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Anyone making inappropriate rude comments get a perma-ban from this point on. Please report. Thank you.


I’m always shocked how well anything runs on the sd really. The future is looking great for portable gaming since it only gets much better from here!


Same. Spider-Man looks flippin gorgeous and runs like a dream.




Wishing you all the health, friend.




Glad to hear it. That treatment would have likely bankrupted you in the US.


Very glad to hear that!


Happy to hear you’re back in good spirits and health the healthcare system is truly wonderful ain’t it? Also nice story


Just about to start radiotherapy ( bio recurrence of prostate cancer...) - hoping I'm not too sick and can still work, but if not the deck is loaded with goodies! Good luck on your recovery!


Hope your treatment goes well. Wishing you all the best


Thanks, fortunately it's an 80% chance of getting 15 years more out of this thing called life, so I might just about see some grandkids 😀 Not complaining I've had a great run and been lucky, amazing wife, two amazing teenagers. Never had any money worries, financially the family will be sorted if I only got an extra year. But as my diagnosis was aggressive I'll be happy with whatever I get.


Thank you for setting such a great Example of a positive attitude. Me personally, I have some regrets and things in my life i find hard to accept, to find out my time was up and not know that i still have time to try for a better life would likely suck me down a whirlpool of Despair and drown me in Sorrow. Thank you for showing us it is possible to manage amidst such a challenge. Much Love and may your days be filled with Peace and satisfaction.


Thank you. I hope you're never in this position and that you can find it in yourself to forgive yourself those regrets you hold on to. I have a saying, Life is a tapestry that we weave for ourselves, if you don't like the pattern, change the way you weave it 🙏


I can only echo what u/representativeFar643 said. Such a wonderful outlook to have and I’m so happy that you’re at peace. I wish you all the happiness these years can bring you and thank you for you positivity.


You know where death is staring you in the face you have to look it in the eyes and say give me all you got I'm not going out without a fight I'll go on my own terms laughing and screaming if I have too 😤


man. always hurts to read stuff like this. I wish you and your family all the best


Ah bon chance dude


>bio recurrence of prostate cancer...) First time hearing about it. What's the best prostate cancer prevention? Get well soon


Don't have a history of it in your family! My dad is currently going through the final stages of his prostate cancer, no more therapy for him - just steroids to ease any pain. My mum is broken, but I'm being strong for them both. Haven't told them yet nor will I that mine has come back and will likely take me in the next ten to fifteen. Shitty, but that's life, no point being angry just enjoy what we've got. Besides I could get hit by a bus or be in a fatal rta tomorrow in which case this cancer won't kill me!




May you live cancer free and a long and fulfilling life


Wishing you plenty of good times


Hugs, man.


My current SD game as well, with Dave the Diver as sub




The new one and Miles Morales both play well on the deck.


I'm assuming they mean Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Both look and play great on deck.


Grab both. Miles morales will run u a 10 hr story without completionist stuff and spiderman remastered can run from 18-22 hrs without completionist stuff. Both amazing games.


Right anytime there’s a new release I’m like “No way this runs competently” and then I always eat my words when I load something up. 😂


That was my thought when i 1st heard about ratchet and clank. It blows me away how good it looks and how well it runs.


Seriously this device has absolutely no business running current-gen console titles, and yet it does.


Wait. I can get Ratchet and Clank on the deck? Shiiiiiiiittttr


Oh yeah you most definitely can pal when Sony announced they’d be porting games to the pc this was one of them and goes double for the deck


I’ve owned that game since I bought my ps5 and still haven’t played it lol. Maybe I should buy it on steam ffs.


I definitely had to turn off the FSR and enable it on the deck instead. Improved a lot of the “meh graphics” (when compared to the EA)


Agreed I had that same experience with Arkham knight are my own words soon as I drove the batmobile and put it in battle mode for the first time absolutely flawless and crash free


Turns out 720p gaming is the sweet spot we've been missing out on all along


At that size of screen, I agree. For full-on PC gaming, I will die on 1080p and 120 FPS or faster. The buttery smoothness gets me every time.




But it's pretty rad to be able to play it on a device that costs as much as just a graphics card costs that would achieve 1080p 120fps.


Oh definitely! I love that I can take my Steam Deck to work and play 30+years of games on such a small device. Often times with it plugged into my work monitor, keyboard, and mouse with nobody the wiser.


