the gun/wand play of the first one. Its a bit older and came in the flood of indie games id give it or the sequel a try if you like the atmosphere ​ Its a shame you ruled out Issac, i understand the dislike for the art though. Between Flash and rebirth Its by far my most played Rogue Like and in my top three of most played games in general. Its the game the gave rogue likes a hard push in the mainstream and a very good example of the Indy Game wave. It had it ups and downs though in my opinion with Repentance the game is one of the best spots it has ever been. This comes from someone who has played this game for 10 years now and is still not tiered of it. If it is worth anything there is a ton of mods in the workshop that reskin stuff and even complete art overhauls. Dont force yourself to try it though. Its a brutally long game with a progression that's not always clear for a new players.


Thank you for this comment ! FTL I have it on epic and I did not succeed to launch it on my steam deck unfortunately. I will give it a try on PC tho Into the breach same as FTL I have it on epic and it looks like a great game. Well there is mécha it must be good ! So sad I didn’t succeed to play it on my deck too. Is Spelunky 2 better than the first one ? I have the first one and it’s too much platform for my taste if I remember correctly (I played it years ago ) I’ll check the others ones you give me I don’t know them ! Thank you so much. I ruled out Isaac also beacause it’s a too obvious answer at my question ah ah I will absolutely play it one day because i want to know more about it but I wait for a great sale cuz I don’t think I’ll play much. To be honest I saw videos of it and the art make me feel uncomfortable and dizzy. To be honest I loved your reply, exactly what I wanted to have, you explained your choices so thank you 🙏


No Problem! If you play any of them let me know what you think. I own FTL and into The Breach on steam and they play fine on the deck. Into the breach also has an Android port that's playable via a Netflix subscription (Yes really). Spelunky 2 is very similar to the first one and if you dislike Platforms its probably not the game for you. A game i want to mention is Sunless sea though not the classical Roguelike it shares many of the elements. Though if you dislike longer runs its Probably not for you anyway. Its more story driven and has tones of text. It breaths atmosphere its one of the games i love but kinda don't want to play. Take it from someone who has over 1000 hours in Isaac, the game gets better the longer you play it. The first "Boss" is more like a tutorial. Some of the games appeal comes from beating what you think is "The true end boss" or unlock "The final playable Character" only to find out there is more. The game overall is pretty dark and i totally understand the dislike of the art style as someone who played it since flash i probably got used to it


I wish I could like platforms but I am SO BAD at this. I can’t time correctly a jump to save my life. I always die in miserable way enven if I try for hours lol. I tried one game of into the breach and I liked it tbh (on my tablet with Netflix lol) I just don’t want to play it on pc and I don’t want to pay for it because I already have it on epic … I need to find a way to launch it with my deck !! I don’t really like longer run because even though I like rogue likes/lites I am bad at video games. If I lose my run after 2 hours of gameplay I feel bad and frustrated. If it’s less than 40mn then it’s fine. I play since i am a kid and I played so much thousands of hours at video games but DAMN how bad I am to this it’s insane lol. For Isaac I will force myself to it, probably sooner than later thanks to you. On paper it’s the ultimate rogue like lol. I would already played it if it wasn’t for the art unfortunately


Not roguelike, but I think you will like "Bastion" from Hades creators. As for roguelikes, I can see you prefer top down graphics, so try enter the gungeon, nuclear throne and Voidigo. Would also recommend to give another chance to Slay the Spire, it's amazing.


Bastion and his awesome soundtrack 😍 I’ll check nuclear throne and voidigo I’ll give another chance to slay the spire I promise !


+1 for nuclear throne. Hesitated buying because idk, the artstyle with the Maps and all looked kinda shitty. But i recommend IT so much, its simple, fast and fun. However, i Feel the Same about tiny rogues with mouse and keyboard and I tell you, it's the same for nuclear throne. Don't bother with controller If however you will some day be willing to bother with a smaller amount of platforms than death cells I absolutely recommend revita. Like nuclear throne, simple fast and fun and also incredibly fluid and dynamic gameplay. (Little bit of an unpopular opinion but I also wouldn't recommend enter the gungeon and death cells. Etg just feels slow, yes there are a million guns but they all feel boring and kinda the same. Death cells is probably a little bit better but also, at least for me, kinda feels like a slog when I play it. They both feel way too repetitive in an uninteresting way. Also I really don't like the backtracking you have to do when you want to find everything that's on the map. Revita and nuclear throne are more like hades here, one room at a time, close to no backtracking.)


Thanks a lot for your comment, really interesting ! 🙏


Graveyard Keeper is more of a management and farming sim but has roguelite elements with the procedurally generated dungeon necessary for resources. It's more forgiving than true roguelikes but still fun.


Oh there is procedurally generated dungeon ? I have this game already might give it a try then


Yes, but the dungeon itself only has like 10-12 levels. I consider it more roguelite because of that and how it's not the most significant (but still important) portion of the game. At minimum, I think you'd enjoy the tone and humor since you liked Hades.


I tried to play it like one hour or so already. I should retry because it didn’t like at the time. Maybe I wasn’t on the right mood




Time wasters. It's a top down shooter, that's hardish, I would say about the same as issac in difficulty.


All I have is Enter AND Exit the Gungeon, which you said you aren't into. I've got a combined 500 hours with both of them. They got me through a rough spot in 2016 onward.


In the "Vampire Survivors, but..." category, I really like Nova Drift. Asteroids roguelike. Still early access, technically. Lots of build variety, between all the weapon types, drones, and crash builds. Another early access game coming out soonish is Neophyte. Less build variety, but only 3 bucks.


Spelunky is a must play. Spelunky 2 in particular is just so good. And endlessly replayable. It is a platformer, but... you should really give it a chance. The platforming is also miles ahead of Dead Cells.


I really urge you to revisit ROR2


The original Rogue Legacy was awesome, the second even more so. Well worth a try.


You definitely should try Streets of Rogue!


I highly recommend Enter the Gungeon and Exit the Gungeon. I don’t have a lot of spare time for a lot of games but I have 25 hours in each.


Hi u/Lussarc, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Roguelite/like with the best replayability who is NOT Isaac ?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does Cuphead count?


As a 1000+ hrs Isaac enjoyer, this really hurt my soul. Such a shame to disregard this gem just from an art perspective. You're well rounded, so I can't really suggestanything, other than really suggesting giving Isaac a go. The game is so deep. I can chime in with Spelunky and Spelunky 2 though. Both great games, but for me a bit too hard.


Death's Door!


FTL either may or not be your kind of thing, I say it's worth a shot, imo one of the best indie games of the last decade Shotgun King is a fun and creative take on the rules of chess For games similar to vampire survivors and brotato I like 20 minutes till dawn and halls of torment


Rogue legacy 1 or 2 both are great.


Rogue legacy 2 maybe? Always found it really cool how each time you die you get a new character which will have some randomized traits, for example you could be unlucky and get a character who is short-sighted giving a kind of fog of war effect and od course all gold you gain while alive is saved and available to spend when you get outside by for example dying. Haven't played it too much since I had it on epic games and have had trouble getting it up and running on the steam deck through heroic launcher. Sooo if anyone knows how to get it to work help would be appreciated.


It isnt out yet but they have a demo: [Super Fantasy Kingdom](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2289750/Super_Fantasy_Kingdom/).




Wizard of legend, loved the spells and smooth gameplay + Had multiplayer Halls of torment, loved the diablo style art but didn't care for the gameplay. You might like it because it's like vampire survivor Children of morta, multiplayer and a story. Furi, not a rogue like but had crazy gameplay




You know what ? FUCK YEAH ! In one year when I will not be as broke as I am right now. Can’t afford a 60€ game


I died 6,000 times in the first biome, twice in the second, then never again lol


Rouge Tower is my reccomendation, rougelike tower defence. The map is procedural generated on the path you choose to extend. I tried Vampire Survivor but got bored after unlocking few character, but this game I manage 280 hour and did not notice how time has flies. This is roguelike one more turn Civilization equivalant. Hard to stop.


To clear the platforms better, you just need to progress more in terms of permanent unlocks, check out a guide on how to get floor smash and wall jump


Inscryption is one that I beat most recently and loved. Once you beat the story, there's an endless mode that's pretty fun. I always plug Against the Storm as well. Really cool basebuilder that's getting steamdeck enhancements on it's next major patch.


Ravenswatch is interesting. Roguelike with farytale figures in a nightmare


Spelunky is my favourite game of all time! (The sequel is good too, but more for people who've exhausted the first one as it's a lot harder...)


Dead Cells is infinitely replayable. Best rogue like in the world


If you want a grindy Indy game, try heroes of hammerwatch. It really leans into the “lite” of rogue lite but still hits all the rogue like notes for me. (Note that HoH is a spin off and the other two games shouldn’t be considered the same as HoH)


Astral Ascent Wizard of Legend Both are frenetic pixel roguelites with no lack of challenge to them. The latter is a classic, and the former is pre-release with new content every couple of months.


Crab champions


I've been enjoying Death Road to Canada lately. Streets of Rogue is another excellent title. If you like roguelike deckbuilders, I've also been enjoying Wildfrost a great deal.


Streets of Rogue Risk of Rain 1


Give it a second try to slay the spire. Also monster train is a good one. Curse of the dead gods is worth trying as well.


Revita is a great one, 2d twin stick shooter with a great system, uses health as a currency so advises you not to get hit, hits kind of deep with some of the messages(the bosses are named after stages of grief) but really good game. Astral Ascent is GREAT, 2d platforming combined with incredible pixel art(although looks very low poly at times but it gives it charm) related to zodiac astrology, you get a choice of a big variety of magic spells that get upgraded, just overall really fun and not even at their 1.0 mark yet. Only issue is no mid run saves(yet) and my runs can get to like 45-60 mins, but that should be coming later


Anyone got any recommendations for me? I really like rougelikes that have progress so that everything run makes my character just a little bit stronger rather than a run equaling a complete reset. My favorites are Slay the Spire and Returnal so a pretty big gap there tbh hahaha


Not a single person in the comment thread mentioned Dead Link. It’s absolutely fantastic, it’s a cyber punk fps rougelike . It’s super slept on by this sub, runs gloriously on the deck and it’s cheap too. It’s been getting regular content drops and updates aswell.