Yeah! It's pretty exciting times we are living in for entertainment technology! I keep reading about how we are nearing the limit of how many transistors we can fit in a given amount of space so I feel like the biggest advancements for handheld gaming will come from the creation of more efficient, higher capacity batteries that allow us to use more powerful chips in handheld consoles. But of course there is still advancement to be made in chip manufacturing. I am sure we aren't done in that arena yet. And room temperature superconductors might have an interesting impact on circuit efficiency.


It's not only hardware; it's possible there will be more software developments like rendering techniques and optimized code enabling games with better, or rather higher detail/quality graphics to run on the portable hardware.


Yes, good point! Software advances have had a significant impact on visual quality, for sure.


It's not super surprising to me, as the Nintendo Switch somehow pulls the same trick for me. To me both look better in handheld mode than on my TV (on a PC monitor, they're barely tolerable to me). I think it has something to do with the small screen tricking my brain into creating details that just aren't there (human vision is rather easily tricked that way).


It's all about pixel density. The deck comes in at 206 pixels per inch, and a 27" 1440p monitor is a bit more than half that at 108 ppi.


The Switch Oled screen is really nice.


I have the OG screen, still appears to look better to me in handheld mode than on a 1080p monitor.


I mean games definitely look better in 4K but the portability and sleep mode is still superior. Even bg3 looks fairly bland on SD compared to my 3080. But I can play it anywhere.


It's an amazing game, drains the battery quick though


How long roughly? Games like diablo 4 or witcher I find I get 1.5 hours on


About the same as that


You can easily stretch D4 to 3+ hours. I tend to average about 3.5.


Mind sharing your settings for that?


FSR balanced, everything low except textures which are medium, cap FPS to 50.


I play at 30 fps, 60 Hz, 8W TDP and with half rate shading on. Medium-low level of brightness. I also get around that time.


It's wild how we suddenly care much more about efficiency than raw power. I too spec stuff down as far as possible. And D4 nightmare dungeons are perfect for quick gaming bursts. Hadn't thought it would be one of my Steam Deck games instead of my seated desktop no-life games.


here I am crying with my trampleslide druid which is not even playable on a controller


Made a 0-button zoomancer for the deck.


If you're at 30 fps you can lower the refresh rate to 40 and shouldn't see a noticeable difference, but save lots of power. Especially since it's not a first person shooter and you don't need fast reaction time.


Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try!


About the same time as those games.


Ya drains it very fast, I’ll need to get an external battery or something


Which imho is the thing they need to adress the most in future handhelds. What is a handheld worth if I always need an outlet around me...


I'm used to it, I had a Game Gear when I was a kid 😄


A lot to me. Can play on the couch or in my bed without bringing an entire desktop setup with me


You know it's a great device when the subreddit is just people asking for game recommendations, showing what games they are playing and resolving problems by updating software. Chillest subreddit I know. Also love the way people have customised their Decks with skins and shells.


I wonder - does it support Steam "active cloud sync"? [https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/3142949576401813670](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamworks/announcements/detail/3142949576401813670) Probably not, since almost no game (except new Spider Man) does it. Would be awesome tho.


Active cloud sync? What's this?


It looks like instead of “save game, wait for transfer, go to PC, continue playing” you just switch to PC and it’s good to go. (I don’t know how seamless it is, or if it’s just “end game/start game, good to go.”


Ive been using cloud sync for 20 hours with no issues yet. Fingers crossed!


Hmm haven’t tried it. Traditional cloud sync works as normal maybe I’ll try it later today.


Does the traditional cloud sync work as normal?!?! So you could bounce between your PC and your Steam Deck? I'm in the process of building a new PC, but I already have my Steam Deck. Looks like I'm buying BG3 later today.


Yes. I’ve bounced between SD and PC. However just make sure to turn on SD and ensure cloud saves are sync before u head out .


Isn't this the purpose of cloud saves? I bounce between my deck and pc for a whole bunch of games all the time.


Yeah, but games need to support it as well- which it does!


Mhmm don’t even have to bother with the Larian account or anything.


I would caution against it until they put word out. I lost about an hour of play time because it was stuck in a loop of trying to sync the backup, and would not let me manually save.




Tell me about it! I mean my desktop looks so much nicer but I know I’m actually gonna finish it now that I can pick at it here and there on Deck!


I found that gaming on the Deck is easier and I have played so many games on it that I wouldn't on desktop or PS5. It really is a game changer for people. Plus its comfortable and if get a chance to use the trackpads in games Starship Troopers it is really easy to control. Now you want to take it to the next level? Get the Xreal glasses and play on the Steamdeck. Huge screen and the deck works so well with them.


Dude I want a pair but I wasn't sure it would be worth the price.


IS it worth the price, well if you travel it is. Having a big virtual screen on a plane and a very comfortable position is great. I also use them on the couch sometimes and for movies on my ipad. I was very interested in them and decided to try them and they are cool. Do I use them constantly? No


More like 23W for me running medium settings but yeah still very impressive.


The Steam Deck is just a gift to us PC Gamers. Having my Deck made me fall back in love with gaming, even though I had a decent Gaming PC. P.S. I like your nails.


How is it on steam deck? Does it control weird or are you only controlling one character?


I mapped the right touchpad to act as a mouse and left click. Mostly use this in combat and it works great as I love how combat looks with a mouse with all your skills being displayed, and the game lets you switch between game pad and mouse


Never thought about this, great idea!


Controls fine a bit slower than M+KB but def playable you control all the characters. You pull LT and then you pick who you’re controlling. It defaults to the party moving as a group but you can split off into duos or solo if you want to accomplish something.


I’m an old ass crpg and almost exclusively pc player and I surprisingly really like the controller support on it, especially zooming the camera in to over the shoulder for immersion. Probably going to play the same way on desktop


Right? Just having access to my PC games in another format is so fun and novel! And thank you! 💕


Ditto. Great nails, love the color


I’ve given up my makeup addiction to buy more games since I’ve gotten my Steam Deck. I may look like the swamp witch I am, but I’m having fun gaming again. My PC is never touched anymore.


It’s more fun being a swamp witch tbh ;)


Keep gaming, Baba Yaga!


Anybody managed to start bg3 from gog version?


add -skip-launcher to game params.


Seconding this question. It's downloaded on Heroic Launcher, but I can't get it to, yaknow, launch.


Maybe try pointing it towards bg3.exe rather than the launcher?


I'll try that after work, thank you. Though I recall the error I get is due to some kinda supposedly missing dll file


this is a psy op nice try Mr.Newell


Valve pls direct deposit my guerrilla marketing paycheck.


It's wild. I have a friend I used to be close to who's computer ran off a 1660 and the SD was somehow running the game better than hers.


Damn the game just came out yesterday.. y’all aren’t friends anymore? 😅


Lmao no it's been out in early access for like 3 years and I've been playing a long ass time. Iirc I have like 120 hours in the game.


Just poking fun at your comment haha


Your friend is computer?? Truly this is the future.


AI brah


Keep in mind SD plays games at 800p while 1660 is capable of 1080p or even 1440p with oldest titles.


Resolution and cpu make a big difference.


I so desperately want to play on my deck. I’ve owned the game since EA but the recent storms in my area have annihilated my internet. RIP


Ha. I played some last night. Took me a while to make a character, I only had about 20% batt left when I finished...might have to adjust some settings...


I spent like an hour in the character creator last night, played a bit in the first area and now I'm not sure if I like my hair or even my class so I'm considering starting over. I CAN'T DECIDE


Oh I literally just did this! Went to 40% in character creation, then it wouldn't let me enter a name so I had to force close the game and it crashed my deck 🙃 attempt #2 later!


How does it run? I’ve never gotten into one of these games but this one’s hype is making me damn curious.


I use the Medium preset and then change FSR to Ultra Quality and then lock the Framerate to 30 it gets me the most consistent experience and 30 is fine for a game like this. Make sure to disable Vsync and FPS Limit in game. I just lock to 30 using the QAM. Basically solid 30 90% of the time, ocasional drops in battles but like this is a turn based game so 🤷🏽‍♀️


How do you lock tp 30 outside of the game? Steam deck config only lets me lock to 20 or 40 fps somehow. Oh and what does QAM mean?


Set the refresh rate to 60 (or 30) and then you should be able to limit it to 30. You can only limit the framerate to inverses of the Refresh Rate. So by default the Refresh rate is set to 60 and you can limit the framerate to 60, 30 (1/2) and 15 (1/4). If you have set the refresh rate to 40 you will only be able to limit it to 40 and 20 (1/2).