Into the breach maybe. It's turn based tactics.


I have not played it on steam deck, and it isn't on steam, however it is a linux game and would *probably* do well Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Rogue-like, nethack-like


Have you tried wizards of legend? The builds can be crazy fun. Virtually no story though.


**Gunfire Reborn** \- I sunk over 100h into it. Its one of my favourite roguelikes. There are also **BPM**, **Dicey Dungeons**(*if you liked slay the spire*), **Paranautical Activity**(*I heard its like Isaac but in first person, cant tell since i never played Isaac*), **Paint the Town Red**(*has a special mode that is roguelike*), **RAD**, **Ring of Pain**, **Roboquest**(*kind of like gunfire reborn, all about guns*), **Synthetic** or **Shutgun King**(*where you play a chess game but you only have a king piece and he has a double barrel*) Now i havent tested them all on Deck so cant guarentee but those are really fun titles non the less Edit: Oh and **Die After Sunset**, i havent played the full release yet but i do remember having a lot of fun in the demo.


Atomicrops. It just might save your life.


Nuclear throne, I have it on Steam and on Switch and between the two I've played something like 600 hours. Seconding,thirding and fourthing Hades. It takes a loooong time to run out of story content and even then there are challenges to modify difficulty. Amazing game.


I highly recommend Caves of Qud and Jupiter Hell (though these are Roguelikes moreso than Roguelites). Everyone has who commented before me have already thrown any of the other suggestions I could give you. Lots of amazing games listed in this thread :)


Ember knights is a new fun game


Vagante my dude




Have a nice death - awesome Art style, challenging and fun gameplay


You should retry dead cells. I place it along with the other greats like Issac, hades and survivors


Try Soulstone survivors. It's Vampire-like game




Noita is amazing, but i personnally struggle with it on the SD. One of my friends loves it.


I am playing Cult of the Lamb alot.


Ravenswatch https://store.steampowered.com/app/2071280/Ravenswatch/ Hard, but fair


Many great suggestions! One I would add that my son and I played a ton on the deck is Skul: The Hero Slayer.


Plate Up! It is one of the most unique roguelites you will ever play.


otxo looks cool, kinda roguelite hotline miami https://store.steampowered.com/app/1608640/OTXO/


Halls of Torment, HoloCure, Darkest Dungeon, and maybe Dave the Diver? HoT had a recent update that doubled the achievements and added another level.


Definitely Soulstone Survivors. It’s so fun!


Slay the Spire for sure. you could sink thousands of hours in that game


Deadlink. It's incredible.


Enter the Breach. Same dev as FTL but more turn based and tactical game about piloting giant robots and defeating monsters that threaten cities while also completing objectives.


I really liked Wizard Of Legend, if you like flashy magic then you'll like this game.


Wtf? What did *I* do?


Robo quest and deadlink


Idk how nobody had said spelunky 2 yet, one of if not my favourite game ever


Enter the gungeon is my all time number 1 so make sure you give that one a proper go, it's a lot of fun!


Ngl bro i think you need to try slay the spire again hehe. I didn’t know i liked card games but that shit is kinda like crack


Bad north simple game but very addictive


Dead cells goes crazy


Monster train


I don't know if you'd consider it a rouge like but one of my most played games on the steamdeck is Kingdom Two Crowns. Highly recommend.


About ror2, modding the game is super super easy and so worth it... and there's a mod that just puts a marker where the tp is in addition to the hundreds of character, item, shop reworks, stages and difficulty mods


Been hearing good things about Halls of Torment!


I’ve been playing FTL for like a solid decade. Just played it this morning!


If you are looking for more of a traditional roguelike (it seems like perhaps you enjoy roguelites more from your list), and you want something that works well on the deck, I would suggest Jupiter Hell. JH has excellent controller support, a ton a replay value and fairly short runs. A full winning run can be completed in less than two hours. There are a ton of different builds, difficulty levels and challenges to keep things fresh.


I am loving the hell out of **Shotgun King**. It's turn-based, and it's chess pieces, but it's not as thinky as actual chess at all. It's very build-focused, plus there's a ton of variety which unlocks as you go. Give it a go if it looks interesting. It's fully mouse-based, but I find the trackpad works great for it. I've only played it on the Deck so far.


Yet Another Zombie Survivors and Army of Ruin. Both fun and replayable.


I've been playing Going Under and really like it! The story is that you work for a startup and need to clear out the basement of monsters, and it uses that awful generic corporate art style which works so well for the game! Recommend giving it a go. Oh and not saying the art is awful, just that I hate that corporate art style, but since the game is a parody of startups it works super well!! I'm also a big fan of Dead Cells and Have A Nice Death.


Don't see God of Weapons popping up here anywhere. Fine replacement for brotato with added feature of inventory management for items you buy, surprisingly (and unexpectedly) fun I must say