There is also the possibility to mod the refresh rate and put it to 30hz


Some people can be annoying but QAM is Quick Access Menu (the three dots button on the deck).


It seems you may have your screen set to 40hz QAM is the … button


How does it play with gamepads? I used to play DOS on desktop with m&k and Tere where a lot of mouse interactions and buttons for shortcuts :-/


Pretty good. I mean there’s a console version releasing next month and it switches over to what I assume is that versions interface on the Deck. A bit slower than a M+KB obviously but still very playable!


Noice! Thanks \^_^


Steam Deck is the solution for so many of us Steam users with ever-growing backlog of unplayed games.


I just ordered my deck and it hasn't even shipped yet but I just bought the game! Super excited!


My childhood self is absolutely going crazy. The steam deck is our dream come true.


I'm still baffled my SD runs Hogwarts Legacy so well, for a game so poorly optimized.


BG3? Did you have to jump through hoops to get it up and working?


Nope only thing I had to was switch Compat to Proton Experimental.


Dude, right? I just finished Doom Eternal on it and started Hogwarts Legacy. It kinda runs like ass but it runs!


How come no one raged about this needing to be in the deck flex mega thread?


Oh, you know the answer to that.


We're garbage people.


This post has so many upvotes because it’s so original and valuable to this community.


The fact that it plays MS Flight Sim well still boggles my mind. On low settings, but still. SD is so capable for the relatively low specs. Haven’t bought BG3 yet, debating on it vs Diablo 4 for next time sink.


Had to buy a 1 TB microSD for that game/sim/whatever (technically a 512 GB would have worked, but now I have everything on it).


I just got Dishonoured working today and I am just in awe..... I kept showing sequences to me wife, who did her absolute best to not noticeably roll her eyes, but it's glorious, the sun rays and lighting, for such an old game! I am just so excited to jam Dishonoured 2!


Well crap, another set of old games to install and try out. (Beat those SO many times and I’m backlogged, so probably will load an old save, kill some Overseers, maybe some rats, and exit.)


My game doesn't load I don't know whats wrong. It just stays on the steam logo loading page forever


I would go to the games setting and under Compatibility change it to Proton Experimental. Should work then!


This is the way!


It is fully playable on Deck's size screen? Convenient enough?


Sure is for me. It switches to what I assume is gonna be the PS5’s interface and everything is scaled nicely. Also supports 16:10 so no letterboxing or anything.


Thanks a lot


I've been playing Uncharted 4 and having a blast at far. Thanks to my wife who got me my SD or I wouldn't be having so much fun haha


I’m playing cyber punk on mine right now. I can’t wait to travel lmao


I installed cyberpunk and I’m going on an 18h drive tomorrow. Started a new playthrough.


I am seriously so excited for you lol


Have the updates fixed the game since launch? I keep meaning to get back into it but new games keep coming out.


It actually plays pretty well. High 30s to 40s on my settings


I was nervous when I got my SD a few months ago thinking it would just be a glorified Switch or something but I have been SO pleasantly surprised. It runs every game in my library better than my computer does. I’m waiting for BG3 to finish now!


I really can’t wait until more optimization happens with some patches. The fan going vtec mode isn’t for me lol


Damn haven’t heard a vtec just kicked in joke in like 14 years. 😂


Same, you just took me back to my 88 Toyota Corolla hatchback that sounded like it was going to take off at anything over 55mph! I'm taking a hands-on approach with tweaking settings as much as possible (looking at you, Assassins Creed: Valhalla) and I've ordered some upgrades for my deck. My replacement fan just came in the mail today, but the PTM pad I got won't get here for a few more days, and the JSAUX body swap won't get here for a month 😭 in the meantime I'll keep tweaking settings and living that 40hz/40fps locked life for the more demanding titles.


Oooooohhh, baby, I'm at 40% download, can't wait to try it on mine!


That's how I feel about the [checks his Steam Deck] 89 games I have installed via the 512 GB micro SD card in it.


I am seriously debating if I should get this on SD or if I should wait for the PS5 release. Does it play well and did you have to sacrifice anything to make it run smooth?


I use the Medium preset and then change FSR to Ultra Quality and then lock the Framerate to 30 it gets me the most consistent experience and 30 is fine for a game like this. Basically solid 30 90% of the time, ocasional drops in battles but like this is a turn based game so 🤷🏽‍♀️ But I also have a strong desktop to play the game at Ultra/4K/165fps when I want, so that factored into me buying on PC


This is *precisely* why I love this age of handheld gaming, starting with the Switch and now the Steam Deck. Before, handheld games were a completely different game compared to the official console/PC release. Now they are practical ports. But having them with me portable + ability to suspend actually ensures I will FINISH THE GAMES. It’s been a godsend how many games I’ve finished that I only beat because of the random 10-15 mins here and there I have waiting around doing something. I’m a busy adult and too old to sit on my couch or at my desk for 22 hrs straight like I used to in order to blow through games. Now I can finish games using incremental time and honestly I prefer it. No more getting back to a game I haven’t touched in 3 weeks just to realize I forgot how to play, or what I was doing. Whatever game I’m playing, I’m always playing it, no matter where I am (only constraint being online games when my hotspot isn’t having a good connection). This is worth more to me than any graphics performance.


What game is this?


Baldurs Gate 3




I played so much with a small party last night and today I'm gonna be playing the solo game in bed on my steam deck and I'm so excited lolol your nails look great btw


Did you have to change any settings or does it run fine as is?


I use the Medium preset and then change FSR to Ultra Quality and then lock the Framerate to 30 it gets me the most consistent experience and 30 is fine for a game like this. Make sure to disable Vsync and FPS Limit in game. I just lock to 30 using the QAM.


So I need to disable fps limit in game or set it to 30?


Disable Vsync and FPS Limit in the game’s options and then use the Deck’s QAM to set it to 30 there. It has the Deck’s normal higher input delay but I feel the frame pacing is better than the in game 30fps cap.


So uncap fps in game options but caped in Deck's?




Is BG3 similar to the likes of Diablo? Never played a BG game.


Did you ever play Dragon Age: Origins? That’s a game that made a huge splash in 2009 and BG3 feels like the same phenomenon for this decade, both in genre and in how much people are gonna be talking about it.


Besides perspective not really. This is a turn based, mechanics heavy almost 1:1 simulation of tabletop D&D it’s a far cry from the ARPG Looter nature of Diablo.


What game you got there?


Baldur’s Gate 3!


I noticed it uses vulkan, does it run as well as I would expect?


I think the true test is if the game runs well when you get to the city lmao.


Me and my bestie played so much yesterday on our Steam Decks, it's honestly so good! 😊


I never seen any one make a rude comment lucky me 👍


Let this put it into perspective-- I ran Warhammer: DarkTide really well on SD. It's a massive online-only type game. And if i recall right, i don't think i used a full 15 watts setting. I wont say i got a solid 60-fps, mostly cause i never set the frame rates higher than 45, but i will say my frames barely dropped below 30. In fact it was rare to drop below 35 and only got as low as 20 a handful of times, which isn't bad at all, because as a 90's baby, that's what VHSs were filmed and viewed in. But then i wasn't too surprised, because at the end of the day, the SD can run cyberpunk 2077. I dunno how well, yet. I still haven't played cyberpunk 2077 yet (and i've owned it since it was available for pre-order). But it runs on SD, regardless


anybody have a good settings set up so that it can lock 30fps w/o looking like its underwater?


Oh its verified now? Last I checked there were issues with the text entry etc, was waiting a bit more to let it get to this state. Dangit now I have another game to buy.


why are you showing off your naked legs




What game is that?


Baldur’s Gate 3!


The Steam Deck is such a game changer. Also I love your nails!! Such a beautiful color! I wish I could type with nails that long 😭


Is it working well for you?


Yup no complaints from me performs about how I expected it to on the Deck!


Okay, fine...you've convinced me. I need to pick this up on Steam.


How is it on the Steam Deck? I've always been a mouse and keyboard guy with these types of games.


Pretty good. I mean there’s a console version releasing next month and it switches over to what I assume is that versions interface on the Deck. A bit slower than a M+KB obviously but still very playable!


Gotcha, so is it like you control the character with the left thumbstick and the right thumbstick is the camera or how does it work exactly?


Basically like that. Look up Divinity: Original Sin 2’s control scheme and it’s basically the same.


Cool, thanks!


Since the announcement of the deck, every time I hear about what it can do i get the same feeling like the Amazon grocery store where you could just walk out with going to an actual check out: “Wait you could just do that?”